pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio===0.7.2 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install -r requirements.txt
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--weights', type=str, default='best.pt', help='model.pt path') # 加载的v5权重,可以是公开数据集的预训练权重,也可以是自己数据集训练的权重
parser.add_argument('--source', type=str, default='IMG_6894.mp4', help='source') # 待检测的视频路径
parser.add_argument('--output', type=str, default='test_out', help='output folder') # output folder
parser.add_argument('--img-size', type=int, default=640, help='inference size (pixels)')
parser.add_argument('--conf-thres', type=float, default=0.6, help='object confidence threshold')
parser.add_argument('--iou-thres', type=float, default=0.5, help='IOU threshold for NMS')
parser.add_argument('--fourcc', type=str, default='mp4v', help='output video codec (verify ffmpeg support)')
parser.add_argument('--device', default='', help='cuda device, i.e. 0 or 0,1,2,3 or cpu')
parser.add_argument('--view-img', action='store_true', help='display results')
parser.add_argument('--save-txt', action='store_true', help='save results to *.txt')
parser.add_argument('--classes', nargs='+', type=int, default=[0, 1, 2], help='filter by class') # car、truck、bus
parser.add_argument('--agnostic-nms', action='store_true', help='class-agnostic NMS')
parser.add_argument('--augment', action='store_true', help='augmented inference')
parser.add_argument("--config_deepsort", type=str, default="deep_sort/configs/deep_sort.yaml")
def Estimated_speed(locations, fps, width):
present_IDs = []
prev_IDs = []
work_IDs = []
work_IDs_index = []
work_IDs_prev_index = []
work_locations = [] # 当前帧数据:中心点x坐标、中心点y坐标、目标序号、车辆类别、车辆像素宽度
work_prev_locations = [] # 上一帧数据,数据格式相同
speed = []
for i in range(len(locations[1])):
present_IDs.append(locations[1][i][2]) # 获得当前帧中跟踪到车辆的ID
for i in range(len(locations[0])):
prev_IDs.append(locations[0][i][2]) # 获得前一帧中跟踪到车辆的ID
for m, n in enumerate(present_IDs):
if n in prev_IDs: # 进行筛选,找到在两帧图像中均被检测到的有效车辆ID,存入work_IDs中
for x in work_IDs_index: # 将当前帧有效检测车辆的信息存入work_locations中
for y, z in enumerate(prev_IDs):
if z in work_IDs: # 将前一帧有效检测车辆的ID索引存入work_IDs_prev_index中
for x in work_IDs_prev_index: # 将前一帧有效检测车辆的信息存入work_prev_locations中
for i in range(len(work_IDs)):
math.sqrt((work_locations[i][0] - work_prev_locations[i][0]) ** 2 + # 计算有效检测车辆的速度,采用线性的从像素距离到真实空间距离的映射
(work_locations[i][1] - work_prev_locations[i][1]) ** 2) * # 当视频拍摄视角并不垂直于车辆移动轨迹时,测算出来的速度将比实际速度低
width[work_locations[i][3]] / (work_locations[i][4]) * fps / 5 * 3.6 * 2)
for i in range(len(speed)):
speed[i] = [round(speed[i], 1), work_locations[i][2]] # 将保留一位小数的单位为km/h的车辆速度及其ID存入speed二维列表中
return speed
# 通过A、B框位置关系判断其是否发生碰撞,若相交、存在包含关系,则判定为碰撞,将其索引加入crash_index列表中。
if (B_xmin < A_xmin + t and A_xmin + t < B_xmax - t and A_xmax > B_xmax - t) and (
B_ymin < A_ymin + t and A_ymin + t < B_ymax - t and A_ymax > B_ymax - t): # 01
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (B_xmin < A_xmin + t and A_xmin + t < B_xmax - t and A_xmax > B_xmax - t) and (
