Win 7 XAmpp yii 环境配置


Installing Yii in xampp on Windows XP

Yii is a new php framework which is going to be used widely in the near future.Here i am going to guide how to install Yii framework in xampp on windows platform.

Download the frame work from  here
Unpack it and and put the folder in C:\xampp\htdocs\yii (or the path you installed xampp).
Start the Xampp control panel and start the apache server and mysql

Open the browser and got to
if you put folder correctly in htdocs you should be getting the above page

Creating web app from cmd windows(comand promtp)

How to use the yiic command to bootstrap the creation of a new
Yii application

  1. right click "my computer"
  2. go to "system properties" under "advanced" tab, click on "environment variables"
  3. under "system variables" find for the variable named "PATH" and click on "Edit" button
in "Variable Value" append the php.exe path with a semi-colon like below

if you dont do the above step correctly you will get this error " php.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command"
open cmd and enter
cd c:\xampp\htdocs\yii\framework

then enter

yiic webapp ..\newapp

you will prompted with



 安装完成后,输入http://localhost/yii/newapp 就可以查看这个demo网站了。


为了方便的运行Yii的命令,最好将YII framework目录加入Windows 环境变量里 


