1 //使用结构体有利于以后的数据扩展 2 /* 3 status 参数是用来表示当前这个点的状态的,0表示白子,1表示黑子 -1表示尚无子 4 后两个参数是用来追踪前一个点的,用于悔棋 5 */ 6 typedef struct 7 { 8 INT status; 9 //悔棋 专用 10 INT PrePointx; 11 INT PrePointy; 12 INT nVisit_flag; 13 }Chess; 14 typedef struct 15 { 16 POINT startpos;//起始地点 17 POINT endpos;//终止地点 18 INT length;//长度 19 INT ChessType;//黑白子的辨别 20 INT EffectLevel;//棋子线的影响力,这个值的优先级判定应该和长度相关联进行判断,可以考虑通过使用一个公式来计算 21 }ChessLine; 22 // Forward declarations of functions included in this code module: 23 ATOM MyRegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance); 24 BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int); 25 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); 26 INT_PTR CALLBACK About(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); 27 INT g_nbase_x = 300; 28 INT g_nbase_y = 10; 29 Chess g_ChessTable[CHESS_LINE_NUM][CHESS_LINE_NUM];//作为全局变量的数据表 30 BOOL w_b_turn = 0;//下棋顺序的控制变量 31 INT nxPosForChessTable = -1;//悔棋专用 32 INT nyPosForChessTable = -1;//悔棋专用 33 INT nRestart_Flag;//默认初始化的值为0,应该是重启游戏的标志位 34 ChessLine BestLine;//白黑的最长有效线即可 35 INT DrawMode = 0;//0常规模式 1调试模式 36 INT PlayMode = 0;//游戏模式,分为人人对战0和人机对战1 37 //使用vector等模板时,还需要注意命名空间的问题 38 std::vector<ChessLine> w_ChessLineBuffer;//这个变量用于存储所有的棋子线,白色 39 std::vector<ChessLine> b_ChessLineBuffer;//黑色 40 41 void DrawTable(HDC hdc, int base_x = 0, int base_y = 0); 42 void WinRectConvert(RECT * rect); 43 void DrawChess(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w_or_b = 0);//0为白子,1为黑子 44 void GlobalInitial();//全局初始化函数 45 void DrwaChessOnTable(HDC hdc); 46 INT IsWin(int x, int y); 47 INT TellWhoWin(HWND hWnd, INT n, RECT * rect); 48 void BkBitmap(HDC hdc, RECT * rect); 49 void DrawInfo(HDC hdc, ChessLine * cl, INT length); 50 void GetALLLine(INT w_or_b);//根据棋盘全局信息来获取对应颜色的最大长度线 51 INT GetMaxValCLAddr(ChessLine * parray, INT N);//返回最大值的数字地址 52 ChessLine * GetChessMaxSubLine(INT x, INT y, INT nColor, BOOL IfRtnVal);//获取单个点的最长线函数 53 void AddIntoBuf(ChessLine * pcl,INT w_or_b); 54 void ChessLineInitial(ChessLine * pcl, POINT * pstartpos, INT n, INT nColor); 55 inline void DeleteCL(ChessLine * pcl); 56 void DrawVecInfo(HDC hdc, std::vector<ChessLine> * pvcl); 57 ChessLine * GetBestLine(INT nColor); 58 INT GetValidSEDirection(POINT SP, POINT EP);//获取有效的方向,返回值 0,1,2,3分别对应2-6, 3-7, 4-0,5-1, 59 POINT GetAIPoint();//根据GetBestLine返回的黑白两棋子线情况来判断棋子的位置 60 POINT GetSinglePoint(); 61 INT IsValidSinglePoint(int x, int y);
3 程序调用层析如下:
4 AI部分核心函数设计部分思想
1 /* 2 3 status 参数是用来表示当前这个点的状态的,0表示白子,1表示黑子 -1表示尚无子 4 5 后两个参数是用来追踪前一个点的,用于悔棋 6 7 */ 8 9 typedef struct 10 11 { 12 13 INT status; 14 15 //悔棋 专用 16 17 INT PrePointx; 18 19 INT PrePointy; 20 21 INT nVisit_flag; 22 23 }Chess;
1 typedef struct 2 3 { 4 5 POINT startpos;//起始地点 6 7 POINT endpos;//终止地点 8 9 INT length;//长度 10 11 INT ChessType;//黑白子的辨别 12 13 INT EffectLevel;//棋子线的影响力,这个值的优先级判定应该和长度相关联进行判断,可以考虑通过使用一个公式来计算 14 15 }ChessLine;
而棋子线的优先级也可以通过一个很简单的公式计算出来,即优先级为length + EffectLevel的结果来表示。需要注意的是,EffectLevel的值是不会等于0的,这个在线检查函数中专门进行了处理,因为EffectLeve==0,意味着这条线是一条废线,两端都被堵死了,直接抛弃。
5 人人对战的核心函数(IsWin)
6 人机对战核心函数POINT GetAIPoint();
1 POINT GetAIPoint()//根据GetBestLine返回的黑白两棋子线情况来判断棋子的位置 2 3 { 4 5 //先获取全部的线。 6 7 GetALLLine(0); 8 9 GetALLLine(1); 10 11 //这里曾造成内存泄露,原因是返回路径会切断删除函数的调用 12 13 ChessLine * pw_cl = GetBestLine(0);//白子 人方 14 15 ChessLine * pb_cl = GetBestLine(1);//黑子 AI 16 17 ChessLine * pfinal_cl; 18 19 POINT rtnpos = {-1, -1}; 20 21 if(pw_cl != NULL && pb_cl != NULL) 22 23 { 24 25 //防守优先 26 27 if(pw_cl->EffectLevel + pw_cl->length >= pb_cl->EffectLevel + pb_cl->length) 28 29 pfinal_cl = pw_cl; 30 31 else 32 33 pfinal_cl = pb_cl; 34 35 } 36 37 else if(pw_cl == NULL && pb_cl != NULL) 38 39 pfinal_cl = pb_cl; 40 41 else if(pb_cl == NULL && pw_cl != NULL) 42 43 pfinal_cl = pw_cl; 44 45 else //在上面的两个ChessLine都获取不到的时候,需要做的是,尝试去获取一个单独的点。 46 47 { 48 49 POINT SingleFinalPoint = GetSinglePoint(); 50 51 return SingleFinalPoint; 52 53 }
1 void GetALLLine(INT w_or_b)//这个函数应该只处理一个点 2 3 { 4 5 //现在看,不用进行8个方向的查询,而是只需要做4个方向的查询即可,比如:1234,剩下的0567用其他的点来检测 6 7 //八个方向为上下左右以及其45度角 8 9 //8时钟方向,上位0,顺时针,从0 - 7 10 11 /* 12 13 7 0 1 14 15 6 2 16 17 5 4 3 18 19 */ 20 21 //这两个变量都设计为数组,是因为8个方向的数据,都存储处理还是可以的 22 23 //一种比较节约空间的方法是设置临时变量,存储当前结果,与上一结果相比,这样就不需要8个变量,而仅仅是两个了。 24 25 ChessLine * pCL; 26 27 28 29 INT MaxLength = 0; 30 31 POINT MaxStartPos = {0}; 32 33 POINT MaxEndPos = {0}; 34 35 //memset(ArrayLength, 0, sizeof(ArrayLength));//嘿,看代码的,你应该知道我这么用是合法的吧? 36 37 //这段代码中有一部分代码应该函数化 38 39 if(0 == w_or_b) 40 41 w_ChessLineBuffer.clear(); 42 43 else 44 45 b_ChessLineBuffer.clear(); 46 47 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 48 49 { 50 51 for(int j = 0;j < CHESS_LINE_NUM; ++ j) 52 53 { 54 55 pCL = GetChessMaxSubLine(i, j, w_or_b, FALSE); 56 57 if(pCL == NULL) 58 59 continue; 60 61 if(pCL->length > MaxLength) 62 63 { 64 65 MaxLength = pCL->length; 66 67 MaxStartPos = pCL->startpos; 68 69 MaxEndPos = pCL->endpos; 70 71 } 72 73 DeleteCL(pCL); 74 75 } 76 77 } 78 79 }
GetAllLine函数调用后,会将对应颜色的有效棋子线全部放到对应颜色棋子的vector容器中,确实做到了get all lines。
7 GetSinglePoint是干什么用的?
1 POINT GetSinglePoint() 2 { 3 //所谓singlepoint,就是8个相邻点中没有任何一点是同色点。 4 //函数返回值为从0-7中的有效点中的一个随机点 5 INT npos; 6 POINT rtnpoint = {-1, -1}; 7 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 8 { 9 for(int j = 0;j < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ j) 10 { 11 if(g_ChessTable[i][j].status != -1) 12 { 13 npos = IsValidSinglePoint(i, j); 14 if(npos == -1) 15 continue; 16 switch(npos) 17 { 18 //这里的代码直接return,就不用再break了 19 case 0: 20 rtnpoint.x = i - 1; 21 rtnpoint.y = j - 1; 22 break; 23 case 1: 24 rtnpoint.x = i; 25 rtnpoint.y = j - 1; 26 break; 27 case 2: 28 rtnpoint.x = i + 1; 29 rtnpoint.y = j - 1; 30 break; 31 case 3: 32 rtnpoint.x = i - 1; 33 rtnpoint.y = j; 34 break; 35 case 4: 36 rtnpoint.x = i + 1; 37 rtnpoint.y = j; 38 break; 39 case 5: 40 rtnpoint.x = i - 1; 41 rtnpoint.y = j + 1; 42 break; 43 case 6: 44 rtnpoint.x = i; 45 rtnpoint.y = j + 1; 46 break; 47 case 7: 48 rtnpoint.x = i + 1; 49 rtnpoint.y = j + 1; 50 break; 51 } 52 return rtnpoint; 53 } 54 } 55 } 56 return rtnpoint; 57 }
1 INT IsValidSinglePoint(int x, int y) 2 { 3 assert(x >= 0 && y >=0 && x < CHESS_LINE_NUM && y < CHESS_LINE_NUM); 4 char checkflag[8] = {0};//纯标记位 5 if(x - 1 >= 0)//一次查三个点 6 { 7 if(y - 1 >= 0) 8 { 9 if(g_ChessTable[x - 1][y - 1].status == -1) 10 checkflag[0] = 1; 11 } 12 if(g_ChessTable[x - 1][y].status == -1) 13 checkflag[3] = 1; 14 if(y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 15 { 16 if(g_ChessTable[x - 1][y + 1].status == -1) 17 checkflag[5] = 1; 18 } 19 } 20 if(y - 1 >= 0 && g_ChessTable[x][y - 1].status == -1) 21 checkflag[1] = 1; 22 if(y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM && g_ChessTable[x][y + 1].status == -1) 23 24 { 25 checkflag[6] = 1; 26 } 27 if(x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 28 { 29 if(g_ChessTable[x + 1][y].status == -1) 30 checkflag[4] = 1; 31 if(y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 32 { 33 if(g_ChessTable[x + 1][y + 1].status == -1) 34 checkflag[7] = 1; 35 } 36 if(y - 1 >= 0) 37 { 38 if(g_ChessTable[x + 1][y - 1].status == -1) 39 checkflag[2] = 1; 40 } 41 } 42 /*调试部分 43 INT nrtn = 0; 44 for(int i = 0;i < 8;++ i) 45 { 46 if(checkflag[i] == 1) 47 { 48 nrtn |= 1 << (i * 4); 49 } 50 }*/ 51 INT nCounterofValidPoint = 0; 52 for(int i = 0;i < 8;++ i) 53 { 54 if(checkflag[i] == 1) 55 nCounterofValidPoint ++; 56 } 57 if(!nCounterofValidPoint) 58 return -1; 59 srand(time(0)); 60 INT nUpSection = rand() % 8;//在这倒是正好能用作地址上限 61 INT UpSearch = nUpSection; 62 INT DownSearch = nUpSection; 63 for(;UpSearch < 8 || DownSearch >= 0;) 64 { 65 if(UpSearch < 8) 66 { 67 if(checkflag[UpSearch] == 1) 68 return UpSearch; 69 else 70 UpSearch ++; 71 } 72 if(DownSearch >= 0) 73 { 74 if(checkflag[DownSearch] == 1) 75 return DownSearch; 76 else 77 DownSearch --; 78 } 79 } 80 }
附录A 比较杂乱的最初版工作日记
Win32 SDK背景图片的处理经验
HDC htmpdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc);
//HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rect->right - rect->right, rect->bottom - rect->top);
SelectObject(htmpdc, hPicBitmap);
BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, rect->right - rect->left, rect->bottom - rect->top, htmpdc, 300, 200, SRCCOPY);
首先,先调用CreateCompatibleBitmap函数来创建一个memory DC。然后再调用LoadBitmap函数获取资源中的一张图片,这个函数调用完成后,会获取到一个位图句柄。
//8时时钟方向,上为0 顺时针,从0 - 7
7 0 1
6 2
5 4 3
我在做的时候只做了其中的2 3 4 5其中的四个方向。
INT nRight = StartPos.x + 1;
while(nRight < CHESS_LINE_NUM && g_ChessTable[nRight][StartPos.y].status == w_or_b)
ArrayEndPos[0].x = nRight - 1;
ArrayEndPos[0].y = StartPos.y;
INT nRightDownOffset = 1;//右®¨°下?方¤?向¨°的Ì?偏?移°?地Ì?址¡¤
while(StartPos.x + nRightDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \
StartPos.y + nRightDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \
g_ChessTable[StartPos.x + nRightDownOffset][StartPos.y + nRightDownOffset].status == w_or_b)
ArrayEndPos[1].x = StartPos.x + nRightDownOffset - 1;
ArrayEndPos[1].y = StartPos.y + nRightDownOffset - 1;
INT nDown = StartPos.y + 1;
while(nDown < CHESS_LINE_NUM && g_ChessTable[StartPos.x][nDown].status == w_or_b)
ArrayEndPos[2].x = StartPos.x;
ArrayEndPos[2].y = nDown - 1;
INT nLeftDownOffset = 1;//左Á¨®下?方¤?向¨°偏?移°?地Ì?址¡¤,ê?x -;ê?y +
while(StartPos.x + nLeftDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \
StartPos.y + nLeftDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \
g_ChessTable[StartPos.x - nLeftDownOffset][StartPos.y + nLeftDownOffset].status == w_or_b)
ArrayEndPos[3].x = StartPos.x - (nLeftDownOffset - 1);//为a了¢?逻?辑-清?楚t,ê?就¨ª先¨¨这a么¡ä写¡ä了¢?
ArrayEndPos[3].y = StartPos.y + nLeftDownOffset - 1;
INT MaxLengthAddr = GetMaxValnAddr(ArrayLength, 4);
if(MaxLengthAddr == -1)
2013-7-23 22:07
if (size() <= _Pos)
{ // report error
_DEBUG_ERROR("vector subscript out of range");
1 // WuZiQi20130716.cpp : Defines the entry point for the application. 2 3 // 4 5 /* 6 7 曲敬原创建于2013年07月16日 8 9 */ 10 11 #include "stdafx.h" 12 13 #include "WuZiQi20130716.h" 14 15 #include <vector>//没辙,容器还是C++好用,纯SDK程序算是破产了 16 17 #include <assert.h> 18 19 #include <ctime> 20 21 #include <cstdlib> 22 23 #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 24 25 #define TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH 35 26 27 #define CHESS_LENGTH 30 28 29 #define CHESS_LINE_NUM 15 30 31 // Global Variables: 32 33 HINSTANCE hInst; // current instance 34 35 TCHAR szTitle[MAX_LOADSTRING]; // The title bar text 36 37 TCHAR szWindowClass[MAX_LOADSTRING]; // the main window class name 38 39 //使用结构体有利于以后的数据扩展 40 41 /* 42 43 status 参数是用来表示当前这个点的状态的,0表示白子,1表示黑子 -1表示尚无子 44 45 后两个参数是用来追踪前一个点的,用于悔棋 46 47 */ 48 49 typedef struct 50 51 { 52 53 INT status; 54 55 //悔棋 专用 56 57 INT PrePointx; 58 59 INT PrePointy; 60 61 INT nVisit_flag; 62 63 }Chess; 64 65 typedef struct 66 67 { 68 69 POINT startpos;//起始地点 70 71 POINT endpos;//终止地点 72 73 INT length;//长度 74 75 INT ChessType;//黑白子的辨别 76 77 INT EffectLevel;//棋子线的影响力,这个值的优先级判定应该和长度相关联进行判断,可以考虑通过使用一个公式来计算 78 79 }ChessLine; 80 81 // Forward declarations of functions included in this code module: 82 83 ATOM MyRegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance); 84 85 BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int); 86 87 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); 88 89 INT_PTR CALLBACK About(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); 90 91 INT g_nbase_x = 300; 92 93 INT g_nbase_y = 10; 94 95 Chess g_ChessTable[CHESS_LINE_NUM][CHESS_LINE_NUM];//作为全局变量的数据表 96 97 BOOL w_b_turn = 0;//下棋顺序的控制变量 98 99 INT nxPosForChessTable = -1;//悔棋专用 100 101 INT nyPosForChessTable = -1;//悔棋专用 102 103 INT nRestart_Flag;//默认初始化的值为0,应该是重启游戏的标志位 104 105 ChessLine BestLine;//白黑的最长有效线即可 106 107 INT DrawMode = 0;//0常规模式 1调试模式 108 109 INT PlayMode = 0;//游戏模式,分为人人对战0和人机对战1 110 111 //使用vector等模板时,还需要注意命名空间的问题 112 113 