论文写作 - CCF会议论文常用表述



  • ... is of practical importance in ....;
  • ... is widely recognized as critical to the performance of ...
  • With the ..., there have been attempted to design new ways of ...


  • However, most existing methods ..., far from adequate in ...
  • Since ...原因, existing methods commonly rely on ..., resulting in ...
  • While researchers have developed sophisticated methods to ..., ... evade ...


  • In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to ..., which ....
  • In this paper, we propose ... framework via ...
  • In this paper, we consider ...
  • To address these issues, we propose a new ...


  • Specifically, we construct ..., by ... and ...
  • In particular, ..., which is then ...
  • We design a ... architecture by ... using ...
  • We consider ..., in order to ...
  • Further(Furthermore), ... based on ...


  • We construct experiments with ..., which demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach and ...
  • We evaluate our method extensively on the benchmark ... datasets and observe significant improvements over state-of-the-art approaches.
  •  The experimentation using the datasets collected from ... illustrates the efficacy of the proposed model.





  • ... have been extensively studied.
  • ... plays an essential role in ... applications such as ...
  • ... is becoming an indispensable component in ..., and acts as ...
  • ... is essential for ...
  • ... is a fundamental and important task with wide range of application scenarios.


  • The primary goal is to ..., which is often formalized as a classification task.
  • 根据不同的研究领域,介绍自己研究问题,或研究内容的特点,当前研究不足
  • 有些论文会在第一段便开始介绍前人方法不足;
  • Hence, ... is essential, which aims to ...


  •  Result efforts have attempted to solve the problem by ... (总结式,概括一些模型)
  • In general, previous work approach this problem by ....
  • For examples, ... 前人的一些方法(符合上述的总结)
  • Actions have been taken to .... However, there is no guarantee ...
  • To address this challenge, a variety of studies ... have been constructed that ...
  • 对前人方法要加总结性的语言;
  • Though get success, there are ... challenges in ...




  • We present our main results in Table i;
  • It can be seen that, on all benchmarks and in almost every setting, our model significantly outperforms the baselines.
  • As shown in Table i, our method achieves favorable(有利的) performance on ...
  • It is worth mentioning that the large improvements of our method in scenarios with ... indicate its great potential in real-life applications.
  • More importantly, referring to Table i, ...


  • We conduct an ablation study on the effectiveness of ... and summarize the results in Figure i;
  • In general, ... lead to positive effects on classification performance.
