
  1. AtomicUnorderedMap是一个不支持删除、支持高并发读写、支持自定义K、V的哈希表,只支持一个findOrConstruct操作。
  std::pair findOrConstruct(const Key& key, Func&& func) {
  // 根据哈希算法定位到索引
    auto const slot = keyToSlotIdx(key);
    auto prev = slots_[slot].headAndState_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
  // 遍历静态链表查找键是否存在
    auto existing = find(key, slot);
    if (existing != 0) {
      return std::make_pair(ConstIterator(*this, existing), false);
  // 在附近找一个空slot,同时设标记位为CONSTRUCTING
    auto idx = allocateNear(slot);
    new (&slots_[idx].keyValue().first) Key(key);

    while (true) {
      slots_[idx].next_ = prev >> 2;

      // we can merge the head update and the CONSTRUCTING -> LINKED update
      // into a single CAS if slot == idx (which should happen often)
      auto after = idx << 2;
      // 第一次就查找到空slot
      if (slot == idx) {
        after += LINKED;
      } else {
        after += (prev & 3);
      // 没有其他人读写原始slot prev
      if (slots_[slot].headAndState_.compare_exchange_strong(prev, after)) {
        // success
        if (idx != slot) {
          slots_[idx].stateUpdate(CONSTRUCTING, LINKED);
        return std::make_pair(ConstIterator(*this, idx), true);
      // compare_exchange_strong updates its first arg on failure, so
      // there is no need to reread prev
      // 原来的slot有变动,看看是不是其他线程进行了插入
      existing = find(key, slot);
      if (existing != 0) {
        // our allocated key and value are no longer needed
        slots_[idx].stateUpdate(CONSTRUCTING, EMPTY);

        return std::make_pair(ConstIterator(*this, existing), false);
