多目标追踪-2019综述《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》

《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》 论文链接

本论文着眼于single-camera videos and 2D data. 将MOT通用算法归纳为4个步骤,并分别介绍了Deep Learning在各步骤中的应用,给出了典型论文以供读者进一步阅读学习。


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 MOT: algorithms, metrics and datasets
    • 2.1 Introduction to MOT algorithms
    • 2.2 Metrics
    • 2.3 benchmark datasets
  • 3 Deep learning in MOT
    • 3.1 DL in detection step
    • 3.2 DL in feature extraction and motion prediction
    • 3.3 DL in affinity computation
    • 3.4 DL in Association/Tracking step
  • 4 Analysis and comparisons
    • 4.1 Setup and organization
    • 4.2 Discussion of the results
      • 4.2.1 General observations
      • 4.2.2 Best approaches in the four MOT steps
      • 4.2.3 Other trends in top-performing algorithms
  • 5 Conclusion and future directions

1 Introduction

多目标追踪(MOT, multi-object tracking) 是指输入一段视频,在没有任何对目标的先验知识(外形或数量)的前提下,追踪其中一类或多类物体的运动轨迹。比如常见的行人追踪,车辆追踪。

单目标追踪(SOT) 不同,MOT不仅需要输出每一帧中每个目标的bounding box,还需要对每个box标注target ID,以此来区分 intra-class objects.
此外,SOT有对目标外形的先验知识,因为训练集会给出一段视频第一帧的bounding box,而MOT则没有。因此SOT多采用相关滤波的方法,而MOT目前多采用 tracking by detection 的方法(后文详细讲)。


  • various occlusions 遮挡问题,尤其在拥挤环境中
  • interactions between objects 容易导致同类物体的ID标注错误

2 MOT: algorithms, metrics and datasets

2.1 Introduction to MOT algorithms

目前主流的MOT算法是 tracking by detection, 先通过常规目标检测方法提取一系列bounding box,再根据前后帧间的关系,将含有相同目标的bbox分配相同的ID。目前目标检测的质量已经比较好,因此MOT算法常被认为是一种assignment problem,即如何将匹配对应的bbox。

MOT算法可以分为batch和online两类。batch tracking algorithms可以同时利用过去/当前/将来的帧信息来对当前帧进行检测,而online tracking algorithms只能利用过去/当前的帧信息来检测当前帧。

需要特别注意,online不等于real-time,real-time一定是online的,但绝大部分online算法还太慢,不足以支持real-time environment. 尤其是应用了深度学习的算法,往往都计算密集。


  • detection stage: 找到bounding box
  • feature extraction/motion prediction stage: 对detection结果区域提取特征; 可选的,motion predictor 预测每个被追踪物体下一帧的位置
  • affinity stage: 计算每一对detection之间特征的相似度
  • association stage: 根据相似度匹配相同的目标,并标注相同ID

2.2 Metrics

MOT常用评价标准包括metrics defined by Wu and Nevatia, CLEAR MOT metrics, ID metrics三种.

classical metrics

Mostly Tracked (MT) 至少80%帧数被正确追踪的目标数量
Fragments (一段真实轨迹可能被多个追踪片段共同组成)至多覆盖真实轨迹80%帧的片段的数量
Mostly Lost (ML) 少于20%帧数被正确追踪的目标数量
False trajectories 不能对应到真实目标的预测轨迹的数量
ID switches 目标被正确追踪,但ID被错误改变的次数

CLEAR MOT metrics
通过IoU(和continuity constraint)来进行ground truth和predictions的对应,并计算FP/FN/Fragm/IDSW。其中Fragm是fragments总数量,IDSW是ID switches总数量。

M O T A = 1 − F N + F P + I D S W G T ∈ ( − ∞ , 1 ] MOTA=1-\frac{FN+FP+IDSW}{GT} \in(-\infty,1] MOTA=1GTFN+FP+IDSW(,1]

GT是ground truth boxes的数量

M O T P = ∑ t , i d t , i ∑ t c t MOTP=\frac{\sum_{t,i}{d_{t,i}}}{\sum_t{c_t}} MOTP=tctt,idt,i

c t c_t ct是第t帧中能正确匹配的目标数量, d t , i d_{t,i} dt,i是检测目标 i i i与其对应gt目标的IoU.

