本文使用的backbone network为Resnet50,运行时需要根据实际使用的网络来修改以下两个参数:
1. "layers_names":包含模型所有网络层名的列表,层名顺序与模型结构一致。
2. "out_layer_name":指定的网络层名,使用该层输出的特征图来绘制热力图。
# coding: utf-8
import os
import cv2
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import torch.autograd as autograd
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from senet.se_resnet import FineTuneSEResnet50
# 训练过的模型路径
resume_path = r"D:\TJU\GBDB\set113\cross_validation\test1\epoch_0257_checkpoint.pth.tar"
# 输入图像路径
single_img_path = r'D:\TJU\GBDB\set113\CAM\temp.jpg'
# 绘制的热力图存储路径
save_path = r'D:\TJU\GBDB\set113\CAM\temp_layer4.jpg'
# 网络层的层名列表, 需要根据实际使用网络进行修改
layers_names = ['conv1', 'bn1', 'relu', 'maxpool', 'layer1', 'layer2', 'layer3', 'layer4', 'avgpool']
# 指定层名
out_layer_name = "layer4"
features_grad = 0
# 为了读取模型中间参数变量的梯度而定义的辅助函数
def extract(g):
global features_grad
features_grad = g
def draw_CAM(model, img_path, save_path, transform=None, visual_heatmap=False, out_layer=None):
绘制 Class Activation Map
:param model: 加载好权重的Pytorch model
:param img_path: 测试图片路径
:param save_path: CAM结果保存路径
:param transform: 输入图像预处理方法
:param visual_heatmap: 是否可视化原始heatmap(调用matplotlib)
# 读取图像并预处理
global layer2
img = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB')
if transform:
img = transform(img).cuda()
img = img.unsqueeze(0) # (1, 3, 448, 448)
# model转为eval模式
# 获取模型层的字典
layers_dict = {layers_names[i]: None for i in range(len(layers_names))}
for i, (name, module) in enumerate(model.features._modules.items()):
layers_dict[layers_names[i]] = module
# 遍历模型的每一层, 获得指定层的输出特征图
# features: 指定层输出的特征图, features_flatten: 为继续完成前端传播而设置的变量
features = img
start_flatten = False
features_flatten = None
for name, layer in layers_dict.items():
if name != out_layer and start_flatten is False: # 指定层之前
features = layer(features)
elif name == out_layer and start_flatten is False: # 指定层
features = layer(features)
start_flatten = True
else: # 指定层之后
if features_flatten is None:
features_flatten = layer(features)
features_flatten = layer(features_flatten)
features_flatten = torch.flatten(features_flatten, 1)
output = model.classifier(features_flatten)
# 预测得分最高的那一类对应的输出score
pred = torch.argmax(output, 1).item()
pred_class = output[:, pred]
# 求中间变量features的梯度
# 方法1
# features.register_hook(extract)
# pred_class.backward()
# 方法2
features_grad = autograd.grad(pred_class, features, allow_unused=True)[0]
grads = features_grad # 获取梯度
pooled_grads = torch.nn.functional.adaptive_avg_pool2d(grads, (1, 1))
# 此处batch size默认为1,所以去掉了第0维(batch size维)
pooled_grads = pooled_grads[0]
features = features[0]
print("pooled_grads:", pooled_grads.shape)
print("features:", features.shape)
# features.shape[0]是指定层feature的通道数
for i in range(features.shape[0]):
features[i, ...] *= pooled_grads[i, ...]
# 计算heatmap
heatmap = features.detach().cpu().numpy()
heatmap = np.mean(heatmap, axis=0)
heatmap = np.maximum(heatmap, 0)
heatmap /= np.max(heatmap)
# 可视化原始热力图
if visual_heatmap:
img = cv2.imread(img_path) # 用cv2加载原始图像
heatmap = cv2.resize(heatmap, (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) # 将热力图的大小调整为与原始图像相同
heatmap = np.uint8(255 * heatmap) # 将热力图转换为RGB格式
heatmap = cv2.applyColorMap(heatmap, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # 将热力图应用于原始图像
superimposed_img = heatmap * 0.7 + img # 这里的0.4是热力图强度因子
cv2.imwrite(save_path, superimposed_img) # 将图像保存到硬盘
if __name__ == '__main__':
transform = transforms.Compose([
transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
# 构建模型并加载预训练参数
seresnet50 = FineTuneSEResnet50(num_class=113).cuda()
checkpoint = torch.load(resume_path)
draw_CAM(seresnet50, single_img_path, save_path, transform=transform, visual_heatmap=True, out_layer=out_layer_name)
layer1: layer2: layer3: layer4: