Co-saliency 经典算法文献汇总


  • 引言
  • 文献中34中算法对比:
  • 34个算法文献名:
    • 1 WPL
    • 2 PCSD
    • 3 IPCS
    • 4 CBCS
    • 5 MI
    • 6 CSHS
    • 7 ESMG
    • 8 BR
    • 9 SACS
    • 10 DIM
    • 11 CODW
    • 12 SP-MIL
    • 13 GD
    • 14 MVSRCC
    • 15 UMLF
    • 16 DML
    • 17 DWSI
    • 18 GONet
    • 19 COC
    • 20 FASS
    • 21 PJO
    • 22 SPIG
    • 23 QGF
    • 24 EHL
    • 25 IML
    • 26 DGFC
    • 27 RCANet
    • 28 GS
    • 29 MGCNet
    • 30 MGLCN
    • 31 HC
    • 32 CSMG
    • 33 DeepCO
    • 34 GWD
  • 算法补充
    • IPSD
    • LDW
    • IPDIM
    • CODR


34中算法内容引用自 Taking a Deeper Look at Co-Salient Object Detection (2020)


Co-saliency 经典算法文献汇总_第1张图片


Ps: 1…i…n 对应上图中的顺序


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13 GD

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16 DML

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18 GONet

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19 COC

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Xiaoju Zheng, Zheng-Jun Zha, and Liansheng Zhuang.
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21 PJO

Chung-Chi Tsai, Weizhi Li, Kuang-Jui Hsu, Xiaoning
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Dong-ju Jeong, Insung Hwang, and Nam Ik Cho. Cosalient object detection based on deep saliency networks
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23 QGF

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24 EHL

Shaoyue Song, Hongkai Yu, Zhenjiang Miao, Dazhou Guo,
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25 IML

Jingru Ren, Zhi Liu, Xiaofei Zhou, Cong Bai, and Guangling Sun. Co-saliency detection via integration of multilayer convolutional features and inter-image propagation.
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Lina Wei, Shanshan Zhao, Omar El Farouk Bourahla, Xi
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27 RCANet

Bo Li, Zhengxing Sun, Lv Tang, Yunhan Sun, and Jinlong Shi. Detecting robust co-saliency with recurrent coattention neural network. In IJCAI, pages 818–825, 2019.

28 GS

Chong Wang, Zheng-Jun Zha, Dong Liu, and Hongtao Xie.
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29 MGCNet

Bo Jiang, Xingyue Jiang, Jin Tang, Bin Luo, and Shilei
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Bo Jiang, Xingyue Jiang, Ajian Zhou, Jin Tang, and Bin
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31 HC

Bo Jiang, Xingyue Jiang, Ajian Zhou, Jin Tang, and Bin
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network model for co-saliency estimation. In ACM MM,
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Kaihua Zhang, Tengpeng Li, Bo Liu, and Qingshan Liu.
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33 DeepCO

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34 GWD

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