








How To Use

Add the plugin scripts: (I’m using jQuery 1.6.x from the google API, but you could load it locally – and MotionCAPTCHA is supported down to jQuery 1.4):

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6/jquery.min.js"></script>

<script src="jquery.motionCaptcha.0.2.min.js"></script>

<link href="jquery.motionCaptcha.0.2.css"></script>

Code the form as usual, with a unique ID (eg. ‘#mycoolform’) and set the form action to blank (or ‘#’) – eg:

<form action="#" id="mycoolform" method="[get/post]">

Add this placeholder <div> element to your form (NB. use <fieldset>s if you need it to validate) containing the blank canvas:

<div id="mc">

    <p>Please draw the shape in the box to submit the form:</p>

    <canvas id="mc-canvas"></canvas>


Disable the submit button, eg:

<input type="submit" disabled="disabled" value="Submit Form" />

Add a hidden input to the form, with the form action as its value. Give it either a unique id, or the id ‘mc-action’, like so:

<input type="hidden" id="fairly-unique-id" value="submitform.php" />

Call the plugin on the form element. If you used any other ID than ‘mc-action’ for the hidden input, you’ll just need to pass it to the plugin, like this:


    action: '#fairly-unique-id'


// Or, if you just used 'mc-action' as the hidden input's ID:


Other options are available (defaults are shown):


    // Basics:

    action: '#mc-action',        // the ID of the input containing the form action

    divId: '#mc',                // if you use an ID other than '#mc' for the placeholder, pass it in here

    cssClass: '.mc-active',      // this CSS class is applied to the 'mc' div when the plugin is active

    canvasId: '#mc-canvas',      // the ID of the MotionCAPTCHA canvas element

    // An array of shape names that you want MotionCAPTCHA to use:

    shapes: ['triangle', 'x', 'rectangle', 'circle', 'check', 'caret', 'zigzag', 'arrow', 'leftbracket', 'rightbracket', 'v', 'delete', 'star', 'pigtail'],

    // These messages are displayed inside the canvas after a user finishes drawing:

    errorMsg: 'Please try again.',

    successMsg: 'Captcha passed!',

    // This message is displayed if the user's browser doesn't support canvas:

    noCanvasMsg: "Your browser doesn't support <canvas> - try Chrome, FF4, Safari or IE9."

    // This could be any HTML string (eg. '<label>Draw this shit yo:</label>'):

    label: '<p>Please draw the shape in the box to submit the form:</p>'


