5. PKI - SSH建立安全信道的过程

5. PKI - SSH建立安全信道的过程

  • 1. Client: Protocol
  • 2. Server: Protocol
  • 3. Client: Key Exchange Init
  • 4. Server: Key Exchange Init
  • 5. Client: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Request
  • 6. Server: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Group
  • 7. Client: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Init
  • 8. Server: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Reply, New Keys
  • 9. Client: New Keys
    • 9.1 命令行交互
    • 9.2 中间人攻击
  • 10. Client: Encrypted packet
  • 参考


1. Client: Protocol


2. Server: Protocol


3. Client: Key Exchange Init

客户端发送自己的密钥交换算法加密算法以及MAC(message authentication code)算法给服务器。其中各算法按优先级从高到低排列,各算法之间以逗号间隔。

4. Server: Key Exchange Init

同样服务器发送自己的密钥交换算法加密算法以及MAC(message authentication code)算法给客户端。


按照此规则确定密钥交换算法为 diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,加密算法为 aes128-ctr, MAC算法为 [email protected]

5. Client: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Request

接下来会按 diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 算法进行密钥交换。

The server keeps a list of safe primes and corresponding generators
that it can select from. A prime p is safe if p = 2q + 1 and q is
prime. New primes can be generated in the background.

The generator g should be chosen such that the order of the generated
subgroup does not factor into small primes; that is, with p = 2q + 1,
the order has to be either q or p - 1. If the order is p - 1, then
the exponents generate all possible public values, evenly distributed
throughout the range of the modulus p, without cycling through a
smaller subset. Such a generator is called a “primitive root” (which
is trivial to find when p is “safe”).

The client requests a modulus from the server indicating the preferred
size. In the following description ( C is the client, S is the
server, the modulus p is a large safe prime, and g is a generator
for a subgroup of GF§, min is the minimal size of p in bits that
is acceptable to the client, n is the size of the modulus p in bits
that the client would like to receive from the server, max is the
maximal size of p in bits that the client can accept, V_S is S’s
version string, V_C is C’s version string, K_S is S’s public host
key, I_C is C’s KEXINIT message, and I_S is S’s KEXINIT message
that has been exchanged before this part begins )

服务器端保有一个安全素数及其生成员的清单,如果素数p满足 p=2q+1(q是素数),那么素数p是安全的。新的素数在后台自动生成。

生成元g的选择应确保生成子群的阶不会产生小的素数;也就是说,利用公式p=2q+1,子群的阶必须是q或p-1。如果阶是 p-1,则
指数产生所有可能的公共值,并平均分配在模除p的整个范围内,而不通过较小子集的循环。这样的生成元被叫做“源根”(当p为“安全”时很难找到)。 此处涉及到的数学概念,理解不是很深刻!欢迎数学大神们指正!

n: 客户端从服务器接收的素数p的比特数

C sends “min || n || max” to S, indicating the minimal acceptable
group size, the preferred size of the group, and the maximal group
size in bits the client will accept.

客户端发送D-H Group Exchange Request,请求信息包括客户端可接收群的最小值、理想值和最大值,以比特为单位。

6. Server: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Group

S finds a group that best matches the client’s request, and sends “p
|| g” to C.

服务器发现与客户端请求最佳匹配的群,将p || g 发送给客户端,其中p是一个大而安全的素数,g是该素数的生成元。

7. Client: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Init

C generates a random number x, where 1 < x < (p-1)/2. It computes e =
g^x mod p, and sends “e” to S.

客户端产生随机数 x,1 < x < (p-1)/2。计算 e = g^x mod p,发送 e 到服务器。

8. Server: Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange Reply, New Keys

S generates a random number y, where 0 < y < (p-1)/2, and computes f =
g^ y mod p. S receives “e”. It computes K = e^y mod p, H = hash(V_C
|| V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || min || n || max || p || g || e || f ||
K) (these elements are encoded according to their types; see below),
and signature s on H with its private host key. S sends “K_S || f ||
s” to C. The signing operation may involve a second hashing

服务器产生随机数y,0 < y < (p-1)/2,且计算 f = g^ y mod p,
服务器接收客户端发送的 e。
计算 K = e^y mod p,
计算哈希值 H = hash(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || min || n || max || p || g || e || f || K) ,
服务器发送 K_S || f || s 给客户端。 K_S: 服务器的主机公钥。

9. Client: New Keys

C verifies that K_S really is the host key for S (e.g., using
certificates or a local database to obtain the public key). C is also
allowed to accept the key without verification; however, doing so will
render the protocol insecure against active attacks (but may be
desirable for practical reasons in the short term in many
environments). C then computes K = f^x mod p, H = hash(V_C || V_S ||
I_C || I_S || K_S || min || n || max || p || g || e || f || K), and
verifies the signature s on H.

客户端计算 K = f^x mod p,
H = hash(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || min || n || max || p || g || e || f || K),

至此,完成了密钥交换,以后的数据传输都会使用基于密钥 K 的 aes128-ctr 算法进行加解密操作。并基于[email protected]算法计算MAC值。

9.1 命令行交互


$ ssh user@host


The authenticity of host 'host (12.18.429.21)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 98:2e:d7:e0:de:9f:ac:67:28:c2:42:2d:37:16:58:4d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?


所谓"公钥指纹",是指公钥长度较长(这里采用RSA算法,长达1024位),很难比对,所以对其进行MD5计算,将它变成一个128位的指纹。上例中是 98:2e:d7:e0:de:9f:ac:67:28:c2:42:2d:37:16:58:4d,再进行比较,就容易多了。





9.2 中间人攻击



如果攻击者插在用户与远程主机之间(比如在公共的wifi区域),用伪造的公钥,获取用户的登录密码。再用这个密码登录远程主机,那么SSH的安全机制就荡然无存了。这种风险就是著名的"中间人攻击"(Man-in-the-middle attack)

10. Client: Encrypted packet



Diffie-Hellman Group Exchange for the Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol
The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport Layer Protocol
The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol
Understanding the SSH Encryption and Connection Process