std::vector<ChessLine> w_ChessLineBuffer;//这个变量用于存储所有的棋子线,白色 114 115 std::vector<ChessLine> b_ChessLineBuffer;//黑色 116 117 118 119 void DrawTable(HDC hdc, int base_x = 0, int base_y = 0); 120 121 void WinRectConvert(RECT * rect); 122 123 void DrawChess(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w_or_b = 0);//0为白子,1为黑子 124 125 void GlobalInitial();//全局初始化函数 126 127 void DrwaChessOnTable(HDC hdc); 128 129 INT IsWin(int x, int y); 130 131 INT TellWhoWin(HWND hWnd, INT n, RECT * rect); 132 133 void BkBitmap(HDC hdc, RECT * rect); 134 135 void DrawInfo(HDC hdc, ChessLine * cl, INT length); 136 137 void GetALLLine(INT w_or_b);//根据棋盘全局信息来获取对应颜色的最大长度线 138 139 INT GetMaxValCLAddr(ChessLine * parray, INT N);//返回最大值的数字地址 140 141 ChessLine * GetChessMaxSubLine(INT x, INT y, INT nColor, BOOL IfRtnVal);//获取单个点的最长线函数 142 143 void AddIntoBuf(ChessLine * pcl,INT w_or_b); 144 145 void ChessLineInitial(ChessLine * pcl, POINT * pstartpos, INT n, INT nColor); 146 147 inline void DeleteCL(ChessLine * pcl); 148 149 void DrawVecInfo(HDC hdc, std::vector<ChessLine> * pvcl); 150 151 ChessLine * GetBestLine(INT nColor); 152 153 INT GetValidSEDirection(POINT SP, POINT EP);//获取有效的方向,返回值 0,1,2,3分别对应2-6, 3-7, 4-0,5-1, 154 155 POINT GetAIPoint();//根据GetBestLine返回的黑白两棋子线情况来判断棋子的位置 156 157 POINT GetSinglePoint(); 158 159 INT IsValidSinglePoint(int x, int y); 160 161 162 163 int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, 164 165 HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, 166 167 LPTSTR lpCmdLine, 168 169 int nCmdShow) 170 171 { 172 173 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hPrevInstance); 174 175 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lpCmdLine); 176 177 178 179 // TODO: Place code here. 180 181 MSG msg; 182 183 HACCEL hAccelTable; 184 185 186 187 // Initialize global strings 188 189 LoadString(hInstance, IDS_APP_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_LOADSTRING); 190 191 LoadString(hInstance, IDC_WUZIQI20130716, szWindowClass, MAX_LOADSTRING); 192 193 MyRegisterClass(hInstance); 194 195 196 197 // Perform application initialization: 198 199 if (!InitInstance (hInstance, nCmdShow)) 200 201 { 202 203 return FALSE; 204 205 } 206 207 208 209 hAccelTable = LoadAccelerators(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_WUZIQI20130716)); 210 211 212 213 // Main message loop: 214 215 while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) 216 217 { 218 219 if (!TranslateAccelerator(msg.hwnd, hAccelTable, &msg)) 220 221 { 222 223 TranslateMessage(&msg); 224 225 DispatchMessage(&msg); 226 227 } 228 229 } 230 231 232 233 return (int) msg.wParam; 234 235 } 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 // 244 245 // FUNCTION: MyRegisterClass() 246 247 // 248 249 // PURPOSE: Registers the window class. 250 251 // 252 253 // COMMENTS: 254 255 // 256 257 // This function and its usage are only necessary if you want this code 258 259 // to be compatible with Win32 systems prior to the 'RegisterClassEx' 260 261 // function that was added to Windows 95. It is important to call this function 262 263 // so that the application will get 'well formed' small icons associated 264 265 // with it. 266 267 // 268 269 ATOM MyRegisterClass(HINSTANCE hInstance) 270 271 { 272 273 WNDCLASSEX wcex; 274 275 276 277 wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); 278 279 280 281 wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW; 282 283 wcex.lpfnWndProc = WndProc; 284 285 wcex.cbClsExtra = 0; 286 287 wcex.cbWndExtra = 0; 288 289 wcex.hInstance = hInstance; 290 291 wcex.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_WUZIQI20130716)); 292 293 wcex.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); 294 295 wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1); 296 297 wcex.lpszMenuName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_WUZIQI20130716); 298 299 wcex.lpszClassName = szWindowClass; 300 301 wcex.hIconSm = LoadIcon(wcex.hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_SMALL)); 302 303 304 305 return RegisterClassEx(&wcex); 306 307 } 308 309 310 311 // 312 313 // FUNCTION: InitInstance(HINSTANCE, int) 314 315 // 316 317 // PURPOSE: Saves instance handle and creates main window 318 319 // 320 321 // COMMENTS: 322 323 // 324 325 // In this function, we save the instance handle in a global variable and 326 327 // create and display the main program window. 328 329 // 330 331 BOOL InitInstance(HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow) 332 333 { 334 335 HWND hWnd; 336 337 338 339 hInst = hInstance; // Store instance handle in our global variable 340 341 342 343 hWnd = CreateWindow(szWindowClass, szTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 344 345 CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL); 346 347 348 349 if (!hWnd) 350 351 { 352 353 return FALSE; 354 355 } 356 357 358 359 ShowWindow(hWnd, nCmdShow); 360 361 UpdateWindow(hWnd); 362 363 364 365 return TRUE; 366 367 } 368 369 370 371 // 372 373 // FUNCTION: WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) 374 375 // 376 377 // PURPOSE: Processes messages for the main window. 378 379 // 380 381 // WM_COMMAND - process the application menu 382 383 // WM_PAINT - Paint the main window 384 385 // WM_DESTROY - post a quit message and return 386 387 // 388 389 // 390 391 LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 392 393 { 394 395 int wmId, wmEvent; 396 397 PAINTSTRUCT ps; 398 399 HDC hdc; 400 401 RECT winrect; 402 403 INT nlxPos; 404 405 INT nlyPos; 406 407 INT nDBPosx; 408 409 INT nDBPosy; 410 411 INT IORtmpx;//给IDM_OPTION_REGRET消息用的 412 413 INT IORtmpy; 414 415 POINT AIPoint; 416 417 HMENU SubMenu; 418 419 switch (message) 420 421 { 422 423 case WM_CREATE: 424 425 GlobalInitial(); 426 427 break; 428 429 case WM_COMMAND: 430 431 wmId = LOWORD(wParam); 432 433 wmEvent = HIWORD(wParam); 434 435 // Parse the menu selections: 436 437 switch (wmId) 438 439 { 440 441 case IDM_ABOUT: 442 443 DialogBox(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ABOUTBOX), hWnd, About); 444 445 break; 446 447 case IDM_EXIT: 448 449 DestroyWindow(hWnd); 450 451 break; 452 453 case IDM_OPTION_REGRET: 454 455 //这一步是专门给悔棋用的 456 457 //根据当前节点的指向,进行退解 458 459 if(nxPosForChessTable < 0 || nyPosForChessTable < 0) 460 461 break; 462 463 //下面这段代码还挺好使的 464 465 IORtmpx = nxPosForChessTable; 466 467 IORtmpy = nyPosForChessTable; 468 469 g_ChessTable[IORtmpx][IORtmpy].status = -1; 470 471 nxPosForChessTable = g_ChessTable[IORtmpx][IORtmpy].PrePointx; 472 473 nyPosForChessTable = g_ChessTable[IORtmpx][IORtmpy].PrePointy; 474 475 //清理工作 476 477 g_ChessTable[IORtmpx][IORtmpy].PrePointx = -1; 478 479 g_ChessTable[IORtmpx][IORtmpy].PrePointy = -1; 480 481 (++w_b_turn) %= 2;//再次变成0或1 482 483 InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); 484 485 break; 486 487 case ID_OPTION_PLAYMODE: 