
设置和获取选中的样式为 1. 2. 3.


        #region  数字序列 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  ...

        private bool bOrder = false;

        public bool SelectionOrderList




                return (

                       (GetSelectionParaformat2wNumbering() == Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers) &&

                       (GetSelectionParaformat2wNumberingStyle() == Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period)





                bOrder = value;

                if (value == true)

                    SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);









            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.Normal);

            //1 2 3 4 5 ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);

            //1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);

            //1) 2) 3) 4) ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);

            //(1) (2) (3) (4) ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);


            //a b c d e 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);

            //a. b. c. d. e.

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);

            //a) b) c) d) e)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);

            //(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);


            //A B C D E 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);

            //A. B. C. D. E.

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);

            //A) B) C) D) E)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);

            //(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);


            //I II III IIII IV 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);

            //I. II. III. IIII. IV. 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);

            //I) II) III) IIII) IV) 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);

            //(I) (II) (III) (IIII) (IV) 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);




using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

//2013-11-27 02:00:13


//richTextBoxBulletClass r = new richTextBoxBulletClass();

//r.richTextBox = richTextBox1;



//richTextBoxBulletClass r = new richTextBoxBulletClass();

//r.richTextBox = richTextBox1;

//btn.Checked = r.SelectionOrderList;


//richTextBoxBulletClass r = new richTextBoxBulletClass();

//r.richTextBox = richTextBox1;

//r.SelectionOrderList = !r.SelectionOrderList;

namespace WindowsForms


    class richTextBoxBulletClass


        public RichTextBox richTextBox;

        public richTextBoxBulletClass()


            richTextBox = new RichTextBox();


        #region PARAFORMAT2


        private class PARAFORMAT2


            public int cbSize;

            public int dwMask;

            public short wNumbering;

            public short wReserved;

            public int dxStartIndent;

            public int dxRightIndent;

            public int dxOffset;

            public short wAlignment;

            public short cTabCount;

            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x20)]

            public int[] rgxTabs;

            public int dySpaceBefore;     // Vertical spacing before para

            public int dySpaceAfter;     // Vertical spacing after para

            public int dyLineSpacing;     // Line spacing depending on Rule

            public short sStyle;         // Style handle

            public byte bLineSpacingRule;     // Rule for line spacing (see tom.doc)

            public byte bOutlineLevel;     // Outline Level

            public short wShadingWeight;     // Shading in hundredths of a per cent

            public short wShadingStyle;     // Byte 0: style, nib 2: cfpat, 3: cbpat

            public short wNumberingStart;     // Starting value for numbering

            public short wNumberingStyle;     // Alignment, Roman/Arabic, (), ), ., etc.

            public short wNumberingTab;     // Space bet 1st indent and 1st-line text

            public short wBorderSpace;     // Border-text spaces (nbl/bdr in pts)

            public short wBorderWidth;     // Pen widths (nbl/bdr in half twips)

            public short wBorders;         // Border styles (nibble/border)

            public PARAFORMAT2()


                this.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PARAFORMAT2));





        public const uint WM_USER = 0x0400;

        // RichEdit messages 

        public const uint EM_GETPARAFORMAT = (WM_USER + 61);

        public const uint EM_SETPARAFORMAT = (WM_USER + 71);

        // PARAFORMAT mask values

        public const uint PFM_OFFSET = 0x00000004;

        public const uint PFM_NUMBERING = 0x00000020;

        // PARAFORMAT 2.0 masks and effects

        public const uint PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE = 0x00002000;//设置项目编号的样式

        public const uint PFM_NUMBERINGTAB = 0x00004000;//设置项目编号按下Tab键的信息

        public const uint PFM_NUMBERINGSTART = 0x00008000;//设置项目编号的开始标识


        //Options used for bulleted or numbered paragraphs. 

        //To use this member, set the PFM_NUMBERING flag in the dwMask member. 

        //This member can be one of the following values.

        public enum Paraformat2Numbering


            zero = 0,

            Normal = 1,             //No paragraph numbering or bullets.

            ArabicNumbers = 2,      //Uses Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, ...). 

