【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning

VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning

原文来源:[Arxiv2020] VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning


  • VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning
    • 0. Abstract
    • 1. Introduction
      • 1.1 Prior part
        • Federated Learning
        • Privacy-preserving learning
        • Asynchronous and parallel optimization
      • 1.2 This work
    • 2. Vertical federated learning
      • 2.1 Problem statement
      • 2.2 Asynchronous client updates
      • 2.3 Types of flexible update rules
    • 3. Convergence analysis
        • Assumption 1
        • Assumption 2
        • Assumption 3
      • 3.1 Convergence under bounded delay
        • Assumption 4 (Uniformly bounded delay)
        • Theorem 1
        • Theorem 2
      • 3.2 Convergence under stochastic unbounded delay
        • Assumption 5 (Stochastic unbounded delay)
        • Theorem 3
        • Theorem 4
    • 4. Perturbed local embedding: Enforcing differential privacy and smoothness
      • 4.1 Local Perturbation
      • 4.2 Enforcing smoothness
        • Theorem 5
      • 4.3. Enforcing differential privacy
        • Theorem 6
    • 5. Numerical tests and remarks
      • 5.1 VAFL for federated logistic regression
      • 5.2 VAFL for federated deep learning



0. Abstract

  • Horizontal Federated learning (HFL) :多个client data之间共享相同的特征

  • vertical FL: 从不同的clients之间联合所有的features(两个数据集共享相同样本空间,但是特征空间不同)

VAFL: 每个client 在不需要于其他clients协商的情况下,运行随机梯度下降

new technique: Perturbed local embedding 来保护数据隐私和提高通信效率。

  • 理论分析: strongly convex, nonconvex, nonsmooth objectives

  • 实验验证:应用于各类图像和健康数据集

Result : 比较了中心化方法centralized 以及 同步 synchronous FL方法

1. Introduction

Federated Learning :一个central server和多个clients协同训练一个机器学习模型



Horizontal FL: 可以协同训练从feature space 到 label space





场景中,数据拥有者有相同用户的不同的records。通过联合他们的特征,可以建立一个更加准确的模型——这就是feature-partitioned or vertical FL

  • HFL: 全局模型在一个server处完成对local model的聚合,local model是被每个client在本地使用local data更新完的

  • VFL: global model是local models的 concatenation,这是与loss function成对出现的。因此,更新一个client的local model是需要其他的clients的信息的。


1.1 Prior part

Federated Learning

HFL: large data 中划分给all clients, share the same feature space

communication efficiency是一大问题:

1)减少number of bits per communication round

2)节省number of communication rounds

Privacy-preserving learning

不同于在HFL中聚合梯度,在VFL中的 local gradients可能会involve raw data of other clients

Differentiable privacy:




Asynchronous and parallel optimization

asynchronous 和 parallel优化方法是通常被用来解决asynchronydelay的问题

对于feature-partitioned vertical FL,尤其与Block Coordinate Descent (BCD )方法有关

异步的BCD和随机变量已经应用于bounded delay

最新算法可以考虑unbounded delay在blockwise或者stochastic update的情况


1)loss function在nonsmooth情况下的收敛性

2)local update的privacy

1.2 This work

  1. A general optimization formulation

    VFL包括一个global model和对于每个client的一个local embedding model

    local embedding model(linear, nonlinear, nonsmooth) 可以将raw data 映射为紧凑的特征,从而减少与global model 通信的次数

  2. Flexible federated learning algorithms


  3. Rigorous convergence analysis


2. Vertical federated learning

2.1 Problem statement

M个clients,N个samples,每个client与一个unique set的features相关
x n , m x_{n,m} xn,m
是第n个sample vector的第m个block
y n y_n yn

每个client上的特征集是不同的,在第m个client上保存的特征 x n , m ∈ R p m x_{n,m}\in R^{pm} xn,mRpm,Pm表示第m个client上数据的维度

每个client在本地learns 一个 local(linear or nonlinear)embedding function h m h_m hm, 把较高维度的x_n,m映射到一个低维度,即数据维度pm映射到公共维度 p ‾ m \overline pm pm


【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第1张图片 $$ \theta_0是server的global\quad model的参数,\bold{\theta}是local\quad clients参数的串联\\ l是loss function,r是正则项 $$ client m的本地信息是embedding vector $h_n,m$

整个过程中传输的参数为: h n , m {h_{n,m}} hn,m 和 梯度
∇ h n , m l o s s \nabla h_{n,m}loss hn,mloss

【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第2张图片

2.2 Asynchronous client updates

【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第3张图片

server接收来自active client m的:

1)a query:关于loss function的 gradient

2)a new embedding vector h n , m h_n,m hn,m : 使用更新的local model的参数来计算

对于query 1),server 使用当前的 {h_n,m} 为client m计算gradient

对于query 2),server计算新的梯度,使用当前收到的clients的updates,来更新global model的参数 θ 0 \theta_0 θ0


client: active client m 随机选择data x n , m x_n,m xn,m,并向server query对应的梯度,之后上传更新后的embedding vector h n , m h_n,m hn,m,然后更新本地的参数 θ m \theta_m θm

server: 收到embedding vector h n , m h_n,m hn,m,计算gradient,更新server的参数 θ 0 \theta_0 θ0

k代表global counter or iteration

在第k个sample上随机梯度的 loss值:

1)server model

2)local model

【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第4张图片


  • server端的更新:
  • activate local client端的更新:
  • other clients的更新:

2.3 Types of flexible update rules


【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第5张图片


  1. Uniformly bounded delay D.

在训练过程中,delay如果超过了D,server就会立刻重新query fresh的 h n , m h_n,m hn,m

  1. Stochastic unbounded delay.

每个client的activation是一个随机的过程,delay取决于随机过程的hitting times

因此,如果activation服从一个独立的Poison processes,delay就会服geometrically distributed

  1. t-synchronous update, t > 0.

全异步的update是most flexible,但是t-synchronous update也是通常采用的

sever直到收到t个client的 h n , m h_n,m hn,m才计算gradient,然后去更新server的model


3. Convergence analysis

在nonconvex 和 strongly convex情况下展现收敛性情况

如下展示 fully synchronous version of VAFL 的收敛率


Assumption 1

(1)Sample index {n_k}是 i.i.d

E [ ∣ ∣ g m k − ∇ θ m F ( θ 0 k , θ k ) ∣ ∣ 2 ] ≤ σ m 2 , g m k 是 在 没 有 d e l a y 下 的 g m k ^ E[||g_m^k - \nabla\theta_mF(\theta_0^k,\theta^k)||^2 ] \le\sigma_m^2,\quad g_m^k是在没有delay下的\hat{g_m^k} E[gmkθmF(θ0k,θk)2]σm2,gmkdelaygmk^

Assumption 2

optimal loss 是 有下界的
F ∗ > − ∞ , ∇ F 是 L − L i p s c h i t z c o n t i n u o u s F^* > -∞,\nabla F是 L-Lipschitz\quad continuous F>FLLipschitzcontinuous
Assumption 2 在 nonsmooth local embedding 函数下通常是无法满足的 (neural networks)

对此,使用 perturbed local embedding 可以增加smoothness

Assumption 3

activation of all clients满足 independent Poisson process

3.1 Convergence under bounded delay

Assumption 4 (Uniformly bounded delay)


The convergence for the nonconvex case

Theorem 1



在强convexity 的情况下,convergence rate得到提升

Theorem 2

额外的假设 F 是 u-strongly convex,第k轮的学习率满足:


3.2 Convergence under stochastic unbounded delay

Assumption 5 (Stochastic unbounded delay)

对于每个client m,delay是随机的无界的

Theorem 3



Theorem 4

假设 F 是 u-strongly convex,学习率满足:

​ 则有


4. Perturbed local embedding: Enforcing differential privacy and smoothness

介绍一个 local perturbation technique,促进DP和smooth

4.1 Local Perturbation

h m h_m hm 是一个linear embedding时,可以看作:

$h_m $是一个nonlinear embedding时,例如 neural networks,可以看作:

【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第6张图片

perturbe 过程

在每个layer,加入一个random neuron的output Z l Z_l Zl来perturb local embedding function

perturbation distribution满足:

11a 是均值为0,方差为c 方的Gaussian distribution

11b 是uniform distribution

4.2 Enforcing smoothness

受到randomized smoothing启发,因此对random neuron的期望值,可以smooth objective function


通过增加random neuron Z_l, σ l \sigma_l σl将会被smoothed

通过进一步诱导,可以证明loss function 对local embedding vector h_m的平滑性

Theorem 5

local model 的 smoothness constants满足:

【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第7张图片 $$ L_{\theta m}^{F_c} 是正则项的smoothness\quad constant\\ L_{bl}^{h}和L_wl^h是perturbed\quad local\quad embedding h \\的smoothness\quad constant $$

是均匀扰动下的第l层neuron的smoothness constant

对于local model来说,perturbed loss 是smooth,大的扰动(更大的c)会导致更小的平滑常数

4.3. Enforcing differential privacy

将perturbed local embedding technique与private information exchange联系

a trade-off between privacy and accuracy

Gaussian differential privacy (GDP)

u-GDP :两个neighboring 数据集 S 和 S’ 满足:

u越小,privacy loss越少

Theorem 6

设置在第L 层的Gaussian random neuron的variance为:

VAFL对于client m满足 u-GDP

为了提高privacy,可以decrease u,增加 random neurons 的 variance

但是在增大 variance of random neurons的同时,stochastic gradient也是在增加,可能会导致收敛效果变差

5. Numerical tests and remarks


(1) fully asynchronous version VAFL (async)

(2) t-synchronous version VAFL (t- sync)

(3) private version via perturbed local embedding technique

5.1 VAFL for federated logistic regression

在MNIST、Fashion-MNIST、CIFAR 10 以及 Parkinson disease datasets上进行logistic regression


【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第8张图片

5.2 VAFL for federated deep learning

neural network是从MVCNN修改得到

client:使用7-layer CNN作为local embedding function

server:使用fully connected network来聚合local embedding vectors


每个client使用LSTM作为embedding function

【Paper Reading】VAFL: a Method of Vertical Asynchronous Federated Learning_第9张图片
