Using VSCode git extensition to access Gitee on CentOS 7

CentOS 7 is an old Linux. The version of git on it is 1.8
However, vscode git extension expects git >2.0.

step 1. upgrade git 1.8 to git 2.x.  because VSCode likes git >2.0
   follwing the instruction of
   # remove old git 1.8
   sudo yum remove git
   sudo yum remove git-*
   # install latest git 2.x
   sudo yum install
   sudo yum install git

step 2. create ssh key. It makes gitee recognize me.
 following the instaruction of

【教程】在VSCode中使用码云进行代码管理.md · watfe/Public -

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
    cat ~/.ssh/
    Open the SSH public key manager page:
    Fill the title:   yourname's SSH key
    public key:   the content of ~/.ssh/
    push the button of "add"
    Then you can test your connection to gitee using next command in a terminal.
    ssh -T [email protected]
    if everything goes well, you wil get the info
    # Welcome to, YourGiteeName

step 3.  save your user name and to your git config.
    git config --global yourname
    git config --global [email protected]

step 4. let git remeber you so that not ask your password frequently.
    git config --global credential.helper store
step 5. clone your project from gitee to local in a terminal
    git clone   your_local_path
    You may get the project.git url from the project webpage on
    You may asked to provide the password.  Only one time is neccessary for you
    to provide the password. After that, git will connect gitee without asking you
    for the password anymore.
step 6. install vscode and

step 7. use vscode "open folder" to open your_local_project_path.
        Then you can edit your source code. The git extension in vscode can track the modification.
        You can commit, push, pull your project files with git extension in vscode.
