
  • 安装octomap_ros和rviz插件
    sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-octomap*
  • 源码安装:turtlebot_exploration_3d(本机为Ubuntu16对应的ros版本为kinetic,但是无对应的版本,用的是ubuntu14的indigo,版本向前兼容,故可以运行)
  • cd turtlebot_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/RobustFieldAutonomyLab/turtlebot_exploration_3d.git
  • deb包安装:
  • sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-turtlebot-exploration-3d


  • 主机端,新终端,执行:
  • $ roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d minimal_explo.launch
    $ roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_gmapping.launch
    $ rosrun turtlebot_exploration_3d turtlebot_exploration_3d
  • 从机端,新终端,执行:
  • roslaunch turtlebot_exploration_3d exploration_rviz.launch



























// Related headers:
#include "exploration.h"
#include "navigation_utils.h"
#include "gpregressor.h"
#include "covMaterniso3.h"

//C library headers:
// #include 
// #include 
// #include 

//C++ library headers:  NONE

//other library headers:  NONE

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    ros::init(argc, argv, "turtlebot_exploration_3d");
    ros::NodeHandle nh;

    // Initialize time
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm * timeinfo;
    char buffer[80];
    time (&rawtime);
    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
    // strftime(buffer,80,"Trajectory_%R_%S_%m%d_DA.txt",timeinfo);
    // std::string logfilename(buffer);
    // std::cout << logfilename << endl;

    octomap_name_3d = buffer;

    ros::Subscriber kinect_sub = nh.subscribe("/camera/depth_registered/points", 1, kinectCallbacks);// need to change##########
    ros::Publisher GoalMarker_pub = nh.advertise( "Goal_Marker", 1 );
    ros::Publisher Candidates_pub = nh.advertise("Candidate_MIs", 1);
    ros::Publisher Frontier_points_pub = nh.advertise("Frontier_points", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_twist = nh.advertise("/cmd_vel_mux/input/teleop", 1);
    ros::Publisher Octomap_pub = nh.advertise("octomap_3d",1);

    tf_listener = new tf::TransformListener();
    tf::StampedTransform transform;
    tf::Quaternion Goal_heading; // robot's heading direction

    visualization_msgs::MarkerArray CandidatesMarker_array;
    visualization_msgs::Marker Frontier_points_cubelist;
    geometry_msgs::Twist twist_cmd;

    ros::Time now_marker = ros::Time::now();
    // Initialize parameters 
    int max_idx = 0;

    point3d Sensor_PrincipalAxis(1, 0, 0);
    octomap::OcTreeNode *n;
    octomap::OcTree new_tree(octo_reso);
    octomap::OcTree new_tree_2d(octo_reso);
    cur_tree = &new_tree;
    cur_tree_2d = &new_tree_2d;
    point3d next_vp;

    bool got_tf = false;
    bool arrived;
    // Update the initial location of the robot
    for(int i =0; i < 6; i++){
        // Update the pose of the robot
        got_tf = false;
            tf_listener->lookupTransform("/map", "/camera_rgb_frame", ros::Time(0), transform);// need to change tf of kinect###############
            kinect_orig = point3d(transform.getOrigin().x(), transform.getOrigin().y(), transform.getOrigin().z());
            got_tf = true;
        catch (tf::TransformException ex) {
            ROS_WARN("Wait for tf: Kinect frame"); 

        // Take a Scan

        // Rotate another 60 degrees
        twist_cmd.linear.x = twist_cmd.linear.y = twist_cmd.angular.z = 0;
        ros::Time start_turn = ros::Time::now();

        ROS_WARN("Rotate 60 degrees");
        while (ros::Time::now() - start_turn < ros::Duration(2.6)){ // turning duration - second
        twist_cmd.angular.z = 0.6; // turning speed
        // turning angle = turning speed * turning duration / 3.14 * 180
        // stop
        twist_cmd.angular.z = 0;


    // steps robot taken, counter
    int robot_step_counter = 0;

    while (ros::ok())
        vector> frontier_groups=extractFrontierPoints(cur_tree);
        //frontier_groups.clear();//in the next line
        unsigned long int o = 0;
        for(vector>::size_type e = 0; e < frontier_groups.size(); e++) {
            o = o+frontier_groups[e].size();

        ROS_INFO("frontier points %ld", o);
        now_marker = ros::Time::now();
        Frontier_points_cubelist.header.frame_id = "map";
        Frontier_points_cubelist.header.stamp = now_marker;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.ns = "frontier_points_array";
        Frontier_points_cubelist.id = 0;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE_LIST;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.scale.x = octo_reso;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.scale.y = octo_reso;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.scale.z = octo_reso;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.color.a = 1.0;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.color.r = (double)255/255;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.color.g = 0;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.color.b = (double)0/255;
        Frontier_points_cubelist.lifetime = ros::Duration();

        unsigned long int t = 0;
        int l = 0;
        geometry_msgs::Point q;
        for(vector>::size_type n = 0; n < frontier_groups.size(); n++) { 
            for(vector::size_type m = 0; m < frontier_groups[n].size(); m++){
               q.x = frontier_groups[n][m].x();
               q.y = frontier_groups[n][m].y();
               q.z = frontier_groups[n][m].z()+octo_reso;
        ROS_INFO("Publishing %ld frontier_groups", t);
        Frontier_points_pub.publish(Frontier_points_cubelist); //publish frontier_points

