



  The most important thing to write assignment efficiently is to write more.If you write more,you can improve your English writing ability,and know the general routines of assignment writing,the efficiency of assignment writing will naturally increase.The editor brings some suggestions to the students


  Quickly find useful materials for this assignment from a pile of writing materials.

  那些资料包括word文档,ppt,pdf等。看的时候,不需要全部每个都看仔细这样很浪费时间,比较有效的是通过关键词大概浏览一下他们的主要内容,有用的留下,没用的弃之。这一点很重要,因为通常一些学生写Assignment之前,看资料就要花很长时间,常见的是看了这个ref忘了那个,等到动笔写Assignment的时候,可以用到的references里面的有用信息点也忘了,于是又回头重新找ref的useful evidence,到这里为止,花费(浪费)的时间已经很多了,所以,建议从literature中寻找支撑一篇Assignment的evidence的时候,随时作标记,减少不必要的重复劳动。

  Those materials include word documents,ppt,pdf,etc.It is a waste of time not to look at everything carefully.It is more effective to browse their main content through keywords,leaving the useful and discard the useless.This is very important,because it usually takes a long time for some students to read the materials before they write the assignment.It is common to see this ref and forget that one.When they write the assignment,they also forget the useful information points in the references that can be used,so they go back to find the useful evidence of ref again.Up to now,a lot of time has been spent(wasted),so,It is suggested that when looking for an idea to support an assignment in literature,you should always mark it to reduce unnecessary repetitive work.


  Content selection.

  有时候,一篇Assignment写着写着就跑偏了,回头看已经堆积了很多与主题相背离的信息。于是又大篇幅删去已经写好的但却不能用的字数,又浪费了时间,这里建议每写一段之前,审视一下接下来将要写的是否与Assignment topic紧密相关,切题了吗,放在整个Assignment structure当中合理吗,与之前的写的paragraph里的points重复了吗?这样可以较好地避免Assignment写作时做一些无用功。

  Sometimes,when an assignment is written,it goes astray.Looking back,there has been a lot of information that deviates from the theme.Therefore,the number of words that have been written but cannot be used is deleted in a large space,which also wastes time.It is suggested that before each paragraph is written,we should check whether what will be written next is closely related to the Assignment topic,whether it is pertinent,whether it is reasonable to place it in the whole Assignment structure,and whether it is repeated with the points in the previous paragraph?This can better avoid doing some useless work when writing Assignment.


  Be familiar with the common reference formats.

  我遇到的一些学生,写完Assignment正文后,还需要在编辑reference list上花去数小时的时间,因为它们不熟悉常用的ref格式,弄的时候机械性地一个个对照着模板弄,枯燥而费时。于是我推荐我写Assignment的学生用google scholar进行文献引用,它大大地节省写Assignment所花的总时间。

  Some students I met still need to spend hours editing the reference list after finishing the assignment text,because they are not familiar with the common ref format and mechanically compare it with the template one by one,which is boring and time-consuming.So I recommend that students who write assignments use Google Scholar for literature reference,which greatly saves the total time spent writing assignments.


  Improve your English


  This is the most important point.Why can some students write assignments for 500 words or more an hour,and some students can hold 100 words for an hour?In addition to other factors,the most fundamental reason is the difference in English proficiency.I can't express myself in English.Even if I have many ideas,I can't quickly and accurately translate them into English expressions in my mind and knock them out,so the efficiency is naturally very low.It can also be explained that some of my students only need two hours to write 1000 word assignments,and some of them need a week.Therefore,if you want to improve the efficiency of assignment writing,it is the key to strengthen your English ability.



  最后提醒的是reference,我们平时遇到reference大概有2种,,一种是APA格式,一种是Harvard格式,具体的reference格式根据不同的学校有不同的规定。两种格式其实区别不是很大,一般情况下,同学们都可以在自己学校的图书馆里找到要求的reference的写法。reference一般分为两种,一种是直接引用quotation;一种是间接引用citing,直接引用需要在in-text reference里写上具体的页数,但是间接引用不是必须要写上页数的。很多同学经常会问为什么in-text reference里面没有页数,那就是说明那个引用是间接引用,是用自己话来表达概括出所引用的理论。关于reference的个数问题,一般来说,1000字的Assignment需要5-6个reference,1500字的需要8-10个,2000-3000字需要10-15个。字数越多,reference的数量越多。但是需要注意的是,一般情况下,引用部分只能占整篇文章内容的25%-30%。但是,Trunitin是澳洲各个大学普遍使用的一种防抄袭软件,一篇Assignment允许的相似程度是10%以下,所以直接引用的部分只能占整篇文章内容的10%以下。

  The last thing to remind us is the reference.We usually encounter about two kinds of reference,one is APA format,the other is Harvard format.The specific reference format varies according to different schools.In fact,the difference between the two formats is not very big.Generally,students can find the required reference in their school library.Generally,there are two kinds of references.One is to directly refer to quotation;One is indirect reference.For direct reference,you need to write the specific page number in the in text reference,but indirect reference does not have to write the page number.Many students often ask why there are no pages in the in text reference,which means that the reference is an indirect reference,and it is used to express and summarize the quoted theory in their own words.As for the number of references,generally speaking,the Assignment of 1000 words requires 5-6 references,1500 words requires 8-10 reference,and 2000-3000 words requires 10-15 reference.The more words,the more references.However,it should be noted that in general,the quotation part can only account for 25%-30%of the content of the whole article.However,Trunitin is an anti plagiarism software widely used by Australian universities.The degree of similarity allowed by an assignment is less than 10%,so the part directly quoted can only account for less than 10%of the content of the entire article.
