学以致用——使用莱斯利矩阵模型预测蠵龟种群数量的演变(Demographics of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle using Leslie population model)



首先,蠵龟(Loggerhead Sea Turtle)的种群基本信息如下表所示:

Table 1   Four-Stage Model for Loggerhead Sea Turtle Demographics    
Stage Number  Description  (age in years)                         Annual  survivorship Eggs laid per year
1  Eggs, hatchlings (<1)  0.67 0
2  Juveniles and subadults (1–21) 0.74 0
3 Novice breeders (22) 0.81 127
4 Mature breeders (23–54) 0.81 79

然后,使用以下公式可计算各阶段的留存率(proportion remaining in stage i),





pi qi di
0 0.67 1
0.73936808 0.00063192 20
0 0.81 1
0.809723037 0.000276963 31



1. di represents the duration of the ith stage    
2. si is the annual survivorship rate for that stage    
3. pi is the proportion remaining in stage i the following year    
4. e2, e3, e4 denote the average number of eggs laid by a member of stage i (i = 2, 3, 4) in 1 year
5. qi proportion of the population that will survive and move into stage i + 1  


Leslie Matrix Model:      
p1 e2 e3 e4
q1 p2 0 0
0 q2 p3 0
0 0 q3 p4


Leslie Matrix:      
0 0 127 79
0.67 0.7394 0 0
0 0.000632 0 0
0 0 0.81 0.8077


Stage Number 1 2 3 4
year0 (Initial Population) 200000 300000 500 1500
year1 182000 355820 190 1617
year2 151873 385033 225 1460
year3 143915 386448 243 1361
year4 138380 382163 244 1296
year5 133372 375286 242 1244
year6 129010 366846 237 1201
year7 124978 357683 232 1162
year8 121262 348206 226 1126
year9 117656 338709 220 1093
year10 114287 329271 214 1061
year11 110997 320035 208 1030
year12 107786 311002 202 1000
year13 104654 302171 197 971
year14 101728 293543 191 944
year15 98833 285203 186 917
year16 96065 277097 180 891
year17 93249 269249 175 865
year18 90560 261560 170 840
year19 87950 254073 165 816
year20 85419 246788 161 793
year21 83094 239706 156 771
year22 80721 232912 151 749
year23 78348 226298 147 727
year24 76102 219818 143 706
year25 73935 213522 139 686
year26 71847 207415 135 667
year27 69838 201500 131 648
year28 67829 195781 127 629
year29 65820 190206 124 611
year30 64017 184738 120 594
year31 62166 179487 117 577
year32 60442 174364 113 561
year33 58670 169421 110 545
year34 57025 164579 107 529
year35 55380 159896 104 514
year36 53814 155332 101 499
year37 52248 150908 98 485
year38 50761 146588 95 471
year39 49274 142397 93 457
year40 47914 138302 90 444
year41 46506 134363 87 432
year42 45177 130507 85 419
year43 43896 126765 82 407
year44 42567 123140 80 395
year45 41365 119570 78 384
year46 40242 116125 76 373
year47 39119 112825 73 363
year48 37948 109633 71 352
year49 36825 106488 69 342
year50 35781 103410 67 332


学以致用——使用莱斯利矩阵模型预测蠵龟种群数量的演变(Demographics of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle using Leslie population model)_第1张图片






学以致用——使用莱斯利矩阵模型预测蠵龟种群数量的演变(Demographics of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle using Leslie population model)_第2张图片

学以致用——使用莱斯利矩阵模型预测蠵龟种群数量的演变(Demographics of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle using Leslie population model)_第3张图片 

学以致用——使用莱斯利矩阵模型预测蠵龟种群数量的演变(Demographics of the Loggerhead Sea Turtle using Leslie population model)_第4张图片 
