
ComputerKnowledgeand Technology 电脑知识与技术 人工智能及识别技术本栏目责任编辑 :唐一东 第 5 卷第 34 期 (2009 年 12 月) 基于 Matlab 的指纹识别系统的研究与实现孙玉明,王紫婷 (兰州交通大学 电子与信息工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730070)摘要:提出了一种基于 Matlab 的指纹识别方法,改进了传统指纹识别方法中的不足。 在经过简单预处理后实现的指纹识别系统的基础上,强调预处理算法与 Gabor 滤波器为基础的算法相结合,得到了基于 Matlab 的速度快,识别率高的指纹识别系统。 它以人机界面形式实现指纹的识别与匹配,同时还开发了指纹数据库的程序和界面,能添加和清除指纹数据,简单易用,方便准确。关键词:Matlab;指纹识别;预处理;Gabor 滤波器 中图分类号:TP18 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2009)34-9803-02 ResearchandImplementationoftheFingerprintIdentificationSystemBasedonMatlab SUN Yu-ming, WANG Zi-ting (SchoolofElectronicsandInformationEngineering,LanzhouJiaotongUniversity,Lanzhou730070,China) Abstract: A kind of Matlab-based fingerprint recognition method is put forward to improve the deficiencies which belong to the tradi-tional methods. Based on the fingerprint identification system which is achieved after only a simple pre-treatment process, the new method emphasisonthecombinationofthepre-processingalgorithmandtheGaborfilteralgorithm,andtheMatlab-basedfingerprintrecognition system which has high speed and recognition rate has been achieved. It is the form of man-machine interface to achieve the recognition and matching of the fingerprints, at the same time,it develops the procedures and interface of fingerprint database which can add and re-move and fingerprint datas, they are easy-to-use, convenient and accurate. Key words: matlab;fingerprintidentification;pretreatment;gaborfilter 随着身份欺诈现象在现代社会中层出不穷,人们越来越重视日新月异的身份识别技术的应用。 以生物识别为基础的身份识别技术,特别是指纹识别,得到了广泛的关注。 但传统的指纹识别方
