【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features

FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features

原文来源:[Arxiv2019] FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features


  • FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features
    • 1. Problem formulation
    • 2. Asynchronous SGD for FDML
      • 2.1 The Synchronous Algorithm
    • 2.2 The Asynchronous Algorithm
    • 3. Distribution Implementation
      • 3.1 Implementation
      • 3.2 Privacy
    • 4. Experiments
    • 5. Conclusion



1. Problem formulation

m 个不同的 parties,每个party有相同training samples




p ( x , ξ ) p(x,\xi) p(x,ξ)是一个local model,输出是一个prediction

Feature Distributed Machine Learning (FDML) model:

(这里的 α j \alpha^j αj是一个sub-model,可以看作是一个local features 到 local prediction的映射)

σ \sigma σ可以聚合local intermediate predictions, a j a_j aj是权重)


【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features_第1张图片

这里需要共享的只有 α j ( x j , ξ j ) \alpha^j(x^j,\xi^j) αj(xj,ξj),以此来得到final prediction

(raw data 和 sub-model parameters是不会泄露的)


L 是loss function, z ( x j ) z(x^j) z(xj)是sub-model x j x^j xj的正则项

2. Asynchronous SGD for FDML

i ( t ) i(t) i(t)是sample ξ i ( t ) \xi_{i(t)} ξi(t)在第 t iteration的 index

如下是在sample i ( t ) i(t) i(t),即 t iteration的objective function

整个training set的objective function:

(T是总的iteration number)

∇ F ( x ) ∈ R D \nabla F(x)\in R^D F(x)RD是 F 的gradient, ∇ j F ( x ) ∈ R D j \nabla^jF(x)\in R^{D^j} jF(x)RDj是 F对于sub-model 参数 x j x^j xj的partial gradient,即 ∇ j F ( x ) : = ∂ F ( x ) ∂ x j \nabla^jF(x):= \frac{\partial F(x)}{\partial x^j} jF(x):=xjF(x),那么 ∇ F \nabla F F就是所有的partial gradient 的concatenation

2.1 The Synchronous Algorithm

  • 简单直接并行化SGD

第 t 个iteration,对于party j 的objective function的梯度:

这里用H来代表 ∑ k m α k ( x k , ξ i ( t ) k ) \sum_k^m\alpha^k(x^k,\xi_{i(t)}^{k}) kmαk(xk,ξi(t)k)

【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features_第2张图片

为了计算 ∇ j F \nabla^jF jF,每个party只需要得到 ∑ k m α k ( x k , ξ i ( t ) k ) \sum_k^m\alpha^k(x^k,\xi_{i(t)}^{k}) kmαk(xk,ξi(t)k),这就是在第 t 个iteration所有local prediction results 的聚合,剩余的项都可以用第 j 个party的local data计算得到。

2.2 The Asynchronous Algorithm

在异步情况下,每个party j 都会异步地更新自己的参数 x t j x_t^j xtj,任意的两个parties都可能是处于不同的iteration。

但是,这里假设不同的parties运行samples是go through in the same order

通常是随机生成sample index sequence,解决方案是:pseudo random number generator

local parameters update:

此时,很有可能 party 去quest local predictions 的 aggregation 时候,可能是 stale versions x t − ι t j ( k ) x_{t-\iota_{t}^{j}(k)} xtιtj(k)

这里的 ι t j ( k ) \iota_{t}^{j}(k) ιtj(k),代表的是i从party j 到 party k 在 party j 的第 k 个 teration的 “ lag”

3. Distribution Implementation

3.1 Implementation

PS架构: workers 计算 gradients , server更新model

但是,在FDML中,server只要更新一个local prediction matrix A i , j A_{i,j} Ai,j (n行,m列)

用来hold 对于sample i 的最新的 m 个prediction

而且,worker在 FDML中是participating party,不仅需要计算 gradients,而且需要更新自己的 local model parameters


  • a sample coordinator随机shuffle sample indices, 然后生成一个schedule i ( t ) i(t) i(t),每次都要找到 all features以及拥有sample对应的label。在算法开始之前每个party 就有: ξ i j , y i i = 1 n {{\xi_i^j,y_i}}_{i=1}^n ξij,yii=1n
  • 每个party update 自己对sample i ( t ) i(t) i(t) 的 local prediction A i ( t ) , j A_{i(t),j} Ai(t),j

​ (Push request: 即 worker j 在iteration t,upload value c)

  • party Pull 最新的的 ∑ k = 1 m A i ( t ) , k \sum_{k=1}^{m}A_{i(t),k} k=1mAi(t),k
  • party update x t j x_{t}^j xtj x t + 1 j x_{t+1}^j xt+1j

a fully synchronous algorithm可以在最短的iterations 达到converge


a asynchronous algorithm可以减少每轮的时间,但是需要更多的iterations达到converge

为了减少总的时间,需要最快iteration的party比最慢的iteration超出的不能超过bound ι \iota ι (加入bound 来保证 convergence)

SGD algorithm可以被更好的 mini-batch SGD替换

【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features_第3张图片

3.2 Privacy

不会泄露 weights 和 features 信息

共享的信息只是:local prediction (是对于 local weights 和 local features 的复合函数)

此外,也可加入扰动项,noise 对于local prediction

4. Experiments

an app recommendation task at Tencent MyApp

利用另外两个app中的信息达到 cross-domain的效果,提高准确性


  • Tencent MyApp data : 5, 000, 000 labeled samples indicating whether a user will download an app or not
  • a9a,: classical census dataset, where the prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over $50K a year.


  • logistic regression (LR)

  • a two layered fully connected neural network (NN)

Training schemes:

  • Local: 7, 000 local feature or 67 features of a9a
  • Centralized: collect all the 8, 700 features or using all the 124 features in a9a
  • FDML: 8, 700 features distributed or a9a classification model on all 124 features from two different parties

如下Tables, FDML在保证local features的同时,优于 Local scheme,接近于Centralized的情况

【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features_第4张图片

LR model:objective value,loss , AUC值 FDML与Centralized情况下都比较好

【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features_第5张图片

NN model: 两种机制下,local scheme都是最快的,没有communication 和 synchronous 的开销

【Paper Reading】FDML: A Collaborative Machine Learning Framework for Distributed Features_第6张图片

DP 机制: 不同的noise level

5. Conclusion

motivation: 相同的 training sample 在不同的app 中有不同的features,但是一个app中的data必须对其他的app是confidential

convergence:达到与目前最快的data-parallel SGD in a stale synchronous parallel , O ( 1 / T ) O(1/\sqrt T) O(1/T ), T是iteration number

results : FDML AUC、loss 效果接近于centralized training (后者model更复杂)

future work: add momentum and privacy