MOTA被用于检测tracking的质量,而MOTP更关注detection的质量,即bounding box的精确程度(IoU).

ID scores
ID score其实是对CLEAR MOT metrics的补充,它将检测轨迹对应于能与它匹配最大帧数的ground truth object。通过二分图算法来得出IDTP/IDFP/IDFN,并计算以下分数:
多目标追踪-2019综述《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》_第1张图片

2.3 benchmark datasets

  • MOT challenge :行人检测
  • KITTY : 行人和车辆检测,moving camera,通过在城市里开车收集
  • UA-DETRAC tracking benchmark :车辆检测,static camera,通过交通监控收集

3 Deep learning in MOT

3.1 DL in detection step

detection的精度可以极大影响整个目标追踪算法的效果,因此许多数据集都提供了公开的detection结果供大家使用,使各个算法之间的性能对比可以更公平。不过,有一些算法集成了一些独特的detection算法,借此提高tracking performance.

  • faster RCNN

    Simple Online and Realtime Tracking (SORT) algorithm 2016 IEEE ICIP,第一个使用CNN做行人目标检测 <-highlight
    Multiple object tracking with high performance detection and appearance feature 2016 ECCV,modified faster-RCNN with skip-pooling and multi-region features,SOTA on MOT16

  • SSD

    Automatic individual pig detection and tracking in pig farms 2019 Sensors,DCF based online tracking method with HOG and Color Names feature to predict tag-boxes,refine bbox by DCF
    Joint detection and online multi-object tracking 2018 CVPR,refine SSD detection results by other steps in tracking algorithm,use affinity scores to replace NMS in SSD <-highlight
    Multi-object tracking with correlation filter for autonomous vehicle 2018 Sensors,use a CNN-based Correlation Filter(CCF) to allow SSD to generate more accurate bbox by cropped RoI

  • other use of CNNs in the detection step

    Instance flow based online multiple object tracking 2017 IEEE ICIP,obtain instance-aware semantic segmentation map in current frame by Multi-task Network Cascade,then use optical flow to predict the position and shape in the next frame. <- 适合 moving camera

3.2 DL in feature extraction and motion prediction

  • auto-encoders

    Learning deep features for multiple object tracking by using a multi-task learning strategy 2014 IEEE ICIP,第一个提出在MOT算法中应用deep learning方法,use auto-encoders to refine visual features. 它提出feature refinement可以极大提高tracking模型的效果。

  • CNNs as visual feature extractors
    -> use pre-trained CNN to extract features.

    DeepSORT: Simple online and realtime tracking with a deep association metric 2017 IEEE ICIP,extract feature vectors by custom residual CNN, add cosine distance of vectors to affinity scores. 克服了原SORT算法的主要弱点,即 ID Switch太多。
    多目标追踪-2019综述《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》_第2张图片
    An Automatic Tracking Method for Multiple Cells Based on Multi-Feature Fusion 2018 IEEE Access,可以区分移动快/慢的目标,对不同的目标采用不同的相似度计算准则

  • Siamese networks 孪生神经网络 参考资料
    多目标追踪-2019综述《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》_第3张图片

    Similarity mapping with enhanced siamese network for multi-object tracking 2016 NIPS,train Siamese network with contrastive loss, take two images/ their IoU score/ their ratio as input
    Tracking persons-of-interest via adaptive discriminative features 2016 ECCV,SymTriplet loss 三胞胎网络
    Multi-object tracking with quadruplet convolutional neural networks 2017 CVPR,四胞胎网络,考虑detection之间的时序距离
    Online multi-target tracking with tensor- based high-order graph matching 2018 ICPR,三胞胎网络 triplet based on Mask R-CNN
    Eliminating exposure bias and loss-evaluation mismatch in multiple object tracking 2019 CVPR,ReID triplet CNN + bidirectional LSTM
    Online multi-object tracking with dual matching attention networks 2018 ECCV,spatial attention networks(SAN) + bidirectional LSTM,通过注意力机制来排除bbox中的背景部分。这整个网络可以在ECO进行hard example mining丢失目标时,从遮挡条件下恢复检测。 <- highlight

