问题简化为由C下点集和B下的点集,求C->B的变换矩阵Hcb = Hcp1*Hp1p2*Hp2b.
假设有两个点集A(同上文点集C)和B,且这两个点集合的元素数目相同且一一对应。为了寻找这两个点集之间的旋转矩阵R RR和转移矩阵t tt。可以将这个问题建模成如下的公式:
为了寻找R 和t ,通常需要一下三个步骤:
为了计算旋转矩阵R ,需要消除转移矩阵t的影响,所以我们首先需要将点集重新中心化,生成新点集合A ′ 和B ′
通过SVD方法获得矩阵的U 、S 和V ,可以计算点集之间的旋转矩阵R
最后,通过R 可以获得转移矩阵t
import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
# Input: expects Nx3 matrix of points
# Returns R,t
# R = 3x3 rotation matrix
# t = 3x1 column vector
def rigid_transform_3D(A, B):
assert len(A) == len(B)
N = A.shape[0] # total points
centroid_A = np.mean(A, axis=0)
centroid_B = np.mean(B, axis=0)
# centre the points
AA = A - np.tile(centroid_A, (N, 1))
BB = B - np.tile(centroid_B, (N, 1))
H = np.matmul(np.transpose(AA),BB)
U, S, Vt = np.linalg.svd(H)
R = np.matmul(Vt.T, U.T)
# special reflection case
if np.linalg.det(R) < 0:
print("Reflection detected")
Vt[2, :] *= -1
R = np.matmul(Vt.T,U.T)
t = -np.matmul(R, centroid_A) + centroid_B
# err = B - np.matmul(A,R.T) - t.reshape([1, 3])
return R, t
if __name__=='__main__':
pcdnamec = r'H:\rebar-lash\svd-calibrate-test\cloud_c1.pcd'
savenameb = r'H:\rebar-lash\svd-calibrate-test\cloud_c12b1.pcd'
a = np.array([[-193.584,-176.756,1060.589],
b = np.array([[1906.781,-117.738,1160.026],
c = np.reshape(a[-2:], (2, 3))
test_a1 = np.reshape(c[0],(1,3))
test_a2 = np.reshape(c[1],(1,3))
c=np.reshape(b[-2:], (2, 3))
test_b1 = np.reshape(c[0],(1,3))
test_b2 = np.reshape(c[1],(1,3))
a = a[:-6]
b = b[:-6]
r, t = rigid_transform_3D(a, b)
bb = np.matmul(a, r.T) + t.reshape([1, 3])
print('b-bb:', b - bb)
c = np.matmul(test_a1, r.T) + t.reshape([1, 3])
print('c-test_b1:', c - test_b1)
c = np.matmul(test_a2, r.T) + t.reshape([1, 3])
print('c-test_b2:', c - test_b2)
pcd = o3d.io.read_point_cloud(pcdnamec)
point_arr =np.asarray(pcd.points)* 1000
color_arr =np.asarray(pcd.colors)
point_arrb = np.matmul(point_arr, r.T) + t.reshape([1, 3])
pcd_new = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pcd_new.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(point_arrb)
pcd_new.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(color_arr)
o3d.io.write_point_cloud(savenameb, pcd_new)