评价指标BLEU 原理+例子+代码

评价指标BLEU 原理+例子+代码

  • 简介
  • 背景
  • 标准的N-gram精确度和修正的N-gram精确度
    • 标准的N-gram精确度(standard N-gram precision)
    • 修正的N-gram精确度(modified N-gram precision)
    • 综合考虑的Precision
  • BP值(Brevity Penalty)和BLEU值的计算公式
    • Brevity Penalty
    • BLEU
  • 实现代码(借助于NLTK库)
  • 参考资料


BLEU全称:BiLingual Evaluation Understudy(双语评价替补,代替人对机器翻译的质量进行评价)



对机器翻译的结果进行评价需要考虑翻译的adequacy, fidelity, and fluency,因而十分耗时且成本高。为此,作者提出了BLEU评价指标,该指标具有快速、成本低、不依赖于具体语言、与人类评价结果高度相关和每次运行时边际成本低的优点。



标准的N-gram精确度(standard N-gram precision)

standard N-gram precision使用传统的precision的定义。
以下面的Example 1为例

  • Example 1
  • Candidate 1: It is a guide to action which ensures that the military always obeys the commands of the party.
  • Reference 1: It is a guide to action that ensures that the military will forever heed Party commands.
  • Reference 2: It is the guiding principle which guarantees the military forces always being under the command of the Party.
  • Reference 3: It is the practical guide for the army always to heed the directions of the party.

首先,我们尝试计算unigram precision,很容易看出在Candidate 1中除了“obeys”之外都在reference语句中出现过(大小写不同可匹配,如party和Party,但是原型和第三人称单数不能匹配,Candidate 1中的commands无法与Reference 2,而只与Reference 1匹配)

from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu

reference1 = "It is a guide to action that ensures that the military will forever heed Party commands".split()
reference2 = "It is the guiding principle which guarantees the military forces always being under the command of the Party".split()
reference3 = "It is the practical guide for the army always to heed the directions of the party".split()
reference = [reference1, reference2, reference3]
candidate = "It is a guide to action which ensures that the military always obeys the commands of the party".split()
score = sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=[1, 0, 0, 0])

尝试计算2-gram precision,可以发现Candidate 1中的“action which”、“which ensures”、“military always”、“always obeys”、“obeys the”、“the commands”和“commands of”没有出现在reference语句中,因此结果为10/17=0.5882

score = sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=[0, 1, 0, 0])

修正的N-gram精确度(modified N-gram precision)

标准的N-gram精确度看似解决了问题,但是在处理下面的Example 2时会遇到问题

  • Example 2
  • Candidate: the the the the the the the.
  • Reference 1: The cat is on the mat.
  • Reference 2: There is a cat on the mat.

Example 2的翻译显然不尽人意,但是使用standard N-gram precision计算出的unigram的结果是7/7,显示不合适。不合适的原因在于reference中的单词被重复用于匹配,更合理的设置是如果Reference语句中的单词片段已被匹配,那么该片段就不能再次被匹配,并且单词片段只能取一个Reference语句中出现次数的最大值,例如7个the分别在Reference 1 和 2中出现2和1次,所以取2而不是两者相加的3。

from nltk.translate.bleu_score import sentence_bleu
# 不加Here的话结果是1/7,即无法把大写的The与the进行匹配,该问题后面再解决
reference1 = "Here the cat is on the mat".split()
reference2 = "There is a cat on the mat".split()
reference = [reference1, reference2]
candidate = "the the the the the the the".split()
score = sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=[1, 0, 0, 0])

多个句子上的测试集的modified N-gram precision的公式如下所示
p n = ∑ C ∈ { C a n d i d a t e s } ∑ n − g r a m ∈ C C o u n t c l i p ( n − g r a m ) ∑ C ∈ { C a n d i d a t e s } ∑ n − g r a m ∈ C C o u n t ( n − g r a m ) p_n = \frac{\sum_{C \in \{Candidates \}} \sum_{n-gram \in C} Count_{clip}(n-gram)} {\sum_{C \in \{Candidates \}} \sum_{n-gram \in C} Count(n-gram)} pn=C{Candidates}ngramCCount(ngram)C{Candidates}ngramCCountclip(ngram)
C o u n t c l i p ( n − g r a m ) = m i n ( C o u n t ( n − g r a m ) , R e f ( n − g r a m ) ) R e f ( n − g r a m ) = m a x ( R e f j ( n − g r a m ) ) , j = 1 , 2 , . . . , M Count_{clip}(n-gram) = min(Count(n-gram), Ref(n-gram)) \\ Ref(n-gram) = max(Ref^j(n-gram)),j=1,2,...,M Countclip(ngram)=min(Count(ngram),Ref(ngram))Ref(ngram)=max(Refj(ngram)),j=1,2,...,M
首先从M个参考句子中找出所要找的n-gram的最大值,如在Example 2中对于‘the’这个n-gram最多的是Reference 1,且 R e f ( ′ t h e ′ ) = 2 Ref('the')=2 Ref(the)=2,然后在Candidate中 C o u n t ( ′ t h e ′ ) = 7 Count('the')=7 Count(the)=7,因此 C o u n t c l i p ( ′ t h e ′ ) = 2 Count_{clip}('the')=2 Countclip(the)=2


对于不同的n,会有不同的 p n p_n pn,如1-gram会得到 p 1 p_1 p1,而2-gram会得到 p 2 p_2 p2。因此,如果将不同n得到的不同的 p n p_n pn组合成最后的precision是下面遇到的问题,考虑下简单的线性加权?作者给了一个测试集在不同的n-gram下的结果
评价指标BLEU 原理+例子+代码_第1张图片
X轴上是n,不同的颜色柱代表不同的模型,很显然伴随着n的增加, p n p_n pn呈现出的是指数下降的趋势。因此,取对数后再加权更加合适。n的总数为N,一般N取4,用 ω n \omega_n ωn表示权重,那么综合的 p a v g p_{avg} pavg
p a v g = e ∑ n = 1 N ω n l o g ( p n ) p_{avg} = e^{\sum_{n=1}^N\omega_n log(p_n)} pavg=en=1Nωnlog(pn)
至此, p a v g p_{avg} pavg已经实现了两大功能:

  • 1、对candidate中没有出现在reference中的单词或词组进行了惩罚
  • 2、对在candidate中异常出现的重复词语(大于单条reference中该词语出现的最大次数即为异常)进行了惩罚

BP值(Brevity Penalty)和BLEU值的计算公式

Brevity Penalty

尽管 p a v g p_{avg} pavg已经看起来很完美,也确实能在很多情境下发挥作用,但请看下面的例子

  • Example 3
  • Candidate 1: of the
  • Candidate 2: of the party
  • Reference 1: It is a guide to action that ensures that the military will forever heed Party commands.
  • Reference 2: It is the guiding principle which guarantees the military forces always being under the command of the Party.
  • Reference 3: It is the practical guide for the army always to heed the directions of the party.

显然,这样的Candidate 1质量较低,但是计算得出的 p 1 p_1 p1为2/2,计算得出的 p 2 p_2 p2为1/1。出现该问题的原因在于,Candidate 1过短实际上只匹配了Reference中的一部分,那么很自然的想到 能不能用recall解决这一问题?是的,使用recall之后会得出Candidate 2的质量高于Candidate 1的结论,满足题意,但是对于下面的例子呢?

  • Example 4
  • Candidate 1: I always invariably perpetually do.
  • Candidate 2: I always do.
  • Reference 1: I always do.
  • Reference 2: I invariably do.
  • Reference 3: I perpetually do.

在每个reference上,Candidate 1的recall都不低于Candidate 2,但显然Candidate 2的质量更高。因此不能采用recall指标。

为了解决Example 3中的Candidate 1因为过短导致modified N-gram precision无法准确衡量翻译质量的问题,作者设置了BP(Brevity Penalty)指标。由于在modified N-gram precision已经对Candidate过长进行惩罚(过长则分母较大),此处仅需要对Candidate过短进行惩罚。令 c c c表示Candidate的长度, r r r表示reference中长度最接近Candidate的句子的长度,当 c c c小于 r r r时进行惩罚
B P = { 1 i f c > r e 1 − r / c i f c ≤ r BP=\left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} 1 & & {if c > r}\\ e^{1-r/c} & & {if c \leq r} \end{array} \right. BP={1e1r/cifc>rifcr
假设Candidate的长度为18,而reference分别为16、18、16,则 c c c为18, r r r为18(选择最接近Candidate的长度)。


将BP和modified N-gram precision进行整合,可以得到BLEU值
B L E U = B P ⋅ p a v g = B P ⋅ e ∑ n = 1 N ω n l o g ( p n ) BLEU=BP \cdot p_{avg}=BP \cdot e^{\sum_{n=1}^N\omega_n log(p_n)} BLEU=BPpavg=BPen=1Nωnlog(pn)
一般,N取4, w n w_n wn取1/N



score = sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=[1, 0, 0, 0])

首先,要注意的是,该代码计算的是BLEU值,因为例子中的BR为1,所以计算出的BLEU等于 p 1 p_1 p1
代码中的参数weights=[1, 0, 0, 0]列表中的四个数字分别表示 ω 1 , ω 2 , ω 3 , ω 4 \omega_1,\omega_2,\omega_3,\omega_4 ω1,ω2,ω3,ω4,仅设置 ω 1 \omega_1 ω1为1表示计算的是BLEU-1,如果想计算BLEU-4,代码改为如下即可

score = sentence_bleu(reference, candidate, weights=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25])


  • BLEU论文(Bleu: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation)
  • 一种机器翻译的评价准则——Bleu
  • 机器翻译评价指标BLEU介绍
  • 机器翻译之BLEU值
  • 机器翻译评测——BLEU算法详解 (新增 在线计算BLEU分值)
