When a court decides a case and issues orders against any person, the person has to obey or appeal
接下来涉及的法律为China Civil Procedure Law
Article 22
A civil lawsuit brought against a citizen shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile; if the place of the defendant’s 5 domicile is different from that of his habitual residence, the lawsuit shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place of his habitual residence. A civil lawsuit brought against a legal person or any other organization shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile.
Article 24 A lawsuit brought on a contract dispute shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile or where the contract is performed.
Article 25 The parties to a contract may agree to choose in their written contract the people’s court of the place where the defendant has his domicile, where the contract is performed, where the contract is signed, where the plaintiff has his domicile or where the object of the action is located to exercise jurisdiction over the case, provided that the provisions of this Law regarding jurisdiction by forum level and exclusive jurisdiction are not violated
Article 29
A lawsuit brought on a tortious act shall be under the jurisdiction of the people’s court of the place where the tort is committed or where the defendant has his domicile.
Article 243
In the case of an action concerning a contract dispute or other disputes over property rights and interests, brought against a defendant who has no domicile within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, if the contract is signed or performed within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, or if the object of the action is located within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, or if the defendant has distrainable property within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, or if the defendant has its representative office within the territory of the People’s Republic of China, the people’s court of the place where the contract is signed or performed, or where the object of the action is, or where the defendant’s distrainable property is located, or where the torts are done, or where the defendant’s representative office is located, shall have jurisdiction
Article 244 Parties to a dispute over a contract concluded with foreign element or over property rights and interests involving foreign element may, through written agreement, choose the court of the place which has practical connections with the dispute to exercise jurisdiction. If a people’s court of the People’s Republic of China is chosen to exercise jurisdiction, the provisions of this Law on jurisdiction by forum level and on exclusive jurisdiction shall not be violated.
Article 245 If in a civil action in respect of a case involving foreign element, the defendant raises no objection to the jurisdiction of a people’s court and responds to the action by making his defence, he shall be deemed to have accepted that this people’s court has jurisdiction over the case.
Foreign court judgments are rarely recognised and enforced in China.
multilateral treaty required
Bilateral judicial assistance treaty required
Or principle of reciprocity
In practice, China has few treaties and reciprocity basis is limited
Under PRC law, parties to a foreign-related contract are free to choose PRC law or any other law to govern their contract, regardless of whether the chosen law has a connection to their transaction
【相关法律:Art.3,7 】
(1) this rule only applies to contractual matters. Chinese law will apply where ‘mandated’ – such as product liability and other laws.
(2) Choice of foreign law may be construed against “public interest” or rejected on other grounds.
Sovereignty:Each country has power to conduct its own affairs (legal, political, etc.)within its borders
Comity:States to recognize the jurisdiction of other states (not interfere)
1)规定性的规制——在领土内制定法律的权利 2)审判权——当存在争议时,对争议进行裁决的权利
Each country determines the jurisdiction of its courts to entertain a civil law suit
In China the national – CPL – dictates jurisdiction
in other countries, it may be a national law or state law (as in the U.S., GERMANY, U.K. ETC)
Most countries allow the parties to agree to the jurisdiction of a court
which court has jurisdiction in a civil action when the parties have not agreed on or submitted to the forum – decided by PLACE OF PERFORMANCE/ SIGNATURE OF CONTRACT OR WHERE tort was committed or where its effects were felt
每个国家决定其法院受理民事诉讼的管辖权在中国,国家- CPL -规定管辖权
States now consistently applying traditional territorially based rules to online activity
China: websites not in compliance with Chinese laws cannot be accessed within China. Blocked by the government itself (how effectively, that’s another issue)
Tort From French for “wrong,” a civil wrong or wrongful act, whether intentional or accidental, from which injury occurs to another.
Torts include all negligence cases as well as intentional wrongs which result in harm.
Tort law is one of the major areas of law (along with contract, real property and criminal law) and results in more civil litigation than any other category.
Tort liability arises from
False statement relating to another person that causes injury to reputation. Speech that is harmful to the reputation of others, be it a natural person or a legal person.
Defamation, including intentionally telling harmful untruths about another-either by print or broadcast (libel) or orally (slander)-is a type of tort and in some countries it can be a crime as well (Singapore, China for e.g.)
【注意一点,这里说广告公司/报社都有责任的时候,都用了一句话,叫做“If acting with knowledge” ,我的理解是因为他们知道这个消息,虽然不知道真假,但是有义务去查验真假,但是他们没有而是传播了这个诽谤消息所以有责任】
Factors that indicate publisher liability include evidence of exercising editorial control and judgment over the choice of material
Distributors are rarely aware of the content of the material they distribute
• If aware, cannot check if statements are false
‘Distributor Defence’: No liability if distributor can show that took reasonable care, did not know, had no reason to believe that caused publication of a defamatory statement
No actual knowledge of a defamatory statement
user generated content – UGC
接下来的重点就是China,EU,US这三个地方的ISP liability。
The Civil Law: Art.130
China Tort Law: Art.6,8
Article 6 One who is at fault for infringement upon a civil right or interest of another person shall be subject to the tort liability.
Article 8 Where two or more persons jointly commit a tort, causing harm to another person, they shall be liable jointly and severally.
China Tort Law: Art.36 (ISP相关的Joint Liability)
Article 36 Where network users or Internet service providers utilize network to commit a tort to other’s civil rights and interests, they shall be subject to tort liability
A. 36 Where a network service provider knows that a network user is infringing upon a civil right or interest of another person through its network services, and fails to take necessary measures, it shall be jointly and severally liable for any additional harm with the network user
SPC (Supreme People’s Court, 最高人民法院)给了一些判断条件
核心词语:notice and take down(注意并删除)
Where network users utilize the network to commit a tort, the infringee shall
– have the right to notify the Internet service provider to take necessary measures such as deleting, blocking, disconnecting, etc.
– If the Internet service provider fails to take necessary measures in a timely manner after receipt of the notice, it shall be subject to joint and several liability with the users for the expanded damages.
Art.36 Tort Liability Law
(1) jointly liable due to the failure of taking necessary measures expeditiously upon receiving the notification of victim (within the scope of further loss )
(2) jointly liable if it knows that the internet user is conducting illegal activity by using its internet service and it doesn’t take any necessary measures
Must have manpower and technologies to monitor and filter the information hosted on their platforms - a mix of human reviews and machine filtering.
China imposes tight regulation on harmful or illegal content online
Online companies must monitor content and remove any content considered harmful
Also, notice and takedown procedures provide some immunity
US ISP Liability
Internet Hosts Liability:
– ISPs who monitor, filter and edit content: may have liability as publisher
– ISPs who have a ‘hands off’ approach to hosting content : no liability unless they had actual knowledge
经过balabalabala的辩论和谈判,关于ISP Liability的法律修改了
核心法律:United States: Communication Decency Act Section 230: Safe Harbour
47 U.S.C. §230©(1)
Note: Immunity does not extend to ‘Information Content Provider’
【这里建议去PPT ISP Liability1 看一看案例,这里面给了很多案例,甚至ISP简单的修改一下再发都是无责任,你在平台上发别人诽谤另一个人的信息,这个人来找你你也是无责任。反正就是很奇妙。给的案例里甚至没有一个ISP有责任的】
EU ISP Liability
以上这三个除了mere conduit是完全没有责任以外,其余两个只要违反了后面的条件,就有责任,如果完全遵守则没有责任
但是这就引出了一个很大的问题,就是如果平台不知道这个是illegal content,那么平台就没有责任,那么平台就没有意愿去审查监管:
Under current EU law, a platform is not liable for illegal content if it is unaware of hosting it, which has disincentivized platforms to voluntarily act on content
Exclusion of the Obligation to Monitor for illegal or harmful activity – ‘self –regulation encouraged’
Article 15 of the Directive states that Member States shall not impose a general obligation on providers to monitor the information they transmit or store when they are performing one of the services analyzed above, namely mere conduit, caching, and hosting, and also cannot compel them to seek facts or circumstances indicating illegal activity
接下来是Consumer Protection Law
【这段介绍的有点模糊,我的理解是商家需要在网上提供给消费者这些信息,然后消费者可以和商家进行沟通。在此附上E-commerce Law的Art.27,以供对照】
Article 27 E-commerce platform operators shall require business operators who apply to sell goods or provide services on the platforms to provide their identity information, address, contact details, administrative licensing information etc for verification and registration, establish registration files, and verify and update regularly.E-commerce platform operators providing services for non-business users who enter the platforms for sale of goods or provision of services shall comply with the relevant provisions of this Section.
第二十七条 电子商务平台经营者应当要求申请进入平台销售商品或者提供服务的经营者提交其身份、地址、联系方式、行政许可等真实信息,进行核验、登记,建立登记档案,并定期核验更新。
Article 17 E-commerce business operators shall disclose information of goods or services fully, truthfully, accurately and promptly, and protect consumers’ right to know and right to choose. E-commerce business operators shall not use false transactions, fabricated user review etc to conduct false or misleading business promotion, so as to defraud or mislead consumers.
