Principle: it is difficult to find a solution, but it is easy to check the result.
Performance: low.
DLT environment: public blockchain.
Completion: probabilistic.
Example of use: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin.
Principle: the network trusts the validator, who puts his own resources as a pledge for the ability to create blocks: the larger the share, the higher the probability that the network will allow the creation of a block.
Performance: high.
DLT environment: public / private blockchain.
Completion: probabilistic.
Example of use: NXT, Tezos, soon Ethereum.
Principle: a hybrid of PoW and PoS.
Performance: low.
DLT environment: public.
Completion: probabilistic**.**
Usage example: Decred.
Principle: beacons are used to notice a node in a synchronized state, and then to mark its presence with a temporary stamp.
Performance: average.
DLT environment: public.
Completion: immediate.
Usage example: FOAM, Platin.
Proof-of-Location (PoL) allows users to secure a specific GPS location and thus authenticate themselves on the network. Interestingly, this blockchain protocol relies on BFT beacons, which record geolocation and time markers in the blockchain, which prevents disruptions and fraud in the system.
Principle: like PoS, but with additional properties that affect your ranking.
Performance: high.
DLT environment: public.
Completion: probabilistic.
Usage example: NEM.
Proof of Importance can be regarded as a novel consensus algorithm because, unlike existing consensus mechanisms such as proof of stake, it seeks to take into account one’s overall support of the network. For example with proof of stake, an argument can be made that it rewards coin hoarders. Under the proof of stake model, nodes are limited to ‘mining’ a percentage of transactions that is reflective of their stake in a cryptocurrency. For example, a proof of stake miner who owns 10% of a cryptocurrency would be able to mine 10% of blocks on the network. The limitation with this consensus model is that it incentivizes nodes on the network to save their coins, instead of spending them. It also produces a scenario in which ‘the rich get richer’, as large coin holders are able to mine a larger percentage of blocks on the network.
Proof of Importance looks to overcome the problems that can be found in the proof of stake model by identifying an account’s overall support of the network. NEM does this by accounting for three factors: vesting, transaction partners, and number and size of transactions in the last 30 days.
Transaction Partners
Number and size of transactions in the last 30 days
Principle: blocks are created in a trusted environment with equal periods.
Performance: average.
DLT environment: private blockchain, with and without permissions.
Completion: probabilistic.
Usage example: Intel.
Intel did not lag behind and developed its own blockchain protocol called IntelLedger.
This system is similar to Proof of Work but utilizes less electricity. Instead of participants solving a cryptographic puzzle, the algorithm works in a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) environment, such as Intel Software Guard Extensions (SGX). The PoET protocol guarantees that the blocks are generated randomly and without any necessary efforts.
The working of the POET algorithm is as follows. Each participating node in the network is required to wait for a randomly chosen time period, and the first one to complete the designated waiting time wins the new block. Each node in the blockchain network generates a random wait time and goes to sleep for that specified duration. The one to wake up first – that is, the one with the shortest wait time – wakes up and commits a new block to the blockchain, broadcasting the necessary information to the whole peer network The same process then repeats for the discovery of the next block.
The POET network consensus mechanism needs to ensure two important factors. First, that the participating nodes genuinely select a time that is indeed random and not a shorter duration chosen purposely by the participants in order to win, and two, the winner has indeed completed the waiting time.
Essentially, the workflow is similar to the consensus mechanism followed by Bitcoin’s proof of work (POW) algorithm, but without its high power consumption. Instead of being resource-intensive, it allows a miner’s processor to sleep and switch to other tasks for the specified time thereby increasing its efficiency.
《Proof of Elapsed Time (Cryptocurrency)》
Principle: semi-centralized blockchain for banks and insurance companies
Performance: high
DLT environment: Public, private or consortium.
Completion: probabilistic
Example of use: Kovan, Rinkeby, Giveth, TomoChain, Rublix, Swarm City, Colony, Go Chain.
Similar to PoS and DPoS, in PoA validators secure the blockchain and are able to produce new blocks. New blocks on the blockchain are created only when a supermajority is reached by the validators.
By identifying pre-selected authorities, PoA consensus becomes centralized. Therefore, it’s suited for private blockchains and consortiums, such as a group of banks or insurance companies for better scalability. The identities of all validators are public and verifiable by any third party. Having their identity at stake, validators act in the best interest of the network.
Conditions for Proof of Authority Consensus
Although the conditions may vary from system to system, the PoA consensus algorithm is usually reliant upon:
The essence behind the reputation mechanism is the certainty behind a validator’s identity. This can’t be an easy process nor one that would be readily given up. It must be capable of weeding out bad players. Finally, ensuring that all validators go through the same procedure guarantees the system’s integrity and reliability.
The perception of the PoA mechanism is that it foregoes decentralization. So one could say that this model of consensus algorithm is just an effort to make centralized systems more efficient. While this makes PoA an attractive solution for large corporations with logistical needs, it does bring some hesitation - especially within the cryptocurrency scope. PoA systems do have a high throughput, but aspects of immutability come into question when things like censorship and blacklisting can be easily achieved.
