2022.11.2 英语背诵

dialect 方言,俚语 the local ~

funnel 漏斗,烟囱  a ship with three masts and two funnels

itinerary 旅行计划,旅行日记,旅程 The next place on our ~ was Sedona

foresee 预见,预知

divine 神的,极好的

annuity 年金

gland 腺 the pituitary ~

proficiency 熟练,进步

crawl 爬行,缓慢的行进,爬满

crumb 面包屑,一点点  She stood up to brush the ~s off her uniform

array 展示,一系列

affix 附加,贴上,盖印 ~ stickers over the price to correct at a cost of X

marginal  很少的,少量的

tag 标签

elevate 升高,抬起

utmost 最远的,最大的,极度的

inquire 打听,询问

regime 政体,政权

shatter 粉碎,毁损 The explosion ~ed the building

mount 爬上,骑上

substantial 坚固的,巨大的,富有的

excel 杰出,胜过,优于

consensus 一致,合意

modify 减轻,修改

horizon 地平线,视野

mingle 使混合,交往

thrust 猛推,冲锋,突击,推力

enforce 强迫服从,实施,加强

cynical 愤世嫉俗的

planetarium 天文馆 be approximated in a ~

oar 桨,橹

deputy 代表,代理人

conpress 使语言精炼,压缩

shrink 收缩,退缩

sustenance 食物,营养 without ~,the animals will soon die

exquisite 优美的,精巧的 the most ~ craftsship

pilgrim 香客,朝圣者 ~ visiting a holy shrine

succinct 简明的,扼要的 a ~ explanation

diminish 减小,缩小

eminent 著名的,卓越的 an ~ lawyer

verge 边缘,边界

rage 狂怒 Sobbing with ~,Carol was taken to the hospital

diplomat 外交家 French ~s

terminate 终止,结束

span 跨度,跨越

alleviate 减轻,痛苦

frantic 狂暴的A bird had been locked and was by now quite ~.

tumble 跌倒,跌落 Oil prices have ~d

sentiment 思想感情;情操 Pulic ~ rapidly turned anti-American

offence 犯罪,犯规,冒犯

plantation 种植园

frown 皱眉,不赞成

assume 假定,承担,使用

file 锉刀

decrepit 老弱的,衰老的

maternal 母亲的

hamper 妨碍,阻碍

definite 确切的,明确的

forthcoming 即将出现的,现有的

anthology 诗集

yarn 故事,奇谈  spin us a ~ about life aboard ship

plaintive 哀伤的,忧伤的

misrepresent 误传,歪曲,曲解

warranty 书面担保书,保证书 a three-year ~

rigorous 严格的,严厉的

auxiliary 辅助的,协助的 an ~ nurse

terse 精炼的,简明的

orchard 果园 a cherry ~

dissertation 论文 He is currntly writing a ~ on the civil war

vivid 鲜艳的,活泼的,有生气的,清晰的

grumble 埋怨,咕哝,发牢骚

phenomenon 现象,非凡的人

rally 集合

ceramic 陶瓷,陶器的

tongue 舌头,语言

incipient 开始的,早期的

coincidence 巧合,符合

envisage 想象,期望,设想 The scheme cost a lot more than we had originally ~d

yarn 纱线,故事,奇谈

annihilate 歼灭,消灭 Justone of these bombs could ~ a city the size of New York

propaganda 宣传 the spreading of political ~

inherit 继承

secretion 分泌,分泌物

attendance 到场,出席人数

illiterate 文盲  a subclass of ~s

turmoil 骚动,骚乱

denote 提示,表示

adhere 忠于,坚持

pinch 捏,掐,疼痛

pulp 果肉,木浆,纸浆

pierce 刺穿,戳人

analogy 类推,类似

vulgar 粗俗的,趣味不高的

option 选择,可选择的事物

roam 漫步

stoop 弯腰,俯身,屈从

extinguish 熄灭,扑灭 Please ~ all cigarettes

disturbance 打扰,骚动

censor 审查,审查员

lever 杆,杠杆

gang 一组,一队

detach 使分开,拆卸

stimulus 刺激物,激励 At this age ,the infant begins to react more to visual ~

knot 绳结,结合tumult 喧哗,激励

ardent 热心的,热情的 an ~ supporter of free trade

uphold 支持

prominent 突出的,显要的,著名的

flirt 挥动,调情 ~ with all the ladies

duly 按时的 all ~ signed

maize 玉米

insipid 无味的,枯燥乏味的

favour 好感赞成,偏爱

malignant 恶意的,恶毒的 She developed a ! yumour in her breast

systematic 有系统的

caustic 腐蚀性的,刻薄的,苛刻的

inherent 固有的

wage 周薪

extinguish 熄灭,扑灭
