unity 开发游戏 认识
Whether making short animated films, cinematic experiences or games that tackle social or mental health issues, young Unity developers are racking up fans around the world. Read this post for a roundup of some of the hottest new talent out there, as well as internships, student programs and other resources helping these inspiring youths along the Unity path.
无论是制作动画短片,电影体验还是解决社会或心理健康问题的游戏,年轻的Unity开发人员都在吸引全世界的粉丝。 阅读这篇文章,了解一些最炙手可热的新人才,以及实习,学生课程和其他资源,这些资源可以帮助这些启发年轻人沿着Unity道路前进。
As an evangelist, I am fortunate to be able to regularly meet incredibly talented developers, see their work, and take a deep dive into their creative processes. The feeling of awe and admiration that I have for the craft of these developers, of all ages and from all walks of life, never gets old. One of the most rewarding parts of the job, however, is encountering the work of those who are just starting out. The caliber of games and experiences being created by the younger generation, and the themes that they explore in their creative outlets, are inspiring and mind-blowing in equal measures.
作为布道者,我很幸运能够定期与非常有才华的开发人员会面,了解他们的工作并深入研究他们的创作过程。 我对这些开发人员的Craft.io,各个年龄段和各行各业的敬畏和钦佩之情永不褪色。 然而,工作中最有意义的部分之一就是遇到刚开始工作的人的工作。 年轻一代创造的游戏和经验的才能,以及他们在创意渠道中探索的主题,均以同等的方式鼓舞人心。
Now that Unity is free for education, the potential of Unity is limitless, regardless of age. The BAFTA Young Games Designers competition illustrates this point well. This annual competition spotlights the best game design and development talent from those aged 10 to 18 years old.
现在,Unity可以免费接受教育 ,无论年龄大小,Unity的潜力都是无限的。 BAFTA青年游戏设计师竞赛很好地说明了这一点。 这项年度比赛聚焦了10至18岁的最佳游戏设计和开发人才。
In 2017, the competition’s Game Making category saw two winners, who both made their games with Unity.
BAFTA YGD winner Spruce Campbell (Photo Credit: James Cannon/BAFTA)
BAFTA YGD冠军Spruce Campbell(照片来源:James Cannon / BAFTA)
Spruce Campbell, winner of the Game Making award in the 10-14 year-old category, made a neon labyrinth game called Cyber:JUMP. Spruce started using Unity at the age of 13, determined to script his own games and improve his skills. “It was super easy [to use Unity]. I’d been messing around with code for a few years so I knew the basics of scripting, but with the Unity tutorials it was different, because they showed full real-life examples and taught how to actually change stuff and ‘remix’ the project. It’s quite funny, because when I brought my Unity project to school everyone immediately said ‘How can I [do that]?’ and now I’m helping them get to grips with Unity.”
云杉坎贝尔(Spruce Campbell)是10至14岁类别的游戏制作奖获得者,他制作了一款名为Cyber:JUMP的霓虹迷宫游戏。 Spruce于13岁开始使用Unity,他决心编写自己的游戏并提高他的技能。 “(使用Unity)非常容易。 几年来我一直在搞弄代码,所以我知道脚本的基础知识,但是在Unity教程中却有所不同,因为它们展示了完整的真实示例,并教授了如何实际更改内容和“重新混合”项目。 这很有趣,因为当我将Unity项目带到学校时,每个人都立即说:“我该怎么做?” 现在我正在帮助他们掌握Unity。”
BAFTA YGD winner Emily Mitchell (Photo Credit: James Cannon/BAFTA).
BAFTA青年组冠军得主Emily Mitchell(图片来源:James Cannon / BAFTA)。
Emily Mitchell, winner of the Game Making award in the 15-18 year-old category, made Fractured Minds, which deals with the sensitive subject of struggling with commonly misunderstood mental health issues. Emily says, “Many young people suffer with mental health issues and feel isolated as a result. I wanted to create a game that would help young people experience what it’s like to live with mental health issues or anxiety so that they can begin to empathize and support each other.”
艾米莉·米切尔(Emily Mitchell)是15至18岁年龄段的游戏制作奖的获得者,他创作了《破碎的心灵》,该小说探讨了在精神疾病中经常被误解的敏感问题。 艾米丽说:“许多年轻人患有精神健康问题,并因此感到孤立。 我想创建一个游戏,以帮助年轻人体验精神健康问题或焦虑的生活,使他们可以开始同情并互相支持。”
Since their award wins, Spruce has been working on an App Store release of Cyber:JUMP, while Emily has signed with a publisher for Fractured Minds. Watch this space for updates!
自获得奖项以来,Spruce一直在开发Cyber:JUMP的App Store版本,而Emily已与Fractured Minds的发行商签约。 观看此空间以获取更新!
Unity is now being used in over 100,000 educational institutions globally. These institutions deliver courses in game design and development, animation, VR, animated film and other areas. This year at the Bett Show, the largest education show in Europe, we invited students from all over the world to demo their student projects.
现在,全球超过100,000家教育机构都在使用Unity。 这些机构提供游戏设计和开发,动画,VR,动画电影和其他领域的课程。 今年,在欧洲最大的教育展会Bett Show上 ,我们邀请了来自世界各地的学生来演示他们的学生项目。
For film, we showcased animated film, ASTER, created by a team of 5 students at Ulster University in Belfast using our 2017 suite of cinematic tools, Cinemachine, Post-Processing Stack V2 and Timeline. Beth Kirkpatrick, a recent animation student, says this about her career so far, “Art has always been a big part of my life and I wanted to incorporate creativity into my career, so animation was the perfect way to do that. It has been a great journey, as animation has led me into a world of storytelling and 3D technology.”
对于电影,我们展示了由5名学生组成的动画电影ASTER,该团队由贝尔法斯特阿尔斯特大学的5位学生组成,使用我们2017年的电影工具Cinemachine , Post-Processing V2和Timeline套件制作 。 到目前为止,动画专业的学生贝丝·柯克帕特里克(Beth Kirkpatrick)谈到自己的职业生涯时说:“艺术一直是我一生的重要组成部分,我想将创造力融入我的职业生涯,因此动画是实现这一目标的理想方法。 这是一段伟大的旅程,动画使我进入了讲故事和3D技术的世界。”
Creating ASTER was the first time that Beth had used Unity: “It has never been easier to make your own game and short film with so many wonderful resources on both the [Unity] Asset Store and via online tutorials. I think the biggest challenge has been to always push myself. ASTER had only a 12-week production period. It was intense but showed how much could be done when you push yourself and your team. Perseverance is key.”
Beth首次使用Unity来创建ASTER:“在[Unity] Asset Store和在线教程上都拥有如此多的精彩资源来制作自己的游戏和短片从未如此容易。 我认为最大的挑战是始终努力推动自己。 ASTER的生产周期只有12周。 这很激烈,但显示出当您推动自己和团队时可以做什么。 毅力是关键。”
Beth adds: “Unity has helped me develop a better portfolio of work, which has created more job opportunities for me. I know I wouldn’t be where I am now without it.”
贝丝补充说:“团结帮助我发展了更好的工作组合,为我创造了更多的就业机会。 我知道没有它我不会成为现在的我。”
We also had the pleasure of showcasing games from the Institute of Sound and Engineering (SAE), Germany, and the National Film and Television School (NFTS).
Tim and Alex (pictured) worked together on the cinematic experience, The Prisoner. The Prisoner was part of their final project in the Game Development course at the NFTS. This project sees disciplines from all over the school working together. Tim says, “On a single game, I got to work with screenwriters, producers, composers, sound designers, graphic artists and cinematographers, each one bringing his or her expertise to the table. Having such a diverse team of professionals from across the film, television and games industries has been a truly unique and rewarding experience in the NFTS Games course.”
蒂姆(Tim)和亚历克斯(Alex)(如图)一起合作拍摄了电影《囚徒》。 囚犯是他们在NFTS游戏开发课程中最终项目的一部分。 该项目使全校各学科共同努力。 蒂姆说:“在一个游戏中,我必须与编剧,制片人,作曲家,声音设计师,图形艺术家和电影摄影师合作,每个人都可以发挥自己的专业知识。 拥有如此庞大的电影,电视和游戏行业专业人士团队,在NFTS游戏课程中是一次真正独特且有益的体验。”
Tim outlined the benefits of using Unity as an integral part of the course. “The ability to rapidly prototype an idea in Unity and test out whether or not it works has been of great help in revealing the potential in a game. There are assets available for Unity that allow you to create your own unique materials. It takes a bit of work but you can achieve a pretty great result.” Alex adds: “The open-endedness of Unity means that there really isn’t only one solution to a problem. Having the whole suite of tools that Unity provides is invaluable to finding what works for you and your game.”
蒂姆概述了将Unity用作课程必不可少的部分的好处。 “在Unity中快速构思一个想法并测试它是否可行的能力对于揭示游戏的潜力很有帮助。 有一些可用于Unity的资产,可让您创建自己的独特材料。 这需要一些工作,但是您可以取得不错的结果。” 亚历克斯补充说:“ Unity的开放性意味着实际上并不仅只有一个解决方案。 拥有Unity提供的整套工具对于找到适合您和您的游戏的宝贵资源。”
Lukas, a student at SAE, speaks of how their game, Tiny Tanks, came to be, “I started coding for fun when I was 14 years old and also had a part-time job as a software engineer. I decided to look into games programming and found it to be so intriguing that I actually wanted to study it. We [Jannik and I] decided to study games programming at the SAE Institute in Frankfurt, Germany. I started to work on a little project during my first semester to test my abilities. It got a little bit out of hand and turned into a full game. Jannik saw the project I was working on about three months in and joined me.“
SAE的学生Lukas谈到了他们的游戏Tiny Tanks是如何变成的:“我从14岁起就开始玩有趣的代码,还兼职担任软件工程师。 我决定研究游戏编程,发现它是如此有趣,以至于我真的想研究它。 我们[Jannik和我]决定在德国法兰克福的SAE学院学习游戏编程。 我在第一学期开始从事一个小项目,以测试自己的能力。 有点失控,变成了完整的游戏。 Jannik看到了我正在进行的大约三个月的项目,并加入了我的行列。”
Lukas explains, “I was honestly really surprised by how fast I was able to do cool stuff with the engine by myself. It took me about three months to feel comfortable in the engine, and by that I mean I was able to build cool ideas I had, without needing to look up things every 10 minutes. Unity offers a great ecosystem that attracts a lot of developers for third-party content: models, textures, plugins, etc. For example, we used a plugin for online multiplayer, which really accelerated our progress.”
卢卡斯解释说:“老实说,我自己能用引擎做多酷的事情真让我感到惊讶。 我花了大约三个月的时间才能适应引擎,这意味着我能够提出自己的创意,而无需每10分钟检查一次。 Unity提供了一个强大的生态系统,吸引了很多开发人员来获取第三方内容:模型,纹理,插件等。例如,我们将插件用于在线多人游戏,这确实加快了我们的发展。”
Jannik offers some words of support and advice to aspiring developers: “In the beginning I watched a lot of tutorials and frequently consulted the API and manual. It’s all really high-quality content so it was pretty easy to get up to speed with the engine. It can feel frightening to open an unfamiliar software because you can be easily overwhelmed by all the buttons and seemingly complex stuff that gets thrown at you. I would recommend taking a deep breath, relax and then go watch the tutorials provided by Unity. They have started to build up a nice ‘step-by-step’ approach that really teaches gamedev in an easy-to-understand way. Second, you need to keep at it. Ten minutes a day may suffice – just don’t stop working at it. You will get there. We also stood where many beginners might be standing now, and from time to time we’re amazed by our progress: ‘Wow, I didn’t think I would ever be able to do this!’”
Jannik向有抱负的开发人员提供了一些支持和建议:“一开始,我看了很多教程,并经常查阅API和手册。 这些都是真正高质量的内容,因此很容易掌握引擎的运行速度。 打开一个陌生的软件可能会让人感到恐惧,因为所有按钮和看似复杂的东西都可能使您不知所措。 我建议深呼吸,放松一下,然后观看Unity提供的教程。 他们已经开始建立一种不错的“逐步”方法,以一种易于理解的方式真正教授gamedev。 其次,您需要坚持下去。 一天十分钟就足够了–只是不要停止工作。 你会到达那里。 我们还站在许多初学者现在可能站着的地方,不时对我们的进步感到惊讶:“哇,我认为我永远做不到!”
Unity offers internships to students whose courses provide a year in industry. Since Unity internships began, we have placed almost 100 interns globally and across multiple teams.
Unity向其课程提供一年行业经验的学生提供实习机会 。 自从Unity实习开始以来,我们已在全球和多个团队中安置了近100名实习生。
Alessia Nigretti, Technical Evangelist intern at our Brighton, UK office, started using Unity after being involved in game jams. She learned about Unity internships after speaking with a member of the Unity evangelist team at a gaming event. Alessia says, “Don’t always associate the game-creation process with programming – there’s so much more to it! In the time I’ve worked at Unity, I’ve met a lot of people scared of getting into game development because they had no programming background. With Unity it’s super easy to start whether you have one or not. It’s a fun way to begin programming if you’re interested in learning, since you can see the outcome of your code immediately. But for those people who have no interest in learning to code, there’s plenty of space in the game-making process for you too.”