        // Generate Candidates
        vector> candidates = extractCandidateViewPoints(frontier_groups, kinect_orig, num_of_samples); 
        std::random_shuffle(candidates.begin(),candidates.end()); // shuffle to select a subset
        vector> gp_test_poses = candidates;
        ROS_INFO("Candidate View Points: %luGenereated, %d evaluating...", candidates.size(), num_of_samples_eva);
        int temp_size = candidates.size()-3;
        if (temp_size < 1) {
            ROS_ERROR("Very few candidates generated, maybe finishing with exploration...");
            return 0;

        // Generate Testing poses

// Evaluate MI for every candidate view points
        vector  MIs(candidates.size());
        double before = countFreeVolume(cur_tree);
        // int max_idx = 0;
        double begin_mi_eva_secs, end_mi_eva_secs;
        begin_mi_eva_secs = ros::Time::now().toSec();

        #pragma omp parallel for
        for(int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) 
            auto c = candidates[i];
            // Evaluate Mutual Information
            Sensor_PrincipalAxis = point3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            Sensor_PrincipalAxis.rotate_IP(c.second.roll(), c.second.pitch(), c.second.yaw() );
            octomap::Pointcloud hits = castSensorRays(cur_tree, c.first, Sensor_PrincipalAxis);
            // Considering pure MI for decision making
            MIs[i] = calc_MI(cur_tree, c.first, hits, before);
            // Normalize the MI with distance
            // MIs[i] = calc_MI(cur_tree, c.first, hits, before) / 
            //     sqrt(pow(c.first.x()-kinect_orig.x(),2) + pow(c.first.y()-kinect_orig.y(),2));

            // Pick the Candidate view point with max MI
            // if (MIs[i] > MIs[max_idx])
            // {
            //     max_idx = i;
            // }

        // Bayesian Optimization for actively selecting candidate
        double train_time, test_time;
        GPRegressor g(100, 3, 0.01);
        for (int bay_itr = 0; bay_itr < num_of_bay; bay_itr++) {
            //Initialize gp regression
            MatrixXf gp_train_x(candidates.size(), 2), gp_train_label(candidates.size(), 1), gp_test_x(gp_test_poses.size(), 2);

            for (int i=0; i< candidates.size(); i++){
                gp_train_x(i,0) = candidates[i].first.x();
                gp_train_x(i,1) = candidates[i].first.y();
                gp_train_label(i) = MIs[i];

            for (int i=0; i< gp_test_poses.size(); i++){
                gp_test_x(i,0) = gp_test_poses[i].first.x();
                gp_test_x(i,1) = gp_test_poses[i].first.y();

            // Perform GP regression
            MatrixXf gp_mean_MI, gp_var_MI;
            train_time = ros::Time::now().toSec();
            g.train(gp_train_x, gp_train_label);
            train_time = ros::Time::now().toSec() - train_time;

            test_time = ros::Time::now().toSec();
            g.test(gp_test_x, gp_mean_MI, gp_var_MI);
            test_time = ros::Time::now().toSec() - test_time;
            ROS_INFO("GP: Train(%zd) took %f secs , Test(%zd) took %f secs", candidates.size(), train_time, gp_test_poses.size(), test_time);        

            // Get Acquisition function
            double beta = 2.4;
            vector  bay_acq_fun(gp_test_poses.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < gp_test_poses.size(); i++) {
                bay_acq_fun[i] = gp_mean_MI(i) + beta*gp_var_MI(i);
            vector idx_acq = sort_MIs(bay_acq_fun);

            // evaluate MI, add to the candidate
            auto c = gp_test_poses[idx_acq[0]];
            Sensor_PrincipalAxis = point3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            Sensor_PrincipalAxis.rotate_IP(c.second.roll(), c.second.pitch(), c.second.yaw() );
            octomap::Pointcloud hits = castSensorRays(cur_tree, c.first, Sensor_PrincipalAxis);
            MIs.push_back(calc_MI(cur_tree, c.first, hits, before));
        end_mi_eva_secs = ros::Time::now().toSec();
        ROS_INFO("Mutual Infomation Eva took:  %3.3f Secs.", end_mi_eva_secs - begin_mi_eva_secs);

        // Normalize the MI with distance
        for(int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++) {
            auto c = candidates[i];
            MIs[i] = MIs[i] / 
                sqrt(pow(c.first.x()-kinect_orig.x(),2) + pow(c.first.y()-kinect_orig.y(),2));

        // sort vector MIs, with idx_MI, descending
        vector idx_MI = sort_MIs(MIs);

