Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso

Ridge and Lasso Regression: L1 and L2 Regularization

==> this is a great introductary article with visual cues about the statistical regularization techniques.

(secondary title: Complete Guide Using Scikit-Learn)

Moving on from a very important unsupervised learning technique that I have discussed last week, today we will dig deep in to supervised learning through linear regression, specifically two special linear regression model — Lasso and Ridge regression.

As I’m using the term linear, first let’s clarify that linear models are one of the simplest way to predict output using a linear function of input features.

Linear model with n features for output prediction

In the equation (1.1) above, we have shown the linear model based on the n number of features. Considering only a single feature as you probably already have understood that w[0] will be slope and will represent intercept. Linear regression looks for optimizing w and b such that it minimizes the cost function. The cost function can be written as

Cost function for simple linear model

In the equation above I have assumed the data-set has M instances and p features. Once we use linear regression on a data-set divided in to training and test set, calculating the scores on training and test set can give us a rough idea about whether the model is suffering from over-fitting or under-fitting. The chosen linear model can be just right also, if you’re lucky enough! If we have very few features on a data-set and the score is poor for both training and test set then it’s a problem of under-fitting. On the other hand if we have large number of features and test score is relatively poor than the training score then it’s the problem of over-generalization or over-fitting. Ridge and Lasso regression are some of the simple techniques to reduce model complexity and prevent over-fitting which may result from simple linear regression.

Ridge Regression : In ridge regression, the cost function is altered by adding a penalty equivalent to square of the magnitude of the coefficients.

Cost function for ridge regression

This is equivalent to saying minimizing the cost function in equation 1.2 under the condition as below

Supplement 1: Constrain on Ridge regression coefficients

So ridge regression puts constraint on the coefficients (w). The penalty term (lambda) regularizes the coefficients such that if the coefficients take large values the optimization function is penalized. So, ridge regression shrinks the coefficients and it helps to reduce the model complexity and multi-collinearity. Going back to eq. 1.3 one can see that when λ → 0 , the cost function becomes similar to the linear regression cost function (eq. 1.2). So lower the constraint (low λ) on the features, the model will resemble linear regression model. Let’s see an example using Boston house data and below is the code I used to depict linear regression as a limiting case of Ridge regression-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np 
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 12})from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridgeboston=load_boston()
#print boston_df.info()# add another column that contains the house prices which in scikit learn datasets are considered as target
#print boston_df.head(3)newX=boston_df.drop('Price',axis=1)
print newX[0:3] # check 
newY=boston_df['Price']#print type(newY)# pandas core frameX_train,X_test,y_train,y_test=train_test_split(newX,newY,test_size=0.3,random_state=3)
print len(X_test), len(y_test)lr = LinearRegression()
lr.fit(X_train, y_train)rr = Ridge(alpha=0.01) # higher the alpha value, more restriction on the coefficients; low alpha > more generalization,
# in this case linear and ridge regression resemblesrr.fit(X_train, y_train)rr100 = Ridge(alpha=100) #  comparison with alpha value
rr100.fit(X_train, y_train)train_score=lr.score(X_train, y_train)
test_score=lr.score(X_test, y_test)Ridge_train_score = rr.score(X_train,y_train)
Ridge_test_score = rr.score(X_test, y_test)Ridge_train_score100 = rr100.score(X_train,y_train)
Ridge_test_score100 = rr100.score(X_test, y_test)plt.plot(rr.coef_,alpha=0.7,linestyle='none',marker='*',markersize=5,color='red',label=r'Ridge; $\alpha = 0.01$',zorder=7) plt.plot(rr100.coef_,alpha=0.5,linestyle='none',marker='d',markersize=6,color='blue',label=r'Ridge; $\alpha = 100$') plt.plot(lr.coef_,alpha=0.4,linestyle='none',marker='o',markersize=7,color='green',label='Linear Regression')plt.xlabel('Coefficient Index',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Coefficient Magnitude',fontsize=16)

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第1张图片

Figure 1: Ridge regression for different values of alpha is plotted to show linear regression as limiting case of ridge regression. Source: Author.

