在上一篇文章了解3DMM模型以及用随机的形状系数和表情系数生成面部网格进行3DMM模型的前向重建过程后进入例程的后半部分—— 由2D图像点和对应的3D顶点索引得到新的参数进而从二维图片进行三维人脸的重建。
通过一张单张正脸照片,首先利用人脸对齐算法计算得到目标二维人脸的68个特征点坐标 x i x_i xi,在BFM模型中有对应的68个特征点 X i X_i Xi,投影后忽略第三维,则特征点之间的对应关系如下:
根据这些信息求出 α , β \alpha, \beta α,β系数,将平均脸模型与照片中的脸部进行拟合,即:
因此,三维人脸重建问题再次转化为求解系数( α , β \alpha,\beta α,β)以满足下列能量方程的问题:
人脸模型的三维点以及对应照片中的二维点存在映射关系,这个可以由一个3x4的仿射矩阵 P P P进行表示。即: X = P A ⋅ X 3 d X=P_A\cdot X_{3d} X=PA⋅X3d。
要计算出仿射矩阵,代码中使用了黄金标准算法(Gold Standard algorithm)
目标为给定n>=4组3维( X i X_i Xi)到2维( x i x_i xi)的图像点对应,确定仿射摄像机投影矩阵的最大似然估计。
(1)初始化 α , β \alpha,\beta α,β为0;
(2)利用黄金标准算法得到一个仿射矩阵 P A P_A PA,分解得到 s , R , t 2 d s,R,t_{2d} s,R,t2d;
(3)将(2)中求出的 s , R , t 2 d s,R,t_{2d} s,R,t2d带入能量方程,解得 α \alpha α;
(4)将(2)和(3)中求出的 α \alpha α代入能量方程,解得 β \beta β;
(5)更新 α , β \alpha,\beta α,β的值,重复(2)-(4)进行迭代更新。
x = projected_vertices[bfm.kpt_ind, :2] # 2d keypoint, which can be detected from image
X_ind = bfm.kpt_ind # index of keypoints in 3DMM. fixed.
# fit
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(x, X_ind, max_iter = 3)
# verify fitted parameters
fitted_vertices = bfm.generate_vertices(fitted_sp, fitted_ep)
transformed_vertices = bfm.transform(fitted_vertices, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t)
image_vertices = mesh.transform.to_image(transformed_vertices, h, w)
fitted_image = mesh.render.render_colors(image_vertices, bfm.triangles, colors, h, w)
x就是公式中的二维特征点 X X X,例程里面给的是上篇文章生成二维图像时导出的二维数据。
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, fitted_s, fitted_angles, fitted_t = bfm.fit(x, X_ind, max_iter = 3
def fit(self, x, X_ind, max_iter = 4, isShow = False):
''' fit 3dmm & pose parameters
x: (n, 2) image points
X_ind: (n,) corresponding Model vertex indices
max_iter: iteration
isShow: whether to reserve middle results for show
fitted_sp: (n_sp, 1). shape parameters
fitted_ep: (n_ep, 1). exp parameters
s, angles, t
if isShow:
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, R, t = fit.fit_points_for_show(x, X_ind, self.model, n_sp = self.n_shape_para, n_ep = self.n_exp_para, max_iter = max_iter)
angles = np.zeros((R.shape[0], 3))
for i in range(R.shape[0]):
angles[i] = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R[i])
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, R, t = fit.fit_points(x, X_ind, self.model, n_sp = self.n_shape_para, n_ep = self.n_exp_para, max_iter = max_iter)
angles = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
return fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, angles, t
fitted_sp, fitted_ep, s, R, t = fit.fit_points(x, X_ind, self.model, n_sp = self.n_shape_para, n_ep = self.n_exp_para, max_iter = max_iter)
angles = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
def fit_points(x, X_ind, model, n_sp, n_ep, max_iter = 4):
x: (n, 2) image points
X_ind: (n,) corresponding Model vertex indices
model: 3DMM
max_iter: iteration
sp: (n_sp, 1). shape parameters
ep: (n_ep, 1). exp parameters
s, R, t
x = x.copy().T
#-- init
sp = np.zeros((n_sp, 1), dtype = np.float32)
ep = np.zeros((n_ep, 1), dtype = np.float32)