488 489 (++ PlayMode) %= 2; 490 491 SubMenu= GetSubMenu(GetMenu(hWnd), 1); 492 493 if(PlayMode == 1) 494 495 CheckMenuItem(SubMenu, 1, MF_CHECKED|MF_BYPOSITION); 496 497 else 498 499 CheckMenuItem(SubMenu, 1, MF_UNCHECKED|MF_BYPOSITION); 500 501 GlobalInitial(); 502 503 InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); 504 505 break; 506 507 case ID_OPTION_AIWATCH: 508 509 SubMenu= GetSubMenu(GetMenu(hWnd), 1); 510 511 (++ DrawMode) %= 2; 512 513 if(DrawMode == 1) 514 515 CheckMenuItem(SubMenu, 2, MF_CHECKED|MF_BYPOSITION); 516 517 else 518 519 CheckMenuItem(SubMenu, 2, MF_UNCHECKED|MF_BYPOSITION); 520 521 InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); 522 523 break; 524 525 default: 526 527 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); 528 529 } 530 531 break; 532 533 case WM_PAINT: 534 535 hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); 536 537 GetWindowRect(hWnd, &winrect); 538 539 540 541 WinRectConvert(&winrect); 542 543 //防闪屏处理 544 545 //FillRect(hdc, &winrect, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH)); 546 547 BkBitmap(hdc, &winrect); 548 549 550 551 //DrawChess(hdc, 10, 10, 0); 552 553 //根据棋盘对应数据来画棋棋子 554 555 // TODO: Add any drawing code here... 556 557 EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); 558 559 break; 560 561 case WM_ERASEBKGND: 562 563 //这块代码就是为了进行消息拦截,因为我并不需要把屏幕背景重新刷一遍,那样会导致闪屏 564 565 break; 566 567 case WM_DESTROY: 568 569 PostQuitMessage(0); 570 571 break; 572 573 case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: 574 575 nlxPos = LOWORD(lParam) - g_nbase_x; 576 577 nlyPos = HIWORD(lParam) - g_nbase_y; 578 579 //部分初始化 580 581 GetWindowRect(hWnd, &winrect); 582 583 WinRectConvert(&winrect); 584 585 //做完了减法,一定要判断结果是否依旧大于0; 586 587 if(nlxPos <= 0 || nlyPos <= 0) 588 589 return 0; 590 591 //这两个除法主要是获取左上角的坐标,用来转换到棋盘数据对应的地址,同时下棋 592 593 nDBPosx = nlxPos / TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH; 594 595 nDBPosy = nlyPos / TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH; 596 597 if(nDBPosx >= CHESS_LINE_NUM || nDBPosy >= CHESS_LINE_NUM) 598 599 return 0; 600 601 //坐标判定有效之后,还需要对当前点的数据否有效进行检测 602 603 if(g_ChessTable[nDBPosx][nDBPosy].status != -1) 604 605 return 0; 606 607 else 608 609 { 610 611 g_ChessTable[nDBPosx][nDBPosy].status = w_b_turn; 612 613 g_ChessTable[nDBPosx][nDBPosy].PrePointx = nxPosForChessTable; 614 615 g_ChessTable[nDBPosx][nDBPosy].PrePointy = nyPosForChessTable; 616 617 //复制完成后,再更新前点坐标 618 619 nxPosForChessTable = nDBPosx; 620 621 nyPosForChessTable = nDBPosy; 622 623 DrawChess(GetDC(hWnd), nDBPosx * TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH + g_nbase_x, nDBPosy * TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH + g_nbase_y, w_b_turn); 624 625 TellWhoWin(hWnd, IsWin(nDBPosx, nDBPosy), &winrect); 626 627 } 628 629 //这里我打算改成GetAIPoint函数执行全部的AI函数调用,包括相关的数据显示 630 631 if(PlayMode)//1的时候执行人机对战 632 633 { 634 635 AIPoint = GetAIPoint(); 636 637 if(AIPoint.x != -1 && AIPoint.y != -1) 638 639 g_ChessTable[AIPoint.x][AIPoint.y].status = ((++w_b_turn) %= 2);//顺便执行了 640 641 g_ChessTable[AIPoint.x][AIPoint.y].PrePointx = nxPosForChessTable; 642 643 g_ChessTable[AIPoint.x][AIPoint.y].PrePointy = nyPosForChessTable; 644 645 //前点坐标更新 646 647 nxPosForChessTable = AIPoint.x; 648 649 nyPosForChessTable = AIPoint.y; 650 651 if(DrawMode == 0) 652 653 DrawChess(GetDC(hWnd), AIPoint.x * TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH + g_nbase_x, AIPoint.y * TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH + g_nbase_y, w_b_turn); 654 655 else 656 657 InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE); 658 659 TellWhoWin(hWnd, IsWin(AIPoint.x, AIPoint.y), &winrect); 660 661 } 662 663 //绘图部分 664 665 (++w_b_turn) %= 2;//再次变成0或1; 666 667 668 669 break; 670 671 default: 672 673 return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); 674 675 } 676 677 return 0; 678 679 } 680 681 682 683 // Message handler for about box. 684 685 INT_PTR CALLBACK About(HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) 686 687 { 688 689 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(lParam); 690 691 switch (message) 692 693 { 694 695 case WM_INITDIALOG: 696 697 return (INT_PTR)TRUE; 698 699 700 701 case WM_COMMAND: 702 703 if (LOWORD(wParam) == IDOK || LOWORD(wParam) == IDCANCEL) 704 705 { 706 707 EndDialog(hDlg, LOWORD(wParam)); 708 709 return (INT_PTR)TRUE; 710 711 } 712 713 break; 714 715 } 716 717 return (INT_PTR)FALSE; 718 719 } 720 721 722 723 void DrawTable(HDC hdc, int base_x, int base_y) 724 725 { 726 727 int nsquarelength = TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH; 728 729 int nTableOffset = TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH / 2; 730 731 //画竖表格 732 733 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 734 735 { 736 737 MoveToEx(hdc, i * nsquarelength + base_x + nTableOffset, base_y + nTableOffset, NULL); 738 739 LineTo(hdc, i * nsquarelength + base_x + nTableOffset, (CHESS_LINE_NUM - 1) * nsquarelength + base_y + nTableOffset); 740 741 } 742 743 //画横表格 744 745 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 746 747 { 748 749 MoveToEx(hdc, base_x + nTableOffset, i * nsquarelength + base_y + nTableOffset, NULL); 750 751 LineTo(hdc, (CHESS_LINE_NUM - 1) * nsquarelength + base_x + nTableOffset, i * nsquarelength + base_y + nTableOffset); 752 753 } 754 755 } 756 757 758 759 void DrwaChessOnTable(HDC hdc) 760 761 { 762 763 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 764 765 for(int j = 0;j < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ j) 766 767 { 768 769 if(g_ChessTable[i][j].status != -1) 770 771 { 772 773 DrawChess(hdc, i * TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH + g_nbase_x, j * TABLE_SQUARE_LENGTH + g_nbase_y, g_ChessTable[i][j].status); 774 775 } 776 777 } 778 779 } 780 781 void DrawChess(HDC hdc, int x, int y, int w_or_b)//0为白子,1为黑子 782 783 { 784 785 DWORD chesscolor; 786 787 if(w_or_b == 0) 788 789 { 790 791 chesscolor = RGB(255, 255, 255);//灰色,因为棋盘颜色背景还未选好 792 793 } 794 795 else 796 797 { 798 799 chesscolor = RGB(0, 0, 0); 800 801 } 802 803 HBRUSH ChessBrush = CreateSolidBrush(chesscolor); 804 805 HBRUSH OldBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, ChessBrush); 806 807 //下面这两行的+2是根据效果手动确定的,效果还不错。 808 809 Ellipse(hdc, x + 2, y + 2, x + CHESS_LENGTH, y + CHESS_LENGTH); 810 811 ChessBrush = (HBRUSH)SelectObject(hdc, OldBrush); 812 813 assert(DeleteObject(ChessBrush) != 0); 814 815 } 816 817 818 819 void WinRectConvert(RECT * rect) 820 821 { 822 823 rect->bottom -= rect->top; 824 825 rect->right -= rect->left; 826 827 rect->left = 0; 828 829 rect->top = 0; 830 831 } 832 833 834 835 void GlobalInitial() 836 837 { 838 839 //初始化19*19的结构数组 840 841 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 842 843 for(int j = 0;j < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ j) 844 845 { 846 847 g_ChessTable[i][j].status = -1; 848 849 //因为0 0 这个点是有效的坐标,因此初始化为-1用来表示无效点 850 851 g_ChessTable[i][j].PrePointx = -1; 852 853 g_ChessTable[i][j].PrePointy = -1; 854 855 856 857 g_ChessTable[i][j].nVisit_flag = 0;//该参数表明此节点节点是否已经访问过。