How to use 2D data with nnU-Net
nnU-Net was originally built for 3D images. It is also strongestwhen applied to 3D segmentation problems because a large proportion of itsdesign choices were built with 3D in mind. Also note that many 2D segmentationproblems, especially in the non-biomedical domain, may benefit from pretrainednetwork architectures which nnU-Net does not support. Still, there is certainlya need for an out of the box segmentation solution for 2D segmentationproblems. And also on 2D segmentation tasks nnU-Net cam perform extremely well!We have, for example, won a 2D task in the cell tracking challenge with nnU-Net(see our Nature Methods paper) and we have also successfully applied nnU-Net tohistopathological segmentation problems. Working with 2D data in nnU-Netrequires a small workaround in the creation of the dataset. Essentially, allimages must be converted to pseudo 3D images (so an image with shape (X, Y)needs to be converted to an image with shape (1, X, Y). The resulting imagemust be saved in nifti format. Hereby it is important to set the spacing of thefirst axis (the one with shape 1) to a value larger than the others. If you areworking with niftis anyways, then doing this should be easy for you. Thisexample here is intended for demonstrating how nnU-Net can be used with’regular’ 2D images. We selected the massachusetts road segmentation datasetfor this because it can be obtained easily, it comes with a good amount oftraining cases but is still not too large to be difficult to handle.
See here for anexample. This script contains a lot of comments and useful information. Alsohave a look here.
How to convert other image formats tonifti
Please have a look at the following tasks:
Task120: 2D png images
Task075 and Task076: 3D tiff
Task089 2D tiff
import numpy as np
from batchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operations import *
from nnunet.dataset_conversion.utils import generate_dataset_json
from nnunet.paths import nnUNet_raw_data, preprocessing_output_dir
from nnunet.utilities.file_conversions import convert_2d_image_to_nifti
if __name__ == '__main__':
nnU-Net was originally built for 3D images. It is also strongest when applied to 3D segmentation problems because a
large proportion of its design choices were built with 3D in mind. Also note that many 2D segmentation problems,
especially in the non-biomedical domain, may benefit from pretrained network architectures which nnU-Net does not
Still, there is certainly a need for an out of the box segmentation solution for 2D segmentation problems. And
also on 2D segmentation tasks nnU-Net cam perform extremely well! We have, for example, won a 2D task in the cell
tracking challenge with nnU-Net (see our Nature Methods paper) and we have also successfully applied nnU-Net to
histopathological segmentation problems.
Working with 2D data in nnU-Net requires a small workaround in the creation of the dataset. Essentially, all images
must be converted to pseudo 3D images (so an image with shape (X, Y) needs to be converted to an image with shape
(1, X, Y). The resulting image must be saved in nifti format. Hereby it is important to set the spacing of the
first axis (the one with shape 1) to a value larger than the others. If you are working with niftis anyways, then
doing this should be easy for you. This example here is intended for demonstrating how nnU-Net can be used with
'regular' 2D images. We selected the massachusetts road segmentation dataset for this because it can be obtained
easily, it comes with a good amount of training cases but is still not too large to be difficult to handle.
# download dataset from https://www.kaggle.com/insaff/massachusetts-roads-dataset
# extract the zip file, then set the following path according to your system:
base = '/media/fabian/data/road_segmentation_ideal'
# this folder should have the training and testing subfolders
# now start the conversion to nnU-Net:
task_name = 'Task120_MassRoadsSeg'
target_base = join(nnUNet_raw_data, task_name)
target_imagesTr = join(target_base, "imagesTr")
target_imagesTs = join(target_base, "imagesTs")
target_labelsTs = join(target_base, "labelsTs")
target_labelsTr = join(target_base, "labelsTr")
# convert the training examples. Not all training images have labels, so we just take the cases for which there are
# labels
labels_dir_tr = join(base, 'training', 'output')
images_dir_tr = join(base, 'training', 'input')
training_cases = subfiles(labels_dir_tr, suffix='.png', join=False)
for t in training_cases:
unique_name = t[:-4] # just the filename with the extension cropped away, so img-2.png becomes img-2 as unique_name
input_segmentation_file = join(labels_dir_tr, t)
input_image_file = join(images_dir_tr, t)
output_image_file = join(target_imagesTr, unique_name) # do not specify a file ending! This will be done for you
output_seg_file = join(target_labelsTr, unique_name) # do not specify a file ending! This will be done for you
# this utility will convert 2d images that can be read by skimage.io.imread to nifti. You don't need to do anything.
# if this throws an error for your images, please just look at the code for this function and adapt it to your needs
convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_image_file, output_image_file, is_seg=False)
# the labels are stored as 0: background, 255: road. We need to convert the 255 to 1 because nnU-Net expects
# the labels to be consecutive integers. This can be achieved with setting a transform
convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True,
transform=lambda x: (x == 255).astype(int))
from typing import Tuple, List
from skimage import io
import SimpleITK as sitk
import numpy as np
import tifffile
def convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_filename: str, output_filename_truncated: str, spacing=(999, 1, 1),
transform=None, is_seg: bool = False) -> None:
Reads an image (must be a format that it recognized by skimage.io.imread) and converts it into a series of niftis.