英国布莱顿办事处的技术传教士实习生Alessia Nigretti在参与游戏卡纸后开始使用Unity。 在游戏活动中与Unity传播者团队的成员交谈后,她了解了Unity的实习机会。 Alessia说:“不要总是将游戏创作过程与编程联系在一起–要做的还很多! 在Unity工作期间,我遇到了很多人,他们害怕进入游戏开发领域,因为他们没有编程背景。 使用Unity,无论您是否拥有,都非常容易上手。 如果您对学习感兴趣,这是一种有趣的开始编程的方式,因为您可以立即看到代码的结果。 但是对于那些对学习编码没有兴趣的人,在游戏制作过程中也有足够的空间供您使用。”
For students, we have also launched the Student Ambassador Program. Having already been successfully rolled out across the US, this program is gaining momentum, with a focus on supporting communities of on-campus Unity learners and creators.
对于学生,我们还启动了“ 学生大使计划” 。 该计划已经在美国各地成功推广,并且正在获得发展势头,重点是为在校Unity学习者和创作者社区提供支持。
With the role of “Unity Developer” ranked #7 on LinkedIn’s Top 20 Emerging Jobs in 2017, it’s no surprise that talented young people are finding their place in the industry.
凭借“ Unity Developer”的角色在LinkedIn 2017年度20大新兴工作中排名第七,才华横溢的年轻人在行业中找到自己的位置也就不足为奇了。
Having started in web development at the age of 12, Emile Ferreira, a game developer in Cape Town, is making a difference to the games industry of South Africa. Emile is a self-taught developer who is now concentrating his talents on modding games and Unity.
开普敦的游戏开发人员埃米尔·费雷拉(Emile Ferreira)从12岁起就开始从事网络开发,它正在为南非的游戏产业带来改变。 Emile是一位自学成才的开发人员,现在他将自己的才能集中在改装游戏和Unity上。
While working in the industry and also running an after-school C# coding club, Emile is currently working on Light Bringer, an open-world action game focusing on issues close to his heart. Light Bringer, set in South Africa, deals with the social issues that Emile feels plague the country and must be addressed.
在该行业工作期间,还经营着一个课后C#编码俱乐部,Emile目前在开发Light Bringer ,这是一个开放世界的动作游戏,专注于他内心深处的问题。 成立于南非的Light Bringer致力于处理埃米尔认为困扰该国的社会问题,必须予以解决。
Emile’s advice to aspiring creatives is, “There’s no better time to start [making games] than right now. Unity makes creating world-class games possible with minimal prior knowledge. Start by watching tutorials (my favourite YouTuber is Brackeys). Then if you get stuck, head over to the official Unity documentation.” He also gives a nod towards Unity’s social platform, Unity Connect. “When you come up with a game concept, don’t imitate other games. Instead, create a game that you would want to play. Join game dev communities like Unity Connect to see how the pros do it. And finally, creating games is an art, so you should be doing it because you love it.”
Emile对有抱负的创意者的建议是:“现在没有比现在更好的时间开始制作游戏。 Unity使您能够以最少的先验知识来创建世界一流的游戏。 从观看教程开始(我最喜欢的YouTuber是Brackeys )。 然后,如果遇到麻烦,请转至Unity官方文档。” 他还向Unity的社交平台Unity Connect致敬。 “当您提出游戏概念时,请勿模仿其他游戏。 而是创建一个您想玩的游戏。 加入像Unity Connect这样的游戏开发者社区,看看专家如何做到这一点。 最后,创造游戏是一门艺术,因此您应该去做,因为您喜欢它。”
Unity Connect is a great way for students to showcase their Unity projects and look for jobs. Over 2,000 companies are registered and many of them are looking for employees, interns and graduates.
Unity Connect是学生展示自己的Unity项目并寻找工作的好方法。 已注册了2,000多家公司,其中许多正在寻找员工,实习生和毕业生。
Adam Oliver, an associate programmer at Pixel Toys, didn’t get into the game industry through the conventional university route. Instead Adam, a former winner of the BAFTA Young Game Designers competition, learned game development through trial and error. “I’d suggest that the best way to learn Unity is to just start making a game right away. Your first game will never be much good, but you’ll learn so much from the process of making one.” Through self-guided learning, Adam stresses the importance of “getting stuck into” (become immersed in) the multitude of online Unity Learning content and Documentation. He adds, “The wealth of completely free online resources has allowed me to teach myself everything I know, and I will continue to learn from these resources. In that respect, the Unity documentation helped me go straight into a job!”
