CS229 吴恩达机器学习 习题大作业答案 problem sets 04 PS04(第一问,欢迎指教)Neural Networks: MNIST image classification

1. Neural Networks: MNIST image classification

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math


def forward_softmax(x):
    Compute softmax function for a single example.
    The shape of the input is of size # num classes.

    Important Note: You must be careful to avoid overflow for this function. Functions
    like softmax have a tendency to overflow when very large numbers like e^10000 are computed.
    You will know that your function is overflow resistent when it can handle input like:
    np.array([[10000, 10010, 10]]) without issues.

        x: A 1d numpy float array of shape number_of_classes

        A 1d numpy float array containing the softmax results of shape  number_of_classes
    x = x - np.max(x,axis=0)
    exp = np.exp(x)
    s = exp / np.sum(exp,axis=0)
    return s

def backward_softmax(x, grad_outputs):
    Compute the gradient of the loss with respect to x.

    grad_outputs is the gradient of the loss with respect to the outputs of the softmax.

        x: A 1d numpy float array of shape number_of_classes
        grad_outputs: A 1d numpy float array of shape number_of_classes

        A 1d numpy float array of the same shape as x with the derivative of the loss with respect to x
    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    # 这个要手算一下,loss对于softmax输出的梯度结果,以及softmax输出对于x(softmax输入)的梯度结果,
    # 两者内积是要返回的结果中的某个元素,这样就能看出最后的形式
    return forward_softmax(x) - 1.0 * (grad_outputs!=0)
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def forward_relu(x):
    Compute the relu function for the input x.

        x: A numpy float array

        A numpy float array containing the relu results
    x[x<=0] = 0

    return x

def backward_relu(x, grad_outputs):
    Compute the gradient of the loss with respect to x

        x: A numpy array of arbitrary shape containing the input.
        grad_outputs: A numpy array of the same shape of x containing the gradient of the loss with respect
            to the output of relu

        A numpy array of the same shape as x containing the gradients with respect to x.

    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    grad_outputs[x<=0] = 0
    return grad_outputs
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def get_initial_params():
    Compute the initial parameters for the neural network.

    This function should return a dictionary mapping parameter names to numpy arrays containing
    the initial values for those parameters.

    There should be four parameters for this model:
    W1 is the weight matrix for the convolutional layer
    b1 is the bias vector for the convolutional layer
    W2 is the weight matrix for the output layers
    b2 is the bias vector for the output layer

    Weight matrices should be initialized with values drawn from a random normal distribution.
    The mean of that distribution should be 0.
    The variance of that distribution should be 1/sqrt(n) where n is the number of neurons that
    feed into an output for that layer.

    Bias vectors should be initialized with zero.
        A dict mapping parameter names to numpy arrays

    size_after_convolution = 28 - CONVOLUTION_SIZE + 1
    size_after_max_pooling = size_after_convolution // MAX_POOL_SIZE

    # 池化层之后的维数,也是flatten之后的维度,其中那个convolution_filter其实是卷积核数量(神经元数量)
    num_hidden = size_after_max_pooling * size_after_max_pooling * CONVOLUTION_FILTERS

    return {
        'b1': np.zeros(CONVOLUTION_FILTERS),
        'W2': np.random.normal(size = (num_hidden, 10), scale = 1/ math.sqrt(num_hidden)),
        'b2': np.zeros(10)

def forward_convolution(conv_W, conv_b, data):
    Compute the output from a convolutional layer given the weights and data.

    conv_W is of the shape (# output channels, # input channels, convolution width, convolution height )
    conv_b is of the shape (# output channels)

    data is of the shape (# input channels, width, height)

    The output should be the result of a convolution and should be of the size:
        (# output channels, width - convolution width + 1, height -  convolution height + 1)

        The output of the convolution as a numpy array

    conv_channels, _, conv_width, conv_height = conv_W.shape

    input_channels, input_width, input_height = data.shape

    output = np.zeros((conv_channels, input_width - conv_width + 1, input_height - conv_height + 1))

    for x in range(input_width - conv_width + 1):
        for y in range(input_height - conv_height + 1):
            for output_channel in range(conv_channels):
                output[output_channel, x, y] = np.sum(
                    np.multiply(data[:, x:(x + conv_width), y:(y + conv_height)], conv_W[output_channel, :, :, :])) + conv_b[output_channel]

    return output

def backward_convolution(conv_W, conv_b, data, output_grad):
    Compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the parameters of the convolution.

    See forward_convolution for the sizes of the arguments.
    output_grad is the gradient of the loss with respect to the output of the convolution.

        A tuple containing 3 gradients.
        The first element is the gradient of the loss with respect to the convolution weights
        The second element is the gradient of the loss with respect to the convolution bias
        The third element is the gradient of the loss with respect to the input data

    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    grad_bias = output_grad.sum(axis=(1, 2))

    conv_channels, _, conv_width, conv_height = conv_W.shape
    input_channels, input_width, input_height = data.shape

    grad_weights = np.zeros(conv_W.shape)
    grad_data = np.zeros(data.shape)

    for x in range(conv_width):
        for y in range(conv_height):
            for output_channel in range(conv_channels):

                grad_weights[output_channel, :, :, :] += output_grad[output_channel, x, y] * data[:, x:(x + conv_width), y:(y + conv_height)]
                grad_data[:, x:(x + conv_width), y:(y + conv_height)] += output_grad[output_channel, x, y] * conv_W[output_channel, :, :, :]

    return grad_weights, grad_bias, grad_data
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def forward_max_pool(data, pool_width, pool_height):
    Compute the output from a max pooling layer given the data and pool dimensions.

    The stride length should be equal to the pool size

    data is of the shape (# channels, width, height)

    The output should be the result of the max pooling layer and should be of size:
        (# channels, width // pool_width, height // pool_height)

        The result of the max pooling layer
    input_channels, input_width, input_height = data.shape
    output = np.zeros((input_channels, input_width // pool_width, input_height // pool_height))

    for x in range(0, input_width, pool_width):
        for y in range(0, input_height, pool_height):

            output[:, x // pool_width, y // pool_height] = np.amax(data[:, x:(x + pool_width), y:(y + pool_height)], axis=(1, 2))

    return output

def backward_max_pool(data, pool_width, pool_height, output_grad):
    Compute the gradient of the loss with respect to the data in the max pooling layer.

    data is of the shape (# channels, width, height)
    output_grad is of shape (# channels, width // pool_width, height // pool_height)

    output_grad is the gradient of the loss with respect to the output of the backward max
    pool layer.

        The gradient of the loss with respect to the data (of same shape as data)
    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    grad_data = np.zeros(data.shape)

    input_channels, input_width, input_height = data.shape

    for i in range(input_channels):
        for x in range(0, input_width, pool_width):
            for y in range(0, input_height, pool_height):

                data_temp = data[i, x:(x + pool_width), y:(y + pool_height)]
                grad_data[i, x:(x + pool_width), y:(y + pool_height)][np.unravel_index(data_temp.argmax(), data_temp.shape)] = output_grad[i, x // pool_width, y // pool_height]

    return grad_data
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def forward_cross_entropy_loss(probabilities, labels):
    Compute the output from a cross entropy loss layer given the probabilities and labels.

    probabilities is of the shape (# classes)
    labels is of the shape (# classes)

    The output should be a scalar

        The result of the log loss layer

    result = 0

    for i, label in enumerate(labels):
        if label == 1:
            result += -np.log(probabilities[i])

    return result

def backward_cross_entropy_loss(probabilities, labels):
    Compute the gradient of the cross entropy loss with respect to the probabilities.

    probabilities is of the shape (# classes)
    labels is of the shape (# classes)

    The output should be the gradient with respect to the probabilities.

        The gradient of the loss with respect to the probabilities.

    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    return -labels / probabilities
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def forward_linear(weights, bias, data):
    Compute the output from a linear layer with the given weights, bias and data.
    weights is of the shape (input # features, output # features)
    bias is of the shape (output # features)
    data is of the shape (input # features)

    The output should be of the shape (output # features)

        The result of the linear layer
    return data.dot(weights) + bias

def backward_linear(weights, bias, data, output_grad):
    Compute the gradients of the loss with respect to the parameters of a linear layer.

    See forward_linear for information about the shapes of the variables.

    output_grad is the gradient of the loss with respect to the output of this layer.

    This should return a tuple with three elements:
    - The gradient of the loss with respect to the weights
    - The gradient of the loss with respect to the bias
    - The gradient of the loss with respect to the data

    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    return (data.reshape(-1, 1) @ output_grad.reshape(1, -1), output_grad, (weights @ output_grad.reshape(-1, 1)))
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def forward_prop(data, labels, params):
    Implement the forward layer given the data, labels, and params.
        data: A numpy array containing the input (shape is 1 by 28 by 28)
        labels: A 1d numpy array containing the labels (shape is 10)
        params: A dictionary mapping parameter names to numpy arrays with the parameters.
            This numpy array will contain W1, b1, W2 and b2
            W1 and b1 represent the weights and bias for the hidden layer of the network
            W2 and b2 represent the weights and bias for the output layer of the network

        A 2 element tuple containing:
            1. A numpy array The output (after the softmax) of the output layer
            2. The average loss for these data elements

    W1 = params['W1']
    b1 = params['b1']
    W2 = params['W2']
    b2 = params['b2']

    first_convolution = forward_convolution(W1, b1, data)
    first_max_pool = forward_max_pool(first_convolution, MAX_POOL_SIZE, MAX_POOL_SIZE)
    first_after_relu = forward_relu(first_max_pool)

    flattened = np.reshape(first_after_relu, (-1))
    logits = forward_linear(W2, b2, flattened)

    y = forward_softmax(logits)
    cost = forward_cross_entropy_loss(y, labels)

    return y, cost

def backward_prop(data, labels, params):
    Implement the backward propagation gradient computation step for a neural network
        data: A numpy array containing the input for a single example
        labels: A 1d numpy array containing the labels for a single example
        params: A dictionary mapping parameter names to numpy arrays with the parameters.
            This numpy array will contain W1, b1, W2, and b2
            W1 and b1 represent the weights and bias for the convolutional layer
            W2 and b2 represent the weights and bias for the output layer of the network

        A dictionary of strings to numpy arrays where each key represents the name of a weight
        and the values represent the gradient of the loss with respect to that weight.
        In particular, it should have 4 elements:
            W1, W2, b1, and b2

    # *** START CODE HERE ***
    W1 = params['W1']
    b1 = params['b1']
    W2 = params['W2']
    b2 = params['b2']

    first_convolution = forward_convolution(W1, b1, data)
    first_max_pool = forward_max_pool(first_convolution, MAX_POOL_SIZE, MAX_POOL_SIZE)
    first_after_relu = forward_relu(first_max_pool)
    flattened = np.reshape(first_after_relu, (-1))
    logits = forward_linear(W2, b2, flattened)
    y = forward_softmax(logits)

    grad_cross_entropy = backward_cross_entropy_loss(y, labels)
    grad_softmax = backward_softmax(logits, grad_cross_entropy)
    grad_W2, grad_b2, grad_logits = backward_linear(W2, b2, flattened, grad_softmax)
    grad_relu = backward_relu(first_max_pool, grad_logits.reshape(first_max_pool.shape))
    grad_max_pool = backward_max_pool(first_convolution, MAX_POOL_SIZE, MAX_POOL_SIZE, grad_relu)
    grad_W1, grad_b1, grad_convolution = backward_convolution(W1, b1, data, grad_max_pool)

    return {
        'W1': grad_W1,
        'b1': grad_b1,
        'W2': grad_W2,
        'b2': grad_b2
    # *** END CODE HERE ***

def forward_prop_batch(batch_data, batch_labels, params, forward_prop_func):
    """Apply the forward prop func to every image in a batch"""

    y_array = []
    cost_array = []

    for item, label in zip(batch_data, batch_labels):
        y, cost = forward_prop_func(item, label, params)

    return np.array(y_array), np.array(cost_array)

def gradient_descent_batch(batch_data, batch_labels, learning_rate, params, backward_prop_func):
    Perform one batch of gradient descent on the given training data using the provided learning rate.

    This code should update the parameters stored in params.
    It should not return anything

        batch_data: A numpy array containing the training data for the batch
        train_labels: A numpy array containing the training labels for the batch
        learning_rate: The learning rate
        params: A dict of parameter names to parameter values that should be updated.
        backward_prop_func: A function that follows the backwards_prop API

    Returns: This function returns nothing.

    total_grad = {}

    for i in range(batch_data.shape[0]):
        grad = backward_prop_func(
            batch_data[i, :, :],
            batch_labels[i, :],
        for key, value in grad.items():
            if key not in total_grad:
                total_grad[key] = np.zeros(value.shape)

            total_grad[key] += value

    params['W1'] = params['W1'] - learning_rate * total_grad['W1']
    params['W2'] = params['W2'] - learning_rate * total_grad['W2']
    params['b1'] = params['b1'] - learning_rate * total_grad['b1']
    params['b2'] = params['b2'] - learning_rate * total_grad['b2']

    # This function does not return anything

def nn_train(
    train_data, train_labels, dev_data, dev_labels,
    get_initial_params_func, forward_prop_func, backward_prop_func,
    learning_rate=5.0, batch_size=16, num_batches=400):

    m = train_data.shape[0]

    params = get_initial_params_func()

    cost_dev = []
    accuracy_dev = []
    for batch in range(num_batches):
        print('Currently processing {} / {}'.format(batch, num_batches))

        batch_data = train_data[batch * batch_size:(batch + 1) * batch_size, :, :, :]
        batch_labels = train_labels[batch * batch_size: (batch + 1) * batch_size, :]

        if batch % 100 == 0:
            output, cost = forward_prop_batch(dev_data, dev_labels, params, forward_prop_func)
            cost_dev.append(sum(cost) / len(cost))
            accuracy_dev.append(compute_accuracy(output, dev_labels))

            print('Cost and accuracy', cost_dev[-1], accuracy_dev[-1])

        gradient_descent_batch(batch_data, batch_labels,
            learning_rate, params, backward_prop_func)

    return params, cost_dev, accuracy_dev

def nn_test(data, labels, params):
    output, cost = forward_prop(data, labels, params)
    accuracy = compute_accuracy(output, labels)
    return accuracy

def compute_accuracy(output, labels):
    correct_output = np.argmax(output,axis=1)
    correct_labels = np.argmax(labels,axis=1)

    is_correct = [a == b for a,b in zip(correct_output, correct_labels)]

    accuracy = sum(is_correct) * 1. / labels.shape[0]
    return accuracy

def one_hot_labels(labels):
    one_hot_labels = np.zeros((labels.size, 10))
    one_hot_labels[np.arange(labels.size),labels.astype(int)] = 1
    return one_hot_labels

def read_data(images_file, labels_file):
    x = np.loadtxt(images_file, delimiter=',')
    y = np.loadtxt(labels_file, delimiter=',')

    x = np.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], 1, 28, 28))

    return x, y

def run_train(all_data, all_labels, backward_prop_func):
    params, cost_dev, accuracy_dev = nn_train(
        all_data['train'], all_labels['train'],
        all_data['dev'], all_labels['dev'],
        get_initial_params, forward_prop, backward_prop_func,
        learning_rate=1e-2, batch_size=16, num_batches=401

    t = np.arange(400 // 100 + 1)

    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1)

    ax1.plot(t, cost_dev, 'b')
    ax1.set_title('Training curve')

    ax2.plot(t, accuracy_dev, 'b')


def main():
    train_data, train_labels = read_data('./data/images_train.csv', './data/labels_train.csv')
    train_labels = one_hot_labels(train_labels)
    p = np.random.permutation(60000)
    train_data = train_data[p,:]
    train_labels = train_labels[p,:]

    dev_data = train_data[0:400,:]
    dev_labels = train_labels[0:400,:]
    train_data = train_data[400:,:]
    train_labels = train_labels[400:,:]

    mean = np.mean(train_data)
    std = np.std(train_data)
    train_data = (train_data - mean) / std
    dev_data = (dev_data - mean) / std

    all_data = {
        'train': train_data,
        'dev': dev_data,

    all_labels = {
        'train': train_labels,
        'dev': dev_labels,
    run_train(all_data, all_labels, backward_prop)
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Currently processing 349 / 401
Currently processing 350 / 401
Currently processing 351 / 401
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Currently processing 353 / 401
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Currently processing 359 / 401
Currently processing 360 / 401
Currently processing 361 / 401
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Currently processing 364 / 401
Currently processing 365 / 401
Currently processing 366 / 401
Currently processing 367 / 401
Currently processing 368 / 401
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Currently processing 373 / 401
Currently processing 374 / 401
Currently processing 375 / 401
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Currently processing 377 / 401
Currently processing 378 / 401
Currently processing 379 / 401
Currently processing 380 / 401
Currently processing 381 / 401
Currently processing 382 / 401
Currently processing 383 / 401
Currently processing 384 / 401
Currently processing 385 / 401
Currently processing 386 / 401
Currently processing 387 / 401
Currently processing 388 / 401
Currently processing 389 / 401
Currently processing 390 / 401
Currently processing 391 / 401
Currently processing 392 / 401
Currently processing 393 / 401
Currently processing 394 / 401
Currently processing 395 / 401
Currently processing 396 / 401
Currently processing 397 / 401
Currently processing 398 / 401
Currently processing 399 / 401
Currently processing 400 / 401
Cost and accuracy 0.5459182551869477 0.8325

CS229 吴恩达机器学习 习题大作业答案 problem sets 04 PS04(第一问,欢迎指教)Neural Networks: MNIST image classification_第1张图片
