Mat::Mat(); //default
Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type);
Mat::Mat(Size size, int type);
Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar& s);
Mat::Mat(Size size, int type, const Scalar& s);
Mat::Mat(const Mat& m);
//int rows:高
//int cols:宽
//int type:参见"Mat类型定义"
//Size size:矩阵尺寸,注意宽和高的顺序:Size(cols, rows)
//const Scalar& s:用于初始化矩阵元素的数值
//const Mat& m:拷贝m的矩阵头给新的Mat对象,但是不复制数据!相当于创建了m的一个引用对象
cv::Mat M(100, 90, CV_32FC3);
double m[3][3] = {{a, b, c}, {d, e, f}, {g, h, i}};
cv::Mat M = cv::Mat(3, 3, CV_64F, m);
Mat a = create(10, 9, CV_16U); //创建10*9的矩阵,矩阵元素为16位无符号整型
// make 7x7 complex matrix filled with 1+3j.
cv::Mat M(7,7,CV_32FC2,Scalar(1,3));
// and now turn M to 100x60 15-channel 8-bit matrix.
// The old content will be deallocated:隐式使用release()释放
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols / 2 ; ++ w)
{ , w)[0] = 255 ; , w)[1] = 0 ; , w)[2] = 0 ;
imshow("color1" , image) ;
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols / 2 ; ++ w)
Vec3b &bgr = , w) ;
bgr.val[0] = 0 ;
bgr.val[1] = 255 ;
bgr.val[2] = 0 ;
//三通道图像,at(y , x)索引是先行(y轴) , 后列(x轴)
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols / 2 ; ++ w)
uchar *ptr = image.ptr(h , w) ;
ptr[0] = 255 ;
ptr[1] = 0 ;
ptr[2] = 0 ;
imshow("color1" , image) ;
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols / 2 ; ++ w)
Vec3b *ptr = image.ptr(h , w) ;
ptr->val[0] = 0 ;
ptr->val[1] = 255 ;
ptr->val[2] = 0 ;
//单通道图像,at(y , x)索引是先行(y轴) , 后列(x轴)
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
uchar *ptr = image.ptr(h) ;
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols / 2 ; ++ w)
ptr[w] = 128 ;
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols / 2 ; ++ w)
uchar *ptr = image.ptr(h , w) ;
*ptr = 255 ;
Mat_::iterator it = image.begin() ;
Mat_::iterator itend = image.end() ;
for(;it != itend ; ++ it)
(*it)[0] = 255 ;
(*it)[1] = 0 ;
(*it)[2] = 0 ;
image = imread("forest.jpg" , 0) ;
Mat_::iterator it1 = image.begin() ;
Mat_::iterator itend1 = image.end() ;
for (;it1 != itend1 ; ++ it1)
(*it1) = 128 ;
data = ;
for(int h = 0 ; h < image.rows ; ++ h)
for(int w = 0 ; w < image.cols/2 ; ++ w)
*data ++ = 128 ;
for(int i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++ i)
image.row(i).setTo(Scalar(0 , 0 , 0)) ;//设定第i行数据
image.col(i).setTo(Scalar(0 , 0 , 0)) ;//设定第i列数据
int nRows = image.rows ;
int nCols = image.cols * image.channels() ;
nCols = nRows * nCols ;
nRows = 1 ;
for(int h = 0 ; h < nRows ; ++ h)
uchar *ptr = image.ptr(h) ;
for(int w = 0 ; w < nCols ; ++ w)
*ptr ++ = 128 ;
当使用at以及对数据进行运算时候需要指定类型。cv::Mat 类的对象有一个成员函数type()用来返回矩阵元素的数据类型
cv::Vec3b vec3b =,0);
uchar vec3b0 =,0)[0];
uchar vec3b1 =,0)[1];
uchar vec3b2 =,0)[2];
typedef Vec Vec2b;
typedef Vec Vec3b;
typedef Vec Vec4b;
typedef Vec Vec2s;
typedef Vec Vec3s;
typedef Vec Vec4s;
typedef Vec Vec2i;
typedef Vec Vec3i;
typedef Vec Vec4i;
typedef Vec Vec2f;
typedef Vec Vec3f;
typedef Vec Vec4f;
typedef Vec Vec6f;
typedef Vec Vec2d;
typedef Vec Vec3d;
typedef Vec Vec4d;
typedef Vec Vec6d;