The problem of session-based recommendation aims to predict user actions based on anonymous sessions.
(2) 以前的方法存在的不足:不足以在会话中获得准确的用户向量,并且忽略了项目的复杂转换。
Previous methods model a session as a sequence and estimate user representations besides item representations to make recommendations. Though achieved promising results, they are insuffificient to obtain accurate user vectors in sessions and neglect complex transitions of items.
To obtain accurate item embedding and take complex transitions of items into account, we propose a novel method, i.e. Session-based Recommendation with Graph Neural Networks, SR-GNN for brevity.
without adequate user behavior in one session, these methods have diffificulty in estimating user representations.
complex transitions among distant items are often overlooked by these methods.
We model separated session sequences into graphstructured data and use graph neural networks to capture complex item transitions. To best of our knowledge, it presents a novel perspective on modeling in the session-based recommendation scenario.
To generate session-based recommendations, we do not rely on user representations, but use the session embedding, which can be obtained merely based on latent vectors of items involved in each single session.
(1)输入:用户的行为序列(用户交互过的item id的列表);
(2)将用户的行为序列构造成 Session Graph;
(3)通过GNN来对所得的 Session Graph进行特征提取,得到每一个Item的向量表征;
(4)经过GNN提取Session Graph之后,通过attention机制和线性层对所有的Item的向量表征进行融合,得到User的向量表征;
(1) A example of a session graph
(2)the connection matrix As
长期偏好 + 当前的会话兴趣 = 会话嵌入
(1)用attention机制来获取序列中每一个item对于序列中最后一个item的attention score,然后加权求和。
class GNN(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, embedding_size, step=1):
super(GNN, self).__init__()
self.step = step
self.embedding_size = embedding_size
self.input_size = embedding_size * 2
self.gate_size = embedding_size * 3
self.w_ih = self.create_parameter(shape=[self.input_size, self.gate_size])
self.w_hh = self.create_parameter(shape=[self.embedding_size, self.gate_size])
self.b_ih = self.create_parameter(shape=[self.gate_size])
self.b_hh = self.create_parameter(shape=[self.gate_size])
self.b_iah = self.create_parameter(shape=[self.embedding_size])
self.b_ioh = self.create_parameter(shape=[self.embedding_size])
self.linear_edge_in = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_size)
self.linear_edge_out = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_size)
def GNNCell(self, A, hidden):
input_in = paddle.matmul(A[:, :, :A.shape[1]], self.linear_edge_in(hidden)) + self.b_iah
input_out = paddle.matmul(A[:, :, A.shape[1]:], self.linear_edge_out(hidden)) + self.b_ioh
# [batch_size, max_session_len, embedding_size * 2]
inputs = paddle.concat([input_in, input_out], 2)
# gi.size equals to gh.size, shape of [batch_size, max_session_len, embedding_size * 3]
gi = paddle.matmul(inputs, self.w_ih) + self.b_ih
gh = paddle.matmul(hidden, self.w_hh) + self.b_hh
# (batch_size, max_session_len, embedding_size)
i_r, i_i, i_n = gi.chunk(3, 2)
h_r, h_i, h_n = gh.chunk(3, 2)
reset_gate = F.sigmoid(i_r + h_r)
input_gate = F.sigmoid(i_i + h_i)
new_gate = paddle.tanh(i_n + reset_gate * h_n)
hy = (1 - input_gate) * hidden + input_gate * new_gate
return hy
def forward(self, A, hidden):
for i in range(self.step):
hidden = self.GNNCell(A, hidden)
return hidden
class SRGNN(nn.Layer):
def __init__(self, config):
super(SRGNN, self).__init__()
# load parameters info
self.config = config
self.embedding_size = config['embedding_dim']
self.step = config['step']
self.n_items = self.config['n_items']
# define layers and loss
# item embedding
self.item_emb = nn.Embedding(self.n_items, self.embedding_size, padding_idx=0)
# define layers and loss
self.gnn = GNN(self.embedding_size, self.step)
self.linear_one = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_size)
self.linear_two = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, self.embedding_size)
