ComponentArt License Key Generator For All Products

ComponentArt License Key Generator For All Products

ComponentArt License Key Generator For All Products

The key generator can generate all license keys for all ComponantArt products such as Web UI 2008.2 For Asp.Net 1.0/2.0/Ajax/3.5 & Charting.Net 2008.1 & Web UI 2009.1 Beta For Silverlight, it is designed for future version compatible(but it's not guaranteed), so when ComponentArt releases a new version of one product, you can add its licenses from the ComponentArt.Licensing.Manager.exe located in the root directory of the product and then try to generate license keys.

The key generator is powerful, you can even use it to generate a trial license key with a trial days, it's only valid for the products released after 2009-01-01, because the trial licenses are introduced by a new license key algorithm which is only used in WebUI 2009.1 Beta For Silverlight now, I assumed the future versions of other products will also use the same license key algorithm.

The key generator uses tow license key algorithms now, one for the products released before 2009-01-01 such as Web UI 2008.2 For Asp.Net 1.0/2.0/Ajax/3.5 & Charting.Net 2008.1, another for the products released after 2009-01-01 such as Web UI 2009.1 Beta For Silverlight, but I found a number calculated from the license key not be used, it may be used in the final release, it means that ComponentArt maybe update the new license key algorithm, this can cause the key generator to generate wrong license keys.

The key generator is for research purpose only.

The following list shows all licenses the key generator supports now:
Web.UI 2009.1 for Silverlight - Developer
Web.UI 2009.1 for Silverlight - Subscription
Web.UI 2009.1 for Silverlight - Enterprise
DataGrid 2009.1 for Silverlight
Menu 2009.1 for Silverlight
TreeView 2009.1 for Silverlight
ItemFlow 2009.1 for Silverlight
ContextMenu 2009.1 for Silverlight
DragDrop 2009.1 for Silverlight
Slider 2009.1 for Silverlight
ToolBar 2009.1 for Silverlight
Upload 2009.1 for Silverlight
WebChart 2008.1 for ASP.NET - Developer
WebChart 2008.1 for ASP.NET - Developer for ASP.NET - Enterprise
WebChart 2008.1 for ASP.NET - Subscription
WebChart 2008.1 for ASP.NET - Lite
WinChart 2008.1 for .NET - Developer
WinChart 2008.1 for .NET - Subscription
WinChart 2008.1 for .NET - Enterprise
ComponentArt Charting 2008.1 - Developer
ComponentArt Charting 2008.1 - Subscription
ComponentArt Charting 2008.1 - Enterprise
SqlChart 2008.1 for Reporting Services - Developer
SqlChart 2008.1 for Reporting Services - Subscription
SqlChart 2008.1 for Reporting Services - Enterprise
WebGauge 2009.1 for ASP.NET - Developer
WebGauge 2009.1 for ASP.NET - Subscription
WebGauge 2009.1 for ASP.NET - Enterprise
Web.UI 2008.2 for ASP.NET - Developer
Web.UI 2008.2 for ASP.NET - Enterprise
Web.UI 2008.2 for ASP.NET - Subscription
ComboBox 2008.2 for ASP.NET
ToolBar 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Dialog 2008.2 for ASP.NET
SpellCheck 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Editor 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Upload 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Calendar 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Grid 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Menu 2008.2 for ASP.NET
MultiPage 2008.2 for ASP.NET
NavBar 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Rotator 2008.2 for ASP.NET
SiteMap 2008.2 for ASP.NET
TabStrip 2008.2 for ASP.NET
TreeView 2008.2 for ASP.NET
CallBack 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Splitter 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Input 2008.2 for ASP.NET
Slider 2008.2 for ASP.NET
ColorPicker 2008.2 for ASP.NET


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