CVPR 2019
Learning 2D to 3D Lifting for Object Detection in 3D for Autonomous Vehicles
3D object detection
highter results than many methods working on actual 3D inputs acquired from physical sensors
a late fusion of the output of the network trained on
improve performance
Two approaches have been widespread for 3D object detection problems
to detect objects in 2D using monocular images and then infer in 3D
to use 3D data (e.g. LiDAR(激光雷达)) to detect bounding boxes directly in 3D
Compare the two methods
the methods based on 2D monocular images significantly lag behind the the method use 3D data
a monocular image based 3D object detection method will be highly practical
Our Results are of importance as
This paper refers to the following methods
3D reconstruction from single images
[CVPR, 2017] Multi-view 3d object detection network for autonomous driving
[CVPR, 2017] A point set generation network for 3d object reconstruction from a single image
[NeurIPS, 2016] Perspective transformer nets: Learning single-view 3d object reconstruction without 3d supervision
depth estimation
3D data
monocular images
The approaches for 3D object detection
proposing new neural network architectures
[ITSC, 2018] Birdnet: A 3d object detection framework from lidar information
[CVPR, 2017] Multi-view 3d object detection network for autonomous driving
novel object representations
utilize other modalities along with 3D
corresponding 2D images
[CVPR, 2017] Multi-view 3d object detection network for autonomous driving
structure from motion
[CVPR, 2016] A continuous occlusion model for road scene understanding
follow the success of 2D object detection methods and are based on 3D proposal networks and classifying them
[CVPR, 2017] Multi-view 3d object detection network for autonomous driving
[IROS, 2018] Joint 3d proposal generation and object detection from view aggregation
took multiview projections of the 3D data to use with 2D image networks followed by fusion mechanisms
[ICCV,2015] Multi-view convolutional neural networks for 3d shape recognition
predicting 2D keypoint heat maps and 3D objects structure recovery
[ECCV,2016] Single image 3d interpreter network
use single RGB image to obtain detailed 3D structure using MRFs on small homogeneous patches to predict plane parameters encoding 3D locations and orientations of the patches
[TPAMI, 2009] Make3d: Learning 3d scene structure from a single still image
learn to predict 3D human pose from single image using a fine discretization of the 3D space around the subject and predicting per voxel likelihoods for each joint, and using a coarse-to-fine scheme
[CVPR,2017] Coarse-tofine volumetric prediction for single-image 3d human pose
[NeurIPS, 2016] Learning a probabilistic latent space of object shapes via 3d generativeadversarial modeling
[3DV, 2017] 3d shape induction from 2d views of multiple objects
PrGAN (propose projective generative adversarial networks)
for obtaining 3D structures from multiple 2D views
[CVPR, 2017] Transformation-grounded image generation network for novel 3d view synthesis
synthesize novel views from a single image by inferring geometrical information followed by image completion, using a combination of adversarial and perceptual loss
[NeurIPS, 2016] Learning single-view 3d object reconstruction without 3d supervision
propose Perspective Transformer Nets (PTNs), an encoder-decoder network with a novel projection loss using perspective transformation, for learning to use 2D observations without explicit 3D supervision
[AAAI, 2018] Learning adversarial 3d model generation with 2d image enhancer
generate 3D models with an enhancer neural network extracting information from other corresponding domains (e.g. image)
[ICCV, 2017] 3d object reconstruction from a single depth view with adversarial learning
uses a GAN to generate 3D objects from a single depth image, by combining autoencoders and conditional GAN
[arXiv,2017] Improved adversarial systems for 3d object generation and reconstruction
uses a GAN to generate 3D from 2D images, and perform shape completion from occluded 2.5D views,using Wasserstein objective.
Our work addresses the specific task of 3D object detection by translating RGB images to BEV
近年来,图像翻译因其在风格转换中的应用而受到关注,如pix2pix① 或 ② 的最新成果。
虽然3D对象检测可能不如完整准确的3D场景生成具有挑战性,但是对于自动驾驶用例来说,3D对象检测仍然是一个非常具有挑战性和相关的任务。在这里,我们将生成3D数据作为中间步骤,但是我们并没有像 ①、 ② 那样关注生成的3D数据的质量,而是直接从单眼图像中设计和评估我们的方法。
① [CVPR, 2017] Image-to-image translation with conditional adversarial networks
② [NeurIPS, 2017] Toward multimodal image-to-image translation
based on the GAN
RGB —— only shows the front view
the top mounted LiDAR point cloud —— front、back and sides view
Proposed pipeline with BirdNet
translated the 2D RGB images into 3 channel BEV image
3 channel BEV are height , density , intensity of the point
Image to 3D network
like the [NeurIPS, 2016] Learning single-view 3d object reconstruction without 3d supervision
The BEV detections are then converted to 3D detections using the ground plane estimation
Proposed pipeline with MV3D
Image to Depth Net
The difference between MV3D and BirdNet
the format of BEV
takes a 3 channel BEV image ( i.e. height, intensity, density )
pre-processes the height channel to encode more detailed height information
divides the point cloud into M M M slice
compute a height map for each slice
giving a BEV image of M + 2 M+2 M+2 channels
use multiple independently trained BirdGANs to generate the M height channels of the BEV image is better than directly generating the M + 2 channel BEV image
The ground plane estimation
uses the ground plane,
i.e. the bottom-most points, to estimate the height of the object for constructing the 3D bounding boxes
obtains the 3D localizations by projecting the 3D bounding boxes to the ground plane.
The ground plane estimation is an important step here, especially for MV3D, as it governs the size of the projected objects on the BEV impacting the quality of 3D object localization.
Two ways to obtain the ground plane
by reconstructing a 3D model from a single RGB image
Perspective Transformer Network
[NeurIPS, 2016] Learning single-view 3d object reconstruction without 3d supervision
Point Set generation
[CVPR, 2017] Unsupervised monocular depth estimation with left-right consistency
depth estimation
[ITSC, 2018] Birdnet: A 3d object detection framework from lidar information
using the image to directly estimate the ground plane without transforming the image to 3D
requires explicit presence of strong 2D object proposals or texture/color pattern
Methods of this paper
choose the former paradigm with PTN and reconstruct the 3D object/scene
The ground plane is then estimated by fitting a plane using RANSAC [31].
RANSAC [ICCAS,2014] Robust ground plane detection from 3d point clouds
training : 7, 481 images
testing : 7, 518 images
training BirdGAN on two types of training data
w/o clipping
use the data in the field of view of RGB images i.e. 90° in the front view
In KITTI dataset, the objects that are far, are difficult to detect mostly due to occlusion
using only the nearby objects for training the GANs, i.e. we remove the BEV image data corresponding to points which are more than 25 meters away and use these modified BEV images to train the GAN based translation model
BEV Object Detection
3D Object Detection
Generalization Ability
2D Object Detection
It can be observed that even with entirely generated data the method also performs close to the base networks for 2D object detection
actual BEV images for compared methods
(first three columns)
generated BEV images for the proposed methods
从第一和第二列都可以看出来 outs MV3D 能够使用生成的BEVs的图像检测结果与用真实的BEV图像的MV3D结果非常接近
第二列可以看出 ours BirdNet 对遮挡高度敏感(杆子影响了车的检测)
the impact of various channels within BEV on 3D object detection and localization
性能提高了,hard drops(可能是因为图片包含严重的遮挡,generated BEVs 降低性能)