0未访问 1访问 858 859 } 860 861 w_ChessLineBuffer.clear(); 862 863 b_ChessLineBuffer.clear(); 864 865 ; 866 867 } 868 869 870 871 INT IsWin(int x, int y) 872 873 { 874 875 //这个逻辑要仔细的想一下 876 877 //首先 在这段代码里 我很想说 如果每次都是对整个棋盘进行检查,实在是太笨了。 878 879 //毕竟每次要做的,仅仅是检查当前这点关联单位是否满足条件,而且,只关心上一点的颜色即可 880 881 882 883 int nTheColor = w_b_turn; 884 885 int CheckCounter = 0; 886 887 //行检查 888 889 int xStartPos; 890 891 if(x - 4 >= 0) 892 893 xStartPos = x - 4; 894 895 else 896 897 xStartPos = 0; 898 899 int xEndPos; 900 901 if(x + 4 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 902 903 xEndPos = x + 4; 904 905 else 906 907 xEndPos = (CHESS_LINE_NUM - 1); 908 909 CheckCounter = 0; 910 911 for(int i = xStartPos;i <= xEndPos;++ i) 912 913 { 914 915 if(g_ChessTable[i][y].status == nTheColor) 916 917 { 918 919 CheckCounter++; 920 921 if(CheckCounter >= 5) 922 923 { 924 925 CheckCounter = 0; 926 927 return nTheColor; 928 929 } 930 931 } 932 933 else 934 935 { 936 937 CheckCounter = 0; 938 939 } 940 941 } 942 943 //列检查 944 945 int yStartPos; 946 947 if(y - 4 >= 0) 948 949 yStartPos = y - 4; 950 951 else 952 953 yStartPos = 0; 954 955 int yEndPos; 956 957 if(y + 4 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 958 959 yEndPos = y + 4; 960 961 else 962 963 yEndPos = (CHESS_LINE_NUM - 1); 964 965 CheckCounter = 0; 966 967 for(int i = yStartPos;i <= yEndPos;++ i) 968 969 { 970 971 if(g_ChessTable[x][i].status == nTheColor) 972 973 { 974 975 CheckCounter++; 976 977 if(CheckCounter >= 5) 978 979 { 980 981 CheckCounter = 0; 982 983 return nTheColor; 984 985 } 986 987 } 988 989 else 990 991 { 992 993 CheckCounter = 0; 994 995 } 996 997 } 998 999 //左上角到右下角检查 1000 1001 CheckCounter = 0; 1002 1003 for(int i = -4;i <= 4;++ i) 1004 1005 { 1006 1007 if(x + i < 0 || y + i < 0 || x + i >= CHESS_LINE_NUM || y + i >= CHESS_LINE_NUM) 1008 1009 { 1010 1011 continue; 1012 1013 } 1014 1015 else 1016 1017 { 1018 1019 if(g_ChessTable[x + i][y + i].status == nTheColor) 1020 1021 { 1022 1023 CheckCounter ++; 1024 1025 if(CheckCounter >= 5) 1026 1027 { 1028 1029 CheckCounter = 0; 1030 1031 return nTheColor; 1032 1033 } 1034 1035 } 1036 1037 else 1038 1039 { 1040 1041 CheckCounter = 0; 1042 1043 } 1044 1045 } 1046 1047 } 1048 1049 //右上角到左下角检查 1050 1051 CheckCounter = 0; 1052 1053 for(int i = -4;i <= 4;++ i) 1054 1055 { 1056 1057 if(x - i < 0 || y + i < 0 || x - i >= CHESS_LINE_NUM || y + i >= CHESS_LINE_NUM) 1058 1059 { 1060 1061 continue; 1062 1063 } 1064 1065 else 1066 1067 { 1068 1069 if(g_ChessTable[x - i][y + i].status == nTheColor) 1070 1071 { 1072 1073 CheckCounter ++; 1074 1075 if(CheckCounter >= 5) 1076 1077 { 1078 1079 CheckCounter = 0; 1080 1081 return nTheColor; 1082 1083 } 1084 1085 } 1086 1087 else 1088 1089 { 1090 1091 CheckCounter = 0; 1092 1093 } 1094 1095 } 1096 1097 } 1098 1099 return -1; 1100 1101 } 1102 1103 1104 1105 INT TellWhoWin(HWND hWnd, INT n, RECT * rect) 1106 1107 { 1108 1109 //SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT);这个透明参数,想了想 还是算了,背景不透明更好一点。 1110 1111 /*把这段代码注释掉的原因是因为目前画面做的还不够好,这样还不如直接使用messagebox函数 1112 1113 rect->top += rect->bottom / 2; 1114 1115 LOGFONT lf; 1116 1117 memset(&lf, 0, sizeof(lf)); 1118 1119 lf.lfHeight = 50; 1120 1121 HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirect(&lf); 1122 1123 HFONT OldFont = (HFONT)SelectObject(hdc, hfont);*/ 1124 1125 switch(n) 1126 1127 { 1128 1129 case 0: 1130 1131 //打出来白方胜 1132 1133 //DrawText(hdc, _T("白方胜"), 3, rect, DT_CENTER); 1134 1135 MessageBeep(-1); 1136 1137 MessageBox(hWnd, _T("白方胜"), _T("Notice"), 0); 1138 1139 break; 1140 1141 case 1: 1142 1143 //DrawText(hdc, _T("黑方胜"), 3, rect, DT_CENTER); 1144 1145 MessageBeep(-1); 1146 1147 MessageBox(hWnd, _T("黑方胜"), _T("Notice"), 0); 1148 1149 //这个自然就是黑方胜了 1150 1151 break; 1152 1153 default: 1154 1155 //DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc,OldFont)); 1156 1157 return 0; 1158 1159 break;//这个break虽然没用,但是看着毕竟还是舒服点 1160 1161 } 1162 1163 //DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc,OldFont)); 1164 1165 GlobalInitial(); 1166 1167 InvalidateRect(hWnd, NULL, TRUE);//擦写屏幕 1168 1169 // 1170 1171 return 1; 1172 1173 } 1174 1175 1176 1177 void BkBitmap(HDC hdc, RECT * rect) 1178 1179 { 1180 1181 HDC htmpdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc); 1182 1183 //HBITMAP hbitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc, rect->right - rect->right, rect->bottom - rect->top); 1184 1185 HBITMAP hPicBitmap = LoadBitmap(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_BKBITMAP)); 1186 1187 HBITMAP OldBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(htmpdc, hPicBitmap); 1188 1189 1190 1191 //代码整合的尝试 1192 1193 DrawTable(htmpdc, g_nbase_x, g_nbase_y); 1194 1195 DrwaChessOnTable(htmpdc); 1196 1197 1198 1199 //调试专用 1200 1201 SetBkMode(htmpdc, TRANSPARENT); 1202 1203 //DrawInfo(htmpdc, MaxOfw_bLine, 2); 1204 1205 if(DrawMode) 1206 1207 DrawVecInfo(htmpdc, &w_ChessLineBuffer); 1208 1209 1210 1211 BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, rect->right - rect->left, rect->bottom - rect->top, htmpdc, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); 1212 1213 hPicBitmap = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(htmpdc, OldBitmap); 1214 1215 DeleteObject(hPicBitmap); 1216 1217 DeleteDC(htmpdc); 1218 1219 } 1220 1221 1222 1223 void DrawInfo(HDC hdc, ChessLine * cl, INT length) 1224 1225 { 1226 1227 TCHAR WORD[100]; 1228 1229 TCHAR TMPWORD[3];//三个应该就够用了 1230 1231 for(int i = 0;i < length;++ i) 1232 1233 { 1234 1235 if(cl[i].ChessType == 0) 1236 1237 wcscpy(TMPWORD, _T("白方")); 1238 1239 else 1240 1241 wcscpy(TMPWORD, _T("黑方")); 1242 1243 wsprintf(WORD, _T("%s:StartPos x:%d y:%dEndPos x:%d y%d:%Length: %d"), 1244 1245 TMPWORD, 1246 1247 cl[i].startpos.x, 1248 1249 cl[i].startpos.y, 1250 1251 cl[i].endpos.x, 1252 1253 cl[i].endpos.y, 1254 1255 cl[i].length 1256 1257 ); 1258 1259 TextOut(hdc, 0,i * 100, WORD, 3); 1260 1261 TextOut(hdc, 0,i * 100 + 20, WORD + 3,wcslen(WORD) - 3); 1262 1263 } 1264 1265 } 1266 1267 POINT AIDeal(INT posx, INT posy)//因为大多数的变量都是全局变量,所以不需要很多参数。这两个参数是刚刚按下的点 1268 1269 { 1270 1271 POINT tmppoint; 1272 1273 return tmppoint; 1274 1275 } 1276 1277 1278 1279 void GetALLLine(INT w_or_b)//这个函数应该只处理一个点 1280 1281 { 1282 1283 //现在看,不用进行8个方向的查询,而是只需要做4个方向的查询即可,比如:1234,剩下的0567用其他的点来检测 1284 1285 //八个方向为上下左右以及其45度角 1286 1287 //8时钟方向,上位0,顺时针,从0 - 7 1288 1289 /* 1290 1291 7 0 1 1292 1293 6 2 1294 1295 5 4 3 1296 1297 */ 1298 1299 /*这个方法是有缺陷的,正常方法应该是对每个点都进行遍历,换言之,应该对点使用递归函数*/ 1300 1301 //0方向的全部线查找 1302 1303 1304 1305 //这两个变量都设计为数组,是因为8个方向的数据,都存储处理还是可以的 1306 1307 //一种比较节约空间的方法是设置临时变量,存储当前结果,与上一结果相比,这样就不需要8个变量,而仅仅是两个了。 