第十七条 电子商务经营者应当全面、真实、准确、及时地披露商品或者服务信息,保障消费者的知情权和选择权。电子商务经营者不得以虚构交易、编造用户评价等方式进行虚假或者引人误解的商业宣传,欺骗、误导消费者。
【这里举的例子是Art.17, 18,Art.17上面有,这里给出Art.18】
Article 18 Where an e-commerce business operator provides consumers with search results for goods or services based on consumers’ preference or consumption habit, it shall also provide consumers with options which are not targeted at their personal characteristics, to respect and equally protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.E-commerce business operators sending ads to consumers shall comply with the relevant provisions of the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China.
第十八条 电子商务经营者根据消费者的兴趣爱好、消费习惯等特征向其提供商品或者服务的搜索结果的,应当同时向该消费者提供不针对其个人特征的选项,尊重和平等保护消费者合法权益。
Article 50 E-commerce business operators shall notify users of the steps for conclusion of contract, points to note, download method etc in a clear, complete and specific manner, and ensure that the users are able to read and download conveniently and fully.E-commerce business operators shall ensure that a user may correct input error prior to submission of an order.
第五十条 电子商务经营者应当清晰、全面、明确地告知用户订立合同的步骤、注意事项、下载方法等事项,并保证用户能够便利、完整地阅览和下载。
Article 56 Upon completion of electronic payment by the electronic payment service provider, it shall provide information on payment confirmation to the user promptly and accurately in accordance with the agreed method.
第五十六条 电子支付服务提供者完成电子支付后,应当及时准确地向用户提供符合约定方式的确认支付的信息。
Article 59 E-commerce business operators shall establish a convenient and effective mechanism for receiving complaints and reports, announce information on complain and report methods, promptly accept and deal with complaints and reports.
Article 60 E-commerce disputes may be resolved via negotiation and settlement, mediation by a consumers’ association, an industry association or any other lawfully established mediation organisation, lodgement of a complaint to the relevant authorities, arbitration or litigation etc.
Article 61 In the event of a dispute between a consumer purchasing goods or receiving services on an e-commerce platform and a business operator using the platform, thee-commerce platform operator shall actively assist the consumer to protect his/her legitimate rights and interests.
Article 62 When handling an e-commerce dispute, the e-commerce business operator shall provide the original contract and transaction record. Where the aforesaid materials are lost, forged, altered, destroyed or concealed by the e-commerce business operator or the e-commerce business operator refuses to provide, and the People’s Court, arbitration organisation or the relevant agency is thus unable to verify the facts, the e-commerce business operator shall bear the corresponding legal liability.
Article 63 E-commerce platform operators may establish an online dispute resolution mechanism, formulate and announce dispute resolution rules, and resolve disputes between e-commerce participants fairly and equitably in accordance with voluntary participation principle.
第五十九条 电子商务经营者应当建立便捷、有效的投诉、举报机制,公开投诉、举报方式等信息,及时受理并处理投诉、举报。
第六十条 电子商务争议可以通过协商和解,请求消费者组织、行业协会或者其他依法成立的调解组织调解,向有关部门投诉,提请仲裁,或者提起诉讼等方式解决。
第六十一条 消费者在电子商务平台购买商品或者接受服务,与平台内经营者发生争议时,电子商务平台经营者应当积极协助消费者维护合法权益。
第六十二条 在电子商务争议处理中,电子商务经营者应当提供原始合同和交易记录。因电子商务经营者丢失、伪造、篡改、销毁、隐匿或者拒绝提供前述资料,致使人民法院、仲裁机构或者有关机关无法查明事实的,电子商务经营者应当承担相应的法律责任。
第六十三条 电子商务平台经营者可以建立争议在线解决机制,制定并公示争议解决规则,根据自愿原则,公平、公正地解决当事人的争议。
接下来是Advertising Law
主要法律:Advertisement Law of the People’s Republic of China - 2015
Article 3 An advertisement shall be true to facts, lawful, and in compliance with the requirements for the socialist cultural and ideological development.
Article 4 An advertisement shall not contain any false information, and shall not cheat or mislead consumers.
第三条 广告应当真实、合法,以健康的表现形式表达广告内容,符合社会主义精神文明建设和弘扬中华民族优秀传统文化的要求。
第四条 广告不得含有虚假或者引人误解的内容,不得欺骗、误导消费者。
commercial advertisements that sell goods or services directly or indirectly through text, images, audio, video or other forms through internet media such as websites, web pages, internet applications, etc.