
// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Net.Http.Formatting;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using System.Security.Principal;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using System.Web.Http.Dispatcher;
using System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling;
using System.Web.Http.Filters;
using System.Web.Http.Metadata;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;
using System.Web.Http.Properties;
using System.Web.Http.Results;
using System.Web.Http.Routing;
using System.Web.Http.Validation;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

namespace System.Web.Http
    public abstract class ApiController : IHttpController, IDisposable
        private HttpActionContext _actionContext = new HttpActionContext();
        private bool _initialized;

        /// Gets the configuration.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public HttpConfiguration Configuration
            get { return ControllerContext.Configuration; }
            set { ControllerContext.Configuration = value; }

        /// Gets the controller context.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public HttpControllerContext ControllerContext
                // unit test only
                if (ActionContext.ControllerContext == null)
                    ActionContext.ControllerContext = new HttpControllerContext
                        RequestContext = new RequestBackedHttpRequestContext()
                return ActionContext.ControllerContext;
                if (value == null)
                    throw Error.PropertyNull();

                ActionContext.ControllerContext = value;

        /// Gets the action context.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public HttpActionContext ActionContext
            get { return _actionContext; }
                if (value == null)
                    throw Error.PropertyNull();
                _actionContext = value;

        /// Gets model state after the model binding process. This ModelState will be empty before model binding happens.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public ModelStateDictionary ModelState
                return ActionContext.ModelState;

        /// Gets or sets the HTTP request message.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public HttpRequestMessage Request
                return ControllerContext.Request;
                if (value == null)
                    throw Error.PropertyNull();

                HttpRequestContext contextOnRequest = value.GetRequestContext();
                HttpRequestContext contextOnController = RequestContext;

                if (contextOnRequest != null && contextOnRequest != contextOnController)
                    // Prevent unit testers from setting conflicting requests contexts.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SRResources.RequestContextConflict);

                ControllerContext.Request = value;

                RequestBackedHttpRequestContext requestBackedContext =
                    contextOnController as RequestBackedHttpRequestContext;

                if (requestBackedContext != null)
                    requestBackedContext.Request = value;

        /// Gets the request context.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public HttpRequestContext RequestContext
                return ControllerContext.RequestContext;
                if (value == null)
                    throw Error.PropertyNull();

                HttpRequestContext oldContext = ControllerContext.RequestContext;
                HttpRequestMessage request = Request;

                if (request != null)
                    HttpRequestContext contextOnRequest = request.GetRequestContext();

                    if (contextOnRequest != null && contextOnRequest != oldContext && contextOnRequest != value)
                        // Prevent unit testers from setting conflicting requests contexts.
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(SRResources.RequestContextConflict);


                ControllerContext.RequestContext = value;

        /// Gets a factory used to generate URLs to other APIs.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public UrlHelper Url
            get { return RequestContext.Url; }
            set { RequestContext.Url = value; }

        /// Gets or sets the current principal associated with this request.
        /// The setter is intended for unit testing purposes only.
        public IPrincipal User
            get { return RequestContext.Principal; }
            set { RequestContext.Principal = value; }

        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1506:AvoidExcessiveClassCoupling", Justification = "This method is a coordinator, so this coupling is expected.")]
        public virtual Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(HttpControllerContext controllerContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (_initialized)
                // if user has registered a controller factory which produces the same controller instance, we should throw here
                throw Error.InvalidOperation(SRResources.CannotSupportSingletonInstance, typeof(ApiController).Name, typeof(IHttpControllerActivator).Name);


            // We can't be reused, and we know we're disposable, so make sure we go away when
            // the request has been completed.
            if (Request != null)

            HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor = controllerContext.ControllerDescriptor;
            ServicesContainer controllerServices = controllerDescriptor.Configuration.Services;

            HttpActionDescriptor actionDescriptor = controllerServices.GetActionSelector().SelectAction(controllerContext);
            ActionContext.ActionDescriptor = actionDescriptor;
            if (Request != null)

            FilterGrouping filterGrouping = actionDescriptor.GetFilterGrouping();

            IActionFilter[] actionFilters = filterGrouping.ActionFilters;
            IAuthenticationFilter[] authenticationFilters = filterGrouping.AuthenticationFilters;
            IAuthorizationFilter[] authorizationFilters = filterGrouping.AuthorizationFilters;
            IExceptionFilter[] exceptionFilters = filterGrouping.ExceptionFilters;

            IHttpActionResult result = new ActionFilterResult(actionDescriptor.ActionBinding, ActionContext,
                controllerServices, actionFilters);
            if (authorizationFilters.Length > 0)
                result = new AuthorizationFilterResult(ActionContext, authorizationFilters, result);
            if (authenticationFilters.Length > 0)
                result = new AuthenticationFilterResult(ActionContext, this, authenticationFilters, result);
            if (exceptionFilters.Length > 0)
                IExceptionLogger exceptionLogger = ExceptionServices.GetLogger(controllerServices);
                IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler = ExceptionServices.GetHandler(controllerServices);
                result = new ExceptionFilterResult(ActionContext, exceptionFilters, exceptionLogger, exceptionHandler,

            return result.ExecuteAsync(cancellationToken);

        /// Validates the given entity and adds the validation errors to the 
        /// under the empty prefix, if any.
        /// The type of the entity to be validated.
        /// The entity being validated.
        public void Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
            Validate(entity, keyPrefix: String.Empty);

        /// Validates the given entity and adds the validation errors to the , if any.
        /// The type of the entity to be validated.
        /// The entity being validated.
        /// The key prefix under which the model state errors would be added in the .
        public void Validate<TEntity>(TEntity entity, string keyPrefix)
            if (Configuration == null)
                throw Error.InvalidOperation(SRResources.TypePropertyMustNotBeNull, typeof(ApiController).Name, "Configuration");

            IBodyModelValidator validator = Configuration.Services.GetBodyModelValidator();
            if (validator != null)
                ModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider = Configuration.Services.GetModelMetadataProvider();
                Contract.Assert(metadataProvider != null, "GetModelMetadataProvider throws on null.");

                validator.Validate(entity, typeof(TEntity), metadataProvider, ActionContext, keyPrefix);

        /// Creates a  (400 Bad Request).
        /// A .
        protected internal virtual BadRequestResult BadRequest()
            return new BadRequestResult(this);

        /// Creates a  (400 Bad Request) with the specified error message.
        /// The user-visible error message.
        /// A  with the specified error message.
        protected internal virtual BadRequestErrorMessageResult BadRequest(string message)
            return new BadRequestErrorMessageResult(message, this);

        /// Creates an  (400 Bad Request) with the specified model state.
        /// The model state to include in the error.
        /// An  with the specified model state.
        protected internal virtual InvalidModelStateResult BadRequest(ModelStateDictionary modelState)
            return new InvalidModelStateResult(modelState, this);

        /// Creates a  (409 Conflict).
        /// A .
        protected internal virtual ConflictResult Conflict()
            return new ConflictResult(this);

        /// Creates a  with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The HTTP status code for the response message.
        /// The content value to negotiate and format in the entity body.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual NegotiatedContentResult<T> Content<T>(HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value)
            return new NegotiatedContentResult<T>(statusCode, value, this);

        /// Creates a  with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The HTTP status code for the response message.
        /// The content value to format in the entity body.
        /// The formatter to use to format the content.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal FormattedContentResult<T> Content<T>(HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value,
            MediaTypeFormatter formatter)
            return Content(statusCode, value, formatter, (MediaTypeHeaderValue)null);

        /// Creates a  with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The HTTP status code for the response message.
        /// The content value to format in the entity body.
        /// The formatter to use to format the content.
        /// The value for the Content-Type header.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal FormattedContentResult<T> Content<T>(HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value,
            MediaTypeFormatter formatter, string mediaType)
            return Content(statusCode, value, formatter, new MediaTypeHeaderValue(mediaType));

        /// Creates a  with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The HTTP status code for the response message.
        /// The content value to format in the entity body.
        /// The formatter to use to format the content.
        /// The value for the Content-Type header, or  to have the formatter pick a default
        /// value.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual FormattedContentResult<T> Content<T>(HttpStatusCode statusCode, T value,
            MediaTypeFormatter formatter, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType)
            return new FormattedContentResult<T>(statusCode, value, formatter, mediaType, this);

        /// Creates a  (201 Created) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The location at which the content has been created. Must be a relative or absolute URL.
        /// The content value to negotiate and format in the entity body.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<T> Created<T>(string location, T content)
            if (location == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

            return Created<T>(new Uri(location, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute), content);

        /// Creates a  (201 Created) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The location at which the content has been created.
        /// The content value to negotiate and format in the entity body.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<T> Created<T>(Uri location, T content)
            return new CreatedNegotiatedContentResult<T>(location, content, this);

        /// Creates a  (201 Created) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The name of the route to use for generating the URL.
        /// The route data to use for generating the URL.
        /// The content value to negotiate and format in the entity body.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<T> CreatedAtRoute<T>(string routeName,
            object routeValues, T content)
            return CreatedAtRoute<T>(routeName, new HttpRouteValueDictionary(routeValues), content);

        /// Creates a  (201 Created) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The name of the route to use for generating the URL.
        /// The route data to use for generating the URL.
        /// The content value to negotiate and format in the entity body.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<T> CreatedAtRoute<T>(string routeName,
            IDictionary<string, object> routeValues, T content)
            return new CreatedAtRouteNegotiatedContentResult<T>(routeName, routeValues, content, this);

        /// Creates an  (500 Internal Server Error).
        /// A .
        protected internal virtual InternalServerErrorResult InternalServerError()
            return new InternalServerErrorResult(this);

        /// Creates an  (500 Internal Server Error) with the specified exception.
        /// The exception to include in the error.
        /// An  with the specified exception.
        protected internal virtual ExceptionResult InternalServerError(Exception exception)
            return new ExceptionResult(exception, this);

        /// Creates a  (200 OK) with the specified value.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The content value to serialize in the entity body.
        /// A  with the specified value.
        protected internal JsonResult<T> Json<T>(T content)
            return Json<T>(content, new JsonSerializerSettings());

        /// Creates a  (200 OK) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The content value to serialize in the entity body.
        /// The serializer settings.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal JsonResult<T> Json<T>(T content, JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings)
            return Json<T>(content, serializerSettings, new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false,
                throwOnInvalidBytes: true));

        /// Creates a  (200 OK) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The content value to serialize in the entity body.
        /// The serializer settings.
        /// The content encoding.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual JsonResult<T> Json<T>(T content, JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings,
            Encoding encoding)
            return new JsonResult<T>(content, serializerSettings, encoding, this);

        /// Creates a  (404 Not Found).
        /// A .
        protected internal virtual NotFoundResult NotFound()
            return new NotFoundResult(this);

        /// Creates an  (200 OK).
        /// An .
        protected internal virtual OkResult Ok()
            return new OkResult(this);

        /// Creates an  (200 OK) with the specified values.
        /// The type of content in the entity body.
        /// The content value to negotiate and format in the entity body.
        /// An  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual OkNegotiatedContentResult<T> Ok<T>(T content)
            return new OkNegotiatedContentResult<T>(content, this);

        /// Creates a  (302 Found) with the specified value.
        /// The location to which to redirect.
        /// A  with the specified value.
        protected internal virtual RedirectResult Redirect(string location)
            if (location == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("location");

            return Redirect(new Uri(location));

        /// Creates a  (302 Found) with the specified value.
        /// The location to which to redirect.
        /// A  with the specified value.
        protected internal virtual RedirectResult Redirect(Uri location)
            return new RedirectResult(location, this);

        /// Creates a  (302 Found) with the specified values.
        /// The name of the route to use for generating the URL.
        /// The route data to use for generating the URL.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(string routeName, object routeValues)
            return RedirectToRoute(routeName, new HttpRouteValueDictionary(routeValues));

        /// Creates a  (302 Found) with the specified values.
        /// The name of the route to use for generating the URL.
        /// The route data to use for generating the URL.
        /// A  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(string routeName,
            IDictionary<string, object> routeValues)
            return new RedirectToRouteResult(routeName, routeValues, this);

        /// Creates a  with the specified response.
        /// The HTTP response message.
        /// A  for the specified response.
        protected internal virtual ResponseMessageResult ResponseMessage(HttpResponseMessage response)
            return new ResponseMessageResult(response);

        /// Creates a  with the specified status code.
        /// The HTTP status code for the response message
        /// A  with the specified status code.
        protected internal virtual StatusCodeResult StatusCode(HttpStatusCode status)
            return new StatusCodeResult(status, this);

        /// Creates an  (401 Unauthorized) with the specified values.
        /// The WWW-Authenticate challenges.
        /// An  with the specified values.
        protected internal UnauthorizedResult Unauthorized(params AuthenticationHeaderValue[] challenges)
            return Unauthorized((IEnumerable<AuthenticationHeaderValue>)challenges);

        /// Creates an  (401 Unauthorized) with the specified values.
        /// The WWW-Authenticate challenges.
        /// An  with the specified values.
        protected internal virtual UnauthorizedResult Unauthorized(IEnumerable<AuthenticationHeaderValue> challenges)
            return new UnauthorizedResult(challenges, this);

        protected virtual void Initialize(HttpControllerContext controllerContext)
            if (controllerContext == null)
                throw Error.ArgumentNull("controllerContext");

            _initialized = true;
            ControllerContext = controllerContext;

        #region IDisposable

        public void Dispose()

        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)

        #endregion IDisposable