1308 1309 ChessLine * pCL; 1310 1311 1312 1313 INT MaxLength = 0; 1314 1315 POINT MaxStartPos = {0}; 1316 1317 POINT MaxEndPos = {0}; 1318 1319 //memset(ArrayLength, 0, sizeof(ArrayLength));//嘿,看代码的,你应该知道我这么用是合法的吧? 1320 1321 //这段代码中有一部分代码应该函数化 1322 1323 if(0 == w_or_b) 1324 1325 w_ChessLineBuffer.clear(); 1326 1327 else 1328 1329 b_ChessLineBuffer.clear(); 1330 1331 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 1332 1333 { 1334 1335 for(int j = 0;j < CHESS_LINE_NUM; ++ j) 1336 1337 { 1338 1339 pCL = GetChessMaxSubLine(i, j, w_or_b, FALSE); 1340 1341 if(pCL == NULL) 1342 1343 continue; 1344 1345 if(pCL->length > MaxLength) 1346 1347 { 1348 1349 MaxLength = pCL->length; 1350 1351 MaxStartPos = pCL->startpos; 1352 1353 MaxEndPos = pCL->endpos; 1354 1355 } 1356 1357 DeleteCL(pCL); 1358 1359 } 1360 1361 } 1362 1363 } 1364 1365 INT GetMaxValCLAddr(ChessLine * parray, INT N) 1366 1367 { 1368 1369 if(parray == NULL && N <= 0) 1370 1371 return -1;//用来表示无效的数字 1372 1373 INT maxval = parray[0].length; 1374 1375 INT nrtnaddr = 0; 1376 1377 for(int i = 1;i < N;++ i) 1378 1379 { 1380 1381 if(maxval < parray[i].length) 1382 1383 { 1384 1385 maxval = parray[i].length; 1386 1387 nrtnaddr = i; 1388 1389 } 1390 1391 } 1392 1393 return nrtnaddr; 1394 1395 } 1396 1397 1398 1399 ChessLine * GetChessMaxSubLine(INT x, INT y, INT nColor, BOOL IfRtnVal) 1400 1401 { 1402 1403 INT CheckNum = 4; 1404 1405 POINT StartPos; 1406 1407 ChessLine JudgeLine[8]; 1408 1409 //判断点是否合法 1410 1411 if(nColor != g_ChessTable[x][y].status) 1412 1413 return NULL;//放弃当前点 1414 1415 //当前点合法后,开始8个方向的遍历 1416 1417 //初始化 1418 1419 StartPos.x = x; 1420 1421 StartPos.y = y; 1422 1423 //一旦这个点被选入,初始长度肯定至少是1 1424 1425 ChessLineInitial(JudgeLine, &StartPos, 8, nColor); 1426 1427 JudgeLine[0].endpos = StartPos; 1428 1429 //2方向 1430 1431 INT nRight = StartPos.x + 1; 1432 1433 while(nRight < CHESS_LINE_NUM && g_ChessTable[nRight][StartPos.y].status == nColor) 1434 1435 { 1436 1437 JudgeLine[0].length++; 1438 1439 nRight++;//向右查找 1440 1441 } 1442 1443 //保存对应的点 1444 1445 JudgeLine[0].endpos.x = nRight - 1; 1446 1447 JudgeLine[0].endpos.y = StartPos.y; 1448 1449 //检测线两端的情况,数据存储在Effectivelevel中 1450 1451 //线左端方向的查找 1452 1453 if(JudgeLine[0].startpos.x - 1 >= 0)//边界判断的前提条件 1454 1455 { 1456 1457 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[0].startpos.x - 1][JudgeLine[0].startpos.y].status == -1) 1458 1459 JudgeLine[0].EffectLevel ++; 1460 1461 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[0].startpos.x - 1][JudgeLine[0].startpos.y].status == nColor) 1462 1463 { 1464 1465 //线点存在重复的线将被抛弃 1466 1467 JudgeLine[0].length = 0;//这样AddIntoBuf函数会自动抛弃该值 1468 1469 } 1470 1471 } 1472 1473 //线右端查找 1474 1475 if(JudgeLine[0].endpos.x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 1476 1477 { 1478 1479 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[0].endpos.x + 1][JudgeLine[0].endpos.y].status == -1) 1480 1481 JudgeLine[0].EffectLevel ++; 1482 1483 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[0].endpos.x + 1][JudgeLine[0].endpos.y].status == nColor) 1484 1485 { 1486 1487 JudgeLine[0].length = 0;//这样AddIntoBuf函数会自动抛弃该值 1488 1489 } 1490 1491 } 1492 1493 if(JudgeLine[0].EffectLevel != 0) 1494 1495 AddIntoBuf(&JudgeLine[0], nColor); 1496 1497 1498 1499 //3方向 1500 1501 INT nRightDownOffset = 1;//右下方向的偏移地址 1502 1503 while(StartPos.x + nRightDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \ 1504 1505 StartPos.y + nRightDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \ 1506 1507 g_ChessTable[StartPos.x + nRightDownOffset][StartPos.y + nRightDownOffset].status == nColor) 1508 1509 { 1510 1511 JudgeLine[1].length++; 1512 1513 nRightDownOffset++; 1514 1515 } 1516 1517 //保存对应的点 1518 1519 JudgeLine[1].endpos.x = StartPos.x + nRightDownOffset - 1; 1520 1521 JudgeLine[1].endpos.y = StartPos.y + nRightDownOffset - 1; 1522 1523 //右下和左上方向查找 1524 1525 if(JudgeLine[1].startpos.x - 1 >= 0 && JudgeLine[1].startpos.y - 1 >= 0) 1526 1527 { 1528 1529 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[1].startpos.x - 1][JudgeLine[1].startpos.y - 1].status == -1) 1530 1531 JudgeLine[1].EffectLevel ++; 1532 1533 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[1].startpos.x - 1][JudgeLine[1].startpos.y - 1].status == nColor) 1534 1535 { 1536 1537 JudgeLine[1].length = 0; 1538 1539 } 1540 1541 } 1542 1543 if(JudgeLine[1].startpos.x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM && JudgeLine[1].startpos.y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 1544 1545 { 1546 1547 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[1].endpos.x + 1][JudgeLine[1].endpos.y + 1].status == -1) 1548 1549 JudgeLine[1].EffectLevel ++; 1550 1551 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[1].endpos.x + 1][JudgeLine[1].endpos.y + 1].status == nColor) 1552 1553 { 1554 1555 JudgeLine[1].length = 0; 1556 1557 } 1558 1559 } 1560 1561 if(JudgeLine[1].EffectLevel != 0) 1562 1563 AddIntoBuf(&JudgeLine[1], nColor); 1564 1565 1566 1567 //4方向 1568 1569 INT nDown = StartPos.y + 1; 1570 1571 while(nDown < CHESS_LINE_NUM && g_ChessTable[StartPos.x][nDown].status == nColor) 1572 1573 { 1574 1575 JudgeLine[2].length++; 1576 1577 nDown++;//向下查找 1578 1579 } 1580 1581 //保存对应的点 1582 1583 JudgeLine[2].endpos.x = StartPos.x; 1584 1585 JudgeLine[2].endpos.y = nDown - 1; 1586 1587 //上下两个方向的查找 1588 1589 //上 - 1590 1591 if(JudgeLine[2].startpos.y - 1 >= 0) 1592 1593 { 1594 1595 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[2].startpos.x][JudgeLine[2].startpos.y - 1].status == -1) 1596 1597 JudgeLine[2].EffectLevel ++; 1598 1599 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[2].startpos.x][JudgeLine[2].startpos.y - 1].status == nColor) 1600 1601 { 1602 1603 JudgeLine[2].length = 0; 1604 1605 } 1606 1607 } 1608 1609 //下 + 1610 1611 if(JudgeLine[2].endpos.y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 1612 1613 { 1614 1615 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[2].endpos.x][JudgeLine[2].endpos.y + 1].status == -1) 1616 1617 JudgeLine[2].EffectLevel ++; 1618 1619 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[2].endpos.x][JudgeLine[2].endpos.y + 1].status == nColor) 1620 1621 { 1622 1623 JudgeLine[2].length = 0; 1624 1625 } 1626 1627 } 1628 1629 if(JudgeLine[2].EffectLevel != 0) 1630 1631 AddIntoBuf(&JudgeLine[2], nColor); 1632 1633 1634 1635 //5方向 1636 1637 INT nLeftDownOffset = 1;//左下方向偏移地址,x -;y + 1638 1639 while(StartPos.x - nLeftDownOffset >= 0 && \ 1640 1641 StartPos.y + nLeftDownOffset < CHESS_LINE_NUM && \ 1642 1643 g_ChessTable[StartPos.x - nLeftDownOffset][StartPos.y + nLeftDownOffset].status == nColor) 1644 1645 { 1646 1647 JudgeLine[3].length++; 1648 1649 nLeftDownOffset++; 1650 1651 } 1652 1653 JudgeLine[3].endpos.x = StartPos.x - (nLeftDownOffset - 