#-------------------- estimate
X_ind_all = np.tile(X_ind[np.newaxis, :], [3, 1])*3
X_ind_all[1, :] += 1
X_ind_all[2, :] += 2
valid_ind = X_ind_all.flatten('F')
shapeMU = model['shapeMU'][valid_ind, :]
shapePC = model['shapePC'][valid_ind, :n_sp]
expPC = model['expPC'][valid_ind, :n_ep]
for i in range(max_iter):
X = shapeMU + shapePC.dot(sp) + expPC.dot(ep)
X = np.reshape(X, [int(len(X)/3), 3]).T
#----- estimate pose
P = mesh.transform.estimate_affine_matrix_3d22d(X.T, x.T)
s, R, t = mesh.transform.P2sRt(P)
rx, ry, rz = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
# print('Iter:{}; estimated pose: s {}, rx {}, ry {}, rz {}, t1 {}, t2 {}'.format(i, s, rx, ry, rz, t[0], t[1]))
#----- estimate shape
# expression
shape = shapePC.dot(sp)
shape = np.reshape(shape, [int(len(shape)/3), 3]).T
ep = estimate_expression(x, shapeMU, expPC, model['expEV'][:n_ep,:], shape, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.002)
# shape
expression = expPC.dot(ep)
expression = np.reshape(expression, [int(len(expression)/3), 3]).T
sp = estimate_shape(x, shapeMU, shapePC, model['shapeEV'][:n_sp,:], expression, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.004)
return sp, ep, s, R, t
x = x.copy().T
#-- init
sp = np.zeros((n_sp, 1), dtype = np.float32)
ep = np.zeros((n_ep, 1), dtype = np.float32)
sp即 α \alpha α,ep即 β \beta β。将它们赋值为格式(199,1)的零向量。
X_ind_all = np.tile(X_ind[np.newaxis, :], [3, 1])*3
X_ind_all[1, :] += 1
X_ind_all[2, :] += 2
valid_ind = X_ind_all.flatten('F')
X_ind_all = np.tile(X_ind[np.newaxis, :], [3, 1])*3
X_ind_all[1, :] += 1
X_ind_all[2, :] += 2
valid_ind = X_ind_all.flatten('F')
shapeMU = model['shapeMU'][valid_ind, :]
shapePC = model['shapePC'][valid_ind, :n_sp]
expPC = model['expPC'][valid_ind, :n_ep]
for i in range(max_iter):
X = shapeMU + shapePC.dot(sp) + expPC.dot(ep)
X = np.reshape(X, [int(len(X)/3), 3]).T
#----- estimate pose
P = mesh.transform.estimate_affine_matrix_3d22d(X.T, x.T)
s, R, t = mesh.transform.P2sRt(P)
rx, ry, rz = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
# print('Iter:{}; estimated pose: s {}, rx {}, ry {}, rz {}, t1 {}, t2 {}'.format(i, s, rx, ry, rz, t[0], t[1]))
#----- estimate shape
# expression
shape = shapePC.dot(sp)
shape = np.reshape(shape, [int(len(shape)/3), 3]).T
ep = estimate_expression(x, shapeMU, expPC, model['expEV'][:n_ep,:], shape, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.002)
# shape
expression = expPC.dot(ep)
expression = np.reshape(expression, [int(len(expression)/3), 3]).T
sp = estimate_shape(x, shapeMU, shapePC, model['shapeEV'][:n_sp,:], expression, s, R, t[:2], lamb = 0.004)
return sp, ep, s, R, t
X = shapeMU + shapePC.dot(sp) + expPC.dot(ep)
X = np.reshape(X, [int(len(X)/3), 3]).T
这里的 X X X就是经过如下的运算的 S n e w m o d e l S_{newmodel} Snewmodel,就是新的 X 3 d X_{3d} X3d。
真正重点的是mesh.transform.estimate_affine_matrix_3d22d(X.T, x.T)
estimate_affine_matrix_3d22d(X, x):
''' Using Golden Standard Algorithm for estimating an affine camera
matrix P from world to image correspondences.
