参考:蓝牙 | Android 开源项目 | Android Open Source Projecthttps://source.android.com/docs/core/connect/bluetooth
蓝牙应用通过 Binder 与蓝牙进程进行通信。蓝牙进程使用 JNI 与蓝牙堆栈通信,并向开发者提供对各种蓝牙配置文件的访问权限。下图显示了蓝牙堆栈的常规结构:
处于应用框架级别的是应用代码,它使用 android.bluetooth API 与蓝牙硬件进行交互。此代码在内部通过 Binder IPC 机制调用蓝牙进程。
蓝牙系统服务(位于 packages/apps/Bluetooth
中)被打包为 Android 应用,并在 Android 框架层实现蓝牙服务和配置文件。此应用通过 JNI 调用原生蓝牙堆栈。
与 android.bluetooth 相关联的 JNI 代码位于 packages/apps/Bluetooth/jni
中。当发生特定蓝牙操作时(例如发现设备时),JNI 代码会调用蓝牙堆栈。
AOSP 中提供了默认蓝牙堆栈(位于 system/bt
中)。该堆栈实现常规蓝牙 HAL,并通过扩展程序和更改配置对其进行自定义。
供应商设备使用硬件接口设计语言 (HIDL) 与蓝牙堆栈交互
HIDL 定义了蓝牙堆栈和供应商实现之间的接口。如需生成蓝牙 HIDL 文件,请将蓝牙接口文件传入 HIDL 生成工具中。接口文件位于 hardware/interfaces/bluetooth 中。
Android 蓝牙堆栈是一个完全限定的蓝牙堆栈。限定列表位于蓝牙 SIG 网站上的 QDID 169365 下。
核心蓝牙堆栈位于 [system/bt](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/master)
中。开发工作在 AOSP 中进行,欢迎贡献内容。
以下类和接口 是为APP 提供的API,在API内部通过Binder 机制向下调用
BluetoothAdapter.LeScanCallback | Callback interface used to deliver LE scan results. |
BluetoothProfile | Public APIs for the Bluetooth Profiles. |
BluetoothProfile.ServiceListener | An interface for notifying BluetoothProfile IPC clients when they have been connected or disconnected to the service. |
BluetoothA2dp | This class provides the public APIs to control the Bluetooth A2DP profile. |
BluetoothAdapter | Represents the local device Bluetooth adapter. |
BluetoothAssignedNumbers | Bluetooth Assigned Numbers. |
... | ... |
代码位置:/aosp/packages/apps/Bluetooth/ ,这个文件夹中的代码实现了蓝牙服务和配置文件,并且最后编译时打包成一个APP,这个APP通过JNI调用蓝牙堆栈
"Bluetooth" 应用程序调用的JNI 位于/aosp/packages/apps/Bluetooth/jni 中。
JNI 负责调用原生的蓝牙协议栈。
蓝牙堆栈代码位于/aosp/system/bt 中
这层的代码通过调用hal 层代码 来调用底层硬件
因此厂商就可以通过HIDL 接口 来对接自己的硬件设备。
hidl 接口代码位于/hardware/interfaces/bluetooth
我们就可以按照HIDL 实现自己的接口了
对于蓝牙厂商来说必须提供一个名字为 libbt-vendor.so的库文件,这个文件的接口在
/aosp/hareware/interfaces/bluetooth/1.0/default/bt_vendor_lib.h中定义好了,aosp 并没有实现,需要厂商提供这个文件的实现方法。
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Struct types */
/** Typedefs and defines */
/** Vendor specific operations OPCODE */
typedef enum {
/* [operation]
* Power on or off the BT Controller.
* [input param]
* A pointer to int type with content of bt_vendor_power_state_t.
* Typecasting conversion: (int *) param.
* [return]
* 0 - default, don't care.
* [callback]
* None.
} bt_vendor_opcode_t;
/** Define HCI channel identifier in the file descriptors array
used in BT_VND_OP_USERIAL_OPEN operation.
typedef enum {
CH_CMD, // HCI Command channel
CH_EVT, // HCI Event channel
CH_ACL_OUT, // HCI ACL downstream channel
CH_ACL_IN, // HCI ACL upstream channel
CH_MAX // Total channels
} bt_vendor_hci_channels_t;
* Bluetooth Host/Controller Vendor callback structure.
/* vendor initialization/configuration callback */
typedef void (*cfg_result_cb)(bt_vendor_op_result_t result);
/* datapath buffer allocation callback (callout)
* Vendor lib needs to request a buffer through the alloc callout function
* from HCI lib if the buffer is for constructing a HCI Command packet which
* will be sent through xmit_cb to BT Controller.
* For each buffer allocation, the requested size needs to be big enough to
* accommodate the below header plus a complete HCI packet --
* typedef struct
* {
* uint16_t event;
* uint16_t len;
* uint16_t offset;
* uint16_t layer_specific;
* } HC_BT_HDR;
* HCI lib returns a pointer to the buffer where Vendor lib should use to
* construct a HCI command packet as below format:
* --------------------------------------------
* | HC_BT_HDR | HCI command |
* --------------------------------------------
* where
* HC_BT_HDR.event = 0x2000;
* HC_BT_HDR.len = Length of HCI command;
* HC_BT_HDR.offset = 0;
* HC_BT_HDR.layer_specific = 0;
* For example, a HCI_RESET Command will be formed as
* ------------------------
* | HC_BT_HDR |03|0c|00|
* ------------------------
* with
* HC_BT_HDR.event = 0x2000;
* HC_BT_HDR.len = 3;
* HC_BT_HDR.offset = 0;
* HC_BT_HDR.layer_specific = 0;
typedef void* (*malloc_cb)(int size);
typedef void (*mdealloc_cb)(void* p_buf);
typedef void (*tINT_CMD_CBACK)(void* p_mem);
* Bluetooth Host/Controller VENDOR Interface
typedef struct {
/** Set to sizeof(bt_vndor_interface_t) */
size_t size;
* Functions need to be implemented in Vendor libray (libbt-vendor.so).
* Caller will open the interface and pass in the callback routines
* to the implemenation of this interface.
int (*init)(const bt_vendor_callbacks_t* p_cb, unsigned char* local_bdaddr);
/** Vendor specific operations */
int (*op)(bt_vendor_opcode_t opcode, void* param);
/** Closes the interface */
void (*cleanup)(void);
} bt_vendor_interface_t;
/* Entry point of DLib --
* Vendor library needs to implement the body of bt_vendor_interface_t
* structure and uses the below name as the variable name. HCI library
* will use this symbol name to get address of the object through the
* dlsym call.
extern const bt_vendor_interface_t BLUETOOTH_VENDOR_LIB_INTERFACE;
[email protected]通过vendor_interface.cc 中“VendorInterface::Open ”函数加载 这个lib