MOSS 2010:Visual Studio 2010开发体验(1)——SharePoint Explorer

你不得不感概,原先在MOSS 2007的时代我们是多么辛苦。不是吗?

  • Visual Studio 开发体验受到局限
    适用于 WSS 的 Visual Studio 扩展
    Visual Studio Tools for Office 与 VS2008 之间的配合
    SharePoint 开发人员需要依赖于社区工具
  • 开发人员不得不应对层出不穷的细节工作
    手工编辑 CAML 文件
    熟悉 WSS 的 RootFiles 目录
    手工编辑 manifest.xml 文件
    为解决方案包构建 .wsp 文件


是的 ,对这些痛苦我们记忆犹新。好吧,现在是时候改变了

  • SharePoint 2010 采用端到端的开发体验
    用于浏览网站的 SharePoint Explorer
    SharePoint 2010 项目与组件模板
    为 Visual Studio 2008 for WSS 3.0 提供迁移路径
  • SharePoint 开发人员的好消息
    实现 RootFiles 目录细节的简化
    实现 .wsp 文件构建工作的简化


当然,前提是,你得拥有Visual Studio 2010,而且最好是装在服务器上面。听我的吧,这样可以避免很多问题,节省大量的时间。

这一讲介绍一下SharePoint Explorer

这个工具是集成在Server Explorer中的

MOSS 2010:Visual Studio 2010开发体验(1)——SharePoint Explorer_第1张图片

MOSS 2010:Visual Studio 2010开发体验(1)——SharePoint Explorer_第2张图片


MOSS 2010:Visual Studio 2010开发体验(1)——SharePoint Explorer_第3张图片



关于 Explorer的扩展,如果有兴趣的朋友,可以参考下面的链接



using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Explorer;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.Explorer.Extensions;

namespace Contoso.ServerExplorerExtension
    internal class SiteNodeExtensionWithContextMenu : IExplorerNodeTypeExtension
        public void Initialize(IExplorerNodeType nodeType)
            nodeType.NodeMenuItemsRequested += nodeType_NodeMenuItemsRequested;

        void nodeType_NodeMenuItemsRequested(object sender, ExplorerNodeMenuItemsRequestedEventArgs e)
            IMenuItem menuItem = e.MenuItems.Add("Display Message");
            menuItem.Click += menuItem_Click;

        void menuItem_Click(object sender, MenuItemEventArgs e)
            IExplorerNode node = (IExplorerNode)e.Owner;
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Clicked the menu item for the '{0}' node.", node.Text));

    internal class FieldNodeExtensionWithProperty : IExplorerNodeTypeExtension
        public void Initialize(IExplorerNodeType nodeType)
            nodeType.NodePropertiesRequested += nodeType_NodePropertiesRequested;

        void nodeType_NodePropertiesRequested(object sender, ExplorerNodePropertiesRequestedEventArgs e)
            // Only add the property to "Body" fields.
            if (e.Node.Text == "Body")
                ExampleProperty propertyObject;

                // If the properties object already exists for this node, get it from the node's annotations.
                if (!e.Node.Annotations.TryGetValue(out propertyObject))
                    // Otherwise, create a new properties object and add it to the annotations.
                    propertyObject = new ExampleProperty(e.Node);


    internal class ExampleProperty
        private IExplorerNode node;
        private const string propertyId = "Contoso.ExampleProperty";
        private const string propertyDefaultValue = "This is an example property.";

        internal ExampleProperty(IExplorerNode node)
            this.node = node;

        // Gets or sets a simple string property. 
        [DescriptionAttribute("This is an example property for field nodes.")]
        public string TestProperty
                string propertyValue;

                // Get the current property value if it already exists; otherwise, return a default value.
                if (!node.Annotations.TryGetValue(propertyId, out propertyValue))
                    propertyValue = propertyDefaultValue;
                return propertyValue;
                if (value != propertyDefaultValue)
                    // Store the property value in the Annotations property of the node. 
                    // Data in the Annotations property does not persist when Visual Studio exits.
                    node.Annotations[propertyId] = value;
                    // Do not save the default value.

