def NMSBoxes(bboxes, scores, score_threshold, nms_threshold, eta=None, top_k=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
NMSBoxes(bboxes, scores, score_threshold, nms_threshold[, eta[, top_k]]) -> indices
. @brief Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
. * @param bboxes a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS.
. * @param scores a set of corresponding confidences.
. * @param score_threshold a threshold used to filter boxes by score.
. * @param nms_threshold a threshold used in non maximum suppression.
. * @param indices the kept indices of bboxes after NMS.
. * @param eta a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: \f$nms\_threshold_{i+1}=eta\cdot nms\_threshold_i\f$.
. * @param top_k if `>0`, keep at most @p top_k picked indices.
/** @brief Performs non maximum suppression given boxes and corresponding scores.
* @param bboxes a set of bounding boxes to apply NMS.
* @param scores a set of corresponding confidences.
* @param score_threshold a threshold used to filter boxes by score.
* @param nms_threshold a threshold used in non maximum suppression.
* @param indices the kept indices of bboxes after NMS.
* @param eta a coefficient in adaptive threshold formula: \f$nms\_threshold_{i+1}=eta\cdot nms\_threshold_i\f$.
* @param top_k if `>0`, keep at most @p top_k picked indices.
CV_EXPORTS void NMSBoxes(const std::vector<Rect>& bboxes, const std::vector<float>& scores,
const float score_threshold, const float nms_threshold,
CV_OUT std::vector<int>& indices,
const float eta = 1.f, const int top_k = 0);
CV_EXPORTS_W void NMSBoxes(const std::vector<Rect2d>& bboxes, const std::vector<float>& scores,
const float score_threshold, const float nms_threshold,
CV_OUT std::vector<int>& indices,
const float eta = 1.f, const int top_k = 0);
typedef Rect_<int> Rect2i;
typedef Rect_<float> Rect2f;
typedef Rect_<double> Rect2d;
typedef Rect2i Rect;
/** @brief Template class for 2D rectangles
described by the following parameters:
- Coordinates of the top-left corner. This is a default interpretation of Rect_::x and Rect_::y
in OpenCV. Though, in your algorithms you may count x and y from the bottom-left corner.
- Rectangle width and height.
OpenCV typically assumes that the top and left boundary of the rectangle are inclusive, while the
right and bottom boundaries are not. For example, the method Rect_::contains returns true if
\f[x \leq pt.x < x+width,
y \leq pt.y < y+height\f]
Virtually every loop over an image ROI in OpenCV (where ROI is specified by Rect_\ ) is
implemented as:
for(int y = roi.y; y < roi.y + roi.height; y++)
for(int x = roi.x; x < roi.x + roi.width; x++)
// ...
In addition to the class members, the following operations on rectangles are implemented:
- \f$\texttt{rect} = \texttt{rect} \pm \texttt{point}\f$ (shifting a rectangle by a certain offset)
- \f$\texttt{rect} = \texttt{rect} \pm \texttt{size}\f$ (expanding or shrinking a rectangle by a
certain amount)
- rect += point, rect -= point, rect += size, rect -= size (augmenting operations)
- rect = rect1 & rect2 (rectangle intersection)
- rect = rect1 | rect2 (minimum area rectangle containing rect1 and rect2 )
- rect &= rect1, rect |= rect1 (and the corresponding augmenting operations)
- rect == rect1, rect != rect1 (rectangle comparison)
This is an example how the partial ordering on rectangles can be established (rect1 \f$\subseteq\f$
template inline bool
operator <= (const Rect_<_Tp>& r1, const Rect_<_Tp>& r2)
return (r1 & r2) == r1;
For your convenience, the Rect_\<\> alias is available: cv::Rect
template<typename _Tp> class Rect_
typedef _Tp value_type;
//! default constructor
Rect_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _width, _Tp _height);
Rect_(const Rect_& r) = default;
Rect_(Rect_&& r) CV_NOEXCEPT = default;
Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& org, const Size_<_Tp>& sz);
Rect_(const Point_<_Tp>& pt1, const Point_<_Tp>& pt2);
Rect_& operator = (const Rect_& r) = default;
Rect_& operator = (Rect_&& r) CV_NOEXCEPT = default;
//! the top-left corner
Point_<_Tp> tl() const;
//! the bottom-right corner
Point_<_Tp> br() const;
//! size (width, height) of the rectangle
Size_<_Tp> size() const;
//! area (width*height) of the rectangle
_Tp area() const;
//! true if empty
bool empty() const;
//! conversion to another data type
template<typename _Tp2> operator Rect_<_Tp2>() const;
//! checks whether the rectangle contains the point
bool contains(const Point_<_Tp>& pt) const;
_Tp x; //!< x coordinate of the top-left corner
_Tp y; //!< y coordinate of the top-left corner
_Tp width; //!< width of the rectangle
_Tp height; //!< height of the rectangle
Rect_(_Tp _x, _Tp _y, _Tp _width, _Tp _height);
_Tp x; //!< x coordinate of the top-left corner
_Tp y; //!< y coordinate of the top-left corner
_Tp width; //!< width of the rectangle
_Tp height; //!< height of the rectangle
所以cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes的bboxes框应该是左上角坐标(x,y)和 w,h, 那么针对不同模型的,要具体情况转化一下,才能应用该函数。