import sys import time import pygame from pygame. locals import * import blocks SIZE = 30 # 每个小方格大小 BLOCK_HEIGHT = 25 # 游戏区高度 BLOCK_WIDTH = 10 # 游戏区宽度 BORDER_WIDTH = 4 # 游戏区边框宽度 BORDER_COLOR = ( 40 , 40 , 200 ) # 游戏区边框颜色 SCREEN_WIDTH = SIZE * (BLOCK_WIDTH + 5 ) # 游戏屏幕的宽 SCREEN_HEIGHT = SIZE * BLOCK_HEIGHT # 游戏屏幕的高 BG_COLOR = ( 40 , 40 , 60 ) # 背景色 BLOCK_COLOR = ( 20 , 128 , 200 ) # BLACK = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) RED = ( 200 , 30 , 30 ) # GAME OVER 的字体颜色 def print_text(screen, font, x, y, text, fcolor = ( 255 , 255 , 255 )): imgText = font.render(text, True , fcolor) screen.blit(imgText, (x, y)) def main(): pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption( '俄罗斯方块' ) font1 = pygame.font.SysFont( 'SimHei' , 24 ) # 黑体24 font2 = pygame.font.Font( None , 72 ) # GAME OVER 的字体 font_pos_x = BLOCK_WIDTH * SIZE + BORDER_WIDTH + 10 # 右侧信息显示区域字体位置的X坐标 gameover_size = font2.size( 'GAME OVER' ) font1_height = int (font1.size( '得分' )[ 1 ]) cur_block = None # 当前下落方块 next_block = None # 下一个方块 cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y = 0 , 0 game_area = None # 整个游戏区域 game_over = True start = False # 是否开始,当start = True,game_over = True 时,才显示 GAME OVER score = 0 # 得分 orispeed = 0.5 # 原始速度 speed = orispeed # 当前速度 pause = False # 暂停 last_drop_time = None # 上次下落时间 last_press_time = None # 上次按键时间 def _dock(): nonlocal cur_block, next_block, game_area, cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y, game_over, score, speed for _i in range (cur_block.start_pos.Y, cur_block.end_pos.Y + 1 ): for _j in range (cur_block.start_pos.X, cur_block.end_pos.X + 1 ): if cur_block.template[_i][_j] ! = '.' : game_area[cur_pos_y + _i][cur_pos_x + _j] = '0' if cur_pos_y + cur_block.start_pos.Y < = 0 : game_over = True else : # 计算消除 remove_idxs = [] for _i in range (cur_block.start_pos.Y, cur_block.end_pos.Y + 1 ): if all (_x = = '0' for _x in game_area[cur_pos_y + _i]): remove_idxs.append(cur_pos_y + _i) if remove_idxs: # 计算得分 remove_count = len (remove_idxs) if remove_count = = 1 : score + = 100 elif remove_count = = 2 : score + = 300 elif remove_count = = 3 : score + = 700 elif remove_count = = 4 : score + = 1500 speed = orispeed - 0.03 * (score / / 10000 ) # 消除 _i = _j = remove_idxs[ - 1 ] while _i > = 0 : while _j in remove_idxs: _j - = 1 if _j < 0 : game_area[_i] = [ '.' ] * BLOCK_WIDTH else : game_area[_i] = game_area[_j] _i - = 1 _j - = 1 cur_block = next_block next_block = blocks.get_block() cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y = (BLOCK_WIDTH - cur_block.end_pos.X - 1 ) / / 2 , - 1 - cur_block.end_pos.Y def _judge(pos_x, pos_y, block): nonlocal game_area for _i in range (block.start_pos.Y, block.end_pos.Y + 1 ): if pos_y + block.end_pos.Y > = BLOCK_HEIGHT: return False for _j in range (block.start_pos.X, block.end_pos.X + 1 ): if pos_y + _i > = 0 and block.template[_i][_j] ! = '.' and game_area[pos_y + _i][pos_x + _j] ! = '.' : return False return True while True : for event in pygame.event.get(): if event. type = = QUIT: sys.exit() elif event. type = = KEYDOWN: if event.key = = K_RETURN: if game_over: start = True game_over = False score = 0 last_drop_time = time.time() last_press_time = time.time() game_area = [[ '.' ] * BLOCK_WIDTH for _ in range (BLOCK_HEIGHT)] cur_block = blocks.get_block() next_block = blocks.get_block() cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y = (BLOCK_WIDTH - cur_block.end_pos.X - 1 ) / / 2 , - 1 - cur_block.end_pos.Y elif event.key = = K_SPACE: if not game_over: pause = not pause elif event.key in (K_w, K_UP): if 0 < = cur_pos_x < = BLOCK_WIDTH - len (cur_block.template[ 0 ]): _next_block = blocks.get_next_block(cur_block) if _judge(cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y, _next_block): cur_block = _next_block if event. type = = pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key = = pygame.K_LEFT: if not game_over and not pause: if time.time() - last_press_time > 0.1 : last_press_time = time.time() if cur_pos_x > - cur_block.start_pos.X: if _judge(cur_pos_x - 1 , cur_pos_y, cur_block): cur_pos_x - = 1 if event.key = = pygame.K_RIGHT: if not game_over and not pause: if time.time() - last_press_time > 0.1 : last_press_time = time.time() # 不能移除右边框 if cur_pos_x + cur_block.end_pos.X + 1 < BLOCK_WIDTH: if _judge(cur_pos_x + 1 , cur_pos_y, cur_block): cur_pos_x + = 1 if event.key = = pygame.K_DOWN: if not game_over and not pause: if time.time() - last_press_time > 0.1 : last_press_time = time.time() if not _judge(cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y + 1 , cur_block): _dock() else : last_drop_time = time.time() cur_pos_y + = 1 _draw_background(screen) _draw_game_area(screen, game_area) _draw_gridlines(screen) _draw_info(screen, font1, font_pos_x, font1_height, score) # 画显示信息中的下一个方块 _draw_block(screen, next_block, font_pos_x, 30 + (font1_height + 6 ) * 5 , 0 , 0 ) if not game_over: cur_drop_time = time.time() if cur_drop_time - last_drop_time > speed: if not pause: if not _judge(cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y + 1 , cur_block): _dock() else : last_drop_time = cur_drop_time cur_pos_y + = 1 else : if start: print_text(screen, font2, (SCREEN_WIDTH - gameover_size[ 0 ]) / / 2 , (SCREEN_HEIGHT - gameover_size[ 1 ]) / / 2 , 'GAME OVER' , RED) # 画当前下落方块 _draw_block(screen, cur_block, 0 , 0 , cur_pos_x, cur_pos_y) pygame.display.flip() # 画背景 def _draw_background(screen): # 填充背景色 screen.fill(BG_COLOR) # 画游戏区域分隔线 pygame.draw.line(screen, BORDER_COLOR, (SIZE * BLOCK_WIDTH + BORDER_WIDTH / / 2 , 0 ), (SIZE * BLOCK_WIDTH + BORDER_WIDTH / / 2 , SCREEN_HEIGHT), BORDER_WIDTH) # 画网格线 def _draw_gridlines(screen): # 画网格线 竖线 for x in range (BLOCK_WIDTH): pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, (x * SIZE, 0 ), (x * SIZE, SCREEN_HEIGHT), 1 ) # 画网格线 横线 for y in range (BLOCK_HEIGHT): pygame.draw.line(screen, BLACK, ( 0 , y * SIZE), (BLOCK_WIDTH * SIZE, y * SIZE), 1 ) # 画已经落下的方块 def _draw_game_area(screen, game_area): if game_area: for i, row in enumerate (game_area): for j, cell in enumerate (row): if cell ! = '.' : pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLOCK_COLOR, (j * SIZE, i * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0 ) # 画单个方块 def _draw_block(screen, block, offset_x, offset_y, pos_x, pos_y): if block: for i in range (block.start_pos.Y, block.end_pos.Y + 1 ): for j in range (block.start_pos.X, block.end_pos.X + 1 ): if block.template[i][j] ! = '.' : pygame.draw.rect(screen, BLOCK_COLOR, (offset_x + (pos_x + j) * SIZE, offset_y + (pos_y + i) * SIZE, SIZE, SIZE), 0 ) # 画得分等信息 def _draw_info(screen, font, pos_x, font_height, score): print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 10 , f '得分: ' ) print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 10 + font_height + 6 , f '{score}' ) print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 20 + (font_height + 6 ) * 2 , f '速度: ' ) print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 20 + (font_height + 6 ) * 3 , f '{score // 10000}' ) print_text(screen, font, pos_x, 30 + (font_height + 6 ) * 4 , f '下一个:' ) if __name__ = = '__main__' : main() |