sencha touch 通讯录

Sencha touch 手机通讯录

sencha touch 通讯录     sencha touch 通讯录 


1. 效果如上图(目前支持的浏览器safari和google浏览器chrome)
2. 主要参考:
3. sencha-touch.js下载地址:
4. 想分2步来说,布局,代码
5. 布局:上面2图是2个panel,放在viewport后,就可以随意跳转了

sencha touch 通讯录

6. 代码
   1. 新建一个web项目
   2. 新建一个index.htm
   3. js/notes.js里的代码

   index.htm 代码如下

<! DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "" >
< html  xmlns ="" >
< head >
     < title >sencha </ title >
     < link  href =""  rel ="stylesheet"  type ="text/css"   />
     < script  src =""  type ="text/javascript" ></ script >
     < script  src ="js/notes.js"  type ="text/javascript" ></ script >
</ head >
< body >
</ body >
</ html >


var notesApp = new Ext.Application({
    name: "NotesApp",
    useLoadMask: true,
    launch: function() {

        Ext.regModel("Note", {
            idProperty: "Id",
            fields: [
                   { name: "Id", type: "int" },
                   { name: "Name", type: "string" },
                   { name: "Phone", type: "string" },
                   { name: "Email", type: "string"}
            validations: [
                { type: "presence", field: "Id" },
                { type: "presence", field: "Name", message: "Name cannot be empty!" }

        NotesApp.views.NotesStore = Ext.regStore("NotesStore", {
            model: "Note",
            sorters: { property: "Name", direction: "ASC" },
            proxy: { type: "localstorage",id:"note-store-app" },
                {Id:"-1",Name:"xiaoxinmiao",Phone:"15811016818",Email:"[email protected]"}
                ,{Id:"-1",Name:"huangrong",Phone:"13145207520",Email:"[email protected]"}
        NotesApp.views.notesList = new Ext.List({
            id: "notesList",
            store: "NotesStore",
            emptyText: " < div >note is not cached </ div >", //onItemDisclosure
            itemTpl: " < div >{Name} </ div >" + " < div >{Phone} </ div >",
            onItemDisclosure: function(record) {
                // show detail note

        NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar = new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "notesListToolbar",
            title: "Contact",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
                { xtype: "spacer" },
                    text: "New", ui: "action", handler: function() {
                        //add new data

        NotesApp.views.notesListContainer = new Ext.Panel({
            id: "notesListContainer",
            layout: "fit",
            dockedItems: [NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar]
            items: [NotesApp.views.notesList]

        NotesApp.views.viewport = new Ext.Panel({
            fullscreen: true, //fullscreen
            layout: "card",
            cardSwitchAnimation: "slide",
            items: [NotesApp.views.notesListContainer

1. new Ext.Application应用程序入口
2. NotesApp.views.viewport:应用程序的viewport界面视图,将整个界面布局设置为使用Panel面板 ,并且设置了fullscreen属性为true,
3. NotesApp.views.notesListContainer:记事列表页面包括
   1. NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar:显示标题和新增按钮
   2. NotesApp.views.notesList:显示list数据
4. NotesApp.views.notesList需要指定store,NotesApp.views.NotesStore里面指定了Model(相当于一个实体类),还指定了proxy属性,
   使用HTML 5本地存储机制保存用户本地的数据,可以在客户端的浏览器中保存数据
var notesApp =  new Ext.Application({
    name: "NotesApp",
    useLoadMask:  true,
    launch:  function() {

        Ext.regModel("Note", {
            idProperty: "Id",
            fields: [
                   { name: "Id", type: "int" },
                   { name: "Name", type: "string" },
                   { name: "Phone", type: "string" },
                   { name: "Email", type: "string" }
            validations: [
                { type: "presence", field: "Id" },
                { type: "presence", field: "Name", message: "Name cannot be empty!" }