The image can have an arbitrary number of input channels which will be exported separately (_0000.nii.gz,
_0001.nii.gz, etc for images and only .nii.gz for seg).
Spacing can be ignored most of the time.
!!!2D images are often natural images which do not have a voxel spacing that could be used for resampling. These images
must be resampled by you prior to converting them to nifti!!!
Datasets converted with this utility can only be used with the 2d U-Net configuration of nnU-Net
If Transform is not None it will be applied to the image after loading.
Segmentations will be converted to np.uint32!
:param is_seg:
:param transform:
:param input_filename:
:param output_filename_truncated: do not use a file ending for this one! Example: output_name='./converted/image1'. This
function will add the suffix (_0000) and file ending (.nii.gz) for you.
:param spacing:
大致意思是要做数据转换了,输入图像可以是任意通道的(通常是3通道),后面会单独输出_0000.nii.gz、_0001.nii.gz等的结果,但标签数据还是输出不带模态标志的.nii.gz,间距spacing可以忽略,转换之后的数据集只能用2d unet配置使用。
img = io.imread(input_filename)
if transform is not None:
img = transform(img)
transform=lambda x: (x == 255).astype(int))
if len(img.shape) == 2: # 2d image with no color channels
img = img[None, None] # add dimensions
如果是3通道的2d图像,则图像形状可能是(256,256,3),先转置成(3,256,256),然后增加1个维度,变成(3, 1, 256, 256)。
assert len(img.shape) == 3, "image should be 3d with color channel last but has shape %s" % str(img.shape)
# we assume that the color channel is the last dimension. Transpose it to be in first
img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
# add third dimension
img = img[:, None]
# image is now (c, x, x, z) where x=1 since it's 2d
if is_seg:
assert img.shape[0] == 1, 'segmentations can only have one color channel, not sure what happened here'
遍历图像的通道数(通常为3个),分别提取不同通道的图像,转换成itk文件,设置spacing层厚,这里预定义的spacing=(999, 1, 1),经过list(spacing)[::-1]后变成[1, 1, 999],sitk图像顺序是x,y,z三个方向的大小,numpy矩阵的顺序是z,y,x三个方向的大小,所以spacing需要转换成[1, 1, 999]。之后针对输入图像和标签图像分别存储为带模态标志0000/0001/0002的nifti数据和不带模态标志的nifti数据。
for j, i in enumerate(img):
if is_seg:
i = i.astype(np.uint32)
itk_img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(i)
if not is_seg:
sitk.WriteImage(itk_img, output_filename_truncated + "_%04.0d.nii.gz" % j)
sitk.WriteImage(itk_img, output_filename_truncated + ".nii.gz")
# now do the same for the test set
labels_dir_ts = join(base, 'testing', 'output')
images_dir_ts = join(base, 'testing', 'input')
testing_cases = subfiles(labels_dir_ts, suffix='.png', join=False)
for ts in testing_cases:
unique_name = ts[:-4]
input_segmentation_file = join(labels_dir_ts, ts)
input_image_file = join(images_dir_ts, ts)
output_image_file = join(target_imagesTs, unique_name)
output_seg_file = join(target_labelsTs, unique_name)
convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_image_file, output_image_file, is_seg=False)
convert_2d_image_to_nifti(input_segmentation_file, output_seg_file, is_seg=True,
transform=lambda x: (x == 255).astype(int))
# finally we can call the utility for generating a dataset.json
generate_dataset_json(join(target_base, 'dataset.json'), target_imagesTr, target_imagesTs, ('Red', 'Green', 'Blue'),
labels={1: 'street'}, dataset_name=task_name, license='hands off!')
├── dataset.json
├── imagesTr
│ ├── img-2_0000.nii.gz
│ ├── img-2_0001.nii.gz
│ ├── img-2_0002.nii.gz
│ ├── ...
├── imagesTs
│ ├── img-1_0000.nii.gz
│ ├── img-1_0001.nii.gz
│ ├── img-1_0002.nii.gz
│ ├── ...
├── labelsTr
│ ├── img-2.nii.gz
│ ├── img-7.nii.gz
│ ├── ...
├── labelsTs
│ ├── img-1.nii.gz
│ ├── img-2.nii.gz
│ ├── ...