See Alg.7.2. in MVGCV
Code Ref: https://github.com/patrikhuber/eos/blob/master/include/eos/fitting/affine_camera_estimation.hpp
x_homo = X_homo.dot(P_Affine)
X: [n, 3]. corresponding 3d points(fixed)
x: [n, 2]. n>=4. 2d points(moving). x = PX
P_Affine: [3, 4]. Affine camera matrix
X = X.T; x = x.T
assert(x.shape[1] == X.shape[1])
n = x.shape[1]
assert(n >= 4)
#--- 1. normalization
# 2d points
mean = np.mean(x, 1) # (2,)
x = x - np.tile(mean[:, np.newaxis], [1, n])
average_norm = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2, 0)))
scale = np.sqrt(2) / average_norm
x = scale * x
T = np.zeros((3,3), dtype = np.float32)
T[0, 0] = T[1, 1] = scale
T[:2, 2] = -mean*scale
T[2, 2] = 1
# 3d points
X_homo = np.vstack((X, np.ones((1, n))))
mean = np.mean(X, 1) # (3,)
X = X - np.tile(mean[:, np.newaxis], [1, n])
m = X_homo[:3,:] - X
average_norm = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, 0)))
scale = np.sqrt(3) / average_norm
X = scale * X
U = np.zeros((4,4), dtype = np.float32)
U[0, 0] = U[1, 1] = U[2, 2] = scale
U[:3, 3] = -mean*scale
U[3, 3] = 1
# --- 2. equations
A = np.zeros((n*2, 8), dtype = np.float32);
X_homo = np.vstack((X, np.ones((1, n)))).T
A[:n, :4] = X_homo
A[n:, 4:] = X_homo
b = np.reshape(x, [-1, 1])
# --- 3. solution
p_8 = np.linalg.pinv(A).dot(b)
P = np.zeros((3, 4), dtype = np.float32)
P[0, :] = p_8[:4, 0]
P[1, :] = p_8[4:, 0]
P[-1, -1] = 1
# --- 4. denormalization
P_Affine = np.linalg.inv(T).dot(P.dot(U))
return P_Affine
def P2sRt(P):
''' decompositing camera matrix P
P: (3, 4). Affine Camera Matrix.
s: scale factor.
R: (3, 3). rotation matrix.
t: (3,). translation.