Let’s understand the figure above. In X axis we plot the coefficient index and, for Boston data there are 13 features (for Python 0th index refers to 1st feature). For low value of α (0.01), when the coefficients are less restricted, the magnitudes of the coefficients are almost same as of linear regression. For higher value of α (100), we see that for coefficient indices 3,4,5 the magnitudes are considerably less compared to linear regression case. This is an example of shrinking coefficient magnitude using Ridge regression.

Lasso Regression : The cost function for Lasso (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) regression can be written as

Cost function for Lasso regression

Supplement 2: Lasso regression coefficients; subject to similar constrain as Ridge, shown before.

Just like Ridge regression cost function, for lambda =0, the equation above reduces to equation 1.2. The only difference is instead of taking the square of the coefficients, magnitudes are taken into account. This type of regularization (L1) can lead to zero coefficients i.e. some of the features are completely neglected for the evaluation of output. So Lasso regression not only helps in reducing over-fitting but it can help us in feature selection. Just like Ridge regression the regularization parameter (lambda) can be controlled and we will see the effect below using cancer data set in sklearn. Reason I am using cancer data instead of Boston house data, that I have used before, is, cancer data-set have 30 features compared to only 13 features of Boston house data. So feature selection using Lasso regression can be depicted well by changing the regularization parameter.

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第2张图片

Figure 2: Lasso regression and feature selection dependence on the regularization parameter value. Source: Author.

The code I used to make these plots is as below

import math 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np# difference of lasso and ridge regression is that some of the coefficients can be zero i.e. some of the features are 
# completely neglectedfrom sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_splitcancer = load_breast_cancer()
#print cancer.keys()cancer_df = pd.DataFrame(cancer.data, columns=cancer.feature_names)#print cancer_df.head(3)X = cancer.data
Y = cancer.targetX_train,X_test,y_train,y_test=train_test_split(X,Y, test_size=0.3, random_state=31)lasso = Lasso()
coeff_used = np.sum(lasso.coef_!=0)print "training score:", train_score 
print "test score: ", test_score
print "number of features used: ", coeff_usedlasso001 = Lasso(alpha=0.01, max_iter=10e5)
coeff_used001 = np.sum(lasso001.coef_!=0)print "training score for alpha=0.01:", train_score001 
print "test score for alpha =0.01: ", test_score001
print "number of features used: for alpha =0.01:", coeff_used001lasso00001 = Lasso(alpha=0.0001, max_iter=10e5)
coeff_used00001 = np.sum(lasso00001.coef_!=0)print "training score for alpha=0.0001:", train_score00001 
print "test score for alpha =0.0001: ", test_score00001
print "number of features used: for alpha =0.0001:", coeff_used00001lr = LinearRegression()
lr_test_score=lr.score(X_test,y_test)print "LR training score:", lr_train_score 
print "LR test score: ", lr_test_scoreplt.subplot(1,2,1)
plt.plot(lasso.coef_,alpha=0.7,linestyle='none',marker='*',markersize=5,color='red',label=r'Lasso; $\alpha = 1$',zorder=7) # alpha here is for transparency
plt.plot(lasso001.coef_,alpha=0.5,linestyle='none',marker='d',markersize=6,color='blue',label=r'Lasso; $\alpha = 0.01$') # alpha here is for transparency

