
I'm trying to remove a list of punctuation from my text file but I have only one problem with words separated from hyphen. For example, if I have the word "post-trauma" I get "posttrama" conversely I want to get "post" "trauma".

My code is:

punct=['!', '#', '"', '%', '$', '&', ')', '(', '+', '*', '-']

with open(myFile, "r") as f:


remove = '|'.join(REMOVE_LIST) #list of word to remove

regex = re.compile(r'('+remove+r')', flags=re.IGNORECASE)

out = regex.sub("", text)

delta= " ".join(out.split())

txt = "".join(c for c in delta if c not in punct )

Is there a way to solve it?


I believe you can just call the built-in replace function on delta, so your last line would become the following:

txt = "".join(c for c in delta.replace("-", " ") if c not in punct )

This means all the hyphens in your text will become spaces, so the words will be treated as if they were separate.
