Snapdragon Neural Processing Engine SDK是美国高通公司出品的神经网络处理引擎(SNPE),可运行于搭载了高通Zeroth机器智能平台的820芯片处理器,开发者可以在SNPE上搭建自己的深度学习网络模型。更详细的介绍可以登录高通SNPE相关网页了解:https://developer.qualcomm.com/software/snapdragon-neural-processing-engine 。介绍到此为止。
最近在用snpe做一个项目,将tensorflow的pb模型转为snpe的dlc模型,并利用snpe将模型运行在骁龙GPU上。但不得不说,snpe目前做的还不是非常完美,有些需要定制化的神经网络层可能在原生snpe中没有提供。但还好高通提供了用户定义层(UDL)功能,通过回调函数可以自定义算子,并通过重编译C++代码将自定义文件编译到可执行文件中。如果开发就是使用的C++,那比较容易实现用户定义层,但如果是运行在Android上就比较麻烦了,上层java代码需要通过JNI来调用snpe原生的C++编译好的.so文件,因为用户定义层的代码是不可能预先编译到snpe原生.so文件中的,所以用snpe提供的Java API是无法获得用户定义层的功能的,所以,必须重新开发SNPE的JNI。
public class SnpeController {
public enum Runtime {
private int height = 0;
private int width = 0;
private int channel = 0;
private Runtime runtimeMode = Runtime.GPU;
private String loggerDir = "";
private String modelFilePath = "";
private long containerPointer = 0;
private long snpePointer = 0;
private float[] inputData = null;
private int inputLength = 0;
private float[] outputData = null;
public SnpeController(int imageHeight,
int imageWidth,
int imageChannel,
String modelPath) {
this(imageHeight, imageWidth, imageChannel, modelPath, Runtime.CPU, "/home/mi/snpe_log_dir/");
public SnpeController(int imageHeight,
int imageWidth,
int imageChannel,
String modelPath,
Runtime runtimeMode,
String loggerDir) {
setImageShape(imageHeight, imageWidth, imageChannel);
public void setImageShape(int height,
int width,
int channel){
this.height = height;
this.width = width;
this.channel = channel;
public void setModelPath(String modelPath){
modelFilePath = modelPath;
public void setRuntime(Runtime runtime){
runtimeMode = runtime;
public void setLoggerDir(String path){
loggerDir = path;
public boolean initModel(){
return false;
long modelPointer = initContainer(modelFilePath);
if (modelPointer == 0)
return false;
containerPointer = modelPointer;
int runtime = 0;
case CPU:
runtime = 0;
case GPU:
runtime = 1;
case DSP:
runtime = 2;
long snpePointer = initSnpe(containerPointer, runtime);
if (snpePointer == 0)
return false;
this.snpePointer = snpePointer;
return true;
public boolean input(float[] imageData,
int length){
if (height * width * channel != length)
return false;
inputData = imageData;
inputLength = length;
return true;
public boolean forward(){
if (inputData == null || inputLength <= 0)
return false;
outputData = exec(snpePointer, inputData, inputLength);
inputData = null;
inputLength = 0;
return true;
public float[] output(){
return outputData;
public void release(){
if (containerPointer != 0 || snpePointer != 0)
releaseSource(containerPointer, snpePointer);
inputData = null;
outputData = null;
private boolean checkStatus(){
if (height <= 0 || width <= 0 || channel <= 0) {
System.out.println("image shape value is illegal!");
return false;
return true;
private native long initContainer(String dlcFilePath);
private native long initSnpe(long containerPointer, int runtimeMode);
private native float[] exec(long snpePointer, float[] data, int length);
private native void releaseSource(long containerPointer, long snpePointer);
static {
try {
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
通过javac、javah命令,可以生成C++的.H头文件: -
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
/* Header for class SnpeController_Runtime */
#ifndef _Included_SnpeController_Runtime
#define _Included_SnpeController_Runtime
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
/* Header for class SnpeController */
#ifndef _Included_SnpeController
#define _Included_SnpeController
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Class: SnpeController
* Method: initContainer
* Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_SnpeController_initContainer
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jstring);
* Class: SnpeController
* Method: initSnpe
* Signature: (JI)J
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_SnpeController_initSnpe
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong, jint);
* Class: SnpeController
* Method: exec
* Signature: (J[FI)[F
JNIEXPORT jfloatArray JNICALL Java_SnpeController_exec
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong, jfloatArray, jint);
* Class: SnpeController
* Method: releaseSource
* Signature: (JJ)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_SnpeController_releaseSource
(JNIEnv *, jobject, jlong, jlong);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#include "ABCDE.h"
using namespace std;
namespace udlexample
zdl::DlSystem::IUDL * MyUDLFactory(void * cookie, const zdl::DlSystem::UDLContext * c) {
if (type == "XXX") {
return new udls::XXXLayer(*c);
} else if (type == "YYY") {
return new udls::YYYLayer(*c);
} else {
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("Unknown layer type: " + type);
return nullptr;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_SnpeController_initContainer(JNIEnv * env,
jobject arg,
jstring dlcFilePath)
unique_ptr container;
string containerPath = _JstringToChar(env, dlcFilePath);
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### container path is :" << containerPath << endl;
container = zdl::DlContainer::IDlContainer::open(containerPath);
if (!container) {
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### succeed to load container!" << endl;
cout << "#### container pointer addr is " << (long)container.get() << endl;
zdl::DlContainer::IDlContainer * p = container.release();
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### release container unique_ptr!" << endl;
cout << "#### container common pointer addr is " << (long)p << endl;
return (long)p;
JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_SnpeController_initSnpe(JNIEnv * env,
jobject arg,
jlong container,
jint runtime)
zdl::DlContainer::IDlContainer * tmp = (zdl::DlContainer::IDlContainer *)container;
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### function init_snpe get container pointer: " << (long)tmp << endl;
if (!zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::isRuntimeAvailable(_getRuntime(runtime))) {
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("runtime is inavailable!!");
unique_ptr snpe;
zdl::DlSystem::UDLBundle udlBundle;
udlBundle.cookie = (void *) 0xdeadbeaf;
udlBundle.func = udlexample::MyUDLFactory;
zdl::SNPE::SNPEBuilder snpeBuilder(tmp);
snpe = snpeBuilder.setOutputLayers({})
if (!snpe)
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### succeed to init snpe instance!" << endl;
auto logger_opt = snpe->getDiagLogInterface();
if (!logger_opt)
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("SNPE failed to obtain logging interface");
auto logger = *logger_opt;
auto opts = logger->getOptions();
opts.LogFileDirectory = "/home/mi/snpe_log_dir/";
if (!logger->setOptions(opts))
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("Failed to set logger options!");
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### succeed to set logger options!!" << endl;
if (!logger->start())
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("Failed to start snpe logger!");
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### succeed to start snpe logger!" << endl;
string version_string = zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getLibraryVersion().toString();
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### snpe version: " << version_string << endl;
zdl::SNPE::SNPE * p = snpe.release();
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### release snpe unique_ptr!" << endl;
cout << "#### snpe common pointer addr is " << (long)p << endl;
return (long)p;
JNIEXPORT jfloatArray JNICALL Java_SnpeController_exec(JNIEnv * env,
jobject arg,
jlong snpe,
jfloatArray data,
jint length)
if (data == NULL || length <= 0)
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("exec function: data illegal!");
zdl::SNPE::SNPE * tmp_snpe = (zdl::SNPE::SNPE *)snpe;
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### function exec get snpe pointer: " << (long)tmp_snpe << endl;
if (tmp_snpe == NULL)
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("exec function: snpe pointer null!");
zdl::DlSystem::TensorMap outputTensorMap;
const auto &strList_opt = tmp_snpe->getInputTensorNames();
if (!strList_opt)
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("Error obtaining Input tensor names!");
const auto &strList = *strList_opt;
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### have "<< strList.size() << " input tensor(s) to net."<< endl;
for(int index = 0; index < strList.size(); index++)
cout << "#### input tensor " << index << "'s name is " << strList.at(index) << endl;
const auto &inputDims_opt = tmp_snpe->getInputDimensions(strList.at(0));
if (!inputDims_opt)
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("fail to obtain input dimensions!");
const auto &inputShape = *inputDims_opt;
size_t inputSize = std::accumulate(inputShape.getDimensions(),
inputShape.getDimensions() + inputShape.rank(),
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### input tensor size of model is: " << inputSize << endl;
if (inputSize != length)
_PrintErrorStringAndExit("input tensor size of model doesn't match image size!");
const jfloat * inputData = (const jfloat *)env->GetFloatArrayElements(data, JNI_FALSE);
vector inputVec(inputSize);
for (int i = 0; i < inputVec.size(); ++i)
inputVec[i] = inputData[i];
env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(data, (jfloat *)inputData, 0);
unique_ptr input = zdl::SNPE::SNPEFactory::getTensorFactory().createTensor(inputShape);
std::copy(inputVec.begin(), inputVec.end(), input->begin());
if (!tmp_snpe->execute(input.get(), outputTensorMap))
zdl::DlSystem::StringList tensorNames = outputTensorMap.getTensorNames();
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### have " << tensorNames.size() << " output tensor(s) from net." << endl;
const char ** outputTensorNamePtr = tensorNames.begin();
zdl::DlSystem::ITensor * tensorPtr = outputTensorMap.getTensor(*outputTensorNamePtr);
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### output tensor size is " << tensorPtr->getSize() << endl;
float * tmpOutput = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * tensorPtr->getSize());
jfloatArray outputResult = env->NewFloatArray(tensorPtr->getSize());
auto p = tensorPtr->cbegin();
int outputIndex = 0;
while(p != tensorPtr->cend())
tmpOutput[outputIndex++] = *p;
// cout << *p << " ";
env->SetFloatArrayRegion(outputResult, 0, tensorPtr->getSize(), tmpOutput);
#ifdef DebugInfo
cout << "#### succeed to exec!!!!" << endl;
return outputResult;
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_SnpeController_releaseSource(JNIEnv * env,
jobject arg,
jlong container,
jlong snpe)
if (snpe != 0)
delete (zdl::SNPE::SNPE *)snpe;
if (container != 0)
delete (zdl::DlContainer::IDlContainer *)container;