1);//为了逻辑清楚,就先这么写了 1654 1655 JudgeLine[3].endpos.y = StartPos.y + nLeftDownOffset - 1; 1656 1657 //左下右上方向 1658 1659 //右上 1660 1661 if(JudgeLine[3].startpos.y - 1 >= 0 && JudgeLine[3].startpos.x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 1662 1663 { 1664 1665 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[3].startpos.x + 1][JudgeLine[3].startpos.y - 1].status == -1) 1666 1667 JudgeLine[3].EffectLevel ++; 1668 1669 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[3].startpos.x + 1][JudgeLine[3].startpos.y - 1].status == nColor) 1670 1671 { 1672 1673 JudgeLine[3].length = 0; 1674 1675 } 1676 1677 } 1678 1679 //左下 1680 1681 if(JudgeLine[3].endpos.y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM && JudgeLine[3].endpos.x - 1 >= 0) 1682 1683 { 1684 1685 if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[3].endpos.x - 1][JudgeLine[3].endpos.y + 1].status == -1) 1686 1687 JudgeLine[3].EffectLevel ++; 1688 1689 else if(g_ChessTable[JudgeLine[3].endpos.x - 1][JudgeLine[3].endpos.y + 1].status == nColor) 1690 1691 { 1692 1693 JudgeLine[3].length = 0; 1694 1695 } 1696 1697 } 1698 1699 if(JudgeLine[3].EffectLevel != 0) 1700 1701 AddIntoBuf(&JudgeLine[3], nColor); 1702 1703 //这段代码算是暂时废弃的 1704 1705 if(IfRtnVal) 1706 1707 { 1708 1709 ChessLine * pFinalLine = new ChessLine; 1710 1711 if(pFinalLine == NULL) 1712 1713 return NULL; 1714 1715 INT MaxLengthAddr = GetMaxValCLAddr(JudgeLine, CheckNum); 1716 1717 if(MaxLengthAddr == -1) 1718 1719 { 1720 1721 delete pFinalLine; 1722 1723 return NULL; 1724 1725 } 1726 1727 *pFinalLine = JudgeLine[MaxLengthAddr]; 1728 1729 return pFinalLine; 1730 1731 } 1732 1733 return NULL; 1734 1735 } 1736 1737 void AddIntoBuf(ChessLine * pcl,INT w_or_b) 1738 1739 { 1740 1741 switch(w_or_b) 1742 1743 { 1744 1745 case 0://白色 1746 1747 if(pcl->length > 1) 1748 1749 w_ChessLineBuffer.push_back(*pcl); 1750 1751 break; 1752 1753 case 1: 1754 1755 if(pcl->length > 1) 1756 1757 b_ChessLineBuffer.push_back(*pcl); 1758 1759 break; 1760 1761 } 1762 1763 } 1764 1765 void ChessLineInitial(ChessLine * pcl, POINT * pstartpos, INT n, INT nColor) 1766 1767 { 1768 1769 if(pcl == NULL || pstartpos == NULL) 1770 1771 return; 1772 1773 for(int i = 0;i < n;++ i) 1774 1775 { 1776 1777 pcl[i].length = 1; 1778 1779 pcl[i].startpos = *pstartpos; 1780 1781 pcl[i].ChessType = nColor; 1782 1783 pcl[i].EffectLevel = 0;//最低级 1784 1785 } 1786 1787 } 1788 1789 void DeleteCL(ChessLine * pcl) 1790 1791 { 1792 1793 delete pcl; 1794 1795 } 1796 1797 1798 1799 void DrawVecInfo(HDC hdc, std::vector<ChessLine> * pvcl) 1800 1801 { 1802 1803 TCHAR wcBuf[100]; 1804 1805 TCHAR tmpbuf[100]; 1806 1807 POINT tmppoint = GetAIPoint(); 1808 1809 INT num_w = pvcl->size(); 1810 1811 assert(num_w >= 0); 1812 1813 INT num_b = (pvcl + 1)->size(); 1814 1815 assert(num_b >= 0); 1816 1817 wsprintf(tmpbuf, _T("SP x:%d y:%d;EP x:%d y:%d;Len:%d;EL:%d;HL:%d"), 1818 1819 BestLine.startpos.x, 1820 1821 BestLine.startpos.y, 1822 1823 BestLine.endpos.x, 1824 1825 BestLine.endpos.y, 1826 1827 BestLine.length, 1828 1829 BestLine.EffectLevel, 1830 1831 BestLine.length + BestLine.EffectLevel 1832 1833 ); 1834 1835 TextOut(hdc, 0, 0, tmpbuf, wcslen(tmpbuf)); 1836 1837 wsprintf(tmpbuf, _T("AI x:%d y:%d"), tmppoint.x, tmppoint.y); 1838 1839 TextOut(hdc, 900, 0, tmpbuf, wcslen(tmpbuf)); 1840 1841 for(int i = 0;i < num_w;++ i) 1842 1843 { 1844 1845 wsprintf(wcBuf, _T("SP x:%d y:%d;EP x:%d y:%d;Len:%d;EL:%d;HL:%d"), 1846 1847 pvcl[0][i].startpos.x, pvcl[0][i].startpos.y, 1848 1849 pvcl[0][i].endpos.x, pvcl[0][i].endpos.y, 1850 1851 pvcl[0][i].length, 1852 1853 pvcl[0][i].EffectLevel, 1854 1855 pvcl[0][i].length + pvcl[0][i].EffectLevel); 1856 1857 TextOut(hdc, 0, (i+1) * 15, wcBuf, wcslen(wcBuf)); 1858 1859 } 1860 1861 for(int i = 0;i < num_b;++ i) 1862 1863 { 1864 1865 wsprintf(wcBuf, _T("SP x:%d y:%d;EP x:%d y:%d;Len:%d;EL:%d;HL:%d"), 1866 1867 pvcl[1][i].startpos.x, pvcl[1][i].startpos.y, 1868 1869 pvcl[1][i].endpos.x, pvcl[1][i].endpos.y, 1870 1871 pvcl[1][i].length, 1872 1873 pvcl[1][i].EffectLevel, 1874 1875 pvcl[1][i].length + pvcl[1][i].EffectLevel); 1876 1877 TextOut(hdc, 900, (i+1) * 15, wcBuf, wcslen(wcBuf)); 1878 1879 } 1880 1881 } 1882 1883 1884 1885 ChessLine * GetBestLine(INT nColor) 1886 1887 { 1888 1889 ChessLine * pcl = new ChessLine; 1890 1891 if(pcl == NULL) 1892 1893 return NULL; 1894 1895 std::vector<ChessLine> * pvcl; 1896 1897 if(nColor == 0) 1898 1899 pvcl = &w_ChessLineBuffer; 1900 1901 else 1902 1903 pvcl = &b_ChessLineBuffer; 1904 1905 INT nsize = pvcl->size(); 1906 1907 if(nsize == 0) 1908 1909 return NULL; 1910 1911 //删除没用的线 1912 1913 //线还是先不删了,擅自修改vector的大小会引发大量的越界问题 1914 1915 /* 1916 1917 std::vector<ChessLine>::iterator pvcl_itstart = pvcl->begin(); 1918 1919 std::vector<ChessLine>::iterator pvcl_itend = pvcl->end(); 1920 1921 for(int i = 0;i < nsize;) 1922 1923 { 1924 1925 if(pvcl_itstart[i].EffectLevel == 0) 1926 1927 { 1928 1929 pvcl->erase(pvcl_itstart + i); 1930 1931 nsize --; 1932 1933 continue; 1934 1935 } 1936 1937 i++; 1938 1939 }*/ 1940 1941 1942 1943 //然后使用优先级判断公式 length + EffectLevel 1944 1945 //先获取最大值 1946 1947 INT num_cl = pvcl->size(); 1948 1949 if(num_cl == 0) 1950 1951 return NULL; 1952 1953 INT nMax = 1; 1954 1955 INT nMaxAddr = 0; 1956 1957 for(int i = 0;i < num_cl;++ i) 1958 1959 { 1960 1961 if((*pvcl)[i].EffectLevel + (*pvcl)[i].length > nMax && (*pvcl)[i].EffectLevel != 0) 1962 1963 { 1964 1965 nMax = (*pvcl)[i].EffectLevel + (*pvcl)[i].length; 1966 1967 nMaxAddr = i; 1968 1969 } 1970 1971 } 1972 1973 1974 1975 *pcl = (*pvcl)[nMaxAddr]; 1976 1977 return pcl; 1978 1979 } 1980 1981 1982 1983 POINT GetAIPoint()//根据GetBestLine返回的黑白两棋子线情况来判断棋子的位置 1984 1985 { 1986 1987 //先获取全部的线。 1988 1989 GetALLLine(0); 1990 1991 GetALLLine(1); 1992 1993 //这里曾造成内存泄露,原因是返回路径会切断删除函数的调用 1994 1995 ChessLine * pw_cl = GetBestLine(0);//白子 人方 1996 1997 ChessLine * pb_cl = GetBestLine(1);//黑子 AI 1998 1999 ChessLine * pfinal_cl; 2000 2001 POINT rtnpos = {-1, -1}; 2002 2003 if(pw_cl != NULL && pb_cl != NULL) 2004 2005 { 2006 2007 //防守优先 2008 2009 if(pw_cl->EffectLevel + pw_cl->length >= pb_cl->EffectLevel + pb_cl->length) 2010 2011 pfinal_cl = pw_cl; 2012 2013 else 2014 2015 pfinal_cl = pb_cl; 2016 2017 } 2018 2019 else if(pw_cl == NULL && pb_cl != NULL) 2020 2021 pfinal_cl = pb_cl; 2022 2023 else if(pb_cl == NULL && pw_cl != NULL) 2024 2025 pfinal_cl = pw_cl; 2026 2027 else //在上面的两个ChessLine都获取不到的时候,需要做的是,尝试去获取一个单独的点。 2028 2029 { 2030 2031 POINT SingleFinalPoint = GetSinglePoint(); 2032 2033 return SingleFinalPoint; 2034 2035 } 2036 2037 //这个是测试用数据,全局变量 2038 2039 BestLine = *pfinal_cl; 2040 2041 switch(GetValidSEDirection(pfinal_cl->startpos, pfinal_cl->endpos)) 2042 2043 { 2044 2045 case 0://2-6 2046 2047 //2 2048 2049 if(g_ChessTable[pfinal_cl->startpos.x - 1][pfinal_cl->startpos.y].status == -1 2050 2051 && pfinal_cl->startpos.x - 1 >= 0) 2052 2053 { 2054 2055 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->startpos.x - 1; 2056 2057 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->startpos.y; 2058 2059 } 2060 2061 else if(pfinal_cl->endpos.x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 2062 2063 { 2064 2065 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->endpos.x + 1; 2066 2067 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->endpos.y; 2068 2069 } 2070 2071 break; 2072 2073 case 1://3-7 2074 2075 if(g_ChessTable[pfinal_cl->startpos.x - 1][pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1].status == -1) 2076 2077 { 2078 2079 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->startpos.x - 1; 2080 2081 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1; 2082 2083 } 2084 2085 else 2086 2087 { 2088 2089 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->endpos.x + 1; 2090 2091 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->endpos.y + 1; 2092 2093 } 2094 2095 //return rtnpos; 2096 2097 break; 2098 2099 case 2://4-0 2100 2101 if(g_ChessTable[pfinal_cl->startpos.x][pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1].status == -1 2102 2103 && pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1>= 0 2104 2105 && pfinal_cl->endpos.y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 2106 2107 { 2108 2109 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->startpos.x; 2110 2111 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1; 2112 2113 } 2114 2115 else 2116 2117 { 2118 2119 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->endpos.x; 2120 2121 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->endpos.y + 1; 2122 2123 } 2124 2125 //return rtnpos; 2126 2127 break; 2128 2129 case 3://5-1 2130 2131 if(g_ChessTable[pfinal_cl->startpos.x + 1][pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1].status == -1 2132 2133 && pfinal_cl->startpos.x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM 2134 2135 && pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1 >= 0) 2136 2137 { 2138 2139 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->startpos.x + 1; 2140 2141 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->startpos.y - 1; 2142 2143 } 2144 2145 else 2146 2147 { 2148 2149 rtnpos.x = pfinal_cl->endpos.x - 1; 2150 2151 rtnpos.y = pfinal_cl->endpos.y + 1; 2152 2153 } 2154 2155 //return rtnpos; 2156 2157 break; 2158 2159 } 2160 2161 DeleteCL(pw_cl); 2162 2163 DeleteCL(pb_cl); 2164 2165 return rtnpos; 2166 2167 } 2168 2169 2170 2171 INT GetValidSEDirection(POINT SP, POINT EP)//获取有效的方向,返回值 0,1,2,3分别对应2-6, 3-7, 4-0,5-1, 2172 2173 { 2174 2175 //终点减去起始点 2176 2177 INT ndirx = EP.x - SP.x; 2178 2179 INT ndiry = EP.y - SP.y; 2180 2181 /* 2182 2183 7(-1,1) 0(0,1) 1(1,1) 2184 2185 6(-1,0) 2(1,0) 2186 2187 5(-1,-1)4(0,-1) 3(1,-1) 2188 2189 */ 2190 2191 if(ndirx > 0) 2192 2193 { 2194 2195 if(ndiry == 0)//2(1,0) 2196 2197 return 0; 2198 2199 else//3(1,-1) 2200 2201 return 1; 2202 2203 } 2204 2205 else if(ndirx == 0) 2206 2207 return 2; 2208 2209 else 2210 2211 return 3; 2212 2213 } 2214 2215 POINT GetSinglePoint() 2216 2217 { 2218 2219 //所谓singlepoint,就是8个相邻点中没有任何一点是同色点。 2220 2221 //函数返回值为从0-7中的有效点中的一个随机点 2222 2223 INT npos; 2224 2225 POINT rtnpoint = {-1, -1}; 2226 2227 for(int i = 0;i < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ i) 2228 2229 { 2230 2231 for(int j = 0;j < CHESS_LINE_NUM;++ j) 2232 2233 { 2234 2235 if(g_ChessTable[i][j].status != -1) 2236 2237 { 2238 2239 npos = IsValidSinglePoint(i, j); 2240 2241 if(npos == -1) 2242 2243 continue; 2244 2245 switch(npos) 2246 2247 { 2248 2249 //这里的代码直接return,就不用再break了 2250 2251 case 0: 2252 2253 rtnpoint.x = i - 1; 2254 2255 rtnpoint.y = j - 1; 2256 2257 break; 2258 2259 case 1: 2260 2261 rtnpoint.x = i; 2262 2263 rtnpoint.y = j - 1; 2264 2265 break; 2266 2267 case 2: 2268 2269 rtnpoint.x = i + 1; 2270 2271 rtnpoint.y = j - 1; 2272 2273 break; 2274 2275 case 3: 2276 2277 rtnpoint.x = i - 1; 2278 2279 rtnpoint.y = j; 2280 2281 break; 2282 2283 case 4: 2284 2285 rtnpoint.x = i + 1; 2286 2287 rtnpoint.y = j; 2288 2289 break; 2290 2291 case 5: 2292 2293 rtnpoint.x = i - 1; 2294 2295 rtnpoint.y = j + 1; 2296 2297 break; 2298 2299 case 6: 2300 2301 rtnpoint.x = i; 2302 2303 rtnpoint.y = j + 1; 2304 2305 break; 2306 2307 case 7: 2308 2309 rtnpoint.x = i + 1; 2310 2311 rtnpoint.y = j + 1; 2312 2313 break; 2314 2315 } 2316 2317 return rtnpoint; 2318 2319 } 2320 2321 } 2322 2323 } 2324 2325 return rtnpoint; 2326 2327 } 2328 2329 2330 2331 INT IsValidSinglePoint(int x, int y) 2332 2333 { 2334 2335 assert(x >= 0 && y >=0 && x < CHESS_LINE_NUM && y < CHESS_LINE_NUM); 2336 2337 char checkflag[8] = {0};//纯标记位 2338 2339 if(x - 1 >= 0)//一次查三个点 2340 2341 { 2342 2343 if(y - 1 >= 0) 2344 2345 { 2346 2347 if(g_ChessTable[x - 1][y - 1].status == -1) 2348 2349 checkflag[0] = 1; 2350 2351 } 2352 2353 if(g_ChessTable[x - 1][y].status == -1) 2354 2355 checkflag[3] = 1; 2356 2357 if(y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 2358 2359 { 2360 2361 if(g_ChessTable[x - 1][y + 1].status == -1) 2362 2363 checkflag[5] = 1; 2364 2365 } 2366 2367 } 2368 2369 if(y - 1 >= 0 && g_ChessTable[x][y - 1].status == -1) 2370 2371 checkflag[1] = 1; 2372 2373 if(y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM && g_ChessTable[x][y + 1].status == -1) 2374 2375 2376 2377 { 2378 2379 checkflag[6] = 1; 2380 2381 } 2382 2383 if(x + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 2384 2385 { 2386 2387 if(g_ChessTable[x + 1][y].status == -1) 2388 2389 checkflag[4] = 1; 2390 2391 if(y + 1 < CHESS_LINE_NUM) 2392 2393 { 2394 2395 if(g_ChessTable[x + 1][y + 1].status == -1) 2396 2397 checkflag[7] = 1; 2398 2399 } 2400 2401 if(y - 1 >= 0) 2402 2403 { 2404 2405 if(g_ChessTable[x + 1][y - 1].status == -1) 2406 2407 checkflag[2] = 1; 2408 2409 } 2410 2411 } 2412 2413 /*调试部分 2414 2415 INT nrtn = 0; 2416 2417 for(int i = 0;i < 8;++ i) 2418 2419 { 2420 2421 if(checkflag[i] == 1) 2422 2423 { 2424 2425 nrtn |= 1 << (i * 4); 2426 2427 } 2428 2429 }*/ 2430 2431 INT nCounterofValidPoint = 0; 2432 2433 for(int i = 0;i < 8;++ i) 2434 2435 { 2436 2437 if(checkflag[i] == 1) 2438 2439 nCounterofValidPoint ++; 2440 2441 } 2442 2443 if(!nCounterofValidPoint) 2444 2445 return -1; 2446 2447 srand(time(0)); 2448 2449 INT nUpSection = rand() % 8;//在这倒是正好能用作地址上限 2450 2451 INT UpSearch = nUpSection; 2452 2453 INT DownSearch = nUpSection; 2454 2455 for(;UpSearch < 8 || DownSearch >= 0;) 2456 2457 { 2458 2459 if(UpSearch < 8) 2460 2461 { 2462 2463 if(checkflag[UpSearch] == 1) 2464 2465 return UpSearch; 2466 2467 else 2468 2469 UpSearch ++; 2470 2471 } 2472 2473 if(DownSearch >= 0) 2474 2475 { 2476 2477 if(checkflag[DownSearch] == 1) 2478 2479 return DownSearch; 2480 2481 else 2482 2483 DownSearch --; 2484 2485 } 2486 2487 } 2488 2489 }