|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习

本文基于Craig Reynolds于1986年发布的《Flocks, Herds, and Schools: A Distributed Behavioral Model》进行学习和总结



|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第1张图片


The aggregate motion of a flock of birds, a herd of land animals, or a
school of fish is a beautiful and familiar part of the natural world.
But this type of complex motion is rarely seen in computer animation.
This paper explores an approach based on simulation as an alternative
to scripting the paths of each bird individually. The simulated flock
is an elaboration of a particle system, with the simulated birds being
the particles. The aggregate motion of the simulated flock is created
by a distributed behavioral model much like that at work in a natural
flock; the birds choose their own course. Each simulated bird is
implemented as an independent actor that navigates according to its
local perception of the dynamic environment, the laws of simulated
physics that rule its motion, and a set of behaviors programmed into
it by the “animator.” The aggregate motion of the simulated flock is
the result of the dense interaction of the relatively simple behaviors
of the individual simulated birds.

首先作者为我们介绍了,在自然界之中,无论是鸟群、鱼群还是陆地生物群落,它们的群体性运动都是非常壮观的,然而在动画领域(当时)却极少的出现。因此这篇论文提出了一种基于模拟的方法,用它来模拟每个独立个体的运动路径。这个模拟出来的模型跟自然中的鸟群运动模型十分相似,每个小鸟都是一个独立的角色。通过对动态环境的感知,物理定律来模拟运动,以及绘图程序这三部分,来实现这样一个运动感知模型 。


The motion of a flock of birds is one of nature’s delights. Flocks and related synchronized group behaviors such as schools of fish or herds of land animals are both beautiful to watch and intriguing to contemplate. A flock* exhibits many contrasts. It is made up of discrete birds yet overall motion seems fluid; it is simple in concept yet is so visually complex, Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct it seems randomly arrayed and yet is magnificently synchronized. Perhaps most puzzling is the strong impression of intentional, centralized control. Yet all evidence indicates that flock motion must be merely the aggregate result of the actions of individual animals, each acting solely on the basis of its own local perception of the world.


One area of interest within computer animation is the description and control of all types of motion. Computer animators seek both to invent wholly new types of abstract motion and to duplicate (or make variations on) the motions found in the real world. At first glance, producing an animated, computer graphic portrayal of a flock of birds presents significant difficulties. Scripting the path of a large number of individual objects using traditional computer animation techniques would be tedious. Given the complex paths that birds follow, it is doubtful this specification could be made without error. Even if a reasonable number of suitable paths could be described, it is unlikely that the constraints of flock motion could be maintained (for example, preventing collisions between all birds at each frame). Finally, a flock scripted in this manner would be hard to edit (for example, to alter the course of all birds for a portion of the animation). It is not impossible to script flock motion, but a better approach is needed for efficient, robust, and believable animation of flocks and related group motions.


This paper describes one such approach. This approach assumes a flock is simply the result of the interaction between the behaviors of individual birds. To simulate a flock we simulate the behavior of an individual bird (or at least that portion of the bird’s behavior that allows it to participate in a flock). To support this behavioral “control structure” we must also simulate portions of the bird’s perceptual mechanisms and aspects of the physics of aerodynamic flight. If this simulated bird model has the correct flock-member behavior, all that should be required to create a simulated flock is to create some instances of the simulated bird model and allow them to interact.


Some experiments with this sort of simulated flock are described in more detail in the remainder of this paper. The suc-cess and validity of these simulations is difficult to measure objectively. They do seem to agree well with certain criteria [25] and some statistical properties [23] of natural flocks and schools which have been reported by the zoological and behavioral sciences. Perhaps more significantly, many people who view these animated flocks immediately recognize them as a representation of a natural flock, and find them similarly delightful to watch.



|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第2张图片




That animation was produced using a technique completely unlike the one described in this paper and apparently not specifically intended for flock modeling. But the underlying concept is useful and interesting in its own right. The following overview is based on unpublished communications [3]. The software is informally called “the force field animation sys- tem.” Force fields are defined by a 3 x 3 matrix operator that transform from a point in space (where an object is located) to an acceleration vector; the birds trace paths along the “phase portrait” of the force field. There are “rejection forces” around each bird and around static objects. The force field associated with each object has a bounding box, so object interactions can be culled according to bounding box tests. An incremental, linear time algorithm finds bounding box intersections. The “animator” defines the space field(s) and sets the initial positions, orientations, and velocities of objects. The rest of the simulation is automatic.