A_ymin < B_ymin and B_ymin < B_ymax and A_ymax < B_ymax): # 02
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (B_xmin < A_xmin + t and A_xmin + t < B_xmax - t and A_xmax > B_xmax - t) and (
A_ymin < B_ymin + t and B_ymin + t < A_ymax - t and B_ymax > A_ymax - t): # 03
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (A_xmin < B_xmin and B_xmin < B_xmax and A_xmax > B_xmax) and (
B_ymin < A_ymin + t and A_ymin + t < B_ymax - t and A_ymax > B_ymax - t): # 04
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (A_xmin < B_xmin + t and B_xmin + t < A_xmax - t and B_xmax > A_xmax - t) and (
B_ymin < A_ymin + t and A_ymin + t < B_ymax - t and A_ymax > B_ymax - t): # 05
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (A_xmin < B_xmin + t and B_xmin + t < A_xmax - t and B_xmax > A_xmax - t) and (
A_ymin < B_ymin and B_ymin < B_ymax and A_ymax > B_ymax): # 06
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (A_xmin < B_xmin + t and B_xmin + t < A_xmax - t and B_xmax > A_xmax - t) and (
A_ymin < B_ymin + t and B_ymin + t < A_ymax - t and B_ymax > A_ymax - t): # 07
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (A_xmin < B_xmin and B_xmin < B_xmax and A_xmax > B_xmax) and (
A_ymin < B_ymin + t and B_ymin + t < A_ymax - t and B_ymax > A_ymax - t): # 08
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (A_xmin < B_xmin and B_xmin < A_xmax and B_xmax > A_xmax) and (
B_ymin < A_ymin and A_ymin < A_ymax and B_ymax > A_ymax): # 09
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (B_xmin < A_xmin and A_xmin < B_xmax and A_xmax > B_xmax) and (
B_ymin < A_ymin and A_ymin < A_ymax and B_ymax > A_ymax): # 10
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (B_xmin < A_xmin and A_xmin < A_xmax and B_xmax > A_xmax) and (
A_ymin < B_ymin and B_ymin < A_ymax and B_ymax > A_ymax): # 11
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
elif (B_xmin < A_xmin and A_xmin < A_xmax and B_xmax > A_xmax) and (
B_ymin < A_ymin and A_ymin < B_ymax and A_ymax > B_ymax): # 12
is_accident_happen.append([A_class, B_class])
crash_index.append([i, j])
def find_accidents(rects):
is_accident_happen = []
t = 3000 # 设定阈值,这个值越大,碰撞越不容易检出。设置一个较小的值时,可当做碰撞预警功能来使用。
crash_index = []
# 判断车辆框的中心是否在绘制的矩形区域内且该车辆是否为公交车,若不是公交车,则违规驶入公交车道。
# 算法思路为将目标框中心点坐标依次代入四条直线方程内,使用中心点纵坐标分别与代入计算出来的值进行比较,满足所列大小关系即该点在矩形框内部。
for box_center in box_centers:
if (k[0] * box_center[0] + b[0] <= box_center[1] and k[1] * box_center[0] + b[1] >= box_center[1]
and k[2] * box_center[0] + b[2] >= box_center[1] and k[3] * box_center[0] + b[3] <= box_center[1] and (
box_center[3] != 1)):
cv2.putText(im0, 'Entering illegally!', (int(box_center[0] - 140), int(box_center[1])),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1.5, [0, 0, 255], 2)
其中违规进入专用车道检测这个功能还可以再完善一下,比如一些地区的公交专用车道设置了使用时间段,在时间段之外允许非公交车进入,可以通过调用接口获取系统时间来实现更好的判断,这个功能也可以拓展到更多的应用场景里面,如检测高速上常见的违规进入应急车道等行为。在车辆分布密集时有一些漏检,导致统计的车辆数目会比实际的略少,可以使用自己的数据打标签后针对性fine tune一下。
qq:3582584734 (有偿咨询,也可以指导深度学习毕设、大作业等)