yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)

yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)

    • 总述
    • 一. 训练前修改网络
    • 二. 导出模型
    • 三. 后处理
      • 1. c++版
      • 2. 基于hisi SDK的纯c版(后续更新)


刚躺了坑,记录一下,目的是将yolov5(6.1)转成海思可以推理的wk文件,并完成后处理,实现在板子上进行推理并拿到正确结果。我的设备是3516dv300.,本文会梳理c++版本和c版本,其中c++版本可以方便调用opencv进行读图,show图,但不便于集成在hisi工程中,所以我也尝试了跟着hisi SDK sample中的yolov3改了一版纯c的v5,最终结果可以和c++版的完全对上。

ps: 附一张v5m在hisi的推理结果(size:608),效果还是很不错的:)
yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)_第1张图片

一. 训练前修改网络

1. 修改MaxPool层
nnie中:pooling层采用的是ceil mode(其实是因为caffe不支持floor mode)
yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)_第2张图片
2. 修改Upsample层为反卷积
[-1, 1, nn.Upsample, [None, 2, ‘nearest’]] 改为 [-1, 1, nn.ConvTranspose2d, [256,256, 2, 2]] 和 [-1, 1, nn.ConvTranspose2d, [128,128, 2, 2]], 其中的256与128数字是根据网络通道数来的,仅限于s模型,比如m模型需要改为384和192.
yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)_第3张图片
(注:6.1版yolov5没有focus层,不需要修改;6.1的激活函数是silu,即x*sigmod,也是可支持的,不需 要任何修改)


二. 导出模型

1. 导出onnx模型:
(1) 在export中opset改为9
(2) 在models/yolo.py中修改detect中代码如下:
yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)_第4张图片

yolov5转hisi的nnie(c and c++)_第5张图片

<2>:将view原来的输出维度(bs, na, no, ny, nx) 改为 (bs, na, no, ny * nx);


2. 导出onnx-sim模型:python3 onnxsim xxx.onnx xxx-sim.onnx
3. 导出caffe model和prototex(网上有很多教程,没什么坑)
4. 导出wk:ruyistiodio中导出(网上很多教程,没什么坑)

三. 后处理

1. c++版


  1. yolo.cpp中yolov3DetectDemo拷贝一份,命名为yolov5DetectDemo,修改其中
    feature_index0 = 2;
    feature_index1 = 1;
    feature_index2 = 0;

  2. 在parseYolov3Feature函数所在位置,拷贝一份命名parseYolov5Feature,并在yolo.cpp中yolov5DetectDemo中调用此函数,

inline void parseYolov5Feature(int img_width,
                               int img_height,
                               int num_classes,
                               int kBoxPerCell,
                               int feature_index,
                               float conf_threshold,
                               const std::vector<cv::Size2f> &anchors,
                               const nnie::Mat feature,
                               std::vector<int> &ids,
                               std::vector<cv::Rect> &boxes,
                               std::vector<float> &confidences,
                               int print_level)

    const float downscale = static_cast<float>(std::pow(2, feature_index) / 32); // downscale, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8

    int cell_w = (int)std::pow(feature.width, 0.5);
    int cell_h = cell_w;
    for (int cy = 0; cy < cell_h; ++cy)
        for (int cx = 0; cx < cell_w; ++cx)
            for (int b = 0; b < kBoxPerCell; ++b)
                int channel = b * (num_classes + 5);

                float tc = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + (channel + 4) * cell_h * cell_w];

                float confidence = Sigmoid(tc);

                if (confidence >= conf_threshold)
                    float tx = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + channel * cell_h * cell_w];
                    float ty = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + (channel + 1) * cell_h * cell_w];
                    float tw = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + (channel + 2) * cell_h * cell_w];
                    float th = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + (channel + 3) * cell_h * cell_w];
                    float tc = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + (channel + 4) * cell_h * cell_w];

                    tx = Sigmoid(tx);
                    ty = Sigmoid(ty);
                    tw = Sigmoid(tw);
                    th = Sigmoid(th);

                    float x = ((float)cx - 0.5f + 2.0f * tx) / cell_w;
                    float y = ((float)cy - 0.5f + 2.0f * ty) / cell_h;
                    float w = (2.0f *  tw) * (2.0f *  tw) * anchors[b].width * downscale / cell_w;
                    float h = (2.0f * th) * (2.0f * th) * anchors[b].height * downscale / cell_h;
                    std::vector<float> classes(num_classes);

                    for (int i = 0; i < num_classes; ++i)
                        float tc_by_class = feature.data[cx + (cy * cell_w) + (channel + 5 + i) * cell_h * cell_w];
                        float tc_by_class_sigmoid = Sigmoid(tc_by_class);
                        classes[i] = tc_by_class_sigmoid;
                    auto max_itr = std::max_element(classes.begin(), classes.end());
                    int index = static_cast<int>(max_itr - classes.begin());
                    if (num_classes > 1){
                        confidence = confidence * classes[index];
                    int center_x = (int) (x * img_width);
                    int center_y = (int) (y * img_height);
                    int width = (int) (w * img_width);
                    int height = (int) (h * img_height);
                    int left = static_cast<int>(center_x - (width - 1.0f) * 0.5f);
                    int top = static_cast<int>(center_y - (height - 1.0f) * 0.5f);

                    if (confidence > conf_threshold){
                        boxes.emplace_back(left, top, width, height);

2. 基于hisi SDK的纯c版(后续更新)

。 。 。


  1. https://blog.csdn.net/tangshopping/article/details/110038605