Underlying the bold flock model is a slight generalization of particle systems. In what might be called a “subobject sys- tem,” Reeves’s dot-like particles are replaced by an entire geometrical object consisting of a full local coordinate system and a reference tO a geometrical shape model. The use of shapes instead of dots is visually significant, but the more fundamental difference is that individual subobjects have a more complex geometrical state: they now have orientation.

Another difference between bold flocks and particle systems is not as well defined. The behavior of boids is generally more complex than the behaviors for particles as described in the literature. The present bold behavior model might be about one or two orders of magnitude more complex than typical particle behavior. However this is a difference of degree, not of kind. And neither simulated behavior is nearly as complex as that of a real bird.


在Boids群体模型之下,是对粒子系统的一种概括。 在所谓的“子对象系统”中,点状粒子被一个由完整的局部坐标系统和一个几何形状模型的参考组成的整个几何对象所取代。使用形状而不是圆点在视觉上很重要,但更根本的区别在于单个子对象有更复杂的几何状态:它们现在有了方向。



The behavioral model that controls the boid’s flight and flocking is complicated enough that rather than use an ad hoc approach, it is worthwhile to pursue the most appropriate formal computational model. The behaviors will be represented as rules or programs in some sense, and the internal state of each bold must be held in some sort of data structure. It is convenient to encapsulate these behaviors and state as an object, in the sense of object-oriented programming systems [10, 11, 21]. Each instance of these objects needs a computational process to apply the behavioral programs to the internal data. The computational abstraction that combines process, procedure, and state is called an actor [12, 26, 2]. An actor is essentially a virtual computer that communicates with other virtual computers by passing messages. The actor model has been proposed as a natural structure for animation control by several authors [28, 13, 29, 18]. It seems particularly apt for situations involving interacting characters and behavior simulation. In the literature of parallel and distributed computer systems, flocks and schools are given as examples of robust self-organizing distributed systems [15].



Traditional hand-drawn eel animation was produced with a medium that was completely inert. Traditional computer animation uses an active medium (computers running graphics software), but most animation systems do not make much use of the computer’s ability to automate motion design.
The animator cannot simply tell the character to “act happy” but must tediously specify the motion that conveys happiness.


Typical computer animation models only the shape and physical properties of the characters, whereas behavioral or character-based animation seeks to model the behavior of the character. The goal is for such simulated characters to handle many of the details of their actions, and hence their motions.


These behaviors, when acted out by the simulated characters, lead indirectly to the final action.

One of the charming aspects of the work reported here is not knowing how a simulation is going to proceed from the specified behaviors and initial conditions; there are many unexpected, pleasant surprises. On the other hand, this charm starts to wear thin as deadlines approach and the unexpected annoyances pop up. This author has spent a lot of time recently trying to get uncooperative flocks to move as intended




In this paper the term geometric flight refers to a certain type of motion along a path: a dynamic, incremental, rigid geometrical transformation of an object, moving along and tangent to a 3D curve. While the motion is rigid, the ob- ject’s underlying geometric model is free to articulate or change shape within this “flying coordinate system.” Unlike more typical animated motion along predefined spline curves, the shape of a flight path is not specified in advance.


|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第3张图片

Geometric flight is based on incremental translations along the objecrs “forward direction” its local positive Z axis. These translations are intermixed with steering–rotations about the local X and Y axes (pitch and yaw), which realign the global orientation of the local Z axis.
Running the simulation at a higher rate can reduce the discrete sampling error of the flight model and refine the shape of motion blur patterns.


Geometric flight models conservation of momentum. An object in flight tends to stay in flight. There is a simple model of viscous speed damping, so even if the bold continually ac- celerates in one direction, it will not exceed a certain maximumspeed. A minimum speed can also be specified but defaults to zero. A maximum acceleration, expressed as a fraction of the maximum speed, is used to truncate over-anxious requests for acceleration, hence providing for smooth changes of speed and heading. This is a simple model of a creature with a finite amount of available energy.


Many physical forces are not supported in the current bold model. Gravity is modeled but used only to define banking behavior. It is defined procedurally to allow the construction of arbitrarily shaped fields. If each bold was accelerated by gravity each frame, it would tend to fall unless gravity was coun- tered by lift or buoyancy. Buoyancy is aligned against gravity, but aerodynamic lift is aligned with the boid’s local “up” direction and related to velocity. This level of modeling leads to effects like normally level flight, going faster when flying down (or slower up), and the “stall” maneuver. The speed limit parameter could be more realistically modeled as a frictional drag, a backward pointing force related to velocity. In the current model steering is done by directing the available thrust in the appropriate direction. It would be more realistic to separately model the tangential thrusting forces and the lateral steering forces, since they normally have different magnitudes.



|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第4张图片


The incremental mixing of forward translations and local rotations that underlies geometric flight is the basis of “turtle graphics” in the programming language Logo.
Under program control the Logo turtle could move forward or back from its current position, turn left or right from its current heading, or put the pen up or down on the paper. The turtle geometry has been extended from the plane onto arbitrary manifolds and into 3D space [1]. These “3d turtles” and their paths are exactly equivalent to the boid objects and their flight paths.




For a bird to participate in a flock, it must have behaviors that allow it to coordinate its movements with those of its flockmates. These behaviors are not particularly unique; all creatures have them to some degree. Natural flocks seem to consist of two balanced, opposing behaviors: a desire to stay close to the flock and a desire to avoid collisions within the flock. It is clear why an individual bird wants to avoid collisions with its flockrnates. But why do birds seem to seek out the airborne equivalent of a nasty traffic jam? The basic urge to join a flock seems to be the result of evolutionary pressure from several factors: protection from predators, statistically improving survival of the (shared) gene pool from attacks from predators, profiting from a larger effective search pattern in the quest for food, and advantages for social and mating activities .


There is no evidence that the complexity of natural flocks is bounded in any way. Flocks do not become “full” or “over- loaded” as new birds join. When herring migrate toward their spawning grounds, they run in schools extending as long as 17 miles and containing millions of fish . Natural flocks seem to operate in exactly the same fashion over a huge range of flock populations. It does not seem that an individual bird can be paying much attention to each and every one of its flock- mates. But in a huge flock spread over vast distances, an individual bird must have a localized and filtered perception of the rest of the flock. A bird might be aware of three categories: itself, its two or three nearest neighbors, and the rest of the flock .


These speculations about the “computational complexity” of flocking are meant to suggest that birds can flock with any number of flockmates because they are using what would be called in formal computer science a constant time algorithm. That is, the amount of “thinking” that a bird has to do in order to flock must be largely independent of the number of birds in the flock. Otherwise we would expect to see a sha W upper bound on the size of natural flocks when the individual birds became overloaded by the complexity of their navigation task. This has not been observed in nature.


模拟鸟群 ※


		分离 Separation: 移动以避开群体拥挤处
		对齐 Alignment: 朝着周围同伴的平均方向前进
		靠近 Cohesion: 朝着周围同伴的平均位置(质心)移动
  1. Collision Avoidance: avoid collisions with nearby
  2. Velocity Matching: attempt to match velocity with nearby flockmates
  3. Flock Centering: attempt to stay close to nearby flockmates

|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第5张图片

Velocity is a vector quantity, referring to the combination of heading and speed. The manner in which the results from each of these behaviors is reconciled and combined is significant and is discussed in more detail later. Similarly, the meaning nearby in these rules is key to the flocking process. This is also discussed in more detail later, but generally one boid’s awareness of another is based on the distance and direction of the offset vector between them.z


Static collision avoidance and dynamic velocity matching are complementary. Together they ensure that the members of a simulated flock are free to fly within the crowded skies of the flock’s interior without running into one another. Collision avoidance is the urge to steer away from an imminent impact. Static collision avoidance is based on the relative position of the flockmates and ignores their velocity. Conversely, velocity matching is based only on velocity and ignores position. It is a predictive version of collision avoidance: if the boid does a good job of matching velocity with its neighbors, it is unlikely that it will collide with any of them any time soon. With velocity matching, separations between boids remains approximately invariant with respect to ongoing geometric flight. Static collision avoidance serves to establish the minimum required separation distance; velocity matching tends to maintain it.


Flock centering makes a boid want to be near the center of the flock. Because each boid has a localized perception of the world, “center of the flock” actually means the center of the nearby flockmates. Flock centering causes the boid to fly in a direction that moves it closer to the centroid of the nearby boids. If a boid is deep inside a flock, the population density in its neighborhood is roughly homogeneous; the boid density is approximately the same in all directions. In this case, the cem troid of the neighborhood boids is approximately at the center of the neighborhood, so the flock centering urge is small. But if a boid is on the boundary of the flock, its neighboring boids are on one side. The centroid of the neighborhood boids is displaced from the center of the neighborhood toward the body of the flock. Here the flock centering urge is stronger and the flight path will be deflected somewhat toward the local flock center.


Real flocks sometimes split apart to go around an obstacle. To be realistic, the simulated flock model must also have this ability. Flock centering correctly allows simulated flocks to bifurcate. As long as an individual boid can stay close to its nearby neighbors, it does not care if the rest of the flock turns away. More simplistic models proposed for flock organization (such as a central force model or a follow the designated leader model) do not allow splits.


The flock model presented here is actually a better model of a school or a herd than a flock. Fish in murky water (and land animals with their inability to see past their herdmates) have a limited, short-range perception of their environment. Birds, especially those on the outside of a flock, have excellent long-range “visual perception.” Presumably this allows widely separated flocks to join together. If the flock centering urge was completely localized, when two flocks got a certain distance apart they would ignore each other. Long-range vision seems to play a part in the incredibly rapid propagation of a “maneuver wave” through a flock of birds. It has been shown that the speed of propagation of this wavefront reaches three times the speed implied by the measured startle reaction time of the individual birds. The explanation advanced by Wayne Ports is that the birds perceive the motion of the oncoming “maneuver wave” and time their own turn to match it. Potts refers to this as the “chorus line” hypothesis.



The three behavioral urges associated with flocking (and others to be discussed below) each produce an isolated suggestion about which way to steer the boid. These are expressed as acceleration requests. Each behavior says: “if I were in charge, I would accelerate in that direction.” The acceleration request is in terms of a 3D vector that, by system convention, is truncated to unit magnitude or less. Each behavior has several parameters that control its function; one is a “strength,” a fractional value between zero and one that can further attenuate the acceleration request. It is up to the navigation module of the boid brain to collect all relevant acceleration requests and then determine a single behaviorally desired acceleration. It must combine, prioritize, and arbitrate between potentially conflicting urges. The pilot module takes the acceleration desired by the navigation module and passes it to the flight module, which attempts to fly in that direction.


The easiest way to combine acceleration requests is to average them. Because of the included “strength” factors, this is actually a weighted average. The relative strength of one behavior to another can be defined this way, but it is a precarious interrelationship that is difficult to adjust. An early version of the boid model showed that navigation by simple weighted averaging of acceleration requests works “pretty well.” A bold that chooses its course this way will fly a reasonable course under typical conditions. But in critical situations, such as potential collision with obstacles, conflicts must be resolved in a timely manner. During high-speed flight, hesitation or indecision is the wrong response to a brick wall dead ahead.


The main cause of indecision is that each behavior might be shouting advice about which way to turn to avoid disaster, but if those acceleration requests happen to lie in approximately opposite directions, they will largely cancel out under a simple weighted averaging scheme. The boid would make a very small turn and so continue in the same direction, perhaps to crash into the obstacle. Even when the urges do not cancel out, averaging leads to other problems. Consider flying over a gridwork of city streets between the skyscrapers; while “'fly north” or “fly east” might be good ideas, it would be a bad idea to combine them as “fly northeast.”


Techniques from artificial intelligence, such as expert systems, can be used to arbitrate conflicting opinions. However, a less complex approach is taken in the current implementation. Prioritized acceleration allocation is based on a strict priority ordering of all component behaviors, hence of the consideration of their acceleration requests. (This ordering can change to suit dynamic conditions.) The acceleration requests are considered in priority order and added into an accumulator. The magnitude of each request is measured and added into another accumulator. This process continues until the sum of the accumulated magnitudes gets larger than the maximum acceleration value, which is a parameter of each boid. The last acceleration request is trimmed back to compensate for the excess of accumulated magnitude. The point is that a fixed amount of acceleration is under the control of the navigation module; this acceleration is parceled out to satisfy the acceleration request of the various behaviors in order of priority. In an emergency the acceleration would be allocated to satisfy the most pressing needs first; if all available acceleration is “'used up,” the less pressing behaviors might be temporarily unsatisfied. For example, the flock centering urge could be correctly ignored temporarily in favor of a maneuver to avoid a static obstacle.



The bold model does not directly simulate the senses used by real animals during flocking (vision and hearing) or schooling (vision and fishes’ unique “lateral line” structure that provides a certain amount of pressure imaging ability [23, 24]). Rather the perception model tries to make available to the behavior model approximately the same information that is available to a real animal as the end result of its perceptual and cognitive processes.


