HTTP权威指南 读书笔记-client

PartI : 

1. URI---> URL + URN

2. URI Syntax     


 schema:  http/https/ftp/smip/telnet/...

 frag: used to tag the position of resource content if the content is very large

3. Escape characters in URL:

The encoding simply represents the unsafe character by an "escape" notation,
consisting of a percent sign (%) followed by two hexadecimal digits that represent the ASCII code of the character

4. Flow of message:


HTTP权威指南 读书笔记-client

5. Message Syntax:    

       Here's the format for a request message:

<method> <request-URL> <version>

Here's the format for a response message (note that the syntax differs only in the start line):

<version> <status> <reason-phrase>

5. Error code

   100-199: Informational Status Codes: 100 Continue

   200-299: Success Status Codes: 200 OK

   300-399: Redirection Status Codes

   400-499: Client Error Status Codes:   404 Not Found

   500-599: Server Error Status Codes


 Note: we can user different client to talk with web server through http: 

 web broswer: firefox(firebug), chrome(dev env), ie( fiddle) 

 broswer based addon:  poster, rest client

 test tool: soapUI, jemeter,...

 programming laugage: create http request and send it, parse the response .

 One more thing, it can mix the broswer engine( IE, V8) into your application, and use this engine to render the http response.  In other words,

 the desktop-based application can communite with web service to access resource  though http and display it by embed engine.