        NotesApp.views.NotesStore = Ext.regStore("NotesStore", {
            model: "Note",
            sorters: { property: "Name", direction: "ASC" },
            proxy: { type: "localstorage", id: "note-store-app" },
            data: [
                { Id: "-1", Name: "xiaoxinmiao", Phone: "15811016818", Email: "[email protected]" }
                , { Id: "-1", Name: "huangrong", Phone: "13145207520", Email: "[email protected]" }

        NotesApp.views.notesList =  new Ext.List({
            id: "notesList",
            store: "NotesStore",
            emptyText: "<div>note is not cached</div>",  // onItemDisclosure
            itemTpl: "<div>{Name}</div>" + "<div>{Phone}</div>",
            onItemDisclosure:  function(record) {
                 //  show detail note

        NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar =  new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "notesListToolbar",
            title: "Contact",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
                { xtype: "spacer" },
                    text: "New", ui: "action", handler:  function() {
                         // add new data
                         NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem("noteEditor", { type: "slide", direction: "left" } );

        NotesApp.views.notesListContainer =  new Ext.Panel({
            id: "notesListContainer",
            layout: "fit",
            dockedItems: [NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar],
            items: [NotesApp.views.notesList]

         //   Add  Part(editor page)
        NotesApp.views.noteEditorTopToolbar =  new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "noteEditorTopToolbar",
            title: "Edit Contact",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
            { text: "Home", ui: "back",
                handler:  function() {
                     // to home
                    NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem("notesListContainer", { type: "slide", direction: "right" });
            { xtype: "spacer" },
                text: "Save", ui: "action", handler:  function() {

                     // save data


        NotesApp.views.noteEditorBottomToolbar =  new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "noteEditorBottomToolbar",
            dock: "bottom",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
                { xtype: "spacer" },
                { iconCls: "trash", iconMask:  true, handler:  function() {
                     // delete data
        NotesApp.views.noteEditor =  new Ext.form.FormPanel({
            id: "noteEditor",
            items: [
                { xtype: "textfield", name: "Name", label: "Name", required:  true },
                { xtype: "textfield", name: "Phone", label: "Phone" },
                { xtype: "textfield", name: "Email", label: "Email" }
            dockedItems: [NotesApp.views.noteEditorTopToolbar, NotesApp.views.noteEditorBottomToolbar]
        NotesApp.views.viewport =  new Ext.Panel({
            fullscreen:  true// fullscreen
            layout: "card",
            cardSwitchAnimation: "slide",
            items: [NotesApp.views.notesListContainer,

1. new Ext.form.FormPanel因为有文本框,并且需要提交数据,所以用了FormPanel
2. NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem实现跳转功能
3. iconCls属性指定了使用默认的垃圾站图标,iconMask则指定了图标是在按钮中


View Code
var notesApp =  new Ext.Application({
    name: "NotesApp",
    useLoadMask:  true,
    launch:  function() {

         // page one
        NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar =  new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "notesListToolbar",
            title: "Contact",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
                { xtype: "spacer" },
                    text: "New", ui: "action", handler:  function()  {

                          var  note = Ext.ModelMgr.create({ Id: (new Date()).getTime(),Name: "", Phone: "", Email: "" }, "Note");
                         // 自动加载数据
                        NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem("noteEditor", { type: "slide", direction: "left" });
        Ext.regModel("Note", {
            idProperty: "Id",
            fields: [
               { name: "Id", type: "int" },
               { name: "Name", type: "string" },
               { name: "Phone", type: "string" },
               { name: "Email", type: "string", message: "Wrong Email Format" }
            validations: [
            { type: "presence", field: "Id" },
            { type: "presence", field: "Name", message: "Name cannot be empty!" },
             // 验证,注意type是"format"
            { type: "format", field: "Phone", matcher: /^[0-9]+$/, message: "please enter corrent number!" },
            { type: "format", field: "Email", matcher: /^[.]*$|^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/, message: "please enter corrent email!" }
        NotesApp.views.NotesStore = Ext.regStore("NotesStore", {
            model: "Note",
            sorters: { property: "Name", direction: "ASC" },
            proxy: { type: "localstorage", id: "note-store-app"  },
              // 分组的时候用
            getGroupString:  function (record) { 
                 if  (record && {
                     return  record.get("Name")[0].toString();
                 else  {
                     return  "";
        NotesApp.views.notesList =  new Ext.List({
            id: "notesList",
            store: "NotesStore",
            // 分组
            grouped:  true
           // 右侧的字母索引
            indexBar:  true
            emptyText: "<div>note is not cached</div>",  // onItemDisclosure
            itemTpl: "<div>{Name}</div>" + "<div>{Phone}</div>",
            onItemDisclosure:  function(record) {
                 var  selectedNote = record;
                NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem("noteEditor", { type: "slide", direction: "left" });
              // 只要展示listview就会触发这个事件
            listeners: { "render":
             function (thisComponent) {
         // page two
         // home and save
        NotesApp.views.noteEditorTopToolbar =  new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "noteEditorTopToolbar",
            title: "Edit Contact",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
            { text: "Home", ui: "back",
                handler:  function() {
                          NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem("notesListContainer", { type: "slide", direction: "right" });
            { xtype: "spacer" },
                 text: "Save", ui: "action", handler:  function () {
                     var  noteEditor = NotesApp.views.noteEditor;
                     // 得到record里的数据,比如:从list表单中选择一个
                     var  currentNote = noteEditor.getRecord();
// 将修改后的数据保存在record里,如:在文本框中修改姓名
                     // 验证,规则对应于Model里的validations
                     var  errors = currentNote.validate();
                     if  (!errors.isValid()) {
                         var  message = "<span style='color:red'>";
                        Ext.each(errors.items,  function (rec, i) {
                            message += rec.message + "<br>";
                        message += "</span>";
                        Ext.Msg.alert("<span style='color:red'>Validate</span>", message, Ext.emptyFn);
                         return ;
                     // 保存notesStore中的数据
                     var  notesList = NotesApp.views.notesList;
                     var  notesStore = notesList.getStore();
                     if  (notesStore.findRecord('Id', ===  null ) {
                    notesStore.sort([{ property: 'Name', direction: 'ASC'}]);
// 刷新notesList中的数据
                 NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem('notesListContainer', { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' });
         // delete
        NotesApp.views.noteEditorBottomToolbar =  new Ext.Toolbar({
            id: "noteEditorBottomToolbar",
            dock: "bottom",
            layout: "hbox",
            items: [
                { xtype: " spacer" },
                { iconCls: "trash", iconMask:  true , handler:  function () {
                     // 得到record里的数据
                     var  currentNote = NotesApp.views.noteEditor.getRecord();
                     // 删除notesStore中的数据
                     var  notesList = NotesApp.views.notesList;
                     var  notesStore = notesList.getStore();

                     if  (notesStore.findRecord('Id', {
// 刷新notesList中的数据
                    NotesApp.views.viewport.setActiveItem('notesListContainer', { type: 'slide', direction: 'right' });

         // editor content
        NotesApp.views.noteEditor =  new Ext.form.FormPanel({
            id: "noteEditor",
            items: [
                { xtype: "textfield", name: "Name", label: "Name", required:  true },
                { xtype: "textfield", name: "Phone", label: "Phone" },
                { xtype: "textfield", name: "Email", label: "Email" }
            dockedItems: [NotesApp.views.noteEditorTopToolbar, NotesApp.views.noteEditorBottomToolbar]

        NotesApp.views.notesListContainer =  new Ext.Panel({
            id: "notesListContainer",
            layout: "fit",
            dockedItems: [NotesApp.views.notesListToolbar],
            items: [NotesApp.views.notesList]

        NotesApp.views.viewport =  new Ext.Panel({
            fullscreen:  true// fullscreen
            layout: "card",
            cardSwitchAnimation: "slide",
            items: [NotesApp.views.notesListContainer
            , NotesApp.views.noteEditor






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