  • more complex approaches for visual feature extraction

    Learning to track multiple cues with long-term dependencies 2017 ICCV,使用三种RNN来计算多类特征(appearance + motion + interactions),将输出的特征再传入一个LSTM来计算affinity. 论文发表时在MOT15和MOT16达到SOTA. <- highlight
    多目标追踪-2019综述《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》_第4张图片
    Online multi-object tracking by decision making 2015 ICCV,前一篇论文与该论文整体算法相似,本论文用了Markov Decision Processes(MDP) based framework
    A directed sparse graphical model for multi-target tracking 2018 CVPR,减少相似度计算复杂度。通过用隐马尔可夫模型预测物体接下去几帧的位置,只对检测结果中足够靠近HMM预测的detections计算相似度。

  • CNNs for motion prediction: correlation filters

    Hierarchical convolutional features for visual tracking 2015 ICCV,correlation filter, whose output is a response map for the tracked object & an estimation of the new position of the object in the next frame

3.3 DL in affinity computation

许多模型计算由CNN提取出的tracklet和detection的特征间距离,作为相似性度量。以下介绍其他一些直接使用深度模型来计算相似性的方法,这些方法不需要人为预定义特征间的distance metric。主要可以分为LSTM和CNN两大类。

  • RNN and LSTMs

    Online multi-target tracking using recurrent neural networks 2017 AAAI,首次提出用深度网络来计算相似度,end-to-end learning approach for online MOT. 运行速度快(165FPS),未使用appearance features <- highlight
    多目标追踪-2019综述《Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey》_第5张图片

  • Siamese LSTMs

    An online and flexible multi-object tracking framework using long short-term memory 2018 CVPR. 第一步,计算IoU作为affinity measures,捕获short reliable tracklets;第二步,将motion/appearance feature作为输入,用Siamese LSTM计算affinity。

  • Bidirectional LSTMs

    Online multi-object tracking with dual matching attention networks 参考3.2节孪生神经网络

  • Use of LSTMs in MHT frameworks
    Multiple Hypothesis Tracking(MHT): 为每个候选目标建立一个潜在跟踪假设的树,这样可以为数据关联问题提供一个系统的解决方法。计算每一个跟踪的概率,然后选出最有可能的跟踪组合。

    Multiple hypothesis tracking revisited 2015 ICCV. 回顾经典的基于tracking-by-detection框架的多假设跟踪算法,提出MHT-DAM (Multiple Hypothesis Tracking with Discriminative Appearance Modeling)
    Eliminating exposure bias and loss-evaluation mismatch in multiple object tracking 2019 CVPR. 在一个MHT的变种算法中,使用LSTM来计算tracklet scores,并且循环迭代式进行剪枝和增枝,最终选出最有可能的跟踪组合。该论文核心贡献是提出并解决了两个应用RNN于MOT时常见的问题,loss-evaluation mismatchexposure bias。该算法在多个数据集上达到最高的IDF1,但是MOTA不是最优。 <-highlight

  • CNNs for affinity computation

    Multiple people tracking by lifted multicut and person re-identification 2017 CVPR. A novel graph-based formulation that links and clusters person hypotheses over time by solving an instance of a minimum cost lifted multi-cut problem. SOTA on MOT16. <-highlight

  • Siamese CNNs
    Siamese CNNs 是一种常用的计算相似度的方法。不同于3.2节中提到用它得到两张图的feature vector,再计算特征向量的距离;这里直接使用Siamese CNN的网络输出作为相似度。

3.4 DL in Association/Tracking step

相对于上述其他步骤而言,在association步骤中深度学习的应用比较少。传统算法,如Hungarian algorithm依然被广泛使用。以下介绍3种被尝试用在association步骤中的深度学习算法。

  • RNNs

    Online multi-target tracking using recurrent neural networks 参考3.3节

  • Deep Multi-Layer Perception

    Joint detection and online multi-object tracking 参考3.1节

  • Deep Reinforcement Learning agents

    Multi-agent reinforcement learning for multi-object tracking 2018 ICAAMS
    Collaborative deep reinforcement learning for multi-object tracking 2018 ECCV <-highlight