        // Publish the candidates as marker array in rviz
        tf::Quaternion MI_heading;
        MI_heading.setRPY(0.0, -PI/2, 0.0);
        for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i++)
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].header.frame_id = "map";
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].ns = "candidates";
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].id = i;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.position.x = candidates[i].first.x();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.position.y = candidates[i].first.y();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.position.z = candidates[i].first.z();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.orientation.x = MI_heading.x();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.orientation.y = MI_heading.y();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.orientation.z = MI_heading.z();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].pose.orientation.w = MI_heading.w();
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].scale.x = (double)2.0*MIs[i]/MIs[idx_MI[0]];
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].scale.y = 0.2;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].scale.z = 0.2;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].color.a = (double)MIs[i]/MIs[idx_MI[0]];
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].color.r = 0.0;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].color.g = 1.0;
            CandidatesMarker_array.markers[i].color.b = 0.0;

        // loop in the idx_MI, if the candidate with max MI cannot be achieved, 
        // switch to a sub-optimal MI.
        arrived = false;
        int idx_ptr = 0;

        while (!arrived) {
            // Setup the Goal
            next_vp = point3d(candidates[idx_MI[idx_ptr]].first.x(),candidates[idx_MI[idx_ptr]].first.y(),candidates[idx_MI[idx_ptr]].first.z());
            Goal_heading.setRPY(0.0, 0.0, candidates[idx_MI[idx_ptr]].second.yaw());
            ROS_INFO("Max MI : %f , @ location: %3.2f  %3.2f  %3.2f", MIs[idx_MI[idx_ptr]], next_vp.x(), next_vp.y(), next_vp.z() );
            // Publish the goal as a Marker in rviz
            visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
            marker.header.frame_id = "map";
            marker.header.stamp = ros::Time();
            marker.ns = "goal_marker";
            marker.id = 0;
            marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
            marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
            marker.pose.position.x = next_vp.x();
            marker.pose.position.y = next_vp.y();
            marker.pose.position.z = 1.0;
            marker.pose.orientation.x = Goal_heading.x();
            marker.pose.orientation.y = Goal_heading.y();
            marker.pose.orientation.z = Goal_heading.z();
            marker.pose.orientation.w = Goal_heading.w();
            marker.scale.x = 0.5;
            marker.scale.y = 0.1;
            marker.scale.z = 0.1;
            marker.color.a = 1.0; // Don't forget to set the alpha!
            marker.color.r = 1.0;
            marker.color.g = 1.0;
            marker.color.b = 0.0;
            GoalMarker_pub.publish( marker );

            // Send the Robot 
            arrived = goToDest(next_vp, Goal_heading);

                // Update the initial location of the robot
                got_tf = false;
                    tf_listener->lookupTransform("/map", "/camera_rgb_frame", ros::Time(0), transform);// need to change tf of kinect###############
                    kinect_orig = point3d(transform.getOrigin().x(), transform.getOrigin().y(), transform.getOrigin().z());
                    got_tf = true;
                catch (tf::TransformException ex) {
                    ROS_WARN("Wait for tf: Kinect frame"); 
                // Update Octomap
                ROS_INFO("Succeed, new Map Free Volume: %f", countFreeVolume(cur_tree));

                // prepare octomap msg
                octomap_msgs::binaryMapToMsg(*cur_tree, msg_octomap);
                msg_octomap.binary = 1;
                msg_octomap.id = 1;
                msg_octomap.resolution = octo_reso;
                msg_octomap.header.frame_id = "/map";
                msg_octomap.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
                ROS_INFO("Octomap updated in RVIZ");

                // // Send out results to file.
                // explo_log_file.open(logfilename, std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::app);
                // explo_log_file << "DA Step ," << robot_step_counter << ", Current Entropy ," << countFreeVolume(cur_tree) << ", time, " << ros::Time::now().toSec() << endl;
                // explo_log_file.close();

                ROS_WARN("Failed to drive to the %d th goal, switch to the sub-optimal..", idx_ptr);
                if(idx_ptr > MIs.size()) {
                    ROS_ERROR("None of the goal is valid for path planning, shuting down the node");


        // r.sleep();
    return 0;



  • 自动建图进行会比较慢,会显示octomap图,同时也实现了gmapping的建图



image: /home/ubuntu/map/zhizaokongjian.pgm
resolution: 0.050000
origin: [-12.200000, -12.200000, 0.000000]
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.65
free_thresh: 0.196

image:   含占用信息的image文件的路径;可以是绝对路径,也可以是到YAML文件的相对路径。
origin: 机器人相对地图原点的位姿,(x,y,yaw),yaw逆时针旋转(yaw=0表示没有旋转)。
free_thresh: 单元占用的概率小于这个阈值则认为完全自由。
negate: 不论白色/黑色,自由/占用,semantics(语义/符号)应该被反转(阈值的解释不受影响)。
  • 保存地图:

  • 新建目录:
  • mkdir ~/map
  • 保存地图:
  • rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map1
  • 得到两个文件如下:

    • map1.pgm 地图
    • map1.yaml 配置
  • map1.yaml样例:

  • 必填的字节:
