香蕉派 BPI-M2 Berry 四核单板计算机采用全志 R40/V40芯片开发。支持板载Wifi与蓝牙,支持SATA接口,可以直接接硬盘。板上有SD卡插座,可以从SD卡启动系统镜像。
Banana PI BPI-M2 Berry 兼容性强大,可以跑android系统,Debian linux,Ubuntu linux, Raspberry Pi系统和全志TinaLinux系统.
Banana PI BPI-M2 Berry硬件:全志R40/V40四核处理器,1GB LPDDR3内存,千兆以太网口,4 USB 接口 流畅运行Android5.1。Banana PI BPI-M2 Berry尺寸与树莓派 3完全一样,可以直接使用树莓派3的外壳。GPIO兼容Raspberry Pi 3并能运行rasbian 系统。
1,Quad Core ARM Cortex A7 CPU
2,Dual core Mali 400 MP2 GPU
4,support SATA interface
5,MicroSD slot supports up to 256GB expansion
6,Not 8G eMMC flash onboard
7,CSI camera intface and DSI display interface support
8,10/100/1000 Mb Ethernet port
9,(4) USB 2.0 hosts and (1) USB otg port
10,1080P high-definition video playback
11,HDMI port and multi-channel audio output
12,WIFI&Bluetooth 4.0 with 802.11BGN onboard
13,3.5mm Stereo Output mini-jack with microphone support
14,Not support Built-in 3.7V Lithium Battery Charging Circuit
15,Hardware security enables trustzone security system, Digital Rights Management (DRM), information encryption/decryption, secure boot, secure JTAG and secure efuse
GPIO下定义与树莓派 3完全一样: