pyhton 创建shp文件并投影,批量进行坐标转换与添加投影信息,合并shp文件,分割shp文件



import shapefile
import utm

# Add projection information, the spatial coordinate system is wgs-1984-mercator projection CGS
def projection(filename, ind):
    with open(filename, 'w') as ww:
        if ind == 1:
        if ind == 2:
    with open(filename.replace(".prj", ".cpg"), 'w') as ww1:

# Create a series of points using pyshp library. Only geometric figures of the same type can be merged.
# Shapetype=1 represents points
with shapefile.Writer("./data/school", shapeType=1, encoding='UTF-8') as w:
    # Define two attributes, namely the name and number of the point
    w.field('name', 'C', 50, 0)
    w.field('id', 'N', 10, 0)
    # Storing geometric locations and attributes
    w.point(117.239252, 31.510307)
    w.record('合肥工业大学', 152453)
    w.point(117.169232, 31.550335)
    w.record('安徽大学', 312854)
    w.point(117.288322, 31.821104)
    w.record('三联学院', 323664)
    projection("./data/school.prj", 1)

with shapefile.Writer("./data/hospital", shapeType=1, encoding='UTF-8') as w:
    w.field('name', 'C', 50, 0)
    w.field('id', 'N', 10, 0)
    w.point(117.262517, 31.841903)
    w.record('安徽省人民医院', 135978)
    w.point(117.260985, 31.861645)
    w.record('安徽省第二医院', 132043)
    w.point(117.269712, 31.863475)
    w.record('工大附属医院', 343124)
    projection("./data/hospital.prj", 1)

with shapefile.Writer("./data/market", shapeType=1, encoding='UTF-8') as w:
    w.field('name', 'C', 50, 0)
    w.field('id', 'N', 10, 0)
    w.point(117.244368, 31.846191)
    w.record('万达购物广场', 136852)
    w.point(117.297992, 31.836775)
    w.record('家乐购', 246951)
    w.point(117.206234, 31.870627)
    w.record('直达便利店', 133456)
    projection("./data/market.prj", 1)

# Perform batch projection
files = ["./data/hospital", "./data/school", "./data/market"]
for file in files:
    r = shapefile.Reader(file)
    w = shapefile.Writer(file + 'UTM-50N', encoding='UTF-8')
    w.fields = r.fields
    for i in r.iterShapeRecords():
        lon, lat = i.shape.points[0]
        y, x, zone, band = utm.from_latlon(lat, lon)
        w.point(x, y)
    projection(file + 'UTM-50N' + '.prj', 2)

# Merge three point layers into city layer
with shapefile.Writer("./city", shapeType=1, encoding='UTF-8') as w:
    for m in files:
        r = shapefile.Reader(m + 'UTM-50N')
        w.fields = r.fields
        for i in r.iterShapeRecords():
    projection('city.prj', 2)

# Divide the city layer and save points with X coordinate greater than 4080694
with shapefile.Writer('./city_spilt', encoding='UTF-8') as w:
    r = shapefile.Reader('city')
    w.fields = r.fields
    for i in r.iterShapeRecords():
        if i.shape.points[0][0] > 4080694:
    projection('./city_spilt.prj', 2)
