MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(服务器 游戏场景 聊天管道和寻路器)




MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(服务器 游戏场景 聊天管道和寻路器)_第1张图片



typedef struct chatitem_struct {
  packet::Base *packet; //网络包指针
  int32_t sourceid; //发起者ID
  int32_t destid; //目标ID,队聊、场景聊、私聊、系统、自建聊天频道时目的对象ID。
} chatitem_t; //聊天单个数据


    1. 初始化(init)


    2. 心跳(heart beat)


    3. 消息发送(send packet)


    4. 消息接收(recv packet)




    1. 地图数据


    2. 导航图数据


    3. 格子的数据


    4. 寻路点的数据



    1. 析构函数(construct)


    2. 数据重置(reset)


    3. 路径查找(find path)


    4. 路由打包(route pack)


    5. 是否可到达(is can go)







#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

 * 顺序查找实现简单,但是效率低,主要用在数据量不大以及效率要求不高的情况。
 * 顺序查找可以利用顺序结构实现也可以利用链式结构实现。

#define SIZEMAX 100

typedef struct table_struct {
  int32_t list[SIZEMAX];
  int32_t length;
} table_t;

int32_t seqsearch(table_t table, int32_t x);
int32_t displayarray(int32_t array[], int32_t length);

int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
  table_t table = {{35, 33, 23, 67, 88, 99, 123, 232, 111}, 9};
  int32_t i, position, x;
  printf("array members: ");
  displayarray(table.list, table.length);
  printf("please enter you want search member: ");
  scanf("%d", &x);
  position = seqsearch(table, x);
  if (position) {
    printf("member %d in array position is %d\n", x, position);
  } else {
    printf("member %d not find in array\n", x);
  return 0;

int32_t seqsearch(table_t table, int32_t x) {
  int32_t i = 0;
  while (i < table.length && table.list[i] != x) ++i;
  if (table.list[i] == x) {
    return i + 1;
  return 0;

int32_t displayarray(int32_t array[], int32_t length) {
  int32_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
    printf("%4d", array[i]);


MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(服务器 游戏场景 聊天管道和寻路器)_第2张图片





#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

 * 折半查找又可以称作二分查找
 * 它的效率虽然高于顺序查找的效率,但是它查找的序列必须是一个有序序列。
#define SIZEMAX 100

typedef struct table_struct {
  int32_t list[SIZEMAX];
  int32_t length;
} table_t;

int32_t binarysearch(table_t table, int32_t x);
void displayarray(int32_t array[], int32_t length);

int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
  table_t table = {{12, 23, 35, 36, 56, 78, 86, 89, 91}, 9};
  int32_t i, position, x;
  printf("table list: ");
  displayarray(table.list, table.length);
  printf("please input a member you want search: ");
  scanf("%d", &x);
  position = binarysearch(table, x);
  if (position) {
    printf("member %d is in array position: %d\n", x, position);
  } else {
    printf("%d is not find in array\n", x);
  return 0;

int32_t binarysearch(table_t table, int32_t x) {
  int32_t low, high, middle;
  low = 0, high = table.length - 1; //设置待查找元素的下界和上界
  while (low <= high) {
    middle = (low + high) / 2;
    if (table.list[middle] == x) //如果找到元素,则返回该元素所在位置
      return middle + 1;
    else if (table.list[middle] < x) //如果middle所在元素小于查找元素则向右移动low的位置
      low = middle + 1;
    else if (table.list[middle] > x) //如果middle所在元素大于查找元素则向左移动high的位置
      high = middle - 1;
  return 0;

void displayarray(int32_t array[], int32_t length) {
  int32_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
    printf("%4d", array[i]);


MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(服务器 游戏场景 聊天管道和寻路器)_第3张图片




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

 * 分块查找的索引表由主表和索引表构成,主表中的元素不一定有序,索引表中的元素一定
 * 有序。
 * 当待查的元素序列比较多时,利用该算法可以快速确定待查找元素的大体位置,减少了比较次数。
#define SIZEMAX 100
#define INDEXSIZE_MAX 20

typedef struct table_struct {
  int32_t list[SIZEMAX];
  int32_t length;
} table_t; //顺序表

typedef struct indextable_struct {
  int32_t maxvalue;
  int32_t index;
} indextable_t[INDEXSIZE_MAX]; //索引表

int32_t seqindex_search(table_t table, 
                        indextable_t indextable, 
                        int32_t m, 
                        int32_t x);
void displayarray(int32_t array[], int32_t length);

int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]) {
  table_t table = {{8, 13, 25, 19, 22, 29, 46, 38, 30, 35, 
                    50, 60, 49, 57, 55, 65, 70, 89, 92, 70}, 20};
  indextable_t indextable = {{25, 0}, {46, 5}, {60, 10}, {92, 15}};
  int32_t x, position, i;
  printf("index table max value: \n");
  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
    printf("%3d", indextable[i].maxvalue);
  printf("\nlist array members: \n");
  displayarray(table.list, table.length);
  printf("input a number you want search: ");
  scanf("%d", &x);
  position = seqindex_search(table, indextable, 4, x);
  if (position) {
    printf("%d is a member of array, position: %d\n", x, position);
  } else {
    printf("%d is not a member of array\n");
  return 0;

int32_t seqindex_search(table_t table, 
                        indextable_t indextable, 
                        int32_t m, 
                        int32_t x) {
  int32_t i, j;
  int32_t b1;
  for (i = 0; i < m; ++i) { //通过索引表确定要查找元素在主表中的单元
    if (indextable[i].maxvalue >= x) break;
  if (i >= m) return 0; //如果查找元素不再表table中,返回
  j = indextable[i].index; //从第i个单元序号j开始查找元素x
  if (i < m - 1) { //b1为第j单元的长度
    b1 = indextable[i + 1].index - indextable[i].index;
  } else {
    b1 = table.length - indextable[i].index;
  while (j < indextable[i].index + b1) {
    if (table.list[j] == x) { //找到
      return j + 1;
  return 0;

void displayarray(int32_t array[], int32_t length) {
  int32_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
    printf("%4d", array[i]);


MMORPG大型游戏设计与开发(服务器 游戏场景 聊天管道和寻路器)_第4张图片