self.linear_three = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size, 1, bias_attr=False)
self.linear_transform = nn.Linear(self.embedding_size * 2, self.embedding_size)
self.loss_fun = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# parameters initialization
def gather_indexes(self, output, gather_index):
"""Gathers the vectors at the specific positions over a minibatch"""
# gather_index = gather_index.view(-1, 1, 1).expand(-1, -1, output.shape[-1])
gather_index = gather_index.reshape([-1, 1, 1])
gather_index = paddle.repeat_interleave(gather_index,output.shape[-1],2)
output_tensor = paddle.take_along_axis(output, gather_index, 1)
return output_tensor.squeeze(1)
def calculate_loss(self,user_emb,pos_item):
all_items = self.item_emb.weight
scores = paddle.matmul(user_emb, all_items.transpose([1, 0]))
return self.loss_fun(scores,pos_item)
def output_items(self):
return self.item_emb.weight
def reset_parameters(self, initializer=None):
for weight in self.parameters():
def _get_slice(self, item_seq):
# Mask matrix, shape of [batch_size, max_session_len]
mask = (item_seq>0).astype('int32')
items, n_node, A, alias_inputs = [], [], [], []
max_n_node = item_seq.shape[1]
item_seq = item_seq.cpu().numpy()
for u_input in item_seq:
node = np.unique(u_input)
items.append(node.tolist() + (max_n_node - len(node)) * [0])
u_A = np.zeros((max_n_node, max_n_node))
for i in np.arange(len(u_input) - 1):
if u_input[i + 1] == 0:
u = np.where(node == u_input[i])[0][0]
v = np.where(node == u_input[i + 1])[0][0]
u_A[u][v] = 1
u_sum_in = np.sum(u_A, 0)
u_sum_in[np.where(u_sum_in == 0)] = 1
u_A_in = np.divide(u_A, u_sum_in)
u_sum_out = np.sum(u_A, 1)
u_sum_out[np.where(u_sum_out == 0)] = 1
u_A_out = np.divide(u_A.transpose(), u_sum_out)
u_A = np.concatenate([u_A_in, u_A_out]).transpose()
alias_inputs.append([np.where(node == i)[0][0] for i in u_input])
# The relative coordinates of the item node, shape of [batch_size, max_session_len]
alias_inputs = paddle.to_tensor(alias_inputs)
# The connecting matrix, shape of [batch_size, max_session_len, 2 * max_session_len]
A = paddle.to_tensor(A)
# The unique item nodes, shape of [batch_size, max_session_len]
items = paddle.to_tensor(items)
return alias_inputs, A, items, mask
def forward(self, item_seq, mask, item, train=True):
if train:
alias_inputs, A, items, mask = self._get_slice(item_seq)
hidden = self.item_emb(items)
hidden = self.gnn(A, hidden)
alias_inputs = alias_inputs.reshape([-1, alias_inputs.shape[1],1])
alias_inputs = paddle.repeat_interleave(alias_inputs, self.embedding_size, 2)
seq_hidden = paddle.take_along_axis(hidden,alias_inputs,1)
# fetch the last hidden state of last timestamp
item_seq_len = paddle.sum(mask,axis=1)
ht = self.gather_indexes(seq_hidden, item_seq_len - 1)
q1 = self.linear_one(ht).reshape([ht.shape[0], 1, ht.shape[1]])
q2 = self.linear_two(seq_hidden)
alpha = self.linear_three(F.sigmoid(q1 + q2))
a = paddle.sum(alpha * seq_hidden * mask.reshape([mask.shape[0], -1, 1]), 1)
user_emb = self.linear_transform(paddle.concat([a, ht], axis=1))
loss = self.calculate_loss(user_emb,item)
output_dict = {
'user_emb': user_emb,
'loss': loss
alias_inputs, A, items, mask = self._get_slice(item_seq)
hidden = self.item_emb(items)
hidden = self.gnn(A, hidden)
alias_inputs = alias_inputs.reshape([-1, alias_inputs.shape[1],1])
alias_inputs = paddle.repeat_interleave(alias_inputs, self.embedding_size, 2)
seq_hidden = paddle.take_along_axis(hidden, alias_inputs,1)
# fetch the last hidden state of last timestamp
item_seq_len = paddle.sum(mask, axis=1)
ht = self.gather_indexes(seq_hidden, item_seq_len - 1)
q1 = self.linear_one(ht).reshape([ht.shape[0], 1, ht.shape[1]])
q2 = self.linear_two(seq_hidden)
alpha = self.linear_three(F.sigmoid(q1 + q2))
a = paddle.sum(alpha * seq_hidden * mask.reshape([mask.shape[0], -1, 1]), 1)
user_emb = self.linear_transform(paddle.concat([a, ht], axis=1))
output_dict = {
'user_emb': user_emb,
return output_dict