Another common criticism is that the identities of PoA validators are visible to anyone. The argument against this is that only established players capable of holding this position would seek to become a validator (as a publicly known participant). Still, knowing the validators’ identities could potentially lead to third-party manipulation. For instance, if a competitor wants to disrupt a PoA-based network, he may try to influence public known validators to act dishonestly in order to compromise the system from within.
《Proof of Authority Explained》
Principle: burning a mined PoW cryptocurrencies in exchange for mining privileges or the coins/tokens of an alternative currency
Performance: medium
DLT environment: Public
Example of use: Slimcoin and Counterparty
这个听起来就很有意思,来让我一句话挑明:想证明你的工作量也就是你的付出,如果该种加密货币是没有挖矿算法的,可以烧掉其它基于PoW的加密货币来证明你投入了很大的指出。如果烧的是比特币,则表明我间接消耗了电量,虽然我直接消耗的是金钱。如果烧了币拿不到mining right,那和费电没挖到矿没区别。如果有人说这样不是浪费比特币吗?对不起,中本聪和比特币社区的同好们并没说这种情况是不允许的。
The key idea of proof-of-burn (this would also apply to proof-of-stake, by the way) is that when choosing the thing which is to qualify as a “difficulty”, i.e. to require miners to exhibit proof that they’ve “done something that’s tough to do”, all that matters is that an individual miner finds the task expensive. (Well… it also matters that everyone else should find it cheap to verify that it has been done.) It doesn’t need to be the case that real resources are consumed in the real econom
Principle: The amount of “work” a miner will perform depends on the amount of free disk space to devote to the plotting process.
Performance: high and efficient
DLT environment: public
Example of use: Burstcoin and Bitcoin Ore
《Proof of Capacity (Cryptocurrency)》
Principle: introducing a stake-time component, where the probability to stake increases over time enhancing security and decentralization.
Performance: high
DLT environment: public
Example of use: VeriCoin Blockchain Explorer
PoST enables an almost instant and free transaction system across the globe; independent of border, nation, government, and bank. PoST maintains the efficiencies of PoS, but at the same time increases the distribution and security with a certain probability to find proof and receive a reward.
This is achieved through a cyclic time-acceptance function equivalent to the coins held and corresponding to network strength. The time-acceptance model guarantees that relatively active staking increases compensation and a chance to build consensus via proof.
We herein propose a time-accepted nonlinear consensus that maintains the efficiencies of Proof-of-Stake, while increasing the distribution and security of the consensus system with a diminishing probability to find a proof and receive reward over time. This is achieved via a periodic time-acceptance function that is proportional to the coins held and relative to network strength. This time-acceptance model ensures that relatively active staking maximizes reward and probability to form consensus via proof. This incentivizes direct and active protection of the network. Furthermore, voluntary participation in the network is driven by an inflation targeted interest rate that is inversely proportional to network strength. This increasingly rewards nodes which consistently reinforce network security. This is in addition to a time-diminishing inflation rate that is proportional to network strength and active participation in reaching consensus, and relative to the Proof-of-Work distributed initial supply. A combination of costs and rewards favors direct participation in the protection of the consensus, providing enhanced security, equability,
introducing a nonlinear proof function that defines a fraction of time active and idle, at a given block. Idle-time is defined as the fraction of age that no longer supports the distribution of consensus and instead begins to degrade it. This quantified idle-time is unique to each stake, as It decreases the probability to meet the proof and impacts the fraction of earnable matured interest via consensus. Where the fraction of accepted age (f) is equal to the squared cosine of the product of π and that transactions consensus power §, defined as the fraction coin-age (g) of the average network wide stake-time weight (n) over 60 blocks (1 hour) [figure 1]. If the consensus-power § is greater than 0.45 all age is lost and the Time-active fraction is equal to the minimum stake time (m) of 8 hours
Principle: the protocol enables smart, a social currency for publishers and content businesses
Performance: fast and efficient
DLT environment: public
Example of use: Steemit
Token systems that reward users as they contribute to a token-based community system require mechanisms for establishing and evaluating content’s social value: we call this “Proof-of-Brain.”
Principle: identity verification DApp
Performance: high
DLT environment: private
Example of use: ConsenSys and POA Network
Proof of Physical Address (PoPA) is a DApp which connects a real-life physical element with blockchain technology. This helps in verifying an individual’s identity. PoPA connects a person’s physical address with a wallet address in which they control the respective private key.
Every time a user verifies his/her card in the DApp, the PoPA protocol refreshes its own record and calls the ERC780 congenial contract to store the user/address connection.
Principle: demonstrates the feasibility of any blockchain project
Performance: unknown
DLT environment: private
Example of use: unknown
A Proof of Concept (POC) can be used in any field such including Voting trackers, Record storage, Legal documents, etc. A POC can either be a prototype without any supporting code or a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) with a base feature set. A POC is a model used for an internal organization to have a better understanding of a particular project.