Pixel Toys的副程序员Adam Oliver并没有通过传统的大学路线进入游戏行业。 相反,曾是BAFTA青年游戏设计师大赛冠军的亚当(Adam)通过反复试验来学习游戏开发。 “我建议学习Unity的最好方法是立即开始制作游戏。 您的第一个游戏永远都不会太好,但是您会从制作一个游戏的过程中学到很多东西。” 通过自主学习,Adam强调了“融入”(沉浸于)在线Unity学习内容和文档的重要性。 他补充说:“大量完全免费的在线资源使我能够教给我我所知道的一切,并且我将继续从这些资源中学习。 在这方面,Unity文档帮助我直接从事了工作!”
To see what Unity can offer the development talent of tomorrow, or those empowering them, please check out Unity for Education.
要了解Unity可以为明天的开发人才提供什么,或者赋予他们力量,请查看Unity for Education 。
Next week, our Education team is going to SXSW EDU in Austin, Texas. We’ll be on a panel called “Students Can Build the VR/AR Worlds of the Future” on March 5 and we’re hosting the Unity Interactive Technology Lounge all week.
下周,我们的教育团队将前往德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的SXSW EDU。 3月5日,我们将在一个名为“ 学生可以构建未来的VR / AR世界 ”的小组讨论中,整整一周将主持Unity Interactive Technology Lounge 。
The future is bright and we can’t wait to see what budding Unity talent comes to light in 2018!
Below are links to the work and portfolios of the amazing talent featured in this blog post. Be sure to check them out, be inspired and be ready to nurture the future of creative talent.
以下是此博客文章中精选的杰出人才的工作和作品集的链接。 请务必检查一下他们,激发他们的灵感,并准备培养创新型人才的未来。
Spruce Campbell (BAFTA YGD) http://www.bafta.org/supporting-talent/young-game-designers/spruce-campbell-young-game-designer
云杉坎贝尔(BAFTA YGD) http://www.bafta.org/supporting-talent/young-game-designers/spruce-campbell-young-game-designer
Emily Mitchell (BAFTA YGD) http://www.bafta.org/games/features/emily-mitchell-ygd-winner-interview
埃米莉·米切尔(Emily Mitchell)(BAFTA YGD) http://www.bafta.org/games/features/emily-mitchell-ygd-winner-interview
James Dalton, Rachel Johnson, Daryl Randall, Beth Kirkpatrick and Aidan Scott (Aster team from Ulster University) https://finalsemester2.wordpress.com/
詹姆斯·道尔顿(James Dalton),蕾切尔·约翰逊(Rachel Johnson),达里尔·兰德尔(Daryl Randall),贝丝·柯克帕特里克(Beth Kirkpatrick)和艾丹·斯科特(Aidan Scott)(阿尔斯特大学的Aster团队) https://finalsemester2.wordpress.com/
Tim Kaufmann (NFTS) http://timothyjohnkaufmann.wixsite.com/portfolio
蒂姆·考夫曼(NFTS) http://timothyjohnkaufmann.wixsite.com/portfolio
Alex Braniff-Taylor (NFTS) www.ajgames.co.uk
Alex Braniff-Taylor(NFTS) www.ajgames.co.uk
The Prisoner (NFTS) https://vimeo.com/246787125/096aefd4f6
囚犯(NFTS) https://vimeo.com/246787125/096aefd4f6
Lukas Krebs (SAE) https://www.leadfollowgames.com/
卢卡斯·克雷布斯(SAE) https://www.leadfollowgames.com/
Jannik Müller (SAE) https://www.leadfollowgames.com/
JannikMüller(SAE) https://www.leadfollowgames.com/
Alessia Nigretti (Unity) https://devpost.com/AlessiaNigretti
Alessia Nigretti(团结) https://devpost.com/AlessiaNigretti
Emile Ferreira http://emileferreira.com/
埃米尔·费雷拉(Emile Ferreira) http://emileferreira.com/
Adam Oliver https://www.adamoliver.uk/
亚当·奥利佛(Adam Oliver) https://www.adamoliver.uk/
翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/02/26/meet-the-inspiring-unity-developers-of-tomorrow/
unity 开发游戏 认识