This is primarily a matter of filtering out the surplus information that is available to the software that implements the boid’s behavior. Simulated boids have direct access to the geometric database that describes the exact position, orientation, and velocity of all objects in the environment. The real bird’s information about the world is severely limited because it per- ceives through imperfect senses and because its nearby flock- mates hide those farther away. This is even more pronounced in herding animals because they are all constrained to be in the same plane. In fish schools, visual perception of neighboring fish is further limited by the scattering and absorption of light by the sometimes murky water between them. These factors combine to strongly localize the information available to each animal.


This is primarily a matter of filtering out the surplus information that is available to the software that implements the boid’s behavior. Simulated boids have direct access to the geometric database that describes the exact position, orientation, and velocity of all objects in the environment. The real bird’s information about the world is severely limited because it per- ceives through imperfect senses and because its nearby flock- mates hide those farther away. This is even more pronounced in herding animals because they are all constrained to be in the same plane. In fish schools, visual perception of neighboring fish is further limited by the scattering and absorption of light by the sometimes murky water between them. These factors combine to strongly localize the information available to each animal.




The flocking model described above gives boids an eagerness to participate in an acceptable approximation of flock-like motion. Boids released near one another begin to flock together, cavorting and jostling for position. The boids stay near one another (flock centering) but always maintain prudent separation from their neighbors (collision avoidance), and the flock quickly becomes “polarized”–its members heading in approximately the same direction at approximately the same speed (velocity matching); when they change direction they do it in synchronization. Solitary boids and smaller flocks join to become larger flocks, and in the presence of external obstacles (discussed below), larger flocks can split into smaller flocks.


For each simulation run, the initial position (within a specified ellipsoid), heading, velocity, and various other parameters of the boid model are initialized to values randomized within specified distributions. A restartable random-number generator is used to allow repeatability. This randomization is not required; the boids could just as well start out arranged in a regular pattern, all other aspects of the flock model are completely deterministic and repeatable.


When the simulation is run, the flock’s first action is a reaction to the initial conditions. If the boids started out too closely crowded together, there is an initial “flash expansion” where the mutual desire to avoid collision drives the boids radially away from the site of the initial over-pressure. If re-leased in a spherical shell with a radius smaller than the “neighborhood” radius, the boids contract toward the sphere’s center; otherwise they begin to coalesce into small flockettes that might themselves begin to join together. If the boids are confined within a certain region, the smaller flocks eventually conglomerate into a single flock if left to wander long enough.



The behaviors discussed so far provide for the ability of individual birds to fly and participate in happy aimless flocking. But to combine flock simulations with other animated action, we need more direct control over the flock. We would like to direct specific action at specific times (for example, “the flock enters from the left at :02.3 seconds into the sequence, turns to fly directly upward at :03.5, and is out of the frame at :04.0”).


The current implementation of the bold model has several facilities to direct the motion and timing of the flock action. First, the simulations are run under the control of a general-purpose animation scripting system [36]. The details of that scripting system are not relevant here except that, in addition to the typical interactive motion control facilities, it provides the ability to schedule the invocation of user-supplied software (such as the flock model) on a frame-by-frame basis. This scripting facility is the basic tool used to describe the timing of various flock actions. It also allows flexible control over the time-varying values of parameters, which can be passed down to the simulation software. Finally the script is used to set up and animate all nonbehavioral aspects of the scene, such as backgrounds, lighting, camera motion, and other visible objects.


The primary tool for scripting the flock’s path is the migratory urge built into the boid model. In the current model this urge is specified in terms of a global target, either as a global direction (as in “going Z for the winter”) or as a global position–a target point toward which all birds fly. The model computes a bounded acceleration that incrementally turns the boid toward its migratory target.


We can lead the flock around by animating the goal point along the desired path, somewhat ahead of the flock. Even if the migratory goal point is changed abruptly the path of each boid still is relatively smooth because of the flight model’s simulated conservation of momentum. This means that the boid’s own flight dynamics implement a form of smoothing interpolation between “control points.”



The most interesting motion of a simulated flock comes from interaction with other objects in the environment. The isolated behavior of a flock tends to reach a steady state and becomes rather sterile. The flock can be seen as a relaxation solution to the constraints implied by its behaviors. For example, the conflicting urges of flock centering and collision avoidance do not lead to constant back and forth motion, but rather the boids eventually strike a balance between the two urges (the degree of damping controls how soon this balance is reached). Environmental obstacles and the boid’s attempts to navigate around them increase the apparent complexity of the behavior of the flock. (In fact the complexity of real flocks might be due largely to the complexity of the natural environment.)


Environmental obstacles are also important from the standpoint of modeling the scene in which we wish to place the flock. If the flock is scripted to fly under a bridge and around a tree, we must be able to represent the geometric shape and dimension of these obstacles. The approach taken here is to independently model the “shape for rendering” and the “shape for collision avoidance.” The types of shapes currently used for environmental obstacles are much less complicated than the models used for rendering of computer graphic models. The current work implements two types of shapes of environmental collision avoidance. One is based on the force field concept, which works in undemanding situations but has some shortcomings. The other model called steer-to-avoid is more robust and seems closer in spirit to the natural mechanism.




The force field model postulates a field of repulsion force emanating from the obstacle out into space; the boids are increasingly repulsed as they get closer to the obstacle. This scheme is easy to model; the geometry of the field is usually fairly simple and so an avoidance acceleration can be directly calculated from the field equation. These models can produce good results, such as in “Eurythmy” [4], but they also have drawbacks that are apparent on close examination. If a boid approaches an obstacle surrounded by a force field at an angle such that it is exactly opposite to the direction of the force field, the boid will not turn away. In this case the force field serves only to slow the boid by accelerating it backwards and provides no side thrust at all. The worst reaction to an impending collision is to fail to turn. Force fields also cause problems with “peripheral vision” The boid should notice and turn away from a wall as it flies toward it, but the wall should be ignored if the boid is flying alongside it. Finally, force fields tend to be too strong close up and too weak far away; avoiding an obstacle should involve long-range planning rather than panicky corrections at the last minute.


Steer-to-avoid is a better simulation of a natural bird guided by vision. The boid considers only obstacles directly in front of it. (It finds the intersection, if any, of its local Z axis with the obstacle.) Working in local perspective space, it finds the silhouette edge of the obstacle closest to the point of eventual impact. A radial vector is computed which will aim the boid at a point one body length beyond that silhouette edge (see figure 2). Currently steer-to-avoid has been implemented for several obstacle shapes: spheres, cylinders, planes, and boxes. Collision avoidance for arbitrary convex polyhedral obstacles is being developed.


|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第6张图片

Obstacles are not necessarily fixed in space; they can be animated around by the script during the animation. Or more interestingly, the obstacles can be behavioral characters. Sparrows might flock around a group of obstacles that is in fact a herd of elephants. Similarly, behavioral obstacles might not merely be in the way; they might be objects of fear such as predators. It has been noted that natural flocking instincts seem to be sharpened by predators.







flock软件编写:Symbolics Common Lisp
动画制作:Symbolics 3600 Lisp Machine
flock软件实现:Symbolics Common Lisp
Symbolics Common的产品如下图:
|Boids|鸟群模型|鸟群算法|学习笔记 - 论文学习_第7张图片


This paper has largely ignored the internal animation of the geometrical model that provides the visual representation of the bold. The original motion tests produced with these models all show flocks of little abstract rigid shapes that might be paper airplanes. There was no flapping of wings nor turning of heads, and there was certainly no character animation. These topics are all important and pertinent to believable animation of simulated flocks. But the underlying abstract nature of flocking as polarized, noncolliding aggregate motion is largely independent of these issues of internal shape change and articulation. This notion is supported by the fact that most viewers of these simulations identify the motion of these abstract objects as “flocking’” even in the absence of any internal animation.


But doing a believable job of melding these two aspects of the motion is more than a matter of concatenating the action of an internal animation cycle for the character with the motion defined by geometrical flight. There are important issues of synchronization between the current state of the flight dynamics model, and the amplitude and frequency of the wing motion cycle. Topics of current development include internal animation, synchronization, and interfaces between the simulation-based flock model and other more traditional, interactive animation scripting systems. We would like to allow a skilled computer animator to design a bird character and define its “wing flap cycle” using standard interactive modeling and scripting techniques, and then be able to take this cyclic motion and “plug it in” to the flock simulation model causing the boids in the flock to fly according to the scripted cycle.



This paper has presented a model of polarized, noncolliding aggregate motion, such as that of flocks, herds, and schools. The model is based on simulating the behavior of each bird independently. Working independently, the birds try both to stick together and avoid collisions with one another and with other objects in their environment. The animations showing simulated flocks built from this model seem to correspond to the observer’s intuitive notion of what constitutes “flock-like motion.” However it is difficult to objectively measure how valid these simulations are. By comparing behavioral aspects of the simulated flock with those of natural flocks, we are able improve and refine the model. But having approached a certain level of realism in the model, the parameters of the simulated flock can be altered at will by the animator to achieve many variations on flock-like behavior.