plt.xlabel('Coefficient Index',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Coefficient Magnitude',fontsize=16)
plt.legend(fontsize=13,loc=4)plt.subplot(1,2,2)plt.plot(lasso.coef_,alpha=0.7,linestyle='none',marker='*',markersize=5,color='red',label=r'Lasso; $\alpha = 1$',zorder=7) # alpha here is for transparency
plt.plot(lasso001.coef_,alpha=0.5,linestyle='none',marker='d',markersize=6,color='blue',label=r'Lasso; $\alpha = 0.01$') # alpha here is for transparency
plt.plot(lasso00001.coef_,alpha=0.8,linestyle='none',marker='v',markersize=6,color='black',label=r'Lasso; $\alpha = 0.00001$') # alpha here is for transparency
plt.plot(lr.coef_,alpha=0.7,linestyle='none',marker='o',markersize=5,color='green',label='Linear Regression',zorder=2)plt.xlabel('Coefficient Index',fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel('Coefficient Magnitude',fontsize=16)
#output training score: 0.5600974529893081
test score:  0.5832244618818156
number of features used:  4training score for alpha=0.01: 0.7037865778498829
test score for alpha =0.01:  0.664183157772623
number of features used: for alpha =0.01: 10training score for alpha=0.0001: 0.7754092006936697
test score for alpha =0.0001:  0.7318608210757904
number of features used: for alpha =0.0001: 22LR training score: 0.7842206194055068
LR test score:  0.7329325010888681

Let’s understand the plot and the code in a short summary.

  • The default value of regularization parameter in Lasso regression (given by α) is 1.
  • With this, out of 30 features in cancer data-set, only 4 features are used (non zero value of the coefficient).
  • Both training and test score (with only 4 features) are low; conclude that the model is under-fitting the cancer data-set.
  • Reduce this under-fitting by reducing alpha and increasing number of iterations. Now α = 0.01, non-zero features =10, training and test score increases.
  • Comparison of coefficient magnitude for two different values of alpha are shown in the left panel of figure 2. For alpha =1, we can see most of the coefficients are zero or nearly zero, which is not the case for alpha=0.01.
  • Further reduce α =0.0001, non-zero features = 22. Training and test scores are similar to basic linear regression case.
  • In the right panel of figure, for α = 0.0001, coefficients for Lasso regression and linear regression show close resemblance.

How Lasso Regularization Leads to Feature Selection?

So far we have gone through the basics of Ridge and Lasso regression and seen some examples to understand the applications. Now, I will try to explain why the Lasso regression can result in feature selection and Ridge regression only reduces the coefficients close to zero, but not zero. An illustrative figure below will help us to understand better, where we will assume a hypothetical data-set with only two features. Using the constrain for the coefficients of Ridge and Lasso regression (as shown above in the supplements 1 and 2), we can plot the figure below

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第3张图片

Figure 3: Why LASSO can reduce dimension of feature space? Example on 2D feature space. Modified from the plot used in ‘The Elements of Statistical Learning’ by Author.

For a two dimensional feature space, the constraint regions (see supplement 1 and 2) are plotted for Lasso and Ridge regression with cyan and green colours. The elliptical contours are the cost function of linear regression (eq. 1.2). Now if we have relaxed conditions on the coefficients, then the constrained regions can get bigger and eventually they will hit the centre of the ellipse. This is the case when Ridge and Lasso regression resembles linear regression results. Otherwise, both methods determine coefficients by finding the first point where the elliptical contours hit the region of constraints ==> recall that Beta determines the scale of the ellipse, which is restricted by the regularization zone. The diamond (Lasso) has corners on the axes, unlike the disk, and whenever the elliptical region hits such point, one of the features completely vanishes! For higher dimensional feature space there can be many solutions on the axis with Lasso regression and thus we get only the important features selected.

Finally to end this meditation, let’s summarize what we have learnt so far

  1. Cost function of Ridge and Lasso regression and importance of regularization term.
  2. Went through some examples using simple data-sets to understand Linear regression as a limiting case for both Lasso and Ridge regression.
  3. Understood why Lasso regression can lead to feature selection whereas Ridge can only shrink coefficients close to zero.

For further reading I suggest “The element of statistical learning”; J. Friedman et.al., Springer, pages- 79-91, 2008. Examples shown here to demonstrate regularization using L1 and L2 are influenced from the fantastic Machine Learning with Python book by Andreas Muller.

Hope you have enjoyed the post and stay happy ! Cheers !

P.S: Please see the comment made by Akanksha Rawat for a critical view on standardizing the variables before applying Ridge regression algorithm.


