DQL (Data Query Language: 数据查询语言)
{* | table.* | [ table.field1 [as alias1] [,table.field2 [as alias2] ][,.....] ]}
FROM table_name [AS table_alias]
[left | right | inner join table_name2] --联合查询
[WHERE ...] -- 指定结果需满足条件
[GROUP BY ...] -- 指定结果按照哪几个字段来分组
[HAVING] -- 过滤分组的记录需满足的次要条件
[ORDER BY ...] -- 指定查询记录按一个或多个条件排序
[LIMIT 开始位置, 显示条数] -- 指定查询记录范围
-- 查询所有的学生 select 字段,... from 表名
SELECT * FROM `student`
-- 查询指定的字段
select studentno , studentname from student;
-- 起别名 AS , 可以给字段起 ,给表起
select studentno AS 学号 , studentname AS 姓名 from student AS s;
-- 函数 Concat(a,b)
select Concat('姓名:' , studentname) AS 新名字 from student
distinct 去重
-- 查询哪些人参加了考试
select * from result;
-- 去重
select DISTINCT `studentno` FROM result;
select VERSION(); -- 查询mysql版本
select 100*3-1 AS 结果; -- 计算
select @@auto_increment_increment -- 查询自增的步长
-- 学员成绩全部+1
select studentno,studentresult,studentresult+1 AS '加分后' from result
作用: 检索数据中符合条件的值
运算符 | 语法 | 描述 |
and && | a and b a&&b | 与 |
or || | a or b a||b | 或 |
not ! | not a !a | 非 |
-- 查询90-100区间的人
select * from result where studentresult >= 90 and studentresult <= 100;
select * from result where studentresult >= 90 && studentresult <= 100;
-- 使用between 一定要左小右大
select * from result where studentresult BETWEEN 90 and 100;
-- 查询除了1000学号以外的学生成绩
select * from result where studentno != 1000;
select * from result where not studentno = 1000;
运算符 | 语法 | 描述 |
is null | a is null | 如果操作数为null, 真 |
is not null | a is not null | 如果操作数不为null, 真 |
between | a between b and c | a 在 b 和 c 直接, 真 |
like | a like b | a包含b , 真 |
in | a in (a1,a2,a3…) | a 在 (a1,a2…)中, 真 |
-- 查询张开头的
select studentno,studentname from student where studentname like '张%'
-- 查询张后面只有一个字的
select studentno,studentname from student where studentname like '张_'
-- 查询张后面有两个字的
select studentno,studentname from student where studentname like '张__'
-- 名字有刘的
select studentno,studentname from student where studentname like '%刘%'
-- ************IN**************
-- 查询学号包含1001,1002,1004的学生
select studentno,studentname from student where studentno in (1001,1002,1004)
-- 查询地址包含广东, 北京 的学生
select studentno,studentname from student where address in ('广东深圳','北京')
-- **********null not NULL***************
-- 查询地址为空的学生
select studentno,studentname from student where address = '' or address is null
inner join
– 查交集
select s.studentno,s.studentname,r.studentresult from student as s inner join result as r where s.studentno = r.studentno
– 左连接 , 以左表为主 ,左表全部列出, 匹配右表信息
select s.studentno,s.studentname,r.studentresult from student s left join result r on s.studentno = r.studentno
– 右连接 , 以右表为主, 右表全部列出, 匹配左表信息
select s.studentno,s.studentname,r.studentresult from student s right join result r on s.studentno = r.studentno
– 查询出student表(学号,姓名),result表(成绩),subject(学科)
select s.studentno,s.studentname,r.studentresult,sub.subjectname from student s inner join result r on s.studentno = r.studentno inner joinsubject
sub on r.subjectno = sub.subjectno
自己的表和自己的表连接, 核心: 一张表拆分成两张一样的表即可
categoryid | categoryName |
2 | 信息技术 |
3 | 软件开发 |
5 | 美术设计 |
pid | categoryid | categoryName |
3 | 4 | 数据库 |
2 | 8 | 办公信息 |
3 | 6 | web开发 |
5 | 7 | ps设计 |
父类 | 子类 |
信息技术 | 办公信息 |
软件开发 | 数据库 |
美术设计 | ps技术 |
– 当成两张表来查
select a.categoryName ‘父’,b.categoryName ‘子’ from category a, category b where a.categoryid = b.pid
-- 排序: 升序ASC, 降序 DESC
-- order by 排序
-- 查询结果成绩排序
select s.studentno,s.studentname,r.studentresult,sub.subjectname
from student s
inner join result r on s.studentno = r.studentno
inner join `subject` sub on r.subjectno = sub.subjectno
order by studentresult desc
-- 分页, 每页显示五条数据
-- 语法: limit 起始值, 每页条数
-- limit 0,5 1-5
-- limit 1,5 2-6
-- 查询出考高等数学前三的学生
select s.studentno,s.studentname,r.studentresult,sub.subjectname
from student s
inner join result r on s.studentno = r.studentno
inner join `subject` sub on r.subjectno = sub.subjectno
where studentresult > 60 and subjectname like '高等数学%'
order by studentresult desc limit 3
-- 查询分数不小于80分的学号和姓名,科目,分数, 科目为高等数学
-- 连表查询
select s.studentno , s.studentname ,sub.subjectname,r.studentresult from student s
inner join result r on s.studentno=r.studentno
inner join `subject` sub on r.subjectno = sub.subjectno
where r.studentresult >= 80 and sub.subjectname like '%高等%'
order by r.studentresult DESC
-- 子查询
select studentno , studentname from student
where studentno in (
select studentno from result where studentresult >= 80 and subjectno in (select subjectno from `subject` where subjectname like '%高等%')
-- 查询不同课程的平均分, 最高分,最低分, 平均分大于80
SELECT sub.subjectname,AVG(studentresult) 平均分, MAX(studentresult) 最高分,MIN(studentresult) 最低分
FROM result r
INNER JOIN `subject` sub
on r.subjectno = sub.subjectno
GROUP BY r.subjectno
HAVING 平均分>50