对抗性补丁——day54(second)Towards-a-physical-world-adversarial-patch-for-blinding object detection models

Towards-a-physical-world-adversarial-patch-for-blinding object detection models

  • 1. Introduction
  • 3. Methodology
    • 3.1. Fooling object detection model with adversarial patch
  • 4. Experiments
    • 4.1. Setup
      • 4.1.1. Dataset
      • 4.1.2. Target model
      • 4.1.3. Evaluation metrics
    • 4.2. Evaluation
      • 4.2.3. Measuring the output of object detection model
      • 4.2.5. Adversarial patch in physical world

1. Introduction

对抗性补丁——day54(second)Towards-a-physical-world-adversarial-patch-for-blinding object detection models_第1张图片

Fig. 2,补丁生成的框架。将原始图输入对象检测模型,并在目标对象上添加补丁。然后我们将修改后的图像发送到模型,并根据检测模型的输出不断优化补丁。

3. Methodology

3.1. Fooling object detection model with adversarial patch

optimization problem as defined by式(1)

Ldet 测量对象检测模型识别目标对象的期望:式(2)在这里插入图片描述

Ls迫使补丁 p 具有较小的总变化 (TV) ,因此看起来更加平滑和自然,式(3)在这里插入图片描述



4. Experiments

4.1. Setup

4.1.1. Dataset

  • MS COCO 2017 dataset
  • PASCAL VOC 2007dataset
  • INRIA Person Dataset

4.1.2. Target model

YOLOv3 and Faster R- CNN

4.1.3. Evaluation metrics

  • fooling rate (FR)|
  • recall

4.2. Evaluation

4.2.3. Measuring the output of object detection model

对抗性补丁——day54(second)Towards-a-physical-world-adversarial-patch-for-blinding object detection models_第2张图片

4.2.5. Adversarial patch in physical world


  • 图7证明了我们的攻击在物理世界中是有价值的,并且只会干扰探测器对带有补丁的物体的识别。
    对抗性补丁——day54(second)Towards-a-physical-world-adversarial-patch-for-blinding object detection models_第3张图片
