Horizontal box: A rectangle with the width along the x-axis and height
along the y-axis. Usually, it can be represented by the coordinates of
2 diagonal vertices (x_i, y_i) (i = 1, 2), or it can be represented by
the coordinates of the center point and the width and height,
(x_center, y_center, width, height).
Rotated box: It is obtained by rotating the horizontal box around the
center point by an angle, and the definition method of its rotated box
is obtained by adding a radian parameter (x_center, y_center, width,
height, theta), where theta = angle * pi / 180. The unit of theta is
rad. When the rotation angle is a multiple of 90°, the rotated box
degenerates into a horizontal box.
The rotated box annotations
exported by the annotation software are usually polygons, which need
to be converted to the rotated box definition method before training
将水平的盒子围绕中心点顺时针或逆时针旋转,就可以得到一个旋转的盒子。旋转方向与坐标系的选择密切相关。图像空间采用右手坐标系(y, x),其中y为上->下,x为左->右。有两个相反的旋转方向:
box_iou_rotated (Defaults to CW)
nms_rotated (Defaults to CW)
RoIAlignRotated (Defaults to CCW)
RiRoIAlignRotated (Defaults to CCW).
angle∈(0, 90°], theta∈(0, pi / 2], The angle between the width of the rectangle and the positive semi-axis of x is a positive acute angle. This definition comes from the cv2.minAreaRect function in OpenCV, which returns an angle in the range (0, 90°].
: Long Edge Definition (135°),angle∈[-45°, 135°), theta∈[-pi / 4, 3 * pi / 4) and width > height.
Long Edge Definition (90°),angle∈[-90°, 90°), theta∈[-pi / 2, pi / 2) and width > height
is for data loading and data augmentation. In this part, we support various datasets for rotated object detection algorithms, useful data augmentation transforms in pipelines for pre-processing image.
contains models and loss functions.
provides evaluation tools for model training and evaluation.
provides high-level APIs for models training, testing, and inference.
MaxConvexIoUAssigner:为每个框分配相应的gt框或背景。每一个提议将被分配为’ -1 ',或一个半正整数表示地面真实指数。
Loading annotations
Data augmentation
Assigning samples