            LowerCaseLetter = 3,    //Uses lowercase letters (a, b, c, ...). 

            UpperCaseLetter = 4,    //Uses uppercase letters (A, B, C, ...). 

            LowerCaseRoman = 5,     //Uses lowercase Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, ...). 

            UpperCaseRoman = 6      //Uses uppercase Roman numerals (I, II, III, ...). 



        //Numbering style used with numbered paragraphs. 

        //Use this member in conjunction with the wNumbering member. 

        //This member is included only for compatibility with TOM interfaces;

        //the rich edit control stores the value but rich edit versions earlier than 3.0 do not use it to display the text or bullets.

        //To use this member, set the PFM_NUMBERINGSTYLE flag in the dwMask member. 

        //This member can be one of the following values. 

        public enum Paraformat2NumberingStyle


            RightParenthesis = 0x000,//Follows the number with a right parenthesis.

            DoubleParenthesis = 0x100,//Encloses the number in parentheses.

            Period = 0x200,//Follows the number with a period.

            Plain = 0x300,//Displays only the number.

            zero = 0x400//Continues a numbered list without applying the next number or bullet. 



        #region SetSelectionParaFormat2


        private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, uint msg, uint wParam, [In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] PARAFORMAT2 lParam);

        public void SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle style, Paraformat2Numbering Number)


            PARAFORMAT2 p = new PARAFORMAT2();


            p.wNumbering = (short)Number;

            //p.dxOffset = BulletIndent;

            p.wNumberingStyle = (short)style;

            p.wNumberingStart = 1;

            p.wNumberingTab = 500;

            SendMessage(richTextBox.Handle, EM_SETPARAFORMAT, 0, p);



        //获得 wNumbering的返回值

        public Paraformat2Numbering GetSelectionParaformat2wNumbering()


            PARAFORMAT2 p = new PARAFORMAT2();

            SendMessage(richTextBox.Handle, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, 0, p);

            return (Paraformat2Numbering)p.wNumbering;



        public Paraformat2NumberingStyle GetSelectionParaformat2wNumberingStyle()


            PARAFORMAT2 p = new PARAFORMAT2();

            SendMessage(richTextBox.Handle, EM_GETPARAFORMAT, 0, p);

            return (Paraformat2NumberingStyle)p.wNumberingStyle;


        #region 更多样式... ...

        private void test()



            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.Normal);

            //1 2 3 4 5 ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);

            //1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);

            //1) 2) 3) 4) ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);

            //(1) (2) (3) (4) ...

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);


            //a b c d e 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);

            //a. b. c. d. e.

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);

            //a) b) c) d) e)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);

            //(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseLetter);


            //A B C D E 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);

            //A. B. C. D. E.

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);

            //A) B) C) D) E)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);

            //(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.UpperCaseLetter);


            //I II III IIII IV 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Plain, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);

            //I. II. III. IIII. IV. 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);

            //I) II) III) IIII) IV) 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.RightParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);

            //(I) (II) (III) (IIII) (IV) 

            SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.DoubleParenthesis, Paraformat2Numbering.LowerCaseRoman);





        public void RemoveSelectionParaFormat2()


            SetSelectionParaFormat2(0, 0);


        #region  数字序列 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  ...

        private bool bOrder = false;

        public bool SelectionOrderList




                return (

                       (GetSelectionParaformat2wNumbering() == Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers) &&

                       (GetSelectionParaformat2wNumberingStyle() == Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period)





                bOrder = value;

                if (value == true)

                    SetSelectionParaFormat2(Paraformat2NumberingStyle.Period, Paraformat2Numbering.ArabicNumbers);











richTextBoxBulletClass r = new richTextBoxBulletClass();

r.richTextBox = richTextBox1;



richTextBoxBulletClass r = new richTextBoxBulletClass();

r.richTextBox = richTextBox1;

btn.Checked = r.SelectionOrderList;


richTextBoxBulletClass r = new richTextBoxBulletClass();

r.richTextBox = richTextBox1;

r.SelectionOrderList = !r.SelectionOrderList;









