


线性模型大类上我们简单分为简单线性回归模型和多元线性回归模型等。当然如果数据违背了线性回归的一些基本假设,也可以用ridge regression和lasso regression。博主打算搬一个系列,后续都介绍一下。本文主要focus 在简单线性回归模型。


y = β 0 + β 1 x 1 + ϵ y = \beta_0 + \beta_1x_1 + \epsilon y=β0+β1x1+ϵ

  • 说到线性回归,顾名思义,因变量y和变量 x i x_i xi之间要符合线性关系
  • 模型残差 ϵ \epsilon ϵ要符合normal distribution,下一篇文章介绍下如何判断normal distribution
  • 模型残差 ϵ \epsilon ϵ的方差是齐次的,也就是残差不随x值变大而变化
  • observation( x i x_i xi, y i y_i yi)之间是彼此独立的,最一般不符合这个假设的就是时序序列,下一篇文章介绍下如何判断是否是auto-regression
  • 变量之间没有共线性,下一篇文章介绍下如何判断共线性和如何处理

Sklearn vs. statsmodels 线性回归library

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from sklearn import linear_model as lm
import statsmodels.api as sm
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
data_set = fetch_california_housing(as_frame=True)
data = data_set.frame
MedInc HouseAge AveRooms AveBedrms Population AveOccup Latitude Longitude MedHouseVal
count 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000 20640.000000
mean 3.870671 28.639486 5.429000 1.096675 1425.476744 3.070655 35.631861 -119.569704 2.068558
std 1.899822 12.585558 2.474173 0.473911 1132.462122 10.386050 2.135952 2.003532 1.153956
min 0.499900 1.000000 0.846154 0.333333 3.000000 0.692308 32.540000 -124.350000 0.149990
25% 2.563400 18.000000 4.440716 1.006079 787.000000 2.429741 33.930000 -121.800000 1.196000
50% 3.534800 29.000000 5.229129 1.048780 1166.000000 2.818116 34.260000 -118.490000 1.797000
75% 4.743250 37.000000 6.052381 1.099526 1725.000000 3.282261 37.710000 -118.010000 2.647250
max 15.000100 52.000000 141.909091 34.066667 35682.000000 1243.333333 41.950000 -114.310000 5.000010


sklearn library 来处理

x = data[['HouseAge']]
y= data['MedHouseVal']

# fit the linear model
model = lm.LinearRegression()
results = model.fit(x,y)
# print the coefficient

print('截距是:{0} 系数是:{1}'.format(model.intercept_,model.coef_))
截距是:1.7911991658938475 系数是:[0.0096845]
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
y_pred = results.predict(x)

statsmodels 来处理

X_ = sm.add_constant(x)
model = sm.OLS(y,X_).fit()
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: MedHouseVal R-squared: 0.011
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.011
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 232.8
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2022 Prob (F-statistic): 2.76e-52
Time: 14:36:59 Log-Likelihood: -32126.
No. Observations: 20640 AIC: 6.426e+04
Df Residuals: 20638 BIC: 6.427e+04
Df Model: 1
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
const 1.7912 0.020 90.218 0.000 1.752 1.830
HouseAge 0.0097 0.001 15.259 0.000 0.008 0.011
Omnibus: 2269.585 Durbin-Watson: 0.325
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 3093.615
Skew: 0.938 Prob(JB): 0.00
Kurtosis: 3.281 Cond. No. 77.8

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.

ols 的 summary里有几个很重要的metrics,这里说明一下

  • R-squared:也就是R2,一般来衡量因变量的变化有多少可以被变量解释,这里是0.011,也就是说MedHouseVal的变化只有1%可以被HouseAge来解释,是很差的模型了。区间是0~1
  • Prob (F-statistic):F test的原假设是模型的预测效果和只用constant来预测的效果一样。这里Prob<0.05,拒绝原假设,也就是说现有模型比常数预测是好的。
  • coef:变量系数,HouseAge的系数是0.0097,也就是说HouseAge增加1个unit,MedHouseVal增加0.0097
  • P>|t|:衡量变量是否和因变量真实相关,原假设是变量系数为0,当<0.05是拒绝原假设,也就是系数是有意义的
  • Prob(Omnibus)和Prob(JB):都是衡量残差是否符合normal distribution.

statsmodel和sklearn 总结

通过比较可以看到,sklearn其实更适合做预测,statsmodel更适合做 explainary的分析