4 Analysis and comparisons

4.1 Setup and organization

为了公平的对比,只展示了在MOTChallenge的整个test set上进行的实验结果。

实验首先被划分为使用了public / private detections 的两类,再进一步划分为online / batch算法。MOTA作为最主要的评价指标,算法速度一栏则不太可靠,因为这些实验结果通常没有计算detections的运行时间(这一步由于使用深度学习,往往是计算量最大的步骤),此外它们测试时使用的硬件也不同。


4.2 Discussion of the results

4.2.1 General observations

  • 每个数据集上表现最好的算法都采用了private detections,证明detection质量主导了整个tracker的表现。
  • batch算法的表现略微超过online算法,但online算法正在逐渐接近batch算法的效果。
  • online算法的一个共同问题是更高的fragmentations数量(在遇到目标被暂时遮挡/丢失检测时,它无法使用前后帧的信息进行插值,补充中间帧的目标位置)。
  • MOTA成绩可以看作是FP/FN/IDSW的归一化和。在目前实际检测中,FN比FP高一个数量级,比IDSW高两个数量级,因此FN主导了MOTA成绩。目前在使用public detections的基础上有效降低FN的策略非常少,因此使用private detections来发现之前遗漏的目标(进而降低FN)成为了提高MOTA的主要方法。

    有一些尝试在public detections基础上,弥补missing detections进而降低FN的论文:
    Heterogeneous association graph fusion for target association in multiple object tracking 2018 IEEE TCSVT. superpixel extraction algorithm
    Real-time multiple people tracking with deeply learned candidate selection and person re-identification 2018 ICME. MOTDT: use R-FCN to integrate missing detections with new detections, best MOTA and lowest FN among online algorithms on MOT17.
    Online multi-object tracking with convolutional neural networks 2017 ICIP. Employ a Particle Filter algorithm and rely on detections only to initialize new targets and to recover lost ones.
    Collaborative deep reinforcement learning for multi-object tracking 参考3.4节 learn motion model of objects. The 2nd best among online methods in MOT16.

  • 使用gt trajectories来训练affinity networks可能会产生次优的结果,因为test-time网络接受的是一个不同的数据分布,往往包含missing/wrong detections。为解决这个问题,许多算法事实上采用的是actual detections或添加人工噪音的gt trajectories进行训练。

4.2.2 Best approaches in the four MOT steps

steps best approach
private detection Faster R-CNN (SSD is faster but perform worse)
feature extraction CNN to extract appearance feature (appearance是最重要的特征,但许多表现最好的算法还使用了多种其他特征来共同计算相似度,尤其重要的是motion特征,常用LSTM / Kalman Filters / Bayesian filter来提取)
affinity hand-crafted distance metrics on feature vectors / Siamese CNN
association -

4.2.3 Other trends in top-performing algorithms

  • SOT-based MOT
    • 尽管能达到很高的MOTA,但由于tracker drift导致ID switch次数太多。
    • 更高质量的detector不可避免会预测出更多FP,注意不能持续追踪假轨迹。
    • a SOT tracker on private detections可能是一个不错的研究方向,目前还没有相关应用
  • association步骤常被作为一个graph optimization问题来解决,batch methods基于此可以做全局优化
    • minimum cost lifted multicut problem
    • heterogeneous association graph fusion and correlation clustering
  • bounding box的精度可以极大影响tracking的效果
    • 设计一个可集成在MOT算法中的effective bounding box regressor
    • batch methods可以利用前后帧的appearance信息来辅助回归更精准的bbox

5 Conclusion and future directions


  • detection quality is important
  • CNNs are essential in feature extraction
  • SOT trackers and global graph optimization work


  • researching more strategies to mitigate detection errors
  • applying DL to track different targets, like vehicles, animals, etc.
  • investigating the robustness of current algorithms
  • applying DL to guide association
  • combining SOT trackers with private detections
  • investigating bounding box regression
  • investigating post-tracking processing