Great article! I have one doubt, it is suggested in the book ‘Introduction to Statistical Learning’ that it is best to apply ridge regression after standardizing the predictors (==> normalize features before computing their associated weights, quite intuitive, pointless distinction in numerical magnitude of feature representation can introduce significant biases). I would like to know why haven’t you standardized the predictors before comparing the performance of ridge regression to linear regression?


Good observation ! Yes it is always principled (sometimes absolutely necessary) to standardize the features before applying ridge regression algorithm. I have used Boston house data and if you see the coefficient magnitude plot, you will realize that even for linear regression only few coefficients are contributing (as you can guess one of them is number of rooms). In this kind of very easy data set it is possible to sneak away with directly applying ridge regression. Actually you can check that, if you just consider the number of rooms as a feature variable to predict the house price, linear regression performs decently, compared to including all other variables. So your understanding of applying standardization is ideal scenario and should always be performed. Cheers !

Group lasso



wiki article provides a more comprehensive collection of related contents, with more detailed mathematical formulation.

In 2006, Yuan and Lin introduced the group lasso to allow predefined groups of covariates to jointly be selected into or out of a model.[9] This is useful in many settings, perhaps most obviously when a categorical variable is coded as a collection of binary covariates. In this case, group lasso can ensure that all the variables encoding the categorical covariate are included or excluded together. Another setting in which grouping is natural is in biological studies. Since genes and proteins often lie in known pathways, which pathways are related to an outcome may be more significant than whether individual genes are. The objective function for the group lasso is a natural generalization of the standard lasso objective

where the design matrix X and covariate vector \beta have been replaced by a collection of design matrices X_j and covariate vectors \beta _j, one for each of the J groups.[10] [11]

Group Lasso - Lei Mao's Log Book


L1 (Lasso) and L2 (Ridge) regularization have been widely used for machine learning to overcome overfitting. Lasso, in particular, causes sparsity for weights. There is another regularization, which is something between Lasso and Ridge regularization, called “Group Lasso”, which also causes sparsity for weights.

In this blog post, we will first review Lasso and Ridge regularization, then take a look at what Group Lasso is, and understand why Group Lasso will cause sparsity for weights.


Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第4张图片

Lasso and Ridge Regressions

Given a dataset {X, y} where X is the feature and y is the label for regression, we simply model it as has a linear relationship y=Xβ. With regularization, the optimization problem of L0, Lasso and Ridge regressions are

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第5张图片

Group Lasso

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第6张图片

 ==> there is a follow up discussion for this article; in practice, squred l2-norm is numerically stable in back pass and is hence adopted more often. ==> for group lasso as well as ridge


(...repeat of the lasso vs. ridge from first article...)

Similarly, the original authors of the Group Lasso have provided the geometry for Lasso, Group Lasso, and Ridge on three dimensions. In Group Lasso in particular, the first two weights β11,β12 are in group and the third weight β2 is in one group.

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第7张图片

The Geometry of Group Lasso

Because on the β11β2 plane or the β12β2 plane, there are still non-differentiable corners along the axes, there is a big chance of contact along the axes. Note that for the same regularization strength λ, the chance of contact along the axes for Group Lasso is smaller than that for Lasso but greater than that for Ridge.


  • Sparsity, the Lasso, and Friends
  • Model Selection and Estimation in Regression with Grouped Variables
  • The Elements of Statistical Learning

Sparse Group Lasso


Sparse group lasso: and finally here it is,

Ridge, Lasso, Group Lasso and Sparse Group Lasso_第8张图片

Sparse group lasso penalty function

Sparse group lasso is a linear combination between lasso and group lasso, so it provides solutions that are both between and within group sparse.

This technique selects the most meaningful predictors from the most meaningful groups, and is one of the best variable selection alternatives of recent years. However, there was no implementation of sparse group lasso for python… until now.


lasso is L1

ridge is L2

group lasso is L1 between groups, L2 within groups

sparse group lasso is a linear combination of lasso and groups lasso

L1 ==> strong feature filter due to clear edges in feature space