t = P[:, 3]
R1 = P[0:1, :3]
R2 = P[1:2, :3]
s = (np.linalg.norm(R1) + np.linalg.norm(R2))/2.0
r1 = R1/np.linalg.norm(R1)
r2 = R2/np.linalg.norm(R2)
r3 = np.cross(r1, r2)
R = np.concatenate((r1, r2, r3), 0)
return s, R, t
对于二维点 X X X,计算一个相似变换 T T T,使得 X ˉ = T X \bar{X}=TX Xˉ=TX,同样的对于三维点 X 3 d X_{3d} X3d,计算 X ˉ 3 d = U X 3 d \bar{X}_{3d}=UX_{3d} Xˉ3d=UX3d。
归一化部分的概念在Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision一书中描述如下:
X = X.T; x = x.T
assert(x.shape[1] == X.shape[1])
n = x.shape[1]
assert(n >= 4)
#--- 1. normalization
# 2d points
mean = np.mean(x, 1) # (2,)
x = x - np.tile(mean[:, np.newaxis], [1, n])
average_norm = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2, 0)))
scale = np.sqrt(2) / average_norm
x = scale * x
T = np.zeros((3,3), dtype = np.float32)
T[0, 0] = T[1, 1] = scale
T[:2, 2] = -mean*scale
T[2, 2] = 1
后x的格式变为(2,68)mean = np.mean(x, 1)
获取x的X坐标和Y坐标平均值mean,格式为(2,)x = x - np.tile(mean[:, np.newaxis], [1, n])
average_norm = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2, 0)))
scale = np.sqrt(2) / average_norm
x = scale * x
T = np.zeros((3,3), dtype = np.float32)
T[0, 0] = T[1, 1] = scale
T[:2, 2] = -mean*scale
T[2, 2] = 1
# 3d points
X_homo = np.vstack((X, np.ones((1, n))))
mean = np.mean(X, 1) # (3,)
X = X - np.tile(mean[:, np.newaxis], [1, n])
m = X_homo[:3,:] - X
average_norm = np.mean(np.sqrt(np.sum(X**2, 0)))
scale = np.sqrt(3) / average_norm
X = scale * X
U = np.zeros((4,4), dtype = np.float32)
U[0, 0] = U[1, 1] = U[2, 2] = scale
U[:3, 3] = -mean*scale
U[3, 3] = 1
三位归一化的原理与二维相似,区别就是所有点到原点的平均距离要被缩放到 3 \sqrt{3} 3,以及生成的相似变换矩阵 U U U格式为(4,4)。这里不赘述了。
# --- 2. equations
A = np.zeros((n*2, 8), dtype = np.float32);
X_homo = np.vstack((X, np.ones((1, n)))).T
A[:n, :4] = X_homo
A[n:, 4:] = X_homo
b = np.reshape(x, [-1, 1])
A对应其中的 [ X ˉ i T 0 T 0 T X i T ] \left [\begin{array}{l} \bar{X}_i^T & 0^T\\0^T & {X}_i^T\end{array}\right ] [XˉiT0T0TXiT]
# --- 3. solution
p_8 = np.linalg.pinv(A).dot(b)
P = np.zeros((3, 4), dtype = np.float32)
P[0, :] = p_8[:4, 0]
P[1, :] = p_8[4:, 0]
P[-1, -1] = 1
关于A的伪逆的概念和求取方法可以参照Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision书中的P590以后的内容。这里A的伪逆是利用numpy里面的函数np.linalg.pinv直接计算出来的,非常方便。
# --- 4. denormalization
P_Affine = np.linalg.inv(T).dot(P.dot(U))
return P_Affine
得到的 P A f f i n e P_{Affine} PAffine就是式中的 P A P_A PA,到这里,我们通过黄金标准算法得到了 X = P A ⋅ X 3 d X=P_A\cdot X_{3d} X=PA⋅X3d中的 P A P_A PA。
s, R, t = mesh.transform.P2sRt(P)
rx, ry, rz = mesh.transform.matrix2angle(R)
def P2sRt(P):
''' decompositing camera matrix P
P: (3, 4). Affine Camera Matrix.
s: scale factor.
R: (3, 3). rotation matrix.
t: (3,). translation.
t = P[:, 3]
R1 = P[0:1, :3]
R2 = P[1:2, :3]
s = (np.linalg.norm(R1) + np.linalg.norm(R2))/2.0
r1 = R1/np.linalg.norm(R1)
r2 = R2/np.linalg.norm(R2)
r3 = np.cross(r1, r2)
R = np.concatenate((r1, r2, r3), 0)
return s, R, t
这部分就是将仿射矩阵 R A {R_A} RA分解为下图的缩放比例s、旋转矩阵R以及平移矩阵t。
篇幅原因,这边只给出(1)(2)的源码解析部分,求解 α , β \alpha,\beta α,β的过程将